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Fan Video: Lego Version of Adam Lambert Performing 'Fever'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, January 24, 2011

Posted at : Monday, January 24, 2011

(Live at the Glam Nation Tour)

Thanks to MrAidanLambert!


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!!Are we missing the GNT??????

glitzylady said...

No kidding!!! Its come to this! But, I'll take it! LOL!!!!! So funny!

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh for some reason. xD

Anonymous said...

Out of topic: There is a poll on the "The Talk" website about the Grammy nominees. People that have facebook and twitter should go vote (have to login to vote). Since he will be on that show in just a litte more than a week, it would be nice to see him ranked 1st in his category (not currently 1st).

Anonymous said...

oh yes, twitterers and Facebookers, go vote please, I'm not on either :(

Anonymous said...

I would buy these Legos for my granddaughters and myself, of course. I would love to play with Adam!hehehe nancdruuu2

Rebecca said...

that is a little weird

Anonymous said...

Love it! Legos are big time popular. Ask my grandson who belongs to the Lego Club.

Great job!!

Anonymous said...

I think we need the figures moving closer to each other in some places, haha. Very cute with the lighting

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha! Super funny, but where's all the dancers? And Tommy's hair?

- Adam Fix

The Dark Side said...

The performance a little wooden in spots. LOL great!

Anonymous said...

Too cute and creative! Think they should make "Clue","Monopoly" and other games with Adam and glamily characters with GNT theme for next Christmas! Maybe Adam dress up clothes for kids too, haha. All kinds of marketing ideas for our rockgod! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Just thought of another toy, but for grownups and too risque to mention! haha funbunn40