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Adam Lambert In Copenhagen

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Adamofficial just posted this:

"So you thought we were done rolling out behind-the-scenes clips from Adam's globe-trotting, recently concluded Glam Nation Tour? Think again! Here's some new footage from Copenhagen."


Anonymous said...

Ok, is it just MY computer or there is no AUDIO on this video?‼ :(

Anonymous said...

Re: anon 9:29
Ok, never mind it's working... it wasn't at first. :))

Cool! sooo much ♥ for Adam‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Adam, no matter who you sleep with, us girls LOVE you and are so attracted to you as a MAN human!
we love you we love you and we love you!

Anonymous said...

Glamfans...Adam still behind in "who is your favorite American Idol Alum". Can't let him down. Vote at: Knew/ Idol Chatter/19? Thanks.

algalhi said...

Seeing all the love for Adam has gotta make you smile!

Rebecca said...

great fans

Anonymous said...

Lots of pretty faces. Love you, love you, love you forever.