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A Few More Pictures of Adam Lambert at L'Ermitage Hotel

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 13, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 13, 2011

Here are a few more pictures of Adam at the 2011 DPA Golden Globes Gift Suite at the L'Ermitage Hotel on January 13, 2011 in Beverly Hills, California.

Thanks to Adamholic!


Anonymous said...

So called "Adam fans" look at this last pic and do you still call Adam fat? If you do make an appt. to see an Optomotrist. Only someone with failing eye sight would make crazy comments like that

Anonymous said...

His hair looks fabulous. The soft flowing locks softens his chiseled looks.

Anonymous said...

Hello! HOT STUFF‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Adam look very fine to me, a very natural rocker Adam.

Anonymous said...

pic number 2 has SEX written all over it!

Anonymous said...

The simplest statement from the other thread BUT says it all... ♥
♥♥♥ Love Adam from your heart ♥♥♥ *IdoIdo* :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my, we are getting testy aren't we. Maybe the hair makes his face look fat, but it shouldn't. Donno. His face looks plump to me. It probably is the hair. It widens his face. Hey booze really puts the pounds on, and I do not know this from experience. Promise.

Anonymous said...

I gotta say this also. I'm also 8:33. Just because a person says something not totally positive doesn't mean they're not an Adam fan. It's OK to be honest. Isn't that what Adam says. Not everyone likes the same thing, and not everyone perceives a picture the same way. Opinions are like a-holes. Everyone has one.

Anonymous said...

dont get me wrong i love adam to death but i just wish he would cut his hair just alittle bit:)

Anonymous said...

Mr.Lambert is looking fit and fierce!

Anonymous said...

ADAM + DRAGON BLEU = Tongue Diving!

Anonymous said...

Folks, we're so used to Adam being "on", in heightened mode because of his performing. He's come back down to Earth, maybe a new reality for him because looming ahead are expectations that can weigh heavily on such a perfectionist as Adam. Friend, be kind to yourself. You have given so much of yourself; and you are beautiful just the way you are--unadorned, natural and free. Trust your heart, dear Adam, because we do.

Anonymous said...

When we first fall for someone, we fall for the whole package and then later want to change them or something about them ... I appreciate Adam for being Adam at all times!!! Love any look he wants to sport!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

his eyebrows are even sexy...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE ADAM's LOOK with LONG HAIR! ADAM LOOKS SEXY NO MATTER WHAT !!! I keep saying to myself OMGosh OMGosh !!!

Anonymous said...

Dang, he really is looking more and more like Elvis. It's crazy.

Anonymous said...

Adam is doing his "holiday" thing. He is tired and wants to relax with his CD making. He is getting the chance to experience the long black hair thing. Let him. I don't like it as I do his shorter hair but hell, have a good time. He has some tough times coming up so why not?? When it's time for touring and advertising he will do whatever he thinks will fly at the time. Love this Man!!! Through think and thin. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way, he is SKINNY. He lost some weight during all the touring... I like what I see. I LOVED his weight during the AI tour though..... :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa - his hair is gettin' kinda big, in the first picture, especially! I liked it parted down the middle, and flatter to his head...more sleek, David Cassidy-like (ha, ha!). This is reminding me a bit of Menudo (hee, hee). I will totally fall off my chair if he starts sporting a terry-cloth headband, next! ;) But only Adam could make one look hot, so maybe that would be interesting to red...or purple...with sparkly lurex threads shot through it. Yeah, baby!

However, I still think he looks extra fierce-sexy with this long hair! More animal-like. But how cheesy to have to pose with products...he was probably like "are we done yet?" - his face has that look in the last picture. :-/

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Love his long hair. He looks good on Pic. 1 and 2. We want to see a full picture of him from head to toe.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:00pm laugh out loud at your true again

Anonymous said...

Love these pictures much more than were published previosly. Particulary, #2:)LOL
Just check Adam has only 2400 votes less than MJ. Believe me, this is a lot if we compare # of votes with Mars, Buble, and Mayer. Each of them has slightly more than 5100 votes. MJ has 195,300 Adam has 192,900! Vote for Adam!
Wish I can find this vodka! Love you, Adam! Have a fun!LOL

Anonymous said...

