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Glam Nation, I've Had The Time Of My Life, 2010

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

Farewell Glam Nation! Looking forward to the next Tour. When do you think Adam should tour again? Summer 2011? 2012?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can really see now that Tommy likes girls. It's way too obvious in this video.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cool video!!! I think next tour will be in spring or summer 2012. And I hope Adam visit to Russia.

Anonymous said...


WWFM is #14 on Z100's the complete list.

Anonymous said...

Adam's WWFM is #7 on the top-40 of the year on radio Europa Plus!!! It's radio #1 in Russia.
#1 - Rihana ft. Eminem/Love The way you Lie
#3 - Lady GaGa/Alejandro
and #10 - Ke$ha/Tik-Tok

Anonymous said...

summer 2011 !!! (I am wishing this) I really miss that tour. The fan videos are great though!

Anonymous said...

This morning I turned on VH1 to my morning coffee, and who looked at me from his bed in black and white? Adam F Lambert YEAH!! To escape from Rhianna I switched to MTV and guess what, Adam F Lamberts beautiful face looking up from his bed, whattaya want from meee...! I said yesterday that they never play Adam on VH1 and MTV. I take that back. It used to be Gaga on every music channel at the same time, now it is our boy. It is a good day!


Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

I like the song in this fan video. It also shows what a superb dancer Adam truly is. Thanks for this 24/7 ;-)


Anonymous said...

It was sad for me to recall Adam saying how “family friendly” his Glam Nation Tour was going to be, only to gradually turn it into something that in the end reminded me of a show I once saw at the Palomino Club in Vegas. It makes me wonder how far he would have gone if he was given more time. The person with the magnificent voice who wanted it to be” all about the music” has made it all about sex on stage.

So Adam, you broke all your promises. I know I may stir up a hornet’s nest with what I am about to write on this site, but I am doing it for me. I know it is only my opinion and no one else’s and I truly respect so many of you on this site.

When Adam did the AMA “debacle” as he eventually called it, I made excuses for him that I really came to believe. He was mad at the world…both sides…the gay and the straight community. I thought there was good reason for that. I looked on his performance as the “Is this gay enough for you?” slap in the face. When I heard this performance described as a sucker punch I said, “ Yes!” That is what it felt like to me…but not the performance as much as what Adam said after the performance. Things like, “I am not a babysitter” (you didn’t want tweens for fans?) and “I don’t sing for everyone”…when it seemed like everyone was falling in love with this guy. He said the band and dancers had no idea he was going to do what he did. It was a spur of the moment thing. I didn’t take Adam for someone who would sexually assault anyone. I was pretty sure he didn’t view it as such, but he really didn’t give a damn how the dancers felt. He didn’t give them a chance to choose.

When he decided to include the “Tommy kiss” as part of Fever, I told myself it was an interpretation of the song and was done with Tommy’s permission. It was OK…but a part of me was still uncomfortable because Tommy is a subordinate…and Tommy is clearly a submissive sort. The quick kiss became a passionate kiss, which became…I don’t know… tonsil probing? Then he began calling him his “Pretty Kitty”-his pet. I applauded when Adam told an interviewer who was encouraging him to kiss any male member in his audience, that he was not a whore. He wouldn’t just kiss anyone. But then he did. He made tongue diving a part of his act. Again, I was one of those sticking up for him when others didn’t like this. Add the hands in the pants and guitar stroking etc. I just hadn’t paid attention to all this until now…the day I had time to really look at things.
I have said before that he confuses me. I don’t know him and I don’t have a right to tell him how to handle his career or his life. Adam has said things that make me think he is still very bitter about a lot of things. I am just not the ardent fan I once was. It has been one too many sucker punches to handle for me.
One more thing…Adam is up for a Grammy for WWFM. Look at the Adam in that video. Look at the numbers for that song against his other songs on the charts. That is the Adam that the world apparently favors. That’s not just my opinion. Those numbers speak for themselves.


Anonymous said...

IIHY just hit 15million views on Youtube!!!!:))

Anonymous said...

