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Glam Nation Game!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 3, 2011

Posted at : Monday, January 03, 2011


Thanks to ZZ for the tip!


Anonymous said...

I slept with Adam because I'm the best. HaHaHa! Sorry peeps. I have to make up this one.

Anonymous said...

abon 7:46pm...BOO ya! LOL...No you did not!

Mine was I had a shower with Neil 'cause I was excited...
Where are the rest of my ladies at, come on lets play this game...


Anonymous said...

I married Monte cause that's the way I roll! that's what I came up with. Funny stuff!

Anonymous said...

and my sister's is -
I slept with Monte cause I had to....Bwahahaaaaaa

I have to tweet her this game right away.


Anonymous said...

I stalked Brooke cause I was excited! she is a hottie!

Anonymous said...

I kidnapped Adam cause I hate everyone. interesting game.

Anonymous said...

I played hide and seek with Monte because I am bored. I am actually anon:7:46. Geezzz I have to be reborn.

Anonymous said...

Kris Allen is Born 06/21 and his fav color is Green, and his is going to be:

I had a shower with Adam 'cause we are in Love.

OMG, this is so true!

Anonymous said...

hahah, I'm playing this game cuz I'm a kj‼ :))

Anonymous said...

I got drunk with Adam cause we're in love:):)

Anonymous said...

Adam's is going to be~ I stared at Terrance 'cause I was excited. haha

Anonymous said...

I slapped Neil causes voices told me to!!!! my stomach it hurting! so damn funny!

Anonymous said...

I slept with Sutan cause I was bored. Heck yeah!

Anonymous said...

I slapped Adam cause I had to!!! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

I started at Neil cause i begged him to:)hahaha!

Anonymous said...

there needs to be more games like this one! fun fun stuff! I bet Adam would get a kick out of this one! He can play with the Glamily!

Anonymous said...

Allison would eat dinner with Sasha! funny! I don't know what Alli favorite color is!

Anonymous said...

Adam would be: I slept with Terrance cause I was excited!!!! that is really funny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I licked Sasha cause I was excited! interesting?

Anonymous said...

I cried with Terrance cause I was excited... hahahha

Anonymous said...

more games please!

Anonymous said...

I sang about Tommy cause that's the way I roll! Yeeehawwww!!!!

Anonymous said...

I made a deal with Terrance cause he wanted! what?

Anonymous said...

Mine don't make any sense at all - I misunderstood Sutan because I am the best

Anonymous said...

I kissed Neil we're in love. LOL

Anonymous said...

I made a deal with Taylor 'cause I'm the best!lol [maybe a week in Tahiti with Adam!haha] funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I sang about Terrance cause that's the way I roll!

Anonymous said...

I slapped Sutan cause I felt like it!!! what would Adam do without his right hand man?!!!

Anonymous said...

I made a deal with the devil cause I roll that way! oops!!! did I just say that?!!!

Anonymous said...

I slapped myself cause I was bored! this could get interesting! Next?

Anonymous said...

LOL at Kris Allen's!!

Mine is I cried with Terrance cause voices told me to.

judys dancin said...

I stalked Adam cuz thats the way I roll!! Who told on me? LOL!

Dinah-mite said...

I married Sutan cause I was bored... my hair and makeup will be much improved, FINALLY!!!:-)

Anonymous said...

mines I watched MASH with Taylor cause I was excited...
not the greatest, obviously
I kissed Adam cause I had to would have been much more appropriate...

HK fan

laurieb said...

I spent time on Tumbir with Issac cause I was bored. hahaha

Carlos said...

I stare at Tommy cause we're in love!

judys dancin said...

So far I'm the only stalker!!

Anonymous said...

new pic???!/photo.php?pid=349756&id=137399322965885&fbid=173047902734360



Anonymous said...

OMFG, mine is: I got drunk with Neil cause we're in love. Yeah, that will be the day. He reminds me of my cousin so much. EWWWWW!

Anonymous said...

I flirted with Longineau 'cause that's the way I roll!!! Givin' up some love to Longineau - am I the only one??

Although I would have prefered: I changed clothes with Tommy 'cause I had to (it's the only way I could get Adam to kiss me, being a girl, and all - had to go undercover)!!

Thanks ZZ, that was funny and lighthearted!

