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Adam Lambert Featured in Hit Teen Magazine in Germany

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Can you spot him on the cover somewhere?

Thanks to Sethshomaru/ Adam Lambert News Network


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Adam is right below LOL, beside the yellow thing & above Rihanna. Wow‼ such limited spaces... Great to see Adam advertised all over the WORLD‼

Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam included on this 'in' list for 2011. No Katy P.?

Anonymous said...

Oops...just saw Katy P.'s pic on the right hand side.

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 11:07 AM -- Yeah, but did you notice that the sign has Adam's "Acoustic Live EP" colors? :)

Anonymous said...

The Remixes EP had better cover. The pic really means a lot to me.

The Dark Side said...

Nice to see the world continuing to embrace Adam. Considering how much space that Justin Bieber's teenage hand on his girlfriends butt is taking up most of the ink in the world, this is good.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, ZZ! I already voted when u first posted. This will really be good for Adam! I almost missed Adam on cover. It may be small, but it's a cover! OT...A fan tweeted Eber, [Adam's dad] asking if there was something on E that we didn't see that he could share. Eber tweeted,"How about doing 10 girls makeup in our den @ $20.00 a pop in highschool. The 11th was his prom date. Couldn't believe E cut that!" Even then Adam was enterprising and we all know how Adam loves to get creative with makeup. Think he also worked for a time in a dept. store doing makeup. He sure is staying undercover and must have a great disguise! Trying very hard to be noble and happy that Adam has time off! The selfish me wants to hire a detective to find him! haha He could be holed up writing his little heart out, planning the next cd or laying on a sandy beach just recharging. Just wish we could get a peek!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam's increasing visibility in the teen's world is a very positive development so this is great news! Hoping for more like this to come ;-)


Anonymous said...

Yes Bing, the teen market is one that Adam truly needs to infiltrate, so a lot of these recent posts with Adam getting exposure to teen markets are just great!

(ahhhh, "infiltrate"..."exposure" mind just totally wandered somewhere innapropriate! What it wrong with me...)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

funny Adam Fix

and yep, I agree, teen market necessary (mid to late teens to 20's anyway). I do what I can do in my own little tiny itty bitty corner of the universe to bring Lambert to the teens in my world :), seriously, I'm kind of obnoxious about it, lol, but I know that once he's in he's owns you ;), and resistance is futile, but in the best possible way.