OT (but of course!)
If somehow you missed it...
GLAM NATION COMPENDIUM from @lambosessed

I love that glam-obsessed junkie! :-))


PS: I had compiled a spreadsheet of a similar kind all summer long, but lost half of the data due to a computer failure last month. Haha..AH! :-(. Could you imagine my disappointment? But, hey, the real power of the Glamberts reside in the number of the obsessive-compulsive ones and the high(est) degree of addiction. Go ..BERTS!

Anonymous said...

2011 is too early. Needs to market new CD, but this marketing could include another world publicity tour :). And it's always great to have people waiting in anticipation of something! We just had a tremendously successful Glam Nation Tour. I'd say 2012 would be ideal year for another tour, but it's also an olympic year. Depending on the songs on his CD however, this could be a plus. But, what do I know?!? I'm sure Adam and his team are analyzing all this with "music biz eyes".

Anonymous said...

@lmb -- If I wrote an essay like yours, I would use my name to give it credibility. BTW, IIHY has more views and if you count all the vids on youtube of FYE, they add up to a great number as well. Adam is not just WWFM. He's a full eclectic album that people love.

Anonymous said...

@lmb I'm buzzzzzing in approval. I'll fight the wasps with you... this time! ;-)

Anonymous said...

@lmb: I think 24/7 is the one obsessed with the Adommy :)

Anonymous said...

@lmb you are entitled to your owm opinions as much as everyone else in 24/7. I admire your honesty and patience with Adam. Thank you so much for your post. Wishing you all the best for 2011 ;-)


Anonymous said...

Bing usted es un fans admirable en la madurez y claridad de sus comentarios y en el respeto a las diferentes opiniones que llegan a 24/7 manteniendo la cordialidad dentro de este Blog,
algo muy importante en el apoyo que brindamos a ADAM.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bing agrego esto al comentario anterior, y además del apoyo a Adam es IMPORTANTE que las personas, nos mantengamos unidas en fraternidad y amor a pesar de las diferencias de opiniones que podamos tener.
saludo cordial

Killi said...

Je suis heureux de la performance d'Adam, je pense qu'il est fidèle à lui même et si vous n'aimez pas ses performances que vous n'avez pas à, vraiment.

Anonymous said...

first i saw this kinda sort of homophobia and if you write for you don't post'it , here used to be Adam's fans and you hurt theyer feelings , at least mine. Is 21 century not middle eve.
i love Adam with whole package voice, beuty and sexyness , this is the show , if i want just his voice , i listen the cd

Anonymous said...

Next world tour more likely 2012.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do understand your feelings IMB. While I do play Adams acoustic CD all of the time to just enjoy his beautiful vocal talent I have to admit that all the sex junk just to keep up with the sleezy pop stars out there today is a turn off. Adams was so sexy before he started sucking on microphones. Why is he putting on a sex circus on stage in front of millions of various aged fans? We just want to hear his fabulous voice is all. Well o.k., I do like alot of his stage antics and his stage presence as well but I do wish he could hold on to some of that respecatable Adam we all adore. LM

Anonymous said...

Tommy is sooo attracted to Adam and vice versa!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think I'll buzzing around for a while. Smells like pheromones in here :-)

@HH & @Bing You, peace makers! or pacemakers? :-)

@Killi Je sais que ma francais est loin d'etre parfait mais est-il un mot qui manque dans votre post.. le plus important? :-)

@Amelie It's not really homophobia, my dear. We are all Adam's fans here, but if you think we are all the same... Well, haven't you listen to your beloved one? Not even gays are all alike. If I'd be a gay man who dislikes mic BJ, would that mean I hate myself or something?


Anonymous said...

@lmb You are entitled to your opinion but I am sorry you feel that way. It always hurts me (for Adam's sake) when someone says they are not as much a fan as before for whatever their reasons are).

I, personally, will continue to support Adam in all that he does. I admire his courage to show the world who he is and not to be afraid to express his feelings in any way he feels comfortable. He always has said, "he may not be for everyone". He is willing to own the consequences.


LP said...

