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Adam Lambert Featured in 2011 Grammy Nominees CD!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, January 3, 2011

Posted at : Monday, January 03, 2011

"COMING SOON: It's all about the Grammy's! A must-have for any music afficionado! With tracks from Adam Lambert, Train and Michael Jackson and many more!"



Anonymous said...

So, so nice to see Adam's name on this 2011 Grammy CD. Congrats to him, his label and whole damn team!

Anonymous said...

Hope that the 'astrological look' of the CD cover is a great premonition for Adam, seeing that he is into that.

Anonymous said...

just pre order mine from Amazon. This is so cool, can't wait to get the cd in my hands.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam;)

Anonymous said...

Haha, bet no-one ever thought there'll be two LAMBERTS on a Grammy cd. Is it a common surname in the US?

Anonymous said...

This is cool, so nice to see. Off topic however, all you twitter experts (just learning) how come I cannot get realtime live feed twitter blogs anymore when I google Adam's name. It's not there anymore, did twitter block him or something? I loved reading through those feeds.

Anonymous said...

And no Bieber!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this gonna be available on itunes? I hope soooo... :)

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that facebook can be real source of this cover. I read article in Examiner by Renee and she wrote that so far this is a rumor. Official list of artists names on CD was not released yet. However, Sony makes the choices this year, and this is one of the reasons we can find Adam's name on this CD. Don't want to sound pessimistic but this is written by one of the Adam's friends from Examiner. Let's hope, gurls

Anonymous said...

delilah5 is on for presale, just i can't read the names on the cover

Anonymous said...

@amelie Thank you, dear. Just found it and enlarge the picture. There is Adam's name on this cover!
AND THERE IS NOT JUSTIN B NAME IN THIS LIST!!!!!!!! Seems like he gets less and less awards and recognitions even in Canada! I am very sarcastic but I wish these Grammy's will be one of his last nods!
Again, so happy for Adam!

Adamluv said...

Last nite on TV saw a promo for the Grammy Show and they showed performers that will sing that nite and Adam was not one of them. Maybe this wasnt the complete list? I believe that mainstream award shows are still reluctant to have Adam perform live. Dont know if I'll be watching or not if Adam isnt performing. The list consists of the same performers that perform on every awards show. Boring!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, Glambert rule says, if it's for everyone it's not for Adam.

Anonymous said...

@adamluv. I saw the same ad and thought the exact same thing! Maybe they will wait till the very end for announcing a surprize performer, whose knows, but my initial thought was they might be afraid to announce him because of the backlash on the never ending stigma of the AMA awards. (oh, I might have to hide my children again lol) This should be interesting because the ratings will go through he roof if our BB performs or they are just too afraid he will show everyone else up or they are afraid they will lose viewers. Look whose performing, the same auto-tuned, lyp--- safe bet--boring. I'll be disappointed in the grammies if they back-out this way but then again it's mainstream america. one other scenario, they didn't get Adam in on time afterall he was touring all over the world till after the grammy nom were in.


Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled Adam was nominated. His voice is the best on the planet and we who love him and appreciate him always seem to have to defend him after that AMA performance. I was at a New Years party and mentioned how great he was and WOW everyone there was appalled and said he was NASTY! I stated he was only naughty on some songs and they said again how nasty he was and didn't listen or buy his records. I was so upset because I look over some of his raunchy moves because I love his voice and how enterpets all his songs...They are never sung the same way twice and every performance is different. I pray he gets to sing soon on some show like the Grammys and prove my point...Surely people will soon get over those d..n AMA's and he won't ever pull that stunt again. He's too good for that and it hurt him. I know it's rock and roll but a little goes a long way....

Anonymous said...

I wrote about this once and got prove that I was right. I was and I am sure by 99% they will not let Adam sing on Grammy's. But miracles happen and this is "Time For Miracles" for Adam and for US Music Industry. And I still have hope we will see Adam on the stage at Grammy

Anonymous said...

After the European tour I seriously thought if Adam would ever be happy just to give a normal performance, for TV etc. Because if he's not happy, what's the point doing it. He did look quite happy at the JB's, so I guess there is still hope.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin posted some videos last week that summed up Adams career so far. After the AMA there were a lot of positive comments, not all negative. One even said Adam was a genius. Not all americans are scared, conservative homophobes. Adam has been on TV lots of times since AMA and the song that is Grammy nominated is WWFM (he interprets the lyrics) so it should be "safe". I must say, I´m so tired of this dooms day crap. He´s been on a tour and a live concert is not a TV performance. Why don´t you relax people? This wild panther actually has a Grammy nomination so not everybody thinks he is nasty.


Anonymous said...

