OMG! Confirmed! 'American Idol' Finale: Adam Lambert and Angie Miller to Duet
Filed Under (American Idol,news ) by Admin on Monday, May 6, 2013
Posted at : Monday, May 06, 2013

This is happening!
VIA The Hollywood Reporter:
As The Hollywood Reporter previously reported, several alums of the Fox show have been asked back, including season three finalist Jennifer Hudson and season eight runner-up Adam Lambert. The former, who despite coming in seventh on the show, won an Oscar in 2006, has yet to commit to the May 16 event, but glam-rocker Lambert, THR has learned, will duet with finalist Angie Miller.
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I hope this is true!!!
Yes! This indeed is a very strategic move for both Adam and Angie, and compatible! They have similar theatrical tendencies as pointed out by their respective judges, S8, S12. It will be a huge boost for Adam as well as Angie in terms of future album sales, third one for Adam and first for Angie. Hmm, she stands on the threshold of fame; I wonder if AI is marketing her along with Adam, leading the way into China. Whoa Angie, you might not understand this prestigious Adam moment for the time being. Adam is a worldwide Rockstar and you have just gotten on the Adam express, once used to be a toot-toot train. lol! I think this duet will steal the show just like Adam did with Queen. Oh, I get to see the broadcasts several times. Good golly!
It does seem to be true! I can't even tell you how happy this makes me! I wonder what they will sing together. Anyway just want people to hear Adam's voice again, Hopefully idol will see the ratings soar that night and realize what impact Adam has on the show. Haven't been watching it but so excited to watch the finale just for Adam!!!
Can't wait to see Adam!!
I would have preferred him with Candice but I'll take Adam on my tv any way I can.
I can't wait to hear what they will sing.
Hope they're paying him handsomely!!
I have a feeling if Jennifer Hudson confirms she will sing with Candice.Kree would get someone country.
This is great news. I thought about Adam tonight ironically watching The Voice. One of the male contestants sang Muse's Starlight which Adam has performed and all I could hear in my head was Adam singing it so long ago. He has certainly come a long way since then. I can't wait to see what song he will sing with Angie. This pairing should be something special and May 16th can't come soon enough.
I wonder which of Adam's songs they will sing .........I just hope it's not WWFM. Underneath would be nice to show off both their vocals but I really love Trespassing even though I don't know how it would be sound as a duet.
I like the pairing of Adam and Angie and maybe JHud with Candace. Kree does need a country performer as someone mentioned. This might actually be one of the better finales if the right pairs/duets happen. Selfishly, I really only care about seeing Adam on the show. I hope Angie realizes how lucky she is to be singing with him.
Why sit through a 2 hour show,
I will just wait and she him here.
Angie is the right partner for duet with Adam, same theatrical vibe and the right personality and attractiveness to go with Adam's fabulousness.
I'm excited and can't wait but I do not think they will sing an Adam tune.
Wow! I haven't checked my computer is several hours, and now this news!!!! Yay! I will be watching, of course! Will Adam be singing one of his own songs with Angie? I hope so! AI is really saving the best for last! Whooooo!!! I hope Angie realizes what an honor and a privilege it is to sing with Adam. Adam must have know about this for a while.
DRG (lots of exclamations points tonight!!!)
By the way, just as a muse...May 16 2013, adds up to 5+7+6=18. In Cantonese 18=sup-bart (phonetically) which also sounds like sut-fart / meaning sure prosper! lol! Or another interpretation...sup=10 (phonetically) fart/prosper; so, sup fart...10 times prosper. lol! 8/bart is a favoured number among Chinese. Whoa, one more thing, I'll be viewing it on my 19th which is a perfect 10! lol!
Whoa, my time is 18; Timeslot, you playing Bingo with me again! lol!
I kind of hope J-Hud doesn't sing with Candice. Love them both individually but I don't really like the idea of their voices together, and it's just so...obvious. I want more contrast. They can mix it up more than that, I'm sure.
Alright Adam!!:)
I'll watch IDOL because of you he!he!
Lucky Angie to be pair with the Rock God indeed!!!
Ratings here we go!!:)
Frankly, I like Amber the most; I shed some tears when she left; first time for any AI contestant actually. In Adam's case the tears couldn't even come. I'd like to see Adam duet with Amber also; they'll blow the roof off! Not to worry, Amber is so unique, she'll make it on her own just like Adam.
I would ask WTH you are talking about, but I'm afraid of getting a detailed answer from your lecture series.
Ratings winner with Adam.
To whom it may concern: This class is an advanced level. Try intermediary, next door! Please.
Whoa! The claws are out! Settle, peeps.
Love this! Was hoping. I am not sure they will do an Adam song, but would love it if they did! Angie is the one Adam really liked.
@9:06 LOL!
Reminder: This is an advanced class in session; you are most welcome though, but you might need lots of extra coaching; no time for that at the moment; too busy talking about Adam at the finale. Say, what is he going to wear, wail! He is so magnanimous, he'd probably let Angie do the best parts more, just like he let duet so far.