@LMB, I agree with you , there have been some huge changes in the concert, since it first began. Some of it was because Adam assumed that out of the USA, he could do what he wanted, and get away with it. More is not always more for the better. I know he is trying to outdo the likes of Lady Gaga and Pink to name a couple.I didn't realise that sex actions on stage enforced the idea that he is gay. I thought gay people were the same as every one else, except they had different ideas of whom they would sleep with. I am afraid Adam hasn't helped the gay community very much. I feel that the AMA's was anger on his part. I still think that someone said something to him, and he was just going to "show them" without any consideration for Tommy. Also angry because he fell in that performance, He also mentioned his voice was not up to par. I think he thought he blew his first chance to let people know who he was, and made a fool of himself. Which was more in his mind than anybody elses. He was absolutely furious when he ended the song, I will never forget his face. His next album will either make or break his career. I feel it will make him a super star, but he will have to work his butt off to get his next album ready for touring. He will probably get more TV time, to promote it. I wish him all the best, because he not only has "the voice" but he is a hard worker. Someone take that mic away from him before he does something really crude with it. LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you lmb. I see you more of a fan than most of the glambulge worshippers who want raunchier and raunchier Adam. Sexiness is good, but some of the latest tour acts were a bit ridiculous. Also, when Adam said "I don't sing for everyone", is interesting. Hope he don't end up in Vegas though.. :D

Anonymous said...

My honnest opinion is that will be soon that to have Adam in an exclusive show will have to pay him in gold and diamant , this artist is a treasure that a part of his country ignore or hate him . too bed for America . He is not an usual performer , is something so special and there are a lot of money in this world to pay him . Let's enjoy him still he is for everyone . Remember Sinatra , is not to far .

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:57, do you mean Adam will be singing only for the selected VIP fans. Prepare to spend more money then. :)

Anonymous said...

O_O... good thing I'm late for this party‼ K, tata... peace‼ :)

Anonymous said...

@lmb I'm sort of disappointed (and pleasantly surprised at the same time). Seems you don't need my fighting/stinging 'skills' after all...Less hornets than expected and not so aggressive, huh? :-)
I leave you under the protection of the (honey..ed) stingless glambees. May their wings keep (all of) you safe! Hahaha.

Anonymous said...

@lmb I also agree that the mike/mouth action was a bit too much it made me uncomfortable and I am an ardent Adam fan who follows his career every day. He doesn't need to do that to have the world at his feet.
Anyway, cannot wait for his next album and tour, I WILL be there!

Anonymous said...

to lmb @ 6:56 AM I totally agree with you!! You wrote just what I have been thinking and feeling.

Also to LP @ 10:25 Agree also. A very well written post. And LM @ 9:21

Amelie - this has nothing to do with homophobia. We want to see Adam's beauty not just listen to him. We just don't enjoy the sex circus show to those extremes.

Anonymous said...

I sort of agree with lmb. But I think it's Adam's show so he has the right to do whatever he wants. I think the kissing acts are all for fanservice. There are a lot of Glamberts over at Adamofficial and Idol forums that LOVE the Adommy moments.


Anonymous said...

Yana, you are right too. It is Adams show and he can choose his audience. He chose the smaller crowd.

Anonymous said...

lmb: I understand that you don't like the sexual stuff. The whole point of Adam kissing Tommy IS that it fits the lyrics, the audience loved it, and if you see it enough, it will become more accepted--as it should be. So, I think that Adam was right to do it. His more playful antics happened outside of the U.S. The only thing that bothered me, if I am being totally honest with myself, is the pot smoking on stage. I know it is allowed where it happened but I just didn't like it. However, that being said it doesn't effect my love for Adam. I know here and there I won't agree with what he does because there isn't a person on earth that I agree with 100% of the time. But I do know that he has had to fight his way more than other performers. He is judged harsher, but his talent shines through. So, accept that our Rock God is human.

Anonymous said...

lmb: It really pains me to have to agree with you. I love Adam and think he has the best voice on the planet--however, I did begin to get upset with some of the sexual antics--particularly with the microphone. Hope he listens to the fans who were not thrilled with the over-the-top sex stuff and goes back to being a fantastic singer and dancer!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your frustration, but happy that you've not been shredded to bits for your opinion.
A new year = new manners on this site ??? One can only hope.

Anonymous said...

