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Another New Photo of Adam Lambert at the Elton John Benefit Concert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Anonymous said...

Oh, such a beautiful baby!

Anonymous said...

Sorry peeps, totally off topic, but I'll just drop this right here - did you see this story about a store in Arkansas covering up the cover of a mag that featured Elton John, his parter and their new baby so as not to "offend" their patrons? Gimme a fuckin break.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Just love his eyes and those lips. What a sexy man.

Adamluv said...

@Adam Fix, yes, unfortunately I did. I read that the sign said "Family Shield: To Protect Young Harps Shoppers." I assume that Harps was the name of the market? Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

@Adamfix, I saw that item and I thought the world is going crazy! Harps main office made the store uncover the magazine and said it was not the companies policy to discriminate. It's unbelievable that so many people are so ignorant and hateful. Brainwashing at it's worst and so fearful of what they don't understand. It's hard for me to comprehend such ignorance and has caused me to lose respect and credibility towards some religious sects. It's so illogical that it's frustrating. I was raised in a Protestant church, but never heard such hateful, misinformed,prejudicial,political rhetoric as what's occurring today. It's like being in the dark ages with so much hatred and judgement. Sorry for the rant, but this on top of the sick tweet to Adam really set me off. Need some of Adam's playful interviews to get mellow again! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Adamfix. I thought it was a joke. Jeeez! But apparently they offended people by trying not to offend them and took the Family Shield down. But to put it up in the first place...! What is going on?


Anonymous said...

luv the pic, Great face!

Who are these innocents that need protection and to what end?

Anonymous said...

Those eyes!! My God!


Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

We have become a compassionless society. Everything has to be "politically correct"...according to whom? That was a delightfull magazine cover. Who was the store protecting? Do they realize what is on the internet, on TV, in the movies, in music lyrics that kids watch and listen to every day? Family Shield...I have never heard of it. Maybe we should just put blindfolds on kids and keep them in the house so they are not offended by what they might see on a magazine cover. GIVE ME A BREAK AND GET A LIFE!!!(I just had to shovel 19 inches of snow here in the Northeast so I guess I am a bit exhausted and just had to vent after reading some of the comments) By the way Adam does look good with the new look.

Anonymous said...

Those eyes, and lips, and hair! OMG <3
It's slightly sad we coudn't make this $129,000 for Adam's birthday:( Still just $116,000

Anonymous said...

OMG Eva what a beautiful picture of Adam, his eyes are to die for.

When will people realize that in thinking that they are protecting their children they are really doing them more harm. Do they realize that some of these children are gay or questioning and when they reach the age where their sexuality starts to blossom, how will it make them feel knowing that their parents believe what they are is sinful and horrible?????
When will they realize that you don't choose your sexuality. If by watching homosexual couples holding hands or kissing will make their children gay then how come gay children growing up watching straight people holding hands, kissing getting married didn't turn them straight? Can any of these homophobic minded people answer that???

@funbunn40 I agree with you and thank you for speaking out, wish there was a way to get through to people that think gay should be hidden, it actually makes my blood boil.

I can't imagine how hard it must be for Adam to be so confident and proud when there are so many ignorant people who constantly put him down. He really is amazing and I love him so very much for showing his sexuality and being proud of it.

Fan4fun said...

@ IreneRose

It was a blessing, a great one, that sweet Adam could count on amazing parents plus a wonderful only brother to «openly» support his decision about his sexuality. So sad, perhaps the majority is not that blessed.
You posted a very good comment here above! Thank you for the point «If by watching homossexual couples holding hands or kissing will make their children gay, then how come gay children growing up watching straight people holding hands, kissing, get married didn't turn them straight?». You know, open minded people like us don't need to search for an answer to this question. As a matter of fact, we don't even need to ask this question... but thank you for giving me rigth words to say to a couple of people that unfortunatelly I have to deal with in my lifetime.

@ Funbunn40
You and @Glitzylady are the MASTERS of wisdom and patience! It's true, you can't help it... Please considere yourselves «congratulated by me» for every single comment you've posted on 24/7 «Paradise» (and will post in the nearly future, please!). Take care you both, you are my North Star.

Anonymous said...

Bravo for the Glamberts taking action against a bully. This has been one of those rough weeks. Adam lets us see a glimpse of the hate he gets probably on a daily basis. A store in Arkansas covers up the new Us magazine to “protect “ the public from something harmful…a lovely picture of Elton John, his partner, and their adorable baby boy, and then Joel Olsteen claims that homosexuality is a sin on CNN. I found this sarcastic version of the Lord’s Prayer. I am a spiritual person, but this just seemed to hit home for me and I wanted to share.