Actually Adam tweeted that his favorites are Angie and Candice.
On the finale the contestants do a song of the person/band they are singing with, so it will be an Adam song. WWFM was beautiful with the guy from The Voice of China finale.
Just spent an hour researching Angie. She seems magnificent. Seriously doubt WWFM after just watching her Idol choices this season. great match for Adam. THis girl also seems special ... Not Adam level special, but very very innately talented
THE regular dogmatic tagged troll . .
Here she goes again!
The top 4 are all extremely talented.
Queenbert & Angie on American Idol will be another epic finale moment. I stick with my wish and I'll ask God to please make it happen.
I don't think Idol has the budget for Queenbert this year. The ratings have been terrible.
Adam has done WWFM, Aftermath and NCOE on AI already. I don't have a clue what they will sing.
Adam will bring back an element that has been missing - excitement and pure talent. After AI jacked him around so much this season by semi-promising him a judge spot, he could have said no easily. But he is smart and knows this is a good career move publicity-wise. Still, AI sunk this year because Nigel (exec) ridiculously did not ask Adam to be a judge. Instead, they made AI a ratings failure. Adam is a class act accepting this offer. He hasn't confirmed it prob because he has to phrase the tweet a certain way. But he has been vocal about Angie's star power. She should thank him big time. The ratings booster Adam will help her and the show in many ways. And I thank AI for introducing us to Adam.
I hope it's something from Trespassing, but what? BTIKM won't do, there really aren't any good duet type songs on TP - since NCOE has already been done. Would they fall back to IIHY?
I would really love to hear a new one - Map? Take Back? Nirvana?
Why would Queen and Adam perform? That makes no sense. And it will be an Adam song, the contestants sing a hit by the person or band they are singing with.
Adam hasn't confirmed it probably because Idol has to formally announce it first.
AI did not semi-promise Adam a spot as judge, he was just one of many they considered. It may have been Adam's travel schedule that was a problem for him, he was booked pretty extensively.
How about Shady...that's lively, dancy; fits Angie, her moves are sexy; perhaps they do a Shady duet with some sexy dance routine. I'd really like that.
Yes! AA! Adam & Angela!!!
Wow! Can't wait to see hear their performance.
On the Voice tonight , totally agree with Anon:8:17PM
Just had adam's voice in my head all the time, hitting the high haunting note on "Starlight":)
Lammy, love your numerology on Adam & Angie's duet! LOL! Love all the good luck prosperity Numbers!
Yes! we all so excited!!! Can't wait for May 16!!!
Eyes will be glued to big screen like a kid in a candy store, my hubby would say! LoL!
Am very excited about Adam being on AI again. Since I haven't watched AI since Season 8, I'm going to have to look up some YouTube on Angie. Hope it's a good match. Since he has praised her in his tweets, I'm guessing he's pleased about the pairing - or maybe even requested singing with her. Either way, can't wait to see him on my TV again!!!
Welcome to our ad hoc numerology club. lol! Thanks!
In case some of you haven't watched idol yet, here is an Angie performance that is utterly AMAZING(it has almost 4 million views!):
Click H E R E
A loaded Smile from FYE. A good break-up song.
IMO another thing Adam and Angie can sing is Are You Gonna Go My Way. The Lenny Kravitz song Adam covered with that Portages singer in China and Vietnam. Another song cover choice maybe Crazy or Queen songs with Queen. Maybe WWFM.
They always sing the a hit by the band/singer so it won't be any of Adam's other songs or covers.
AWWW.... so sweet! Angie sends Adam this tweet:
@AngieAI12: @adamlambert @AmericanIdol this means the world! Your amazing =)
Calling all Glamberts on the board!
Let's show the Idol machine on Thursday May 16th what a huge mistake they made by NOT having Adam as a judge this season. Show's ratings dropped drastically this season.
Let's all tune-in on May 16th to watch Idol finale voicing our support for our Glam Rock God, Adam Lambert. Hence helping this show's ratings. Hopefully they'll have him on judging panel for next season.
"Now the crazy train is ready to roll, Oh!"
Thanks for the link, daydreamin. Adam's voice and Angie's voice should be a perfect match. :-)
But how will they know it's not JLo fans bumping the ratings?
Okay, Angie is now officially my fav on Idol if she is going to duet with the fabulous Adam Lambert! I cannot wait for this to happen as I know it is going to be epic! Can't wait to see Adam perform! OT I heard that Mariah Carey fired Randy - I can understand that! And to have Beiber and Selena and Puff Daddy or whatever his name is as Idol judges is a horror! Idol is going down! But, anyway, as long as Adam is going to sing on Idol - I'm there! So excited can't sleep!
I read that Mariah has dumped Idol as well but it's probably all hype. If those 3 (Bieber etc) are the judges next year, the SHOW will need to be well and truly dumped!!