@lmb.If not for YT videos from EVERY concert you wouldn't even know of his antics. He is restraining himself when necessary (Jingle Ball)and playing to the public. Majority of people not watching every frikking video of every frikking song from every frikking concert here and abroad doesn't care. If it bothers you, don't watch vids, I assume you didn't watch him live 113 times.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and support him,also agree with LMB, he doesent need overtly sexual antics, remember we fell in love with Adam during Idol when his voice and stage presece was felt and appreciated minus sexual acts, there are teens in audience and they def. get turned off by this acts and they go out and tell thousand more teens how vulgarly Adam behaved, thus bad publicity thousands at a time, Adam is the best vocals out there and he can be above all the beibers and riahnnas and taylors, he is better then anybody and he can be above all of them if he can restrain himself and perform tastefully for all types and ages. I only said this because I love Adam dearly and want him to have the best of life and success.

Anonymous said...

The sexual acts are mostly for the milfs or what should I call them, grand dames?

Anonymous said...

Don't want to start argument, but I must address 1:49 and the comment about teens and saying "teens in audience and they def. get turned off...and they...tell thousand more teens how vulgarly Adam behaved." It is clear that 1:49 hasn't been around teens lately. What you think is vulgar regarding Adam kissing another man is absolutely nothing compared to what kids do these days.

M/M kissing is not vulgar. It is natural for many cultures and certainly for different sexual orientations than you. My East European relatives would plant mouth kisses on everyone, male or female. So please don't be so judgmental.

Also what you regard as tasteful is for me boring. I like a little sexuality in my music. I know you have Adam's interests at heart when you make these comments, but please let Adam be Adam. He's not going to do what we tell him to anyway, and so far his decisions are been right for him.

As Adam has repeatedly said, "I'm not for everyone."

Anonymous said...

Those who found Adam kissing Tommy please step back and look at Adam's impact on tolerance. How many of you had seen sensual male kissing before Adam? Did it turn you on? Did you hear the audience go crazy when it happened? Do you watch daytime soaps? Are you offended at the gay behavior displayed? Do you ever watch Logo? Adam has been a forceful spokesperson for LGBT rights by being himself. He has exposed an element of this society to a little bit of the loneliness that teenagers experience if they're different. I applaude him for his honesty and hope he continues to be who he is and not what conservative valued people want him to be so they are comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Going back to touring question, can't see Adam doing anything until late 2011 or 2012. Creating, producing and promoting an album take time. Of course, I'd like to see him tomorrow but it ain't happening. Hopefully, there will be plenty of TV performances during the year. He's always so good on Leno.

Anonymous said...

So it's not family friendly if two men show affection by kissing??? What planet are you on LMB? You must live in a conservative part of the country. I'm in the US, and I love to see men loving men and women loving women. It's love, not violance or war, drugs, murder. I am a straight woman. Look at the history of sex. Homosexuality has been around forever. Why should it be hidden because of your sensibilities.

Anonymous said...

Who goes to concerts just to see kissing, straight or gay and what has that to do with gay rights? You should go to gay bar. Sometimes I thought are the same people who watch WWE show wrestling also at the Adam Lambert concert.

Anonymous said...

I always believe Adam will be massive in the global music industry one day like MJ. I hope he can tour in 2011 and this time I will bring along my Hubby and two teens because I want to show them what a real performer he is. The one who against all odd to be true to himself which I think the surrounding and happening around him are hugely affected his decision for his GNT. But most important, his fanbase is changing, change to be more tolerant and be more acceptance throughout the world. He will clearly notice all the changes and feel all the love which is totally different from what he had in US. I truly believe this new "surroundings" would take him to a whole different level as a performer. Americans, you have a Good damn entertainer only comes once in every 20-30years, embrace him!

Anonymous said...

@anon 2:30....Well said! And I'm an American! We are blessed to have a brilliant performer as Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the best singer.I love his voice...i love his personality...and all about Adam.but i don't like he kissing another man on the stage.i don't care he is gay.I hope he is more better next year.I wiil always love you. Im sorry my english is bad. From indonesia

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with lmb. Adam has been blessed with an magnificant voice and the antics on some of the shows have been too raunchy! Some one said sex circus. I hope that he takes a look at some of his performances and see what alot of people (even his followers) are saying...It's too much nastiness for some people and Adam is better that than..please Adam, just sing..I want you to last a long time in this business!