Our Imaginary Friend who is in Sky-Heaven, hallowed be Thy multiple names and personalities.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in the US as it is in Uganda.
Give us this day our cherry-picked verses and forgive us our for-profit ministries and we will never forgive those who gay-marry against us.
And lead us not into the 21st Century, but deliver us from reason.
For Thine is the homophobia and the hypocrisy and the cognitive dissonance forever and ever.
Or else.

This week has been declared No Name Calling Week by GLSEN. (Gays, lesbians, and straight education network.) If you are being bullied at school, check out that web site for help.

May Adam and all our loved ones stay safe in this troubled world!


Anonymous said...

Hey Delilah5 -- Adam's birthday is only in two days, ample time to reach the $129,000 goal. I know that I will give again morning of the 29th!!!

Adamluv said...

@lmb, thanks for this enlightened version! And I miss your comments, please make them more often. I read this morning that the managers at Harps supermarkets can use their own disgression(SPELLING?) when to use this sign. Maybe it reflected his own personal opinion rather than the number of complaints he received regarding the cover. Very distasteful anyway you spin it.

glitzylady said...

To begin..beautiful picture of Adam!

Thank you for your kind words..

I have to say it is very hard to be patient sometimes, especially in the face of the unbelievable discrimination and outright hate that is often directed to the gay and lesbian community. I lose all sight of any patience that I may possess in cases like the hate directed toward Adam, and also the magazine cover of Elton John and his beautiful family.

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes because I actually bought the magazine with the Elton John cover before this story about the store came out, and am SO happy for him and his partner and their beautiful son who will be raised in a loving family. Everyone should read their story if you can! The tears are also ones of great sadness, and unfortunately anger, to think that someone felt the need to cover up the picture for the "sake of the children" or whatever B.S. reason they came up with. I don't believe for a second it was to protect the eyes of innocent children but to cater to the attitudes of those who don't want to see gay men as parents.

And of course there is the negativity directed toward Adam on twitter and elsewhere..and there are those who say "Oh well we should just ignore it because it just draws attention to the haters, which is what they are hoping for....etc. We must focus on the positive! ". Adam tweeted it as an example of what he gets on twitter sometimes, in response to a fan who asked what he does when he gets that sort of thing (he ignores and blocks it..). Well, I agree with that (ignoring it..) to a point but I also say that if we don't speak out against it, we are silently condoning it. The fact that the particular twitter account in question was suspended, while a small victory, was largely symbolic, and there are many others still out there spewing their hate and filth, and no doubt that person will be at again very soon, under a different name. And the same is true in the case of the Elton John magazine cover. Silence is affirmation. If I were to happen upon a similar situation I would be marching my a** right to the manager of the store to have a polite and "patient" conversation regarding discrimination.

Good to see you here!

Okay...I'm done! : ) (for now...LOL!!)

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady thank you for your input I agree with everything you just said especially

"Well, I agree with that (ignoring it..) to a point but I also say that if we don't speak out against it, we are silently condoning it."

There are a handful of people on this site that seem to think as I do about certain subjects and I always enjoy reading your opinions even if I don't respond to them, just know that its all appreciated very much so thanks to fan4fun, funbunn40, glitzylady, Eva, lmb, MGF, etc.

glitzylady said...

Sorry, just one more comment and clarification about my above comment, specifically about "ignoring and blocking" hate comments on Twitter. Of course I did not mean that Adam should do anything more than what he does now...but those of us who hear about truly hateful things can report them to twitter if it seems appropriate. Adam is a very busy man and I'm sure he is (sadly) so used to seeing that crap he just ignores it as a general rule. Did not want anyone to think that I think Adam should do anything beyond that, unless he sees something threatening to him, and then I'm sure appropriate measures are taken. His security people undoubtedly take care of those things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great photo of The Sexiest Man In The World ! As for the magazine cover photo of Elton, David and Zachary - I thought it was a beautiful photo of a beautiful family. Children do not have to be shielded from love.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Arkansas one of those places where siblings were more than kissing cousins??? Going anon on this one.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Elton story: if only everyone gave so much thought and caring about being a parent to a child. Making a baby does not mean doing right by a child. Congrats to Elton, David, and Zachary. Peace and Light to all!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Man Inside and Out and an inspiration to me (a straight, married female) and to so many.
Thank you Adam Lambert you gorgeous genius you!
and an early Happy Birthday!
Let's keep loving each other!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, Irene Rose, Thanks for the good words. I appreciate them and your and so many on this sites thoughts too! Glitzylady, as usual, you took the words right out of my mouth!Totally agree with you! My patience is sorely tested by man's inhumanity to man in the name of religion. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Some interpret things to suit their own purpose and self grandisement instead of concrete medical facts. Think they also believe the earth is Elton has a beautiful marriage and family and I am so happy for them. funbunn40