He has a nomination and who nominated him?????? They should let him sing so that the world can see who is the best in live show okay??? They are just afraid to face the truth eh!!!!! What ever happens Adam will surface anywhere in the world.

Toronto, Canada

The Dark Side said...

Here we go again! Jeezeeee why is there any controversy on these sites. Sorry don't get it at all. We are all Adam fans, why the conflict. Seems a useless exercise to me. I am thrilled for Adam as this is a prestige place for him to be. LOL to ya all!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Man! So much emotion over our boy! I personally do hope he gets to perform on the Grammy's. It would skyrocket me to the moon. But, he has a lot of competition for just a few selected spots. I hope his inclusion on the CD is a foreshadow of more good things to come. If he is selected to perform, that means that TPTB like him. They really, really like him.

Anonymous said...

@Eva 4:23pm I even didn't think about AMA when I wrote my comment. I just talk about Adam's apperance! Why do you think they didn't invite Adam on AI season finale when it was Simon's last season like you know? Because Adam is the one of the best (I think he is the best) American Idol's stars! For today nobody can sing like Adam nobody can entertain like Adam. So can you imagine after this troll Beiber, boring John Meyer, etc, Adam appearance on the stage will put in the sh...... everybody else performances. I don't think Adam would sing "Soaked" but, just imagine. Adam is singing "Soaked" in his long coat like he sung it on the tour-just with piano! No lazers, no kisses, etc. Just Adam voice! Will anybody enjoy Snoop Dog, Katy Perry, or Rhianna performances after this! May be somebody will want to see B.O.B. or Ke$ha or whatever their names are. But nobody can compete with Adam! May be Lady GaGa can entertain, but her voice can't compete with Adam's voice. This is the reason of Adam absence on AI and this is the reason they will not give Adam chance to perform. But who knows!

coloforadam said...

If Adam performed, it would be WWFM - that's how the award shows work. If he were going to perform, I think we would know it by now. I hope hecan just relax, have a great evening and look gorgeous. I always think it is kind of deflating to perform on those shows and then not win your category. The nomination means SO much to him - let's not lace it with our expections of immediate universal glory. It's an amazing step and that new album will be another star in his crown. How could it be otherwise ... his voice and experience and industry savey, just gets better all the time.

Anonymous said...

You said it perfectly @colorfadam, thank you for your post ;-)

Those in the know were able to see through Adam's raunchiness, friskiness and naughty moves. It is extremely hard to ignore genuine talent when you see one and even the naysayers are just fooling themselves. As i've said before, one need not be a rocket scientist to notice Adam's breathtaking gift and if many couldn't appreciate it, it all boils down to differences in personal tastes in music.

IMHO for someone who is different and relatively new in the music scene this Grammy Nomination came in as a delightful surprise to me. Of course i know it was bound to happen but not this soon. So i can safely say that talent prevailed over prejudice and homophobia and it is very liberating and empowering. To be recognized this way is truly awesome that's why Adam couldn't contain his excitement in his last 2 GNTs. It must have been surreal to him reaping the fruits of his labor now. He has spent years honing his craft and things are falling into their proper places. Good karma is in the works for someone who has been planting good seeds for so long.

Of course all of us want him to win but he himself has already proven that winning isn't all that matters. Believing in oneself does.

To be included in this CD is an honor. @Anon Jan. 3 at 10:51AM nice observation and i'm also hoping that is a good sign ;-)


Anonymous said...

@Bing Thank you , darling. This is amazing post.

Anonymous said...

OMG you guys. He is nominated for a Grammy in
his first year as a Pop star. That's amazing. I too would like to see him perform but I am happy that he is nominated and would be thrilled if he wins. Give him a break. If he doesn't perform on the show it doesn't mean anything. Now he will be described as the Grammy nominated Adam Lambert or maybe even more.

Anonymous said...

I lost all hope in the Grammy Awards a long time ago, but I hope they can figure out that Adam Lambert has the best male vocals in music.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bing - we're so glad you're here, on 24/7!! You are very eloquent.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

WWFM is a great song and Adam should be allowed a chance to perform it! The AMA was a once in a lifetime thing and he has moved on from it a long time ago, so I think The Grammy Awards should give him a chance to showcase his voice and talent for a world audience. He would blow everyone away! I bet the Grammy ratings would go up big time! He was the true superstar of 2010!

Anonymous said...

Adam Is a true Rockstar and Rockstars suppose to be nasty! Anyone that calls him nasty, don't know music! he turns the raunchiness up from time to time, but that is what keeps him interesting! he doesn't bore you stiff like alot of other artists!

Anonymous said...