Anonymous said...

It is not Man on Man kiss that is raunchy, Its the other stuff such as mic in mouth, mic in between his legs simulating sex, and othe OTT stuff that is a turn off for many, kissing Tommy is getting old especially when it goes on and on for ever with sex simmulation, all that is sooooooooo unnecessary and not OTT. Adam is blessed with a beatifull voice and personality, he needs to use that in his favor and be the superstar he is born to be. JUST LOOKING OUT FOR ADAM AND HIS career.

Anonymous said...

When Brooke placed her hand on Adam's shoulder and Adam simply stared at it while he continued to dance was magic. All Adam has to do is SMILE and it melts hearts. When he stood so proud and tall during the pause in Soaked in Mayalsia while the crowd went crazy - it allowed the world to be free of bias at least for that moment. That was magic.

Adam will remain true to himself and continue to experiment and push the envelope with his stage performances.

He will achieve breaking through the double standard in the music industry. With that said, I believe that some of his most sensual moments were also the most sincere and simpliest on stage. A look, joking with the audience or his band/dancers, or his amazing smile.

Adam is smart and he keeps his friends and family close to keep him grounded. It is a hard line to walk between sensual or what may be called "raunchy".

He is an entertainer first and foremost and will continue to learn what works and what doesn't work -- what his fansbase as a whole wants to see.

But he will always remain honest to himself and his music.


Anonymous said...

Adam has a diverse fan group. Perhaps he does the mic action for the gay men AND the open minded people that are turned on at the "thought" of this sexy act. Remember that Rhianna, Xtina, Britney, Madonna etc are all doing these kinds of things. Also, Enrique brings a girl/woman on the stage, sings to her and kisses her. Adam just prefers to "dive" 2 times in the audience, and lucky for us he likes to kiss guys and girls...whatever - live and let live. This is love and happiness and should be celebrated. He will keep these things to a certain audience that he knows has come to see him. Go with the Adam once sung..."sex is not the enemy."

Anonymous said...

To me, the question is who gets turned on by watching Adam simulate masturbation.

Anonymous said...

You must think the encore is the most important part of the concert. It is there the "raunchy" stuff happens. I have heard many disappointed voices after a show if he just sings Mad World for encore. People wonder what did we do wrong? We jumped and danced, why just Mad World? It is family friendly, no mic masturbation, clean and restrained just as you want him. And the rest of the show? The accoustic part? He sits and sing. He shows many different sides of him but some of you concentrate on the encore as if that was the whole show. Sorry if I sound crabby, but when I see a post with more then 50 comments, I know what´s up. Here we go again!
Still, I love you all.


Anonymous said...

I went to several Adam Lambert concerts in the U.S., and I was hardly aware of the famous kiss. It was such an insignificant and quick part of the whole show. As Adam has said over and over, he reacts to the music. 99% of the concert is beautiful energized dancing and gorgeous vocals. He only does a tiny bit of the mic stuff during a few of the "frisky songs," and it's not even noticable at the shows.

UNFORTUNATELY, some over zealous video oriented fans are putting together small portions of 113 performances, and they make it look as if this is all Adam does!!! I am so angry about this, and I don't think 24/7 should be showing this. If they do, they should explain that these are isolated happenings spread over 113 international shows, and in no way do they reflect the nature of the entire performance. In ALL of the concerts I attended, I saw young teens dressed up and thoroughly enjoying the entire production. It is entirely family friendly, and I think those who think it's not, did nothave the oppoturnity to attend the dozen concerts I did.

Anonymous said...

Puhleaseeeeeeeeeeee, these fan vids are so exagerating the situation here. Get over yourselves!

Turning a 1sec kiss in to a 3:40mins fan vid????

Anonymous said...

Mad World is a flattening experience for an encore, because it is kinda negative song. TCB is perfect encore and he doesn't need to be rauncy even though it is sexy rock song. I wouldn't have wanted there to be any other acoustic songs than Soaked and maybe occasionally WLL. I don't think Broken Open was acoustic? Purple Haze was not my fave either, it's very lame and boring and I didn't like the pot smoking.