Sorry, when I made the comment about votes, I mean that 2400 votes is NOT a lot:)
I deff have to go to sleep:)

Anonymous said...

I found this awesome interview on Fuse. I am guessing it is old, but maybe in all these nights of sleeplessness I missed it (or when my computer was down over the holidays), but Adam has a lot to say including how he would not rule out the idea of women!!

Also, ladies you absolutely MUST check out where all these amazing pictures are coming from. You can see them in a slide show through photobucket via planet-fierce. They have multiple albums with hundreds and hundreds of photos n videos!!

I don't know if all of you saw my post from another thread last night that said Neil responded via twitter that the longer hair on Adam was not his. I wonder as we all are wondering how he will look for the grammy's. I heard today that GAGA will be performing as well as Katie Perry.


Anonymous said...

oh my,if i saw this man, with those eyes, that hair, those sexy clothes IN PERSON, I would just
have to JUMP HIM, in a nice way of course but get real folks, is there ANY MAN sexier then Adam Lambert? no matter what kind of a hair day he chooses? that grin....$%@$#^%&@%&@%^*#^$#@%$%$^$#

Anonymous said...

I just hope that he is having fun in his much deserved time off! After his next album, on the road again and then again.
Enjoy the HECK out of your time off Adam!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!!! I just heard that Adam shaved all his hair off!!!! I saw a picture. WOW!!! That's all I can say!

Just kidding. LOL. Sorry, but I just had a vision of what this thread would look like if he did at some point shave off all his hair.

And, one day, I wouldn't be surprised if he did shave it off. We must prepare ourselves now!!!

glitzylady said...

@ anon 8:29 pm
Just picture #2 ????? ; )

And still liking the longer fact, loving it!

Anonymous said...

Adam's bod looks amazing and really thin. He's looking a little rough, a little tired...hangover? Honestly, he has the most fascinating face. In the last one he sort of looks like a caged lion...

glitzylady said...

@anon 11:47pm
I really hope he never actually shaves his hair completely off...pretty sure of all of his many looks, that would definitely be my least favorite..but as you said, who knows...somehow I can't imagine it tho!!! It would probably produce the longest thread in 24/7 history, and there have been some long ones!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' his longer hair look! Definitely more natural than all hairdos where he used all the gel & products during the GNTs! Though I love Adam no matter what look he's going for any particular day! I'd faint dead away if I got up real close to a man looking as sexy and gorgeous as Adam! I think I'd stop breathing! Hence, the expression, "breathtaking"...well that's what Adam is.


Anonymous said...

Thank you daydreamin. I have looked for that Fuse interview but couldn´t find it. He is an open book. he answers any questions with the same ease. What a guy. And what a nice collection of photos. Now I can sit and compare styles and get upset when he gets outside of what is appropriate ;)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm not a fan of the long hair. The extensions gotta go. Looks like Warren Beatty in Shampoo or something..

Anonymous said...

I know the older fans like this hair, but he better get rid of it before he loses his fashion credibility.

Anonymous said...

whatever.............He is the rock God for me ha!ha! love him go!go!

Anonymous said...

I did not like long hair on men before but with Adam I can see now why others found long hair on men attractive! I am now a convert. I like like like Adam with long hair! Yayyyyyyyyy!

Anonymous said...

tired????fat???only older fans like the hair???? why say stuff like this? what purpose? anyone that has ever seen him says they can not believe how good looking he is.. from these or ANY other pics, HE is truly one of the most fascinating and beautiful in the world. When I saw him in concert I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

Anonymous said...
so wow article
and i love so much his rockish look with long hair

Anonymous said...

I really dont understand all of the comments about Adams weight Do you need glasses??? If he gets any thinner he would look like he is frail and sickly. All of the photos especially 2 and 3 are sexy as hell all you have to do is look into those sexy blue eyes of his and melt. And check out his waist it look like his pants are almost falling off-- I volunteer to help him if he looses his pants ha ha

Anonymous said...