@delilah5 - you are one of Adam's most dedicated fans and i do admire your loyalty. Thank you for loving Adam the way you do and for your very interesting posts. I just want you to know that it's fun reading them ;-)

@Adam Fix - highly appreciate your kind words. If not for your warm welcome to me last year, i wouldn't be encouraged to post as often as i could. I already miss MGF and many other peeps here. Hope they all come back soon. Let us keep each other company while waiting for his next project. Thanks again Adam Fix ;-)


Anonymous said...

when i look at the cover of the Grammy Album, i think of the skull behind adam from Strut during Glam Nation.. idk why.. :)

Anonymous said...

It may be the similar color of the giant skull they project on the backstage in GNC.

Anonymous said...

There are some Islamic patterns too.

Anonymous said...

@Bing 5:14am. Thank you, dear. I like to read your posts also. I hope you always understand what I am talking about in my posts because English is my second language:)

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate the eloquently written comments on this site. I so wish I had the words to express what is in my heart. No one has ever affected me with their music the way Adam has but I run into the same adverse comments when I mention his name. It saddens me when this happens.
I live in the Dallas area and several local fans are putting together a tribute to Adam on January 29th in downtown Dallas. This is Adam's birthday. Anyone who lives close should go to the forum of the Official Fan Club and look at the write up for the party . It is going to be amazing. If Adam were going to pick a place for a party, this would be it. We want to honor Adam as we all love him not only for his talent but for his honesty and loving spirit. Sign up by January 19th on the Fan Club Site.


Anonymous said...

Hi @Glamnut HAPPY NEW YEAR! Adam has touched my life in many wondrous ways since he caught my attention 2 years ago. From then on i've never been happier and i know in my heart that it is because of this incredible human being. It is not only his talent that has captivated me but his whole personality that has drawn me even closer to him. There are a lot of very good singers but Adam is the complete package that's why many are so jealous at how that could be for someone who is different. People who are quick to dismiss him have prejudged Adam already so we can't change that anymore. We can just ignore them and remember that he has a legion of very loyal fans around the world whose support is steadfast and unconditional. And remember also that there is nothing that those naysayers could do to overshadow his many accomplishments, awards and nominations because ADAM'S TALENT WILL CONTINUE TO PREVAIL. He has long paid his dues that's why he is being rewarded now. I'm not saying that he can do no wrong but Adam is the new kid in the block and he will soon find his niche in the music industry. It is all a learning process for him now so we have to give him time to know what works for him best. We will just have to let go of all the negativity and focus on all his gains ;-)

Good luck to your plans for his birthday Glamnut!


Anonymous said...

Bing, you are so very right in everything you say. Adam will prevail. He is so far ahead of other artists with his talent, personality, and complete honesty. Even if he sometimes gets a little carried away, we as fans still love him to his very core!! We do need to focus on positivity not negativity!!! Hope to meet you sometime, possibly at a concert. Twitter name???

Anonymous said...

Hi @Anon Jan.5 at 4:49PM - thanks so much for the nod. Sadly i'm the most anti-social networking person that you'll ever know. You won't believe it but the only reason why i'm using the computer now is ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT and nothing else LOL. I don't even bother with my e-mails hahaha, i'm that stubborn. But if it is Adam related then i wld check my account. Btw where are you based if i may?


Anonymous said...

Bing, I am the 4:40 comment. I live in the Dallas area and I just love that you support Adam in such a passionate way. There are definitely a few of us out there. I am on twitter and follow many Adam fans across the world. Some I have met at concerts in the nearby area. We keep in touch! My twitter name is @glamnut.

Anonymous said...

Oh i see @glamnut yes we should keep in touch and i will definitely find a way. I'm from Manila, Philippines and i've been to New York and New Jersey in 1998 and 2000. My 10 year multiple entry US VISA expired in 2007 and i didn't bother to renew it. But because of Adam hahaha i'm thinking of working on it gosh what an incentive LOL. When the economy improves as well as my financial status i may be able to fund my next visit to your country but the West Coast this time. I would love to see you glamnut because i know that we will be in this journey together for a long time. Gotta go ;-)


rashid2626 said...

i like this music

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there's only one chance to make a first impression. People do not normally hold a grudge, but Adam's refusal to admit anything was wrong with the AMA product did not go over well. He also said on Oprah that he just got caught up in the lyrics. Shooting the bird at the end was not a masterpiece either. It showed immaturity and lack of self-control. This causes networks to be a bit uncomfortable. Since the Grammys are during primetime, I doubt the network will have Adam singing live. He broke a trust and blew a tremendous opportunity, and it's hard, if not impossible, to earn it again. It's too bad, but he should have considered the consequences of his actions. Another factor that is hard to miss is Adam's continuing to play the gay sex card in his concert tour while condemning the people who call him the "first openly gay singer to be signed by a major record label." It will be a pleasant surprise if I'm proven wrong. I hope it happens.