Jacob Lusk Tweets His Excitement On Adam Lambert's American Idol Performance
Filed Under (American Idol,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, March 5, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, March 05, 2011

American Idol Season 10 contestant Jacob Lusk tweeted tonight and said that he can't wait to see Adam Lambert on American Idol. Adam is scheduled to perform an acoustic version of his song "Aftermath" on the American Idol results show Thursday, March 10 (8 p.m. Eastern/Pacific, FOX).

Adam tweeted about him a few days ago, praising his performing skills on the show.

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None of us can wait!!!!!
well, just wasn't that so very thoughtful of @JLuskAI10, can't wait to see the both of them now.Keep werking it out Jacob.
Really I can't wait anymore!!
any1 who wanna watch adam lambert LIVE next week,American idol live link USA:
and international:
wo0o0ho0o0 i can't wait!!!!!!!
i will not miss idol next week because of adam.
Adam is going to shake up Idol ... AGAIN!! :D
Lovely, Adam spreads the love and gets it back.I have been captivated by Adam for two years,Not a day goes by that I don't listen to him sing.
At this point he is Family!
Adam Lambert is the BEST out there and the best I've ever heard in my entire life!!! No one can compare to him. He is sweet, beautiful, and completely talented! I can't wait til everyone hears him sing the acoustic version of Aftermath because I think that a lot of people out there have not heard it unless they are a real fan. I think everyone will fall back in love with him who "left him" after his AMA performance or have not seen him since Idol in 2009. He deserved to win the Grammy and everyone Thursday will see why. I am sure people will be talking about how amazing he is and his Twitter followers will sky-rocket and more tickets on his next tour will be sold, etc. This will be a great thing!!!!!!!!! I love you, Adam Lambert!!!
For one night, and one night only. It's the "Adam Lambert Show" again on American Idol. I can't wait.
@6:15 Exactly every thing you said!!!!! Can not wait until Thursday like millions of others. It will be interesting to see the ratings of Idol that night. Very sweet of Jacob to tweet to Adam and I bet all the contestants are excited to see Adam and he will just stun everyone with his beautiful voice.
I think the ratings of AI on Thursday will go through the roof and Adam will gain many more fans that night after his performance of AFTERMATH. For me, Adam is the most talented individual in the music industry today. His voice, self-confidence, charisma and stage presence all are qualities that this season's AI contestants need to have in order to be marketable and sell records. Can't wait for Thursday night!!!! The master will show the students how it is done.
Worst day ever in my life. First weaking up late in the morning, then losing money when going out w friend, after that being chased by 2 crazy dogs on the way home, almost be biten. Going home early to watch the football match between liverpool and man united and just can't believe the result. What was happen? I meant liv3-0manu? A hattrick for kuyt? I watched it till 65' and turned off TV. Listen to Adam's voice make me feel better!
And i can't wait to see him again on AI, too. Well said, Jacob.
no doubt about it!!!!!! We are all excited indeed eh! It's Adam night again and fans will go back that night just to watch and hear his amazing voice.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I like Jacob, a big man, a big voice with a big character to go along with it. I hope to see him as the last man standing. Glad to see Jacob & Adam connecting.
Can't wait til Thursday!!! Adam Lambert will light up the stage for this season! K
Wooh so excited to see Adam perform!
Wonder how Adam feels about meeting J Lo finally and Steven Tyler, hopefully he does! (:
Adam is simply the best in AI history!
I wish Jacob all all the best and luck to the journey of the winning title. Not only Jacob has super singing talent but he also seems very sweet in person and he's got all my support!
I was in Bed Bath and Beyond and over the speakers I heard Adam Lambert singing If I Had You. I was so happy to hear that. Then also I was at a grocery store yesterday Saturday at Sun Mart and I heard I Believe in Miracles. Can you believe this! I wish I could hear Adam Lambert sing every time I go into a store. What a treat. Loved it.
I love people who love Adam. Thanks Jacob!
Anon 9:26 I love hearing Adam in a store, too. I usually don't notice the background music, but when Adam comes on, I notice and I get in a very happy mood!
AWWWWW -- kudos to you Jacob!!
Aftermath is soo special because Adam was able to write it direct from his heart. When he sings it he feels the meaning of each and every word and when his voice soars - you have to be made of stone to not connect with the message.
Bringing this performance to the AI stage will once again reach out to the massive AI audiences.
The reviews will be awesome to read! Can you imagine?? Being one of the 13 artists at this stage of the competition -- to be given the opportunity to witness Adam's insane vocals?
The performance that will bring down the house and sky rocket the ratings!!
(watch out JLO and Steven - you are about to be blown out of your chairs!!)
Heard If I Had You in Kroeger/Kings Sooper Grocery store yesterday and walked around with a stupid grin on my face that I could not control!! Makes all the other weird stuff going on the the world, kinda not so important!! Love you, Superman!!
What a sweet face in this pic. Clothes could use a little work tho haha, I guess we're just spoiled with Adam
Sales would automatically go up in stores if they played Adam 24/7! I'd be shopping every day!I'm smiling now, just hearing that Adam is being played. I also heard Adam being played in a store awile ago and went to the service desk and told them they had excellent taste and we had a happy Adam discussion with smiles all around! Think it was Best Buy. funbunn40
Anoin 9:26 Adam sang Time For Miracles. Hot Chocolate sang I Believe in Miracles.
I was "put on hold" by my pharmacy recently and recording loop was playing Adam's album. They finally got back to me with apology for making me wait and I said "don't worry about it, I was in heaven.....good choice of music."
They said "What can we do for you" and I said "I forgot!"............old age and addiction JAK
