New Photo Leaked! (After Adam Lambert Shaved)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, January 9, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, January 09, 2011
Here is a new picture of Adam with a friend. It's a bit blurry but you can still tell it's Adam. This was supposedly taken last night.

Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!

Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!
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Wasn't this photo taken last night??
Looks like a new photo! The hair, shirt, etc. Is this Jeffrey Starr? Nice pic, beautiful poeple!!
The guys name is Anderson Brooks, a friend of Tommy's, according to Twitter. The name is correct anyway..Must have been taken last facial hair!
The guy is Anderson Brooks. Gosh, a very pretty model. See this
You are right @glitzylady. This pict is after shaving :). They had a party last night(Adam, Anderson and Sutan)
I know this is not very good picture, but isn't Adam look scared or sad or both? Because he deff didn't have any fun when this photo was made Very strange picture. But Adam look cute as always
give Adam needed points winner gets much free exposure on Youtube.Hurry on over!thanks.Kitula1000
Does anybody know when last day of myyoutube contest? Somebody said February 14th. But this is the day when they will released names of winners. By there is nothing about last day of voting for top 5
This pic was clearly taken without Adam's knowledge or approval. This is the kind of filler that makes me feel intrusive. Sometimes I think it's better we don't know every single thing about what Adam does or doesn't do. Just my opinion.
I don't think Adam is scared or sad or anything in this photo. I just think it's a picture that was taken at an odd moment. (and Adam likes to "mug" a little for the camera, too.) I think it's just a goofy picture with no hidden agenda. He has shaved, but it looks like he has left his hair long. Wonder what he'll look like at the Grammys? Oh, also, the guy with him is pretty. Seems like Adam's type.
looks like a wild night!
I'm really glad that Adam gets some time to relax and hang out. He absolutely earned it! The young man with him IS quite pretty. Wish the pic were a bit more clear. I, too, hope he leaves the hair alone for a while. But if not, I'll still love him!
OMG Kepp the Hair Growing :) :) LOVEING IT :)! SEX SEXI SEXI :) KATIE!
this guy is so skinny and pretty just like Tommy, definitely Adam's type. I can totally see these 2 people dating.
Surprise‼ a pic of a clean shaven Adam... sweet‼ :) Adam, how come I don't see that beaming smile anymore?... don't make me go over there to spank you... I mean wut?‼ :) *thxbb♥u*
Probably because he can never relax without a camera flash going off.
All I have to say is that I wish Adam would stop wearing that plaid shirt. ha.
Hot damn! I second the motion on the plaid shirt! Looks too much like an Arka-billy!
That made me hate a plaid shirt forever!!
Can anyone tell us when the Grammys are going to be on TV???
Grammy's are Feb 13th.
More new old pics surfacing:
Really doesn't look like Adam. It's blurred, but the futures don't look right.
@ anon 12:04 AM
Its Adam..the plaid shirt is a dead giveaway!!
And here is the link to the Grammys Official Site in case anyone wants to take a look at @daydreamin above said...Feb 13th..Sunday
poor can't have any privacy without someone cashing in on a pic of him
This pic was taken w/Adam's approval. Anderson is the one who posted it on his twitter (hopefully w/ Adam's permission). They were in a car going somewhere, that is what he said anyway. Just friends that were fooling around having fun.
Play hard, work hard. Always work for lot of people particular with those talented one. Love him keeping the long hair.
Adam looks so young in this picture. I hope whatever he is up to he is having fun and enjoying life. He was on a non-stop work journey for a very long time. He'll probably begin work on his cd after his birthday. Until then I hope he has a blast. What good is making money if you never get to have a good time and spend it?
Adam can even make a plaid shirt look hot.
Doesn't look happy, he's usually happy. Sunny disposition and all. But, def. him. Looks like he's trying to rock the look in the pictures above, longer and straight hair. I do wish Adam could have some privacy though. He deserves it. Much as I eat up everything he does.
Adam does look young here. I am so glad his having fun with his friends. All his friends are so good looking, but Adam is the best looking one of them all.
Sorry guys, this pic will NOT help Adam get a Grammy...