I'm only watching the grand finale of AI to see and hear Adam (and Angie) but it seems the girls have been extra good this year. 'Bout time a girl won instead of WGWGs.
Lam-my,hello, hello!
Here I am , again, the dogmatic casual troll!This anon has a life and death issue with some fans' embellished style of writing, opinionated posters, fiercely defending their opinions. He/she is here , it seems she forgot this, out of love for a singer with an embellished style of singing and extremely opinionated! lol
Yes, yes Shady would be great! I usually don't speculate(too much lol) on Adam choosing one song or another knowing that the choice depends on so many factors, but now it is fun, I've made up my mind to join this quadrille , and more than that, to choose, I myself the song!!!LOL Dogmatic=arrogant, isn't it? I only hope the person to be reasonable enough and to not take me seriously! But I'm as serious as I can thinking , hoping, wishing wanting Runnin. It is a special , very special song ,the way it was produced hasn't yet permitted Adam to sing it live. But in a duet and accompanied by Idol's good orchestra and 2 or 3 talented back up singers? What do you think? I accept opinions contrary to mine!LOL
Hey! Pan the parachuter, lol!
My first choice too was Runnin because both Adam and Angie have very powerful vocals to wail the high notes as well as powerful tenor / soprano for the other notes. lol! But it seems Runnin is only a bonus track and may not be suitable for high sales. I mean whatever song Adam chooses ultimately, sales play a key role. Yea I still prefer Runnin, like you. Wow, you too, think big...orchestra yea!
Your last sentence is quite a dig, isn't it! lol! Cute!
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that..." sometimes conspiracy theories keep our mind alert.LOL That, shall I call it an unwritten regulation , bonus tracks can't be released as singles , has always smelled like pretexts to me. I think that the deals with P.W, C.K. or Dr.L. had already been concluded when fans began to discover that there were more appealing songs, Runnin , Nirvana... on the album. If my theory is false, and there is such a rule shouldn't the solution be a change of strategy in choosing the singles in the future?
I remember the management asking famous reviewers' opinions,both American and English, almost all of them agreed that the best choices would be Cuckoo and Trespassing.
All complaints are accepted. LOL
Runnin or Shady sounds about right for the duet. I'll just be happy to see him.
'Ya know people... just a thought... NOT THAT I WOULD EVER SUGGEST VOTING OTHER THAN ONE'S HEART/GUT AND TALENT FOR IDOL (middle of the country take note ;))... but If Angie won, there would be all those opportunities for interviewers to ask the winner "What was it like singing with Adam Lambert...", "Did you choose Adam Lambert as the artist you wanted to sing a duet with..."
They may not sing an Adam song at all for the duet. It might be something completely different.
Let's face it Angie has the perfecto image of an AI winner. She's young enough to be given direction and is appealing on stage and would pull in the mucho $'s, especially amongst and geared to the younger set. Plus the judges have warmed towards her since the beginning. BUT in all honesty Candice is the superstar here. She's a bloody natural and so darn professional in every way.
Cree needs to hit Nashville and will. Adding Adam just ensures that Angie is going to take the so called title.
Whatever song Adam and Angie decide to sing, I am sure it will be amazing. Now that is a reason for watching Idol. The show has dropped in ratings probably because of the bickering between Nicki and Mariah and the less than stellar performances by the male contestants. I wonder how tickets sales are for the Idol tour this summer. At least the viewing audience will get to see Adam again and that is so exciting. Can't wait for the finale.
Why on earth would they sing an 'Adam song'. Would prefer to hear Adam solo.
Yes DRG, I think it's being extremely optimistic to think they'll sing a song of Adam's. Fortunately, we only have a little over a week to find out.
The ratings have been on all time low ever since Adam left. This last week sounded better but it included 2 weeks of votes. Candice is awesome by the way.
Well, I'm just glad he's going to be performing on the show, no matter that it's going to be a duet and no matter what the song is.
Well written. I too hope Adam's getting paid extremely well for the AI performance.
Adam is included in the grand finale so that all the Glamberts boost its ratings!
@6:10am. I agree with your comment. Not only interviewers will ask Angie as the winner about her performance with Adam. Adam should sing with the winner and that's Angie. She is better marketable IMO. The show already got Idols like Candice. Fantasia, Jennifer Hudson, Jordan Sparks. No one like Angie. I was on Angie bandwagon from the beginning. She is a talented artist and she is got the whole package with looks and all. I'll vote for her this Thursday so she can make it to top 2 at least.
Indeed. For Angie to make top 2 gives her duet more weight, that is simply fact, part of the AI formula. And speaking of the AI finale formula, there is one people, there IS ALWAYS ONE, not that hard to ascertain how it might all go down imho. :). Good exposure for Adam, no two ways about it. Probably only a very little bump for Trespassing, but that's okay, life goes on, I'm optimistic. I spent many hours last night watching all of Angie's performances, holy cow, she is fantastic, truly fantastic, not just talent show fantastic!!