- Adam Fix :-D

Anonymous said...

I went to the woods with Adam cause I was excited! yeah buddy!

Anonymous said...

I miss Longineu too, one of the best drummers I have ever heard. [Love the bongos too.] Nice, but not exactly Mr. Personality, still he's an incredible drummer. Isaac is good too, very personable, but not where Longineu is musically or experience wise quite yet IMHO. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Mine is: I slept with Isaac because I was bored?
I don't think this is funny. Can your birthdate be officially changed?

Anonymous said...

This is the most fun I've ever had reading these! Mine: I sang about Monte cause I was bored! Poor Monte; my shower doors howl in protest if I sing! I looks like a lot of us are down with Monte in some way though. Lots of Scorpios?

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant "IT" looks like, not "I" look like. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I flirted with tommy because i begged him to LOL!

This is really fun because now i can record all your birthdays ;-) how nice! Thanks ZZ ;-D


Anonymous said...

Mine is "I ate dinner with Tommy because I was bored" - I would not be bored having dinner with Tommy - Now I am wondering what would we have for dinner, lol.

Janet said...

I watched Mash with Monte because I was bored. :)

glitzylady said...

Well...honestly...I have to say, although I like Cam just fine...crap!

"I hugged Cam because I'm the best" (Boring........)

Okay, I'm making up my own: "I had fun with Adam because thats the way I roll" ....and I'm not talking about what kind of fun either!! There, I like that one much better! Descriptive yet mysterious.... ; )

And @ Bing..I am very glad they didn't ask for YEAR of birth...I think I would have pleaded the "5th"...LOL!!! Since you are keeping track and all!

Anonymous said...

I made out with Sasha because I was excited.:))

Anonymous said...

LOL mine is: I touched sasha because i was excited. One thing doesn't sound right:) It should have been I touched Adam ........LOL


Anonymous said...

More good news...


Anonymous said...

LOL glitzylady ;-)


melissa toronto said...

I kissed Longineu cause I was excited. As much as I like Longineu, such a sweet guy to talk to. Can I change to "I touched Adam cause he wanted" yes!!
Thanks ZZ, that picture was pose with a fan from the M&G.
Thanks daydreamin for the info.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - thanks so much for the link however i noticed you haven't played the game yet, common i need to know your birthday too ;-)


Anonymous said...

I stared at Tommy cuz that's the way I roll!

Anonymous said...

the rezult of voting

Anonymous said...
vote for Adam , he has 3 nominees
untill 31 jan 2011

Rebecca said...

mine was i slept with Monte cause that's the way i roll.

Anonymous said...

I stared at Sutan 'cause that's the way I roll...LOL

Anonymous said...

Anon 8.17 Your birthday is like mine!!
Happy birthday in two days!!

glitzylady said...

Okay, have seen pics of Adam on New Years Eve!! Beard and mustache!

Here's one! There are others as well! Off to work..

Anonymous said...

O.M.G.!!! Everyone is laughing and having fun here! A 24/7 collective relief following the last big (distressful) thread!? Go ..Berts!
Happy (Anonymous) Birthdays! ;-)

What else is new? But of course I annoyed someone I lik..ove either 'cause I was bored or [that person] wanted. HaHaHa. So ME indeed!


PS: I rather think he's asking for it! :-))
PS2: Am I the only one who miss MGF...tag?

Anonymous said...

at last!!


Anonymous said...

I miss my BFF MGF


Anonymous said...

Ok Ok, I'll play, but not now. I am at work and this is the message I get when I even try to look at Glitzylady's pic of Adam on New Years Eve-darn!: (not work related from my library at school):

Access Denied is categorized as porn.child
The requested page has been blocked by the content filter because it is in violation of the internet acceptable usage policy set by the administration.

Until AFTER I take my son for his driving test after work -YIKES!....

Anonymous said...

I "watched MASH with Cam, cuz that's the way I roll".
Well, Cam is beautiful and she looks like she's a fun person, and I love MASH...I suppose this could happen.

Glb: Yes, I miss MGF too...where is she?

Anonymous said...

How frickin' weird GLb - I just popped on here to 24/7 for a sec and whataya know - I see my tag immediately - frickin' hilarious! So Holy Hot Hell how is everyone? I hope everyone is well! Sh*t man, what's going on with this thread, I opened the thread by clicking on the comments section so it opened right to the bottom of the comments section... Imma so confused, way outta the loop :)... gonna have to figure out what the hell is going on :)!

