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Adam Lambert Leading The FUSE Grammy Vote!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 25, 2011

With over 50%!

to vote!


Anonymous said...

Let's keep it up, voters!

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he loses to Michael Jackson, THE Michael Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Coming in 2nd behind MJ is nothing to sneeze at. It would mean that Adam is second only to the KING of Pop.

Anonymous said...

Been voting & MJ fans are so relentless... lol

Anonymous said...

Voting on fuse is USELESS people ! It's the Academy who votes and they probably gonna vote for Michael Jackson to honnor his memory for the 62383628th time

Anonymous said...

I do hope the Academy surprises Adam with a Grammy, but I have to agree with @12:07...most likely will go to MJ. For Adam to even be in that company at this stage in his career is amazing and an honor. But I still have my fingers crossed and I will be watching!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert deserves this! I don't care if MJ is nominated or not. Adam Lambert voice is stunning on WWFM. this shouldn't be about a popularity contest, but best vocal of the year. ADAM had that!

Anonymous said...

MJ is gone, and deceased artist shouldn't qualify. It has been two years since MJ passed, so people need to move on. Adam Lambert is the new voice in music.

Anonymous said...

I liked some of MJ songs, but Adam had the best vocal of the year. Give it to the best vocals, not who is more popular. Adam sings better than MJ! My opinion and I'm sticking to it!

Anonymous said...

The king of Glam has earned his crown now give him the award he so deserves!

Anonymous said...

I think that lately, the media is kind of promoting Bruno M. You hear his song all the time on tv, Ellen had him on her show like 3 times since Christmas. Adam receiving a Grammy Nomination is absolutely fantastic and nothing that happens that night will ever take that away from him. Just yesterday, someone was again introduced to a show like this: "Please welcome Oscar nominated so and so". And that was from years back.

Anonymous said...

The best thing we can do for Adam at this point is to request WWFM, view the Vevo version of WWFM on youtube (the one with 15 + million views)and talk about his nomination on twitter and in facebook.

Anonymous said...

I've always been a MJ fan, but hope this will be the last nomination of an award for him. He has been memorialized and honored countless times and revered as he is, it's time to move on to current, living artists like Adam, who really deserves it. Bruno Mars and Michael Buble also have wonderful voices, but Adam can outsing them all. Just voted and watched the Adam Fuse interview about relationships wer the umpteenth time and always get a kick out of how Adam plays with us. Still hoping we'll see him present or sing at the Grammys. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oops, typo, should be "for" funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the WWFM that is nominated is the best thing to do now. Losing to MJ in this poll might be better, because we don't want to give the impression of being rabid and simple minded fans.

Anonymous said...

I will continue to vote. Who know may it'll help. Also, MJ was ahead of Adam for two ro three days when his fans found about this poll. But after all Adam started to get more votes.
I want ot chahge the subject. Can anybody tweet to Adam's fans about clear water charity? I don't have tweeter. There are not so many donations any more. May be some friendly reminding will help as far as Adam's birthday just in 4 days.

Anonymous said...

I will continue to vote for Adam on this poll.He's still ahead,& I think that's good.Please DON'T put any of us down who want to keep voting.Maybe MJ will win the Grammy,but this poll will show that the fans wanted Adam..Like it said on Adam's site,you never know when or where a Grammy judge may be looking.

Anonymous said...

This just in: Lisa Presley, daughter of Elvis AND ex-wife of MJ, has come across recorded but never released individual songs by her father and her ex. Both songs will be released this year and the Grammy will be awarded to each of them next year in a tie vote. No singers need record anything new in 2011.

Anonymous said...

So you want Adam to win this poll, but not the Grammy for WWFM? How stupid.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 1:24 You just keep on voting sweetie, if it makes you feel better. As for your last sentence: hahahahahahahahahahaha you can quit your day job now, you ought to be a commedienne.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the music industry is big on honoring it's fallen heroes and anti-heroes.

Anonymous said...

I think AL is the best singer alive today. I have been to 3 concerts, bought everything I can and donated to his charities. However, this is NOT a poll, it is a Fan War. Adam will get the recognition he deserves. We only need to be patient.

Anonymous said...

Of course I WANT ADAM TO WIN THE GRAMMY!!!if 1:30PM & 1:31 meant my last post,you took it wrong!!!Aren't we all Adam fans here?( or do we have a troll?)Let's just pull together.If you don't want to vote,then don't,but many will continue to do so til it ends soon.

Anonymous said...

I stopped voting after the TIME poll results didn't even mention that Adam was in the top 10.

Anyone who wants to vote on an internet poll, do so at your folly.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1:56...I voted on that TIME poll also

what a waste....

Anonymous said...

My (personal) winner is... Anon. Jan.25, 1:02 PM ! The funniest comment I've read today...and there've been more than a few on previous threads :-) Thank you, my friend. I needed a (not really laughing at you, believe me, just finding humor in your comment).

HaHaHa.. Yeap, let's hide the fact that we are, indeed, rabid and...well, I definitely won't say simple minded, but maybe...(more or less)emotionally regressed?...behaving like teens in heat...(hyper)voyeuristical... completely flailing at any sexual innuendo on stage... and always ready to fight 'trolls' and 24/7 admin. and anyone who doesn't agree with us.
"Nooo, no way, that doesn't sound like me at all!" :-))


Anonymous said...

GLb, thank you. I try to be humorous (and honest), despite the language barrier. :)

Anonymous said...

Just got back from voting on fuse, Our guy still ahead but not by much.Push vote button on this page and vote a few times, Also we are behind on poll but if some would vote and lower the margin us heavy voters would pick up the slack. you can vote every20 minutes on the faxo poll.

Anonymous said...

Just like it says, "who'd win if Fuse fans ran the Grammys"? Adam Lambert of course.
We have to remember, we are not the majority of the public opinion. There are alot of MJ fans, a lot of JB fans(mostly kids/tweens/teen girls)JB is just a kid product, a phase they'll outgrow. Bspears has her own group of fans, JB & Bspears are just products that average ordinary people like. Only we know who is special, only we can see & hear what Adam Lambert can do. Adam Lambert is & has always been in a league of his own, no one can compare. I hope he wins the grammy, it would only make sense if he did, because he is like no other. But even a grammy cannot be enough to show the true magic of a gifted being on this planet. You have to be able to see it, hear it, feel it in your heart, & believe in the magical spirit of such a creature. May the universe be with Adam on such a night, that there is hope many will finally see him, hear him, feel him, & believe in the power of all the magic in this world!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:28 - ha, ha! Right!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I voted on every poll for Adam until the TIME poll results came out and didn't even mention Adam. When that poll stopped, I needed a new right arm and a 5 hour industrial strength massage on my back and shoulders. I was p'o'd. No more polls for me unless they promise to post the numbers for each and every person in the poll.