I'll vote for Angie for Top 2 as well. Because of anormous media coverage the top 2 gets. Good exposure for Adam.
Regarding Angie, Kree, and Candace, we all know the best singer does not always win!DUHHHHHHHH!!! I love all these girls yes, and I also loved Amber. The three that are left are all different. Angie - Pop, Kree - Country, and Candace - R&B. At times during this season, I have wanted each one to win - they are that good! Candace has the chops to win, but not the so-called "charm", and she's been in the bottom two as has Kree. Angie was never in the bottom and fits the "mold". I love Kree, but not everyone has country tastes, but you never know. I think Angie will win because of the age of the voting audience, but what do I know!...nancdruuu2
It probably won't be an Adam to bad. Sang an Adam sing on the voice china and it was fabulous, plus he sang trespassing. He puts out more in Asia and they done well there, so that why I guess. Whatever they sing it will be great just to hear Adam on there and his spectacular voice and just Adam! I did not watch much at all this year but did see Angie some she good. I think they finally got some girls that would be a good match for Adam's vocals of course he is the one and only reason I will watch! I have not voted from season 8 ever not once. But I will throw in a few for her because of Adam, get her as high as can. I do kind like her the best as little as watched maybe should not say. I trust Adam tho he likes her! The finale now has good interest to me I would not have watched otherwise. Can't help how I feel. As long as things are friendly here I enjoy it and will comment, when it gets other wise I will get off , because admittedly do not handle it well. So delighted about dear Adam on Idol! Sue
That was it probably won't be an Adam song but wish it would be, correction. He did do his own on voice china, and probably on idol finale china. He singing pop that lock on idol second show or so and mad world! All I care about is Adam singing on the show and Angie a good one, made some mistakes, as usual. What ever they choose to sing will be very good I am sure, just so glad he on it!! Sue
How can one get tickets to AI finale?
I certainly would love to go.
I think it is safe to say (and I do so with no snark whatsoever, hey, all "do what's right" left me when Adam did not win, LOVE Kris, bought his music, but, well, you know :)), anyway, I say with no snark whatsoever that many AML fans will vote for Angie now because of any good exposure it may throw Adam's way. And again, I have NO PROBLEM with that whatsoever, especially considering how very very talented Angie is. I really appreciate her piano skills and how she had worked the internet before Idol to put herself out there, very admirable imho. I have no problem whatsoever if Adam fans vote for Angie based on what additional exposure (i.e.: "Hey Angie, how cool was it to sing with Adam Lamber?" for interview after interview because that WILL happen if Angie wins) it will throw Adam's way!!
I just hope that American Idol, this time around, introduces Adam with videos from his worldwide tours showing how incredibly successful he is!!! This number (whatever song they sing) will be totally amazing because of their vocals and also because of their respective great fashion sense and beautiful looks.
10:01 my family still loves Candice. If Candice sings with JHud her fans will prob. vote for Candice. I am on the fence , who knows it could be a Kree/Candice showdown.Angie does have the most twitter fans and has never been in the bottom though.
10:01 am methinks you doth protest too much.
By the time Adam and Angie sing they already know who the winner is.They will know this Thursday.
@10:52: Methinks you need to find another two or three lines of snark to spew (as your vocabulary is obviously very limited). That one is getting so old.
LOL at anybody who votes for Angie thinking the duet will get mentioned in interviews and make a difference for Adam. Besides, many of her fans are fundamental Christians like she is and aren't going to buy Adam's music. Not that your votes will make a difference but quite dismissive of the other contestants talent.
They always sing a hit from the person they do the duet with so of course it will be an Adam song and likely WWFM.
@Anon 10:59 AM
They will know who the final 2 are this Thursday. Next week will be the Final Two show and then the Finale when we'll know the winner at the end of the show. Adam and Angie sing on that show..
@Anon 10:59 AM
They will know who the final 2 are this Thursday. Next week will be the Final Two show and then the Finale when we'll know the winner at the end of the show. Adam and Angie sing on that show..
Oops!! Sorry about that! Posting from my phone....somehow sent it twice :))
Well, I'll be watching for sure, but I won't be voting because I haven't watched all season. I won't vote for Angie just because she is singing with Adam. I haven't heard her sing and I wouldn't feel right voting for her without really knowing her singing. Her real fans will vote for her just fine. I have no illusions about how much this appearance will "help" Adam. Maybe not much. But just to see him performing on "regular" TV again on a big show is exciting! I also wish they'd do a little video re-cap of what he's been doing, or maybe mention his awards, etc.,but I doubt that will happen. The show isn't about him. Maybe he and Ryan will exchange a few words onstage and mention Adam's successes. But I'm not holding my breath. I'm just going to bask in the beauty and talent of Adam Lambert and hope that the audience enjoys it, too. After all, they have saved the best for last.
Shaley you are right next time I'll just say you are a troublemaker.
I have to agree with LOL this time except all votes make a difference.