Ditto Anon4:49am I didn't see anything but Adam when I went to his concert, could not take my eyes away not even for a second.
I love Adam any which way he wants to be, his true beauty is from the inside out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks amelie! Good to read some words of reason after all this BS comments on an Adam FAN site.
Anon 3:58: I guess you are some fashion guru who knows what you are talking about....or not.


Anonymous said...

He is adorable as always. Love the long hair. But Why is he at the Golden Globes Gift event?

Anonymous said...

Loved watching the Fuse interview again and reading the bgnews article. :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks just right .... neither fat nor thin. :-)

Anonymous said...

I only said my opinion about the hair. I don't care what he chooses for the hairstyle. Most important that the Glamberts approve, because he's for them.

Bing said...

Wow Adam you sure know how to get people talking and arguing even among your fans LMAO! Anyway i really like these photos and love the way you experiment with your looks, very interesting. Actually i remember some of my cousins wearing the same look back in the late 70s and early 80s. Adam is an old soul and i love his spirit.

@amelie that is one great article and thanks so much for the link and for all the other ones you've been sharing with us ;-)

Anonymous said...

I like the long hair; however it needs styled. Long hair can not have the bed head look like his shorter hair did. Glad to see Adam out amongst the celebs in his rightful place in the fame game. His voice will always be my first and formost attraction to him; but you will never hear me complain about his overall attractivness. He has it going on;indeed he does!

Anonymous said...

Now that hair makes me think he's dating a Glambert. Oh my god, hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the most gorgeous and talented man in the universe. Do your thing Adam - anyway you do it is okay with your true fans. You deserve to be free to be you. We love you for you not a certain look or outfit, etc. We love you just the way you are and always will.
Congratulations on all your success and have fun!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam management called & said hey they are giving away free swag in Beverly Hills, get there early if you want the good stuff. He rolled out of bed put his outfit from last night on and ran for the door, giving him that tossled, sexy hair. Looks like he was caught a little off guard that there were photographers there. Probably looks much different styled. But Adam just out of bed is totally hot

Anonymous said...

Are there Glamberts in Adams management? It would be fair to let us know if there is.

Anonymous said...

Can't be just out of bed 6:42am, he has his foundation makeup on. I know he has said he wears his eye make up smudgey from the previous day and actually likes that look, but his foundation is too perfect here to be old or super quickly put on. I love Adam Lambert and have no problem with him wearing his foundation make up, ever, it makes him feel comfortable clearly and we all want to step out of our homes feeling comfortable. Whether or not he needs it is another story (and irrelevant to me personally) or is beautiful without out it, etc, it makes him feel comfortable and it's his own business, but I'm js that his make up doesn't seem like he just rolled out of bed. Although I love the bedheadish hair, dayum.

Anonymous said...

@amelie OMG! Thank for the link, dear! This article is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Oh Holy Nature, which has given ADAM: Love, Talent and Beauty.

Anonymous said...

@amelie January 14 4:59AM - thanks for the link.

@daydreamin January 13 11:12PM - that Fuse interview is old yes, but I checked it out the other night and there's some footage there that I don't think was originally broadcast in the first airings of the interview on Fuse/TV... unless I'm crazy or forgetting, but I watched the interview a couple of times during the first rounds of it being broadcast on FuseTV and I don't remember all that footage... So anyway, that was def an enjoyable interview.

@IreneRose January 14 5:08AM - it's so true about it being nearly impossible to take your eyes off of AML during performances etc... if I had a penny for every blogger that said those same words I'd be rich!! LOL. I think that's one reason why so many of us are always sleep deprived - cuz we have to watch performances and such multiple times to get ourselves to where we can divert our attention from AML and take in all the other goings-on on stage and such :)!


Anonymous said...

If I was a guy.....I know I'd never kick him out of bed!

Good Morning Ladies...have a wonderful and positive Day!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, MGF. Posting at the same time? That's almost scary, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Be positive, one small step at a time, do this to our Adam. Love him.

Anonymous said...

Ha PRS - great minds thinking alike I guess, LOL. Read those recaps last night (they were shorter than the first round, I hadn't realized that) and they were soooo good with a glass of wine :). Now don't be late for work friend ;).

