Adam Lambert VS Robert Pattinson
Filed Under (Others,random ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Over at FleckingRecords, they have a poll of Adam VS Robert's new hair do at the Golden Globes. They want you to tell them who looked better that day.
CLICK HERE to vote for Adam Lambert!
Currently, Adam is leading:

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No contest - ADAM LAMBERT!
Totally opened up the comments section to simply say "No Contest" nancdruuu2/9:57am... funny. MGF
I don't know if it's me but I don't find Robert Pattison attractive at all.
Adam all the way!
It's not just you Anon 10:04am - LOL
ditto anons 10:04 & 10:10. I don't get it either, I think it's just his popularity & being on Vampire or maybe he has a good personality?
ADAM of course‼
@ Anon. 10:04AM and @ MGF 10:10AM
It makes three of us... at least!
Oh oh... Now we are FOUR!
Ditto Annon 10:04AM & @MGF & @nancdruuu2
Hands down, Adam wins this one! Pattinson does not appeal to me at all, never has.
Hey @ melissa toronto,
is it the first time for you too voting for a REAL SOMEONE in «no contest»? Another thing in common with me? What a «Weird Club» we belong to! Lol
I left two decriptive comments, Adam, no contest, Pattinson sickly looking, not well groomed, needs coffee, etc. I never understood his appeal. He seems so lackluster and boring. Looks like we all agree! Surprise, surprise! funbunn40
Adam is HOT HOT HOT at all times!
@Fan4fun Ha, Weird is good, normal is borrrring.
Pattinson does nothing for me. I love the Lambert eyes, voice and talent.
Agree with all of you here - never have understood the appeal for Patterson (neither in looks nor ability to sound intelligent when interviewed). Having said that, I think he does look better now with new "do". I'm Team Adam all the way forever and ever!!!!!!
Oh Adamluv, you're so kind to find something nice and positive to say :) - and yes, I do agree, RPats new "do" is very flattering!
i have to go with Adam on this one
Pattinson seems quite awkward in interviews, not fun to watch. Not good looking. But he must have acting talent to have come this far.
@Fan4fun and @melissa toronto ---
Just love being weird and
LOVE just Adam!
I'm with you all, have never got even the slightest little tingling from seeing pics of Pattinson...(whereas adam!!!)..and will admit I've never seen the Twilight movies...
HK fan
This is a no-brainer, but since this posted, the vampire has gained 4% and Adam has lost 4%. Time to widen the gap again, ya'll.
Nope, Patinson doesn't appeal to me either...
But aw, is it his fault that he looks like he ran face-first flat >smack< into a wall?
Agreein' with all my buds above...
Adam does "vampire" better than Pattinson, who had the benefit of a professional movie crew's assistance in transforming him. If he can't beat Adam as Edward Cullen, he doesn't stand a chance as a regular guy, no matter what he does to his hair.
OK, I will be the lone poster to say that I totally had a boner for Patinson in Twilight...oh man, guess I have a thing for pale guys wearing eyeliner! But then, I read all the books and was obsessed, so it thrilled me to see him bring Edward to life (and he had the perfect ammount of reserve to do the character justice). I was in love with Edward (I told you there was a crazed 12 year old girl trapped inside of me, screaming to get out)! HOWEVER, I then started seeing him in interviews, and...OMG...the disappointment! To echo what others already said - he's very uncomnfortable being interviewed. I think he's very shy. Aww, poor guy. But I still LOVE him as Edward. But that's it.
Adam rocks my world, in every aspect of his being...his talent, his looks, his humor, his humility, his brain, his smarts. He's the whole damn package!
- Adam Fix
Cindy! Am really trying, hard, not to laugh at your 7:22 comment! :-P
- Adam Fix
OK, one for post from me on this thread....after making the above comments, I scrolled back up to the top to see if I could squint my eyes and picutre Patinson as Edward...but Adam's sultry-ness (is that a word?) just drew my eyes like a magnet! Those sultry eyes! Damn you, Adam Lambert!
- Adam Fix
@ Adam Fix;
So funny! I read the books before seeing the films. RP did not at all fit the image of Edward I had. Too monotone, flat affect, hunch-shouldered, trying to be "broody". And his interviews are painful to watch. I will give him this though; he is great with the fans. He stopped in my little town and went to Walmart (?!?). Because you can get from one end of town to the other in less than 4 minutes, I think everyone was in the parking lot before the bus was parked! He signed autographs, took pictures, and chatted with fans for quite a while before leaving. Pretty cool of him. Be that as it may, there is NO contest between he and Adam. I would LOVE to see him (Adam) in True Blood. Now THERE's some sexy vampires!
I too read all of the Twilight books and was so disappointed when Pattinson played Edward. To me, Edward and Bella were terrible actors in the first movie. So much so, I never saw the other 2 after that! I am so glad I am not the only one who see's nothing in Pattinson! V above me, you are so right about the monotone thing!
@V and Adamfix,I really didn't get the attraction to RP at all, but you both gave me a little more insight. Glad he's nice to his fans and small towns deserve celebrity attention too. I read the books too, but didn't picture RP in that role and Adam might have been too overpowering, overshadowing all of the other actors which would pale in comparison. I really see Adam in True Blood. He would be outstanding! funbunn40
OK, in case anyone comes back to this old thread (what am I even doing here?)...I agree, daydreamin, the "Bella" chick is a terrible actor. I thought Patinson was a great Edward, though (but he was playing a dead person, so what does that say about his acting abilities? ha, ha). But look at who these films are directed towards - I wouldn't say any of the acting was stellar...however, I will give props to "Jacob" for being refreshingly "real" in New Moon. Him and both his pecs that shared the screen with him. >:)
- Adam Fix
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