Since Simon Cowell is revamping the panel on X Factor, I would like to see Adam as a new judge. He has Demi still there, add Adam and maybe someone like a Sheryl Crow. Or if Idol is changing its entire panel of judges, add Adam to that one. He's been through the process and knows all about it. I don't know what will save Idol. Maybe it's been on too long and with the bickering judges this season, it really has turned off the viewing public. Plus there are too many other talent/singing shows on tv competing for viwership. But Idol does produce some amazing performers even among those who do not win, whereas the other singing competitions don't produce artists who have successful recording careers(ex. Melanie Amaro of X Factor, where is she now?) Anyway, looking forward to seeing Adam and Angie on the finale no matter what they sing.
@DRG 12:03
Like your posts in general, and this one especially.
Realistic, wise and level-headed, yet so Adam loving comment. Thank you.
Oh I do think it will help keep Adam's face out there while working on new music! Also show some people might have forgotten what a great singer he is. I do think they may show something about Asia if nothing else but to serve themselves, as advertisement what Adam's done in Asia they showed clips if everybody else. Well will see. I do think it help remind people of Adam's vocal's and stage goodness! Keep that face out there. I probably will watch this week if the girls good ill vote I have not in four years if she not i will not! Like I said not watched much the girl is good however! Sue
Hoping Angie in the top two but just happy Adam is on the Finale. First time I have watched the show this year. Did not like the bum rush given any credible male singer so they could stack the deck and assure a female winner. The Dark Side
Amber & Angie are my favorites so happy Adam is going to be on the show.Amber will at least be on the tour.
@12:49: You could have just as easily kept quiet, but the temptation to respond was too great, wasn't it?
Remember, those who live in glass houses...;)
Hi , Shaley don't let them upset you it's just not worth it. Sue
i will not vote any ai idol this year just want to watch adam lambert may 16-i only want adam thats all.
The Dark Side, if you haven't watched it how can you say they gave the guys the bum's rush? I've been watching all along and the girls are way better than the boys. The only thing I think should have happened differently is Lazaro should have gone sooner. The top 4 girls are all amazingly talented. Candice is my favorite.
I really don't care what song that Adam and Angie sing. Would like to hear Sleepwalker or Time for Miracles( That is what I would like to see them do.) Hope that they don't do No Boundaries. Happy to see Adam on my tv .
Hi Sue, you are so right. TY.
They don't have the verbal ability to rebut intelligently anyway, so no point in even acknowledging their presence.
I shall use the scroll function from here on out. It won't take much, as their posts aren't usually more than two sentences anyway-lol!
Adam still hasn't confirmed it yet, has he? I hope we aren't getting our hopes up on a rumor. Or maybe as someone else has said-he doesn't even know it yet, lol!
Hey, MGF how about that? Our Adam with our MA Angie girl. So excited! Can't wait!
@ 4:29 PM Is that you, Rose Pedal?
Adam & Angie are now following each other on Twitter;)
SOOOO they need THE Superstar to take the cake on American Idol finale night! All hail the Adam!
Love Candice. She is already a star.
Why is it Angie still reminds me of a younger Miley Cyrus?
For years the winner had been WGWG.
If Angie wins what will be the abbreviation...
Sometimes I can't help but wonder why do they (so often) keep singing (so many of) the same songs - the world is FULL with fantastic songs, keep looking and make them your own like Adam did with EVERY song he performed!
And to sing those same songs Adam did, that's just plain stupid (the production people and other decision makers should understand that and be more versatile) CAUSE NOBODY CAN TOP THOSE (to semi-quote Simon)!!!
I have a feeling Adam & Angie may do a Queen number!!! Wishful thinking!!!:):):)
It will be awesome!
just saying,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The Voice tonight was AWESOME!!!
Sasha's vocals AMAZING!!! Team Shakira
Yes, @11:10PM, Angie totally looks like a young version of Miley Cyrus. It is her smile, teeth and mouth that look exactly like those of Miley. I thought that the very moment I saw her.
I really do think it is true least I hope so. I don't believe they would tweet each other right now and let any cat out of the bag. He probably has already been over there talking to her or working on what they will do. They still have a show this week! But sure they have started to plan so maybe no need to tweet are told not to. Lets just hope it's true I really think it is! That's a big show sure if he on it and I think so he already been there talking about song choice ect. Sure NL does not want any beans spilled. They just leak what they want, sure someone there leaked this. They said JH has not consented to do it yet, so that may be have more confidence it is true. They also stopped talking about Cher, said who boys will sing with. Top 5 singing Frankie valley or someone so I am kind of confident on this, hope I am right! Sue
Just saw your post Shaley, they are now following each other on twitter! Yea!!!! Sue
I hope Jennifer Hudson is not on. I am NOT a fan. For every song she sings well, she shrieks five more off-key. Don't know why she gets so many accolades. Besides, she dissed AI in an interview not long ago.