Anonymous said...

Good Morning or Good Evening, gurls. Happy Friday! I just look at Adam photo #2 and I think I love even more than yesterday! Is it to early think about vodka with ice and cranberry juice:)
Anyway, I think MJ's fans found about FUSE poll because # of votes for MJ started to increase. Don't forget to vote for Adam on all poles today:)
I promised my self don't make any comment about Adam photos, but I love all of these photos above. Suddenly I got this idea. I don't remeber any celebrities with this kind of hairstyle. I concern we can call it GLAM Haircut:)It will work pretty good with glittering hair spray for some ocasions! Any other suggestions how to name this hairstyle?

Anonymous said...

He looks like a 40 years old with that hair... -_-'

Anonymous said...

@ 9:19 AM
No he's not. but maybe 32..

Anonymous said...

I like the hair ok...You peeps better stop putting it down,or he may shave off half, or more( NO!,please don't, Adam)I like a little shorter look,but like some have said here,he wants to just try to relax some now,so let him.I don't think his face looks fuller @ all.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is holding this event called the "Shorty Awards". They celebrate and award the best accounts on Twitter and other social networking sites and currently Adam is:

#13 in the Best Celebrity on Twitter Category
#18 in the Best Entertainment on Twitter Category
#15 in the Best Music on Twitter Category
#12 in the Best Fashion on Twitter Category

Everyone please vote for Adam so he can win as many "shorties" as possible:

Anonymous said...

Don't agree that he looks FORTY :), but the fact is that he is 29 in a few weeks, and I'd venture to guess that some in his own personal circle are already on the other side of 30, and that's why it always makes me laugh when post-35ish fans catch crap for liking Adam so much, it's like "um, duh..." It's such misguided crap-flinging IMO. Sure it is best for Adam to continue to grow that older teen to 20's fanbase, but there's also the reality of his wide-raning appeal that is always present. His maturity, outisde and yes aesthetically, but especially inside and in his attitudes (and brain) is so damn appealing and alluring it makes him utterly irresistible when combined with his incredible talent. Just my POV

Anonymous said...

or maybe it's 30 he's turning on Jan 29th?? It's one of the two, 29 or 30 I believe

LP said...

Leave the poor guy alone. His hair is fine, haven't you ever tried a new hair style. I think he will really enjoy the Golden Globes, I think may be he has seen all the nominated movies. He is a super star, and can grow his hair any way he damn well pleases.He looks like he will be 29 in a few days.Hope he has a great BD, without all this petty sniping.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the long hair, it just needs a little shaping. I'm sure half the stylists in W. Hollywood would love to get their hands on his hair. But he really is perfect anyway. It's the voice that drive us first.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, Adam is gonna be 29. And he looks as 29 years old boy.
Okay, my news is that MJ's fans found FUSE and Adam started to lose votes pretty fast. Let's try to vote as much as it possible. However, difference in votes on becoming less and less!
Anyway, don't forget to vote on both polls

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:49am, I bet you're totally correct about the WeHO stylists wanting to get their hands on that AFL hair! LOL. You're correct in the rest of your statements too ;).

Anonymous said...

I read where there will be lots of birthday parties happening across the country for Adam on the 29th by his fans. Anybody know of any? Most of us will probably be on one of these sites all sharing a glass of wine.

Anonymous said...

I read there will have one big Adam BD party celebaration in Toronto Canada. We love him here.

Rebecca said...

very rockstar looking

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Lindo, lindo, lindo !!!!!

Anonymous said...


The Dark Side said...

Who says Adam is fat--them's fightin words! Ha, love all the responses to his weight, which looks damn good to me, and that hair. Personally, as long as it's on his head, I don't give a crap how he wears it. It is all good. Think he is looking very rock star and good these days. Hope he keeps his hair long and different until after the Grammys'

Anonymous said...

Nobody's hair grows that fast - it's a fall and it's absolutely gorgeous and the suprises .... keeps you Adamazing!!

Anonymous said...

Adam with vodka can mean lots of tongue diving!