JAK again
Wanted to say Jacob has the sweetest face looks like a 5 year old!
Just like the rest of you, get so thrilled when I'm shopping and an Adam song starts to play! Never gets old. Keep posting when you have these experiences, please. Adamluv
I hope they announce on wednesday that adam will be there on Thursday, I'm telling everyone I know so they don't miss it on Thursday. lots of people skip the results show so Ryan had better announce it on Wed. if your not a glambert like us you wouldn't know he's on, no one I spoke to had any idea. JUst sayin. spreadin the word and livin here in fla I have Never heard adam's song anywhere. I need to move.
Anon 1:34 pm
Please don't move I don't want to be left in FL with only a dwindling group of Glamberts AND a new governor who thinks he was elected KING!
Just hope they don't change the lineup like they have been doing lately. What happened to Lee, to Cooks song,etc. Now we learn the singers will be canned again this week, and Nigel calling anyone who questions this a moron. I am laughing my butt off this Season 10, and not just at Jlo's crying jags and Tylers bloopers, but the entire hot mess in general. So far its good the singers have talent, or it would be a bonified train wreck. Think Jacob a cute kid and wish him well.
Ick, I would never buy an album of Jacobs. Not my kind of music/singing. Lame. Just because Adam likes him doesn't mean we have to like him does it?
I was shopping at I Party a few months ago and they were playing an Adam song and I was really enjoying taking my time picking out a birthday card. I went to the counter to pay and thought I would ask the very young girl at the register if she knew who was just singing and she said "Oh Yea, Adam Lambert, I hate him".
Then I said "Oh girl you just said that to the wrong person." We spoke a bit and then she said she did like him but was not into his music. I left it at that.
But, it is so nice to hear Adam singing while shopping. It's happened several times but not nearly enough.
*Sigh* gotta love/hate good ol' Oregon. I have yet to hear a song of Adam's on the radio (although I always have his CD in when driving), or in a store. And in this small town, he's probably known as "that gay guy from AI". Oh well. Thursday's a-commin'!
Anon 9:04, if you saw the Grammy's interview, Jlo was directly behind Adam in line waiting to be interviewed. One can only assume they spoke, but who knows? I wondered about that.
Yes, I read somewhere that they did meet each other and talk while in line
Anon 4:32 pm
I've had several people say that to me "I like his voice but not his music"......apparently POP is not universally liked.
I don't like it...not a fan of Katy, Britney, Beyonce, Beiber (shudder) or a dozen others on the list who get played daily.
I just like Adam's voice and will listen to him sing ANYTHING. Love the old vids of him singing at The Upright Club, in Ten Commandments, and the songs he sang in Temple and Citizen Vein.
I suppose I would like to hear him sing history books or cook books. Anything!....JAK
I hear WWFM down here in TX, but never IIHY anymore.As it was it took the radio stations so long to play IIHY then after acouple months it just stopped being played.Wish I did hear his music in stores but I don't only the same stuff.
I have a cute story. I was in CVS checking out, but had to look inside intouch magazine for Adam's hunky picture on the jet ski. Wasn't in that issue. The male clerk who was on Team Adam asked me what I was looking for and I told him. He said Oh I love Adam and his music. We talked for awhile. A man was behind me and said are you talking about jet skis, I love .I said yes but it's a private conversation and laughed. The young male cashier told me to come in so we could talk more about Adam and I will go in this week. He was so sweet and it's like an instant connection when you meet someone that loves Adam too.
Jacob needs to change this little boy look on his face, change clothes (get something which fit him), get girlfriend or boyfriend, which is not very easy for him, but possible because he is famous now, and don't cry after his next performance. I don't think that many people like it. It's makes him look weak and childish.
Nordstrom in Seattle has been playing Adam! Wa-hoo! And my new routine at my gym features IIHY!!! Cannot concentrate when it comes on, damn it! Am going to crash into the person next to me if I'm not careful.
Great to hear his music is "out there" even if it's not getting the airplay on the radio that it deserves. There's some hope...
- Adam Fix
@Adam Fix
Yay for Nordstrom! Wondered when they'd get around to playing Adam!
And to add to the stories above about hearing Adam songs here and there: Out of town on a long weekend trip to the Napa Valley for my hubby to indulge HIS obsession (we have to take turns..) which is running marathons. Met some friends here, and I just so happened to have a "few" of Adam's CD's with me, including the EP Acoustic Live, the entire Idol Season 8 Studio Versions CD, FYE, and Is Anybody Listening..(never leave home without Adam..). We were driving here and there, somehow got on the subject of Adam (surprise..), something I try to keep to a minimum with my un-"Adam-ized" friends. Friends expressed interest in hearing something of his..and of course I was happy to oblige. First song was WWFM Acoustic, to which friend said, Oh I've heard that lots of times on the radio (the original version), but didn't realize it was Adam Lambert...and I like it a lot! Aha! So we played more, selectively, so as to introduce them gradually, and friends were quite impressed with THE VOICE.. Proceeded to educate friends about his history (all of it..), career (all of it...). They think he is great, so very happy to say have two new fans to add to Adam's list of Glamberts..They are still fledglings and still have some "educating" and "Adam immersion" to do, but I'm very happy to do it...
Good luck to you Jacob!
How nice to read about your Adam moments, thanks for sharing everyone!
Job well done @glitzylady! I guess that's how we must do it, little by little and one day at a time. Congratulations to the new converts yey \o/
@Adam Fix I was in dentist chair few weeks ago when I heard IIHY in radio! I was very excited and started to move. Anyway, I almost lost one of my front teeth!LOL
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