@AG May 7 at 7:44 PM
Hey Neighbor! I know right - so cool! I've spent the past couple of nights, LATE, and very early mornings before Real Life, Googling and You-Tubing Angie (and the two others to have some continuity and reference and perspective) and she is great. Haven't watched one second of AI otherwise, but between AI performances and YOU TUBE, there's a lot to give one a sense of Angie's talent. I probably won't even watch this week to be honest, but these top 3 are good, and more than just "talent show competition good" imo. In any event, Mass girl with Adam, FUN! Take Care AG.
Since no one knows who the two finalists will be, how does The Hollywood Reporter know Adam will sing with Angie? Amber's voters just might vote for Kree and we all know Candice is a shoo-in. The article mentions neither Adam or his Rep have replied.
12:55 WGWG (white guy with guitar) was so perfect for the last four Idol winners. I'm going for TTT&T if Angie wins. (Tall Thin Theatrical & Toothy). Wow! She's got so many teeth that it's hard or her to close her mouth.
@Anon 3:49 PM
The duets take place with more than just the two finalists.... They happen on the Finale with several of the Top 10. Assuming Adam and Angie are indeed dueting, it doesn't matter where she places. They'll still sing. Also assuming this is true about Adam being on the Finale. Which I really hope it is....No news is good news?? :))))
And I think at this point, no one is a "shoe in". Could go any direction. Idol is like we know from...ahem.... past experience.........
Ooops! Sorry "Shoo-in" :)
Hope he dresses more conservitive. Want so much that the public excepts him
Oh for god sakes so the public excepts him, come on. He will dress hot and fine. Very few young celebs/ singers dress conservatively. He will be just fine not to much not to little he will be sharpe looking. Lots of people still except Adam, he got extremely loyal fans all over the world. But, of course we all want more for him, that's only natural.
Hmm, how many people misuse except for accept?
3:49, have you seen American Idol before? The Top Ten are all back on the finale show so it doesn't matter who the top two are. There are group songs with all the boys or girls and a guest star singer/band. The top four or so each get a duet with a guest star. So they already have it planned who is singing and it doesn't matter who ends up in top two or winning for planning the show.
Your quadruple T acronym is fairly creative, lol! Actually it's very. lol! But I like to fall in line at times so I go with: white gal with piano...WGWP. Angie is such a lively girl; her teeth reminds me of Marie Osmond...used to enjoy Donny and Marie, my era.
Hmm sorry accept, happy now! Did use that wrong!
Anon 9:22 (Chinese Award thread) asked me the origin of this kind of doll Awards. Well, it's based on Chinese opera / theatre / depictions of ancient times / battles etc. Also significant...the gold element is a specific attribution to kings, immortals, gods in Chinese culture. This golden / theatrical Award befits Adam, with respect to his knowledge and experience in theatre.
Tonight was the 2nd time I watched American Idol. Both times I got the message the judges want Candice to win.
Now back to AI; Adam still stands a chance to be on the next AI panel. Well, it's rumoured Bieber may be on and that to me may be a good indication; Adam and Bieber get on well with some chemistry...remember their spunky handshake. Adam might even throw in a splash of theatrics to change things up a little. Perhaps AI wants a younger panel of judges instead of the usual veteren artists, though Adam is indeed a veteren too.
Candice third time trying out for that show, so obviously she improved a lot! She was really good finally watched a bit. I like Angie! Just seems more current! Last song Candice did really well but one love Adam had her beat on that, he sang it in top three! Sue
I think it's best steer clear of what Adam sang on S8. He vehemently stamped his mark on all the songs he sang there. The other one I heard someone is doing is One by U2. That was about Adam's most emotional in his soaring countertenor.
I watched Candice sing ONE tonight on Idol. She did a great job on the song, BUT no one sings it the way Adam did on season 8. I have watched that video any number of times because of his powerhouse performance of that song. I have always liked the song and the Bono/U2 version, But Adam's just gets to me. Can't wait to see him performing with Angie next week and hoping the audience gets to appreciate Adam once again.
Okay, will be watching AI in 5 hours' time; I heard someone is doing A Change Is Gonna Come...another of Adam's killer covers. Better steer clear. Sing at your own risk, lol!
Hey took too much margarita? lol!
Lam-my no one sang ACIGTC, Candice did ONE by U2 and the judges thought it was great like Mary Blige version but Jimmy Lovine wasn't very impressed.
Okay. I wasn't referring to this particular episode; just overheard it mentioned, perhaps about something else. So Jimmy wasn't too impressed; I tend to go along with Jimmy; he does have some strong, valid critiques but I'll keep an open mind. Candice is technically excellent but somehow does not come across as an Idol. I like her a lot though, very humble and soulful.
Never knew Mary J Blige sang One. They should have talked about how AML killed it! Not a fan of MJB.
Ooops, I might need to take back my words above, regarding Candice; she does have the qualities of an Idol! She won the night/Top 3! Whoa, Somewhere... my era. Yea, she too can take on Adam.
