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Eber Lambert Tweeted This Video To Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, January 14, 2011

Posted at : Friday, January 14, 2011

Not sure whey he tweeted this to Adam but it is the opening theme to Season 1 of the Jeffersons.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam On your New Home. Moving on Up to the East Side are we now? I bet we couldn't wipe the smile off of your face today! You deserve it Adam enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I know Adam rented himself a house before his tour. Has he now bought one?? Was he living in a Hotel for a few weeks? Just read he is moving into his new digs. Does anyone know anything about this ? You know how it is, we have to keep up on the latest Adam news.... Thanks

Anonymous said...

hahaha! Adam's Dad is hilarious‼ :)) I think I know why he tweeted this to Adam. As we all know, Adam frequently talks about his little bachelor pad and how he wished it had a dishwasher! I'm sure he's got more than a dishwasher. Probably a double wall convection oven, double wide fridge/freezer, double sink with a touchless faucet, full size dishwasher all in stainless steel... Ahh life is good‼ :) And BB you deserve it all & more. :) *movin on up*

Dinah-mite said...

LOL! Eber is a gas, would love to hang out with him! I hope AFL has a killer house, no doubt he does... Results of hard work and commitment, BRAVO! I work in catering and often people in big new houses do not even know how to work their own ovens! Ha!
Congrats to Adam, you go boy! :-)
(BB that is...)

Anonymous said...

Adam so has his father's sense of 'being rea'l and his 'humor'...his mother's 'charm' and 'grace'...and Adam has it ALL...IN SPADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LP said...

What a great sense of humor Eber has. I don't know how he got that clip, but it was so perfect. I bet Adam just laughed and laughed. I wonder if mom and dad have seen the new abode. There is a lot to do when you move. Everything has to be hooked up, like the extra large flat screen TV, and other stuff like trash pickup and making sure there is toilet paper. LOL

Anonymous said...

I bet Eber and Leila are super proud of their boy as he's "Movin On Up" and "Got A Piece Of The Pie"
and Adam so deserves it! Wishing Adam much happiness and peace in his new home!


Anonymous said... read this link. What a great welcome home note by one of the fans!

melissa toronto said...

Omg, Eber is hilariou! Adam definitely inherited some good genes from his parents. Thanks Eber & Leila.
Congrads Adam, hope your new homes fills with much love, peace & happiness.

Anonymous said...

I loved that show when I was growing up! Its so apt since Adam is indeed movin' on up! I for one will continue to support Adam in his career so he can continue to keep going up. The sky's the limit!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great soulful hip message and shows how cool Adam's dad is!
Congrats Adam and hope your new place is a true home and peaceful retreat for you.
You have worked hard for this dream!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam, can I be your housekeeper?


Anonymous said...

Found the website of the Sunset Marquis:


Anonymous said...

I looked at the website for the Sunset Marquis too - wow, glad Adam got to languish there for awhile, and had an enjoyable beautiful!

So excited for him, and his new house!!! Love this video clip from Eber...LOL'd.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam, Bless all who walk the halls or rest within the walls of your new home. Hope its a place full of laughter and love.


Anonymous said...

So agree with Dinah-mite & melissa toronto & Anon/1:33AM and well, all the nice sentinments on this thread. So clever of Eber, yes I too would love to know him. I hope Adam can enjoy this time of new homeownership free from over-enthusiastic fans who would seek to find the exact location. And I hope he has a blast decorating it, making that house his home, and perhaps with the help of some of his uber creative close friends and his Mom. Speaking of Mom, those hopes for AML sound quite motherly I guess, well, I never (EVER :)) look upon AML in a motherly way ;), but those things I definitely do wish for him at this exciting time in his life. Hopefully his new home can serve, as some have suggested already, as a great retreat while he works hard on his next album.


ps. @daydreamin/1:50AM - LOL

Rebecca said...

haha yep he is definitely moving on up

Anonymous said...

This video make me smile!!! I used to love that show. Bet Adam is in a plush high rise apt or home with all the amenities life has to offer. Don't all of you think Adam should invite his fans on the fan site over for a housewarming. We are the ones who put him there!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

@ LP January 14, 2011 9:54 PM
Don't forget, there will be the trophy room to get ready too. He's going to need one.


Anonymous said...

I think the reason Adam'a dad tweeted the video to him is coz he sees him being in the same situation, i.e. feeling real excited about moving into his new home just like the Jeffersons in the video! :)

Fan4fun said...

Sexotic Singing Bird has finally got a new nest???
So, in some way his hair has finally got its own zip code! Lol

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, 9:09 AM -
You just crack my up!
You're such a creative, talented and fun Adam Fan!!! You use words and combine "hot topics" (i.e. Adam's new digs and his hair) in a brilliant way in just two short sentences!!!

Gongrats, AFGorgeusRockGawdLambert, on yr new home!

GGD Gal, wishing ya all relaxing weekend

Anonymous said...

Encantador vídeo de Eber Lambert,para su hijo.
Ellos deben de estar muy contentos.
Felicidades A ADAM por su nuevo Hogar y que siempre reine en el Paz, Amor Y Armonía!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Let us hope this new home isn't on the Hollywood bus tour. Maybe he decided that a new home a better investment than a Maserati as they don't come with dishwashers either. The Jefferson moving vid priceless. Eber has that special sense of fun.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

UN cordial saludo para mi creativa amiga Fan4fun.
Hacia falta su canto...

Anonymous said...

Eber is a hoot, he is such a great guy!
Be happy in your new home ADAM!