Screw you Anon 7:51. I don't care if you are a well meaning fan and NOT a troll. But Hell, if you are a fan, you just do NOT get it. The humanity pictured in this photograph, especially Adam's friend, is not a turn off for most Grammy voters 7:51am. Do you understand exactly who will be voting in Adam's Grammy category? Doesn't seem like it. Aside from Grammy voters, generally speaking, Adam's circle of friends shouldn't be a "problem" or "liability" for any fan. Diversity! Grammy voters may decide against Adam Lambert for very valid reasons (valid to them or maybe legitimately valid) or political/overall-business-industry reasons, etc., but not because of the sorts of things that you seem to be so concerned with, IMO.
And I was hugging that plaid shirt not long ago!
Anon 7:51
The Grammy is not about his private life, it's about singing, besides they are neither interested nor have time to search for Adam's pics posted on twitter/blogs..Jeez!! Luv the look. Luv the cute boy. Luv the fact that Adam is having the well deserved fun and soooo many cute tiny boys to choose from.
Anon 8:07
My point exactly!! See my comment (Anon 8:16)
Some people need to get a life!!
Some people need to get out that "f**king Grammy" life!!!
@ Anon. 7:51 AM
It's not «the picture» or «the pictures» themselves... it's «anonymous like you always saying» that sweet Adam won't get the Grammy that will cause him not to get the Grammy. GLAMSHIT!!! Fuck off, miserable bad thoughts!!!
I would love to have a dollar for every gay Grammy voter--many who are in the closet. Don't see how a picture of Adam with a guy would make any waves. Hope we are past the "gay" thing being a factor in his career.
Anderson Brooks is a female impersonator. and he is very good at it. Adam wearing plaid on Idol--think he likes plaid.
idon't care about the awards.
as long as fans go to his sold out concert that's a big winner everyday for him and no can to that ha!ha!ha!
Toronto fan base, Canada
i don't have my glasse sorry about my typing.....
toronto fan base, canada
Plaid is sexy! Plaid can be worn many ways and look fashionable.
He is copying Kris Allen. Nooo Just joking!!
@jan 10th, 7.51
sorry don;t get your post, what is wrong with this picture, its just 2 guys standing next to each other having their picture taken, how can anyone take offence at that?
HK fan
About the plaid shirt...I heard somewhere..on the radio or the web that one of this year's trends for men's fashion is plaid. Our Adam is right on as usual.
It is a huge honor to be nominated for a grammy, and Adam is really proud of it. But don't get your hopes up too high that he will win it. He is up against M.J. Bruno Mars has 7 nominations. His chances are slim for this year, but you better watch out to see what happens next year. The reason that he is a little slow in saying when his new album will be ready, is that his management is already booking him for performances and events. As for his time off now, he has only had from Dec. 16th
to Jan.10th off so far, not even a month. Give him some slack.
@ Eva
Glamshit, Eva, now you scared me!!! Nooooo, just joking...
The plain truth (for me anyway..) is that not everyone in the world "studies" and analyzes every picture of Adam like we do, the Grammy voters are from a wide range of musical and artistic backgrounds, and will most likely not give a rats a** if Adam is gay, or if he is seen in a picture with another guy, even if the other guy is "pretty (so is Tommy). They will be voting for his vocal pop performance by a male...period. So I personally am not going even give this picture a second thought... except that I'm glad Adam is having fun with friends and has some time off before the next big push of work for him. Other young singers don't sit at home making cookies and watching TV for fun every night (at least that's what I assume!!) , so Adam is just doing what his peers do...hanging out with friends, going clubbing, and enjoying life when they get a chance! Good for Adam!!! And about the Grammy, win or otherwise, he is still a winner just by being nominated...But I WOULD LOVE to see him win of course! And I have every hope that he will!
The Grammy awards better get this one RIGHT!!!!
I've heard of women wearing plaid shirts with nothing but a bra underneath. I guess that is a fashion statement. Men wear them with t-shirts or no shirts underneath. they look cute with just about anything.
New? Really... this actually looks like an older picture to me.
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