Damn man, I've missed you peeps and 24/7. Holidays...visiting/ off from school, hubby broke his foot... blah blah blah... But I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. I still have to undecorate my entire frickin' house, so that's gonna keep me away from blogging still, but Imma try to at least check in more :). I'll never be able to go back and catch up with all the threads - but I'll take requests if anyone has any tips on ones that should not have been missed LOL!!!!

And also, I did get my Adam Fix many times throughout these past weeks btw - accidentally fell into viewing WLL from the St. Louis/Pageant GNT show a few days ago... Holy Hot Hell why did I not have that on my iTouch favorites list??? Frick - it's...everything.

Well shoot, I have an electrician guy here and he's calling me... gotta run, but hello to everyone, hope everyone has been playing nice on the playground lately :), and I'll be back... missed you peeps... and still lovin' that AML so frickin' much!!

MassGlamFan (MGF)

Anonymous said...

So I started my post just after reading GLb's January 4 8:09AM post... and now I see the others, :)... y'all are so sweet, and I've missed everyone too!

Anonymous said...

I kissed Sasha because I hate everyone (that hates adam) hehe


Anonymous said...

MGF!!! You've made my evening! Glad to have you back, my lady! Don't go too far or for too long anymore, please. I'm developing such a separation anxiety from (one or two) tags here that I might need treatment in the future.

Anonymous said...

I got drunk with Adam cause I was excited!

Anonymous said...

I slept with Sutan cause we're in love. (But was thinking of Adam the whole time) he! he!

MGF, so glad to hear from my fellow MA fan. We were worried. Still have tree and stuff to do also.


Anonymous said...

It's true that I often end up dancing with some black guy on the dancefloor, so I kidnapped Terrance.

Anonymous said...

I had a shower with Neil cause I hate everyone!!!! for real?

Anonymous said...

Now you tell me whether or not this game is fair:



Shirley said...

Fan4fun - You seriously go that?!! xD lol!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Everybody!!!! I know... I know... I'm soooo late... but I needed a rest after the tons of work I had in Hell's Kitchen. I missed you, fellows!
Welcome back MassGlamFan, Adam Fix and Adamluv!


Anonymous said...

@ Shirley

Yeah!!! It is for real:
15 (Day)... 6(June)... Yellow (my fav. colour)
Honestly! I so swear!
Please, don't hate me back! (hahaha!)


Anonymous said...

haha mine is so weird!
"I Cried With Neil 'Cause That's The Way I Roll"

Anonymous said...

I got naked with Adam cause I felt like it! woooweeee!!! hehehehehehehe!!!!

Anonymous said...

I played in traffic for the hell of it! oooohyeahhhh!!!!!!!! this is fun!!!! Adam would kick out of all the comments I am sure!

Anonymous said...

I hung out with Terrance cause voices told me to! that is creepy!

Anonymous said...

Voices telling me to do anything is creepy! Terrance seems like a cool guy!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Tommy like MASH? I can see Adam watching MASH now! That is funny picture!

Anonymous said...

I slapped Adam cause I was excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Terrance is hot. California Love baby! xD

The Dark Side said...

I had a shower with Sutan because we are in love. Now that is a concept! Maybe he will do my makeup???

Anonymous said...

I believe Adam's would be...
I slept with Terrence because:
Cause that's the way I roll,
Cause I was bored,
Cause we're in love,
Cause I was excited.
(Not sure he has a favorite colour, but has mentioned blue, green, purple and black on multiple occasions.)

Anonymous said...

i think his favorite colour is blue..

Anonymous said...

Oh, Fan4fun, let's make our own (dream) team of annoying ..Berts! LOL

PS: Any sweet leftovers to share, btw?

anna hellman said...

Well mine sucks haha.. I made out with Adam cause I was bored! LOVE IT

Anonymous said...

I stalked Sasha cause I was excited....hahaha

Anonymous said...

I kissed a girl cause I liked it! having a Katy Perry moment!

Anonymous said...

I slapped my brother cause he was getting on my last nerve! hahhahhah!!!

Adamluv said...

