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Backstage at The Q102 Jingle Ball

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

From DJMax945:
"Adam Lambert, Justin Bieber, Flo Rida, Selena Gomez...just a few of the awesome friends that stopped thru to at the Q102 Jingle may have been there to witness the amazing show, but here's what went down backstage while intern Danica gives you a behind the scenes look as Maxwell's "stalker" for the night!!"


Anonymous said...

Huh?! already a 3 sec. glimpse of Adam‼ :)))

Anonymous said...

Another slow news day I guess..
Wonder how long he'll be under the radar :(

Anonymous said...

Guys, IIHY soon hits 15million views on Youtube!!

Anonymous said...

My boys will start school tomorrow, so maybe Adam need to start to work too. Holiday almost over!!

Anonymous said...

Off topic: So happy with adam's awards all coming in then saw preview for people choice awards this wed night and got mad again. Not watching. Then grammy ad came on with performers, same old same old, no adam yet, keeping my fingers crossed. When are we going to see apicture of adam from NYE?