Hey Adam, you're going to have a whale of a time wailing with these S12 wailers! lol! Hmm you can even form a trio or quartet apart from the duet. lol!
@LamMy. Candice was great last night. But there is no way quality of her voice is better than Adam. Her cover of One by U2 wasn't in any way better than Adam's cover of this song back on AI8. Adam also wasn't familiar with this song and he said it on various interviews but still IMO Adam did it way better.
Ms. Miller better pick up her game come finale night, she gonna get outSANG! that's for damn sure. Kree for the win!
I LOVE Kree, Angie, and Candice. No doubt, all three are great singers!
I love listening to Candice, but I love a certain "beauty" in tone the way Adam's voice sounds. I don't find that in Candace especially. I love the tone in Kree and Angie. I know Candace has the power voice, but Kree and Angie hit those high notes so beautifully. Whatever the outcome, it's going to be close for sure. I can't wait to hear Adam sing. His voice touches my heartstrings and my soul like no other....nancdruuu2
I was addicted to Mary J Blige version of One by U2 before Adam performed it on AI8 and when I found out Simon picked it for Adam to cover I got worried big time but when he performed it I said WOW I live Adam's version better now. I watched his video over and over.
Last night Candice didn't do a good job with it IMO but she was fabulous on rounds 2 & 3.
No matter which of the three ladies wins Idol, I think all three will have successful recording careers. Kree will probably go to Nashville and her country roots for the music. Angie and Candice will each find their niche in the music business. As Adam, JHud, Daughtry have shown, you don't have to win to do well after Idol. Can't wait for the Adam/Angie duet during the finale, but nothing will ever match the Queen/Adam/Kris final number. That was a special moment in tv music history. And in my opinion, there will never be another performer on Idol to match Adam Lambert's amazing vocal talent and his riveting stage presence.
Glad Adam will be on Idol, just wish it was going to be with Candice. I'd love to hear their incredible voices together.
Am I the only one who has NOT found an appreciation for the tone and quality of Candace's voice?
@10:46 AM
you're not alone
@10:40AM @ 11:07AM - Yes, I said that on a thread somewhere - the tone and quality in Candace's voice just is not pretty like Kree and Angie's voices. The only thing that's missing, but missing nonetheless...nancdruuu2
@10:46am. As Keith Urban said last night whoever doesn't think Candice's voice is great they gotta get their ears fixed. She has a great voice. My husband watched Idol for the first time last night this season and he said Candice should win. But we know for the past six seasons this hasn't been the case.
@ 11:44 AM Well I guess you told those who don't think Candice is the best a thing or two. You're husband should be judge next year.
I checked some of the Idol blogs and Kree & Angie are more popular than Candice. Then checked dialidol and Kree & Candice have the most votes with Angie leaving tonight. This is a very close race. But since Adam will perform a duet with Angie next week I hope she makes it to top 2 next week.
If Angie is eliminated it will give her and Adam more time to work on their number. Less pressure on Angie. Again, you don't have to come out on top to be a success after Idol.
This tweet from RCA probably Idol will be showing Adam's package about where are they now tonight. Don't forget to watch Idol tonight:
@RCAPromo: Wonder what @adamlambert has been up too? Tune in to @AmericanIdol tonight at 8pm on @FOXTV to find out!
Tweet from Adam's publicist, Shoshanna, about watching Idol tonight:
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
Excited to watch @americanidol tonight
Adam on Idol for two weeks in a row just like good old days. Yay! How about having Adam on Idol tour too since they can't sell tickets. I suggest Idol to be called Adam Idol instead cause after season 8 Idol sucks big time. I love looking forward to see Adam on my TV every week. Please God make it happen.
American Idol is on at 7:00 pm Central time according to TV Guide.
Lammy why do you talk to yourself and Admin? Bored? Alone again? Also, you might want to look up the spelling of "veteren."
American Idol livestream right now:
Re 24/7 and the Administrator/Owner of the Blog:
Not sure what's happened but don't give up. We haven't had a new thread since Monday and at first I wasn't overly worried but now I do have concerns about what might have happened. I talk via email with the administrator late as last week.. and I've tried to contact her several times in the last 3 days but haven't heard back. I even sent her my cell # in the chance that she might be able to call or text just to let us know she's okay...
I suspect 1. there may be a computer issue (can't get on the internet for one reason or another..), 2. possibly just VERY busy with "Real Life" , or 3. perhaps a family emergency. I'm sending out positive thoughts to her and hope to hear something soon, either via email or even better, here with some new threads. Some here have expressed concern that the administrator has given up on us due to the crazy comments as of late. We know that some people have left because of that.. I seriously do not think that's the issue at all. But perhaps we can behave ourselves anyway!! :))))))
Fingers crossed that this resolves soon.. And at this point prayers and hugs to the Administrator of 24/7. She's been very good to us for the past few years and I hope nothing serious has befallen her....