'I made out with Sutan cause I was bored".@ MGF, welcome back! Now Glambrit IOW, you need to rejoin us too!!!!! @ Fan4fun, thanks for the shout out!

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is blue and black. I am a Scorpio! Scorpios are good lovers!:-) isn't Monte a Scorpio? Adam is Aquarius. I don't know if a Scorpio and an Aquarius get along? Scorpios love sex and we need a good lover or we get bored!

Anonymous said...

I made out with Brooke cause she has a nice a**! the girl has a rockin body! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a Glamily board game. Adam can move around the town with his Glamily and go visit them in their own house and have parties! He can even watch people having sex! He said he would watch couples have sex if he was a fly on the wall! The Glamily in their own little Glam town. There has to be a shopping mall in there somewhere!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam needs his own sitcom, hair product line, glitter line, jewelry line, clothes line, makeup line, cologne and perfume line. He could build an empire!

Anonymous said...

I watched MASH with Neil cause I begged him! pretty please!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I watched MASH with Adam, Tommy, and Neil for the hell of it!!! I don't even like MASH!

Anonymous said...

"I kidnapped Brooke 'cuz I was bored."


Anonymous said...

I had a shower with Isaac cause we are in love. hehe
Fan4Fun- I bet your favorite color is not Yellow anymore.
This is a Silly Game, but it made me laugh so thanks to whoever made this up.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon.7:03PM
You see? Sweet Adam doesn't stop to change my life...

@ GLb
I think I'll take Anon.7:03PM guess...


Anonymous said...

I hugged Longeneau because we're in love.

(sorry Joan-wink!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, my friend Fan4Fun, you can choose to be a loving creature, but you can’t do a damn thing about your annoying feature!! Why, oh why, would you refuse my (sincere!) offer to not be completely alienated on this site? My heart is bleeding... I feel so alone right now... :-( Since no one wants to play with me I’ll wipe the glitter off my face and crawl into my den… and let my claws grow..Long and Sharp! :->

Anonymous said...

@ GLb (Jan.5, 1:17AM)

IIIICONNNNNNNN!!! Come to mama, baby cat!
There is a heartbroken stressed possible «glamonster» growing long and sharp claws near by! Shall we tell her she is not alone in the aftermath? lol


Anonymous said...

Hey @Anon Jan. 4 at 11:30AM - belated Happy Birthday to you. Hope you had a nice one ;-)

And to @Anons Jan. 3 at 8:17PM & Jan. 4 at 7:12AM ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH OF YOU ;-) LOL this is really fun thanks again ZZ \o/


Anonymous said...

Some of you are so lucky! I hugged Cam because I was bored, and as much as I like Cam, you know what I really wanted!

Welcome back MGF!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sweetie, and again everyone. Hey Sweetie, wanted to tell you thanks so much for that link about the DJ earworm mashup on that JamieGlambert montage thread (which btw, that montage, I can't even, made me burst with... everything... really gotta communicate to that girl how cool she is!). And the mashup itself, brill, so much talent to be shared in this world!

@Bing - saw your mention of me in your thanks to Adam Fix for welcoming you aboard way back when, very kind, you're a good egg! (Does that reference translate ??? lol, that's a good thing :)).

@Fan4fun - you're a good mamma to Icon :)

@Adamluv - you made it through your computer trauma, hooray!

@AG - thank goodness it's not just me!! You made me feel better, seriously! :)

@PRS & EVA - so glad to be back (and happy to be roaring at Adam Fix's hilarity once again, that glamsistah's got so much to offer)... and Imma follow GLb's instructions and try not to stray too far again ('tho I was a bit annoyed when doing some catch-up last night, :/, but to each his own and all that, IAG :))

@daydreamin' - did you ever get Hunger Games in? Thanks for all your links, you and ZZ

anyway, blah blah blah... maybe this thread is dead at this point but hello again to everyone! I can't do this game cuz I just don't have a favorite color... (annoying of me I know, just do it MGF for crying out loud, lol) but I really don't have a favorite color - that's just the way I roll ;)


Anonymous said...

I scared Monte cause i had to !! HA HA!!

Anonymous said...

Hi MGF! No money for Public Education = NO Hunger Games!! :(


Anonymous said...

MGF you can do it without the color (at least we will know the month and day of your birthday please!)