Anonymous said...

"Straight to number one" is a beautiful and well made video by vivrelamour. She is a very talented videomaker. The man-on-man action is not nasty at all, watch it and open your mind!


Anonymous said...

12:08 I hope you are being sarcastic

Anonymous said...

Gosh there are so many things to reply to on this, where to start...
@LMB, everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if we don't agree with the tweens and babysitting comment. I think you took it in the wrong context, its not that Adam doesn't want young fans, but he tailors his performances to his audience, and he probably believed (and rightly so) that young kids wouldn't be watching at 11pm at night. Equally raunchy stuff was done by the 'girls' earlier in the show. Re the 'I don't sing for everyone one' quote, why get upset with that, isn't that true of every singer, a lot of us on here don't like Justin B, or Kesha etc, music is subjective, not everyone like the same things.
Re Tommy is subordinate - maybe look again at some of the Adam/Tommy action, there are quite a few instances where Tommy instigates the kissing.I think he enjoys it as much as Adam.He didn't make tongue diving 'part of his show', he did it twice out of 113 shows, Elvis used to do it all the time, as do many others. Re the hand in pants, also happened once for like 5 seconds, The lead singer of Greenday once sang a whole song with his hand down in trousers them smelt his fingers after..gross.).As @1.47 says, its only because we watch all his concerts in close up on video that we even notice all these things going on. Unless you were in the first few rows of the concert you probably wouldn't notice even if you were there. You should really start looking at other peoples concerts on youtube to realise that Adam is still pretty tame.
and @1.49 Teens get turned off by sex - seriously, do you have any teens or know any, All teens think about is sex...
@2.24 so true, I don't get why people are so against 'sexy things', but are ok with the amount of violence, blood and gore that is show on tv.
@4.38 re your question, yes a couple of times I must admit, I've got turned on watching him.. and no I'm not weird or kinky, just an ordinary 45 year old mother of 5...I'm sure there's a lot of others out there that find him and his antics hot.
@Eva, totally agree.
If you add up all the 'rauncy' bits out of his concert it probably adds up to a couple of minutes, out of a 70min show, hardly OTT.
When are people going to understand that there is a huge difference between performing in concert, to cds, to being on chat shows etc. Adam knows this, and on the whole has been able to read his audience very well, he seems to know when to rein it in, and knows when he can push the boundaries. Even the AMAs, only had 1,500 complaints out of 14m viewers, Rihanna had 2,500 the other week after performing on the x factor in the UK, and thats with
smaller audience. Perspective people..

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Gosh, so many things to read and think about, where to start...
@LMB everyone is entitled to their opnions, even if we don't agree with them. But a few things I disagree with, re the Tweens and baysitting comment. I think you took it out of context, I'm sure Adam does want young fans,but he probably wasn't expecting (and rightly so) that young kids would be watching at 11pm at night. The girls did equally rauncy stuff earlier in the show and nothing was said about that. The 'I don't sing for everyone remark'. Why get upset with that, isn't that true of every singer. Music is subjective, we don't all like the same music or singers.
Re Tommy being subordinate, maybe you should go and recheck some of the vids of Adam/Tommy moments, there are quite a few cases where Tommy instigated the kiss, and went in for cuddles etc, I think Tommy liked it as much as Adam.
Tonguediving - he didn't make it 'part' of his act, it happened twice out of 113 shows. Elvis used to do it all the times, as do many singers.the 'hand in the pants' incident, again happened once for like 5 seconds, the lead singer of Greenday apparently sang a whole song with his hand down his trousers, them smelt his fingers afterwards (eww gross). Google some other stars, youi'll find that Adam is still pretty tame. As to WWFM being everyones 'favourite', how come FYE is winning the poll for favourite Adam video, and IIHY has more views...
@1.47, agree. We only know about all these 'antics' because we watch all the close up videos. If we were any further back than the first few rows of the concert we probably wouldn't see what was happening even if we were there. If you add up all the rauchy parts of the show, it probably comes to about 2mins, out of well over an hour on stage, hardly OTT, the other 73 minutes are very family friendly
@1.49 re Teens get turned off by sexual antics - seriously do you have any teens, or actually know any teens? All teens think about is sex..
@2.24 so true. I can never understand why so many people are OK with all the violence/blood/gore etc that is shown in films and TV, but panic at anything sexy.
@4.38, re your question, yes I will admit I find Adam extremely hot and sexy and have been known to be turned on by him, and no I'm not kinky or weird, just a normal 45yo mum of 5...
@Eva so true.
When are people going to realise that there is a huge difference between singing on a cd, performing in a concert, performing on tv etc. Adam knows this, and so far seems to have managed to read his audiences very well, and tailored his performances to suit, he knows when to rein it in and when to go all out. Even the AMAS, only 1,500 complaints out of 14m viewers, show that many more liked it than didn't. Rihanna got 2,500 complaints the other week after her performance on UK's X factor...Perspective people.

