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Gorgeous and Fierce Fan Artwork!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 22, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, January 22, 2011



Anonymous said...

#UNFBERT the word tading around the world

Anonymous said...

some people have alot of talent!! what the heck is #UNFBERT?

Anonymous said...

hahah anon 10:07 Let's just say it means that Adam is AMAZING‼ :))

Anonymous said...

sonebody said 'universal noise of fuck ' is unf

Anonymous said...

anon 10:19 HELLO, did you have to spell it out‼ I was just being nice about it... jeebus :))

Anonymous said...

Why are Adam's eyes brown in this art...? One of his most amazing features are those shocking blue eyes, against the jet black hair.

Love the art, though - brilliant!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

************* 24/7 Admins! ***********************

You know we love you, right??? Maybe we don't voice our appreciation enough...we just get sucked right into the conversations...but you ARE the hand that feeds us! Yes, we could find all this news elsewhere, but why? You're like a drive-in. We don't even have to get our asses out of our care, and you skate up and bring us piping-hot Adam news, in a snap, with whip cream and sprinkles on top, to boot! And amazing pix, on the side.

We love you, you feed our need! Just wanted to be sure you knew that because we really missed you today when you were MIA for awhile! Hope all is ok. I assume this is a team of ppl running this site (don't know how one person would ever manage all this alone) - did you all have a corporate company picnic today, so no one was around to post any updates?

Anyway - love you, missed you, so appreciate you!


- Adam Fix (you get it right in my bloodstream, fast, no questions asked)

Anonymous said...

Good night 24/7 Geesus, you had no posts yesterday & today, you're back in full force... halelujah‼ Have I told you lately... THANKS A GAZILLION‼ :)

Carlos said...

That's some amazing art WOW!

Anonymous said...

A talented fan. Wow. Adam's eyes are actually this incredible light grey and change colors, so this is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Way,way OT... Non-Adam...Because of him! :-)
Don't hate.. Just skip it if not interested.

Melissa & Peter, are you around?
I 'lost' your Flickr link (but I'll find it again!) I just had to share this with you guys (and everyone here from Chicago and/or interested in photography). This story is too much to keep it for myself!


PS: Hahaha. However, because I'm OT anyway, here it is another one of my findings.. while I was wandering in Lambert's 'woods'.
k.d.lang!! I've made up my mind..Canadians are just great! :-)
This is why I love that Lambert! ..For taking me to his 'woods' and making me want to go into some new wilderness areas by myself!

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

I think Adam is at his unfest (best) when he performes in Germany. Hope that Bill K gets to know this too. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam fix: That's the artist's prerogative to draw it as he/she sees it. It's not a photograph. I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this person is very talented. I think Adam would like this very much.

coloforadam said...

What I love most is that this artist really GETS Adam - that raging, passionate, uncompromising spirit that is undeniable!! Great job - would love this to become a poster!! Somebody tell again how to get the advertising to stop blotting over the top of words and pictures. It is particularly irritating in this case.

Anonymous said...

Adam illustration incredible !!!!!
Congratulations to the fans for their art.

Anonymous said...

How do you pronounce unf? I'm thinking of german und and pronounce it like that. German is not my language though.

Fan4fun said...

@ Anon. 10:49AM

I think it is (and I read it out and loud ervery time) the same sound we loose when we are «doing it» (ããããñnnnph)!!!!! And it's not German, dear, IT'S UNIVERSAL! (LOL)

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix - you never cease to amaze me. If you see Adam's eyes as shocking blue, they've been photoshopped. His eyes are grey-green depending upon what he is wearing. His irises are very light, thus the ability to change from the greys through the greens.