I suggest that we who are able to do so, please continue to post news, links, keep us up on the latest Adam Lambert news.. We've posted quite a few things...for instance the Ali Baba news ie Life Ball in Vienna, the amazingly long thread which was posted last. If you can wade through it..there are some good links, etc. We can also post links to Adam's Idol appearances, both the "Adam Lambert Update" scheduled for Idol tonight..and the Finale tomorrow etc..preferably on one of these shorter threads!
Hope we're back to normal soon...well, as normal as it ever is here on Adam Lambert 24/7!!! :))))))
I think you might have missed what I said a few comments earlier, 7:33...that they had better stay clear of what Adam sang on S8! I even made a joke that they would sing those songs at their own risk; lol! This includes One/U2, he did it better than the original; so yea I don't have to repeat that. Alright.
Hey Admin...are you selling off this lucrative 24/7 Adam site or did you down too much margarita! lol! Please be back...we're running out of things to babble and grapple. All the best to you!
Adam's segment "Where are they now??" on Idol tonight..Not the best video quality but the first one I ran across on Twitter so far: He looked GREAAAT by the way!
I didn't see the ADAM segment tonite ... is there any way of seeing it on Ytube ... my computer does not recognize the other link here. Also ... once again America got it wrong ... Angie is by far the better singer not Kree ... here comes WGWG again ... this time it's a female. Only watching this again next week to see ADAM & Angie on the finale results show ... not going to bother with the finals ... don't care anymore ... sorry ... JMO
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Adan's segment is up on You Tube but I'm away from my computer for awhile so hopefully someone will post it here soon. If not I'll put it up later :))
So happy for Kree and Candace and at the same time so sorry for Angie, but she'll be fine and successful!
Kree was my first fav as she's so talented and seems like the most wonderful human being. Candace will also have a great career. I hope our Administrator did not quit because of all the constant bickering. Please come back! So much is happening with our Adam - we need updates! Can't wait to see him on Idol. His segment on the show was awesome! Come back Admin - we need you now!nancdruuu2
Candice stole the Top3 show last night and so it's going to be WGWC...white gal with country. Candice should win S12, hands down. Kind of miss Amber too. Angie is effervescent, always with that clickety clap clap smile. Thank goodness Adam is back on AI. I think Adam is going to be closely associated with AI, as Simon Fuller is anchoring AI in China and using Adam as the anchorman. Just my opinion.
Is there any chance Admin is revamping the system or perhaps going through a change of management. Whatever it is, 24/7 Adam has taken on a life of its own; I hope it doesn't just close down. Strangely even without Admin, we seem to be carrying on fairly well. lol!
Count me too. I just don't appreciate Candice' quality of voice at all. She can deliver a song with all the riffs and runs but doesn't do anything to me or to my husband's ears. Kree has the most beautiful tone of voice loving it from the very start. Angie is the whole package as an American Idol. She deserves the title. Kree will have a carreer and will buy her records but I won't listen to Candice or go to her concert. I will go to Angie's.
Hey to my delight...thanks Anon 9:43 (first thread) for posting the segment on Adam, recorded in Singapore. Yea, I recognise the tall flats outside the window and the Sing shirt he showcased in his interview here. No wonder he seemed rather excited at the Sing concert and yelled: Singapore, you know how to partay! And gave 2 encores. Yea a small commotion erupted when he threw his towel with which he wiped his sweat. Very hot here but it was rather cool in the theatre though. lol!
A rather cute incident at the end of the concert...after the two encores, the last one, Music Again...everyone stood in the theatre as if waiting for another one and after a few minutes, the stage lights went off. And you know what, we were still staring at the stage; lol! Now recollecting, I think it rather endearing. Okay those rows around me were all standing, some even still sitting, lol! staring at the stage. Then someone said: They switch off the lights! And as if waking from our stupor, walked towards the exits. lol!
you're not alone, I don't get all the Candice love either. Yes she has a good voice, but she does nothing for me. I don't think her personality comes across very well, and she looks about 15 years older thn she is, and her sound is so old fashioned....she just doesn't do anything for me.
Kree has a lovely voice, love the tone, but she lacks stage presence, her performances are always lacking in something.
Angie whilst no the best singer, has much better performance skills and stage presence than the other 2, shame she was eliminated.
I would have liked a Janelle/Angie final, at least those 2 tried to change things up and entertain, and do some uptempo.
The final is going to be another 6 ballads......
Candice & Kree final. I was hoping for a Candice/Angie final. Not a fan of Kree's voice. However, I'm glad a girl is going to win this year & not a WGWG again.
Hope it's not another country singer who wins. Bring on the Adam/Angie duet! :-)
Oh, something close to my heart...the audience at the Trespassing concert featured in the AI Adam segment is the actual Star Theatre audience, where I was. I knew they were filming because a recording red light and large spotlights would scan the audience intermittently. Had no idea it was going to be part of the AI segment on Adam. Seems so close yet so far away.
Take Back would be a great song for the finale as it really showcases his voice.
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