HK fan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HK fan, WWFM has been more succesful in the charts than IIHY. That is a fact. People have various reasons why they watch the videos. Maybe Adam looks better in the IIHY video. :)

Cheril said...

No one sings or entertains like Adam. I've often heard him say that he doesn't mind the craziness of the fans because he knows it comes from a good place...well, I don't mind some sexy antics on stage because I know that it comes from a good place - Adam is just entertaining and wanting that laugh or that OMG. It's all good...

Anonymous said...

I didn't say WWFM hadn't been more successful, just that the other videos had more views, which means that many people prefer the sexier Adam as opposed to the Emo Adam, at least to look at.

HK fan

Adamluv said...

@HK Fan, thank you for your most insightful comments. You said it perfectly!

Anonymous said...

If this would be my first time on this site and this would be the first thread I was reading, it would be almost impossible to believe this is a Fan Site!!! So many sad, judgemental and RESTRICTIVE comments. Where is pure love, where is acceptance, where is all the fun??

@LM 9:21 - I respect that you are stating your opinion, but who is this "we" and "we all" you are writing about? I for one don't share your opinion, I hope Adam keeps reinventing himself and finding new "antics" to entertain, tease and test his audience.

@lmb 6:56 AM; @LM 9:21; @LP 10:25 - your tags start with the letter L; don't know what the L stands for, but I doubt it is LOVE ----

coloforadam said...

lmb - NO, you don't.

Anonymous said...

apologies, not sure what happened. Had trouble uploading the first one, and it was on there, then when I refreashed the page it wasn't. So then I came out of the site, then back in again a couple of times and it definitely wasn't there to check, so rewrote it. Then last time I checked a couple of hours ago there was only the 2nd one, now both are on there. Spooky!!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

HK fan at 5:39 and 6:18pm...You brought up some very important facts. Also what about the world's most honored and beloved Michael Jackson's crouch grabbing? It was so expected of him no body ever mentions that. Except for the AMA performance Adam does his sexy antics only for his almost "selective" tour audiences.
I love Adam as a singer and performer and will support him as long as he is around to support.

Anonymous said...


I could read your posts over and over. You said it so well. :)


Anonymous said...

@HK Fan i also want to thank you for the facts and your thoughts, highly appreciated.

I wish to thank Adam for all his hard work in those 113 nights. For a singer who uses his vocal chords that way, i am amazed how he did it perfectly in each GNT. So i would put more weight and emphasis in those stellar performances because for one i'm the least bothered by his raunchiness, friskiness and naughty moves. It is already a given that he is a vocal masterclass but that will not stop him from being the performance artist that he is.

I am also thankful that he refuses to be boxed as a singer that's why there is a variety of songs is his album. He has said it a few times that he easily gets bored and this could be attributed to the creative juices flowing in his body. Adam Mitchel Lambert has so much to give and i will forever be thankful for what he has already shared with us the past two years.

To thyself be true Adam because you definitely have a market for your brand of music and performance. HK Fan has also observed that you had been mindful of your audience so just continue doing that.

Considering the kinds of singers out there, i know in my heart that history will be kinder to this talented performance artist who is one of the most misunderstood now. Yes, i've had the time of my life enjoying all the 113 breathtaking shows of this vocal genius.


Anonymous said...

There were a few boys in my highschool that were always grabbing their crotch. They had crabs and all the girls thought they were disgusting. The first time I saw MJ doing it I was turned off, associating it with crabs! It doesn't do a thing for me, no different than a rude man scratching his b*lls. Tommy kissing fine,but tongue action and mic not that necessary. More is not always more. Adam has so much more to offer and reeks of sexiness which I love. Just think he's trying too hard to prove a point and when it becomes so obvious, loses it's power. Giving the audience the finger and calling them bitches and the over used f word doesn't get me in a sexy mood either.Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...


@HH -muchas gracias por tus palabras tan amables. Estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que dijo HH. Mis mas calidos saludos a mi amiga ;-)


Anonymous said...

anon 5.16
Purple Haze is Garry Glitter's song that is huge for his skills on playing on guitar and Adam sung this song as a gift for Monty's birthday , same very talented guitar player , but he added his wonderful voice and his antics , don't forget Adam interprets the lyrics that is amaizing . After the reaction of the audiance that recognized the song , he continued to performes'it , for me and for many others when Adam sing a great song , a classic one is a fest , a celebration , that shows me how talented is this man , no limits , that's why i love him so much is the past , the present and the future in the same time , how many performers have you seen like that?

Anonymous said...


@HeartAdam4ever - i must have skipped your comments and just read them now. I would just like to thank you for reminding us about those magical moments. Thanks too for your viewpoints. Adam has given more than 100% in each performance which is certainly praiseworthy.

@Anon Jan.4 12:02AM - just couldn't agree with you more. Even when Adam gives his own spin to other people's songs, his covers turn out to be excellent versions of the originals. What a versatile and magnificent vocalist to grace the American music scene. I'm deeply honored to be a fan forever just like you. And i am hoping and praying that his huge talent will continue to prevail.


Anonymous said...

@Anon January 4, 2011 12:02 AM

Purple Haze is a Jimi Hendrix song. I don´t think Gary Glitter had anything to do with it. And yes, it is a classic and Adam did it justice.


Anonymous said...

Jimi Hendrix was a talent, I just don't like Purple Haze. That song is so old fashioned now. Loved Gary Glitters music when I was a kid and I still do. He was the king of glamrock. He did a crime and has served his sentence. I thought there was something strange in his case though. Read that someone from a powerful aristocratic family wanted to prevent his return to UK. Don't know if he could return.

Anonymous said...

i wrong , my mind was out there sure is Jimi Handrix not Gary Glitter , but i talk about Jimi , no offense
i have a playlist with some song of Jimi

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2011 11:07 PM
Adam is not grabing his croach , is touching that is sexy , like women did

Anonymous said...

Good god just let Adam be the performer he's going to be. Look on or look away, but accept that his choices are part of his brilliance, his magic.

Anonymous said...

lmb, your post angers me. I'll keep it in as to why, but maybe it is time for you to move on, you are putting way too much on Adam Lambert's shoulders. It is not fair to him IMHO.

Anonymous said...

lmb, i understand. i decided a while back to enjoy adam just the way i want. i decided to construct my own idea of how he is. when i see these fan videos, i turn them off when i see more sexual crap than i want to see. i can then enjoy him and his music the way i have for the past couple of years. i still like cheering for him and buying his stuff, just to be defiant. he lit something in me the year he was on idol and i am more motivated all the time because of it. i usually laugh at some of the sexual stuff, its kinda embarrassing in a not so cool way. maybe thats me.

melissa toronto said...

@GLb Thanks for the link of the spread sheets.
What did I miss here? Finally finished reading all the commments. Different strokes for different folks. Adam did say he is not for everyone, also please don't take him so serious. Just appreciate this incredible entertainer with the killer vocal. Adam is like a free spirit wild child, wants to push the boundaries when he can. He is sexual, cannot be tame. That's what I love about Adam, his the most talented & exciting artist of our time.
Well said comments from Annon Jan.3 2:30PM, HeartAdam4Ever, Eva, Bing. Thank you all!
HK fan, I couldn't agree more. That was very detail oriented. Thank you! You said it way better than I ever will.