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Sexy Adam Lambert Rocks Long Hair at BOA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 23, 2011


"Cruising out of BOA and back to his ride, rocker hottie Adam Lambert rocks some long hair -- and actually reminds of us of Elvis Presley!

Adam is working on his new album, with a single to launch come summer. "I'm in talks, so it's all kind of being conceptualized right now, and what we're hoping for is maybe by the fall," Lambert reports. "So, I'm going to take my time and really write the most personal songs, the most powerful songs. I really want it to be something that's really honest and real."

Can't wait to see you performing live again, Adam!"


Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam really looks like Elvis, cool...!

Anonymous said...

Adam has arrived at stardom! Cameras flashing everywhere! Nice to see him smile at the end - couldn't make out what the paps were saying but it didn't seem offensive this time

Anonymous said...

Hope it isn't more about his only love gone bad.
Maybe it will be a new love.

Rebecca said...

so yummy

Anonymous said...

OMG! He's being swarmed by the paps...cameras flashing everywhere! I can't imagine what it must be like for him everytime he leaves his house and wants to go places like a normal person! That must get real tiring after a while!


Anonymous said...

Sounded like the paps were saying" if we can run over it's Your Fault"!!!WTF!

Anonymous said...

" if we Get Run over, it's your fault"!!!
paps are scumbags!
like George Clooney said in an interview recently
" the paps are not taking your pics for the story of the event, they will provoke & make u create an ugly situation for them to take pics of u to sell for $$$! sick !

Adam u handled them very well indeed, U r a class act!
We love Adam & his beautiful music!, Be safe!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Elvis had a hair like that, but not his best days..

Anonymous said...

Wow! first of all you know you're a BIG star if you have that many paps following & stalking you like that. Holy smokes, what is that like flash bulbs all over your eyes & yelling your name & questions... GEEsusss‼

Wow! Adam is starting work on his 2nd album... how EXCITING‼ I love it that he will be writing most of his songs again... it's more special this way cuz it's more personal... coming straight from his ♥. :)

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of vultures, Adam just keep cool and ignore them. There really should be a law against these people, I don't care that Adam is a public figure he is still entitled to some privacy when he is out with his family and/or friends.

Anonymous said...

So damn sexy it's killing me. Helpppppp!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same video that one of the paps was yelling obscenities ,just edited later on?
Paps are really a lowlife.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Alex? Is he some one that Adam knows about? I wonder if other idols were harassed by paps since new season of AI started!?

Anonymous said...

At the end someone yells f**got. These people showed some class and edited it out of the video.

@11:38 Alex Lambert was voted off of season 9 and went on some reality show for awhile before it was canceled. He said he was sleeping on the streets now.

The Dark Side said...

Read where George Clooney said on CNN that Paps say terrible things to celebrities to get a reaction. We know that from Florida, and at the end of this video, which was cut thankfully. I am sure Adam now has a target on his forehead with these guys hoping to upset him. Also read that Alex Lambert's story full of holes. He is in no way related to Adam--sure Adam has never met him.

Anonymous said...

Too much hotness going on obviously! TMTH UNFFFFF


Anonymous said...

Glad to see he could smile at the end. Mombert sure wasn't smiling in that back seat, but Danielle seemed OK.

Guess our boy has "arrived" if the paps are all over him like this. You gotta pay the price for fame.

Alex Lambert has hole in his story as big as Swiss cheese. No relation to Adam at all.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely the video where the pap yells out and calls him a f*****. Its actually said just before he smiles, just before the car pulls away. Thank god they editied it out of this one. Although part of me thinks it should be heard so that people can see what scumbags these people are and the tactics they use. I can't imagine how awful it must be to have to walk through something like that just to get to your car.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Adam had his mom in the car. To call that slur out is totally the lowest, disrespectful move yet. TMZ and all the other rags need to step back and take a good hard look at themselves. I can't believe anyone wants to be associated with trash like these scumbag paps.

Anonymous said...

It's heartbreaking to see Adam being stalked by paps. I'm proud of him for dealing with this so well, but still believe it should be against the law.

Anonymous said...

Hey, getting "stalked by paps" is a sign of Adam's fame. It's not heartbreaking, and it should not be against the law. Stalking, of course, is. Adam is a smart guy and knows this is all part of the total package. Basically, they're just trying to make a living. I don't approve of the slurs at all, but the cameras flashing is OK. JMO.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they stalk celebrities outside Boa and Adam happened to be there.

Anonymous said...

On the one hand, I find this thrilling! Wow, look at him getting swarmed, flashbulbs popping! He is really a hot number! I mean, come on - we're the ones who have been begging to see more of him do you think they get the pix we see? They swarm him like if it makes you sad, then don't ask for photos.

On the other hand, if the paps were calling out slurs - THAT makes me sad. That is just crossing the line. So unnecessary. Ignorant, narrow-minded idiots! They'll do anything for a buck.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Seeing all those flashes going off, I can now understand why Adam wears sunglasses after dark....

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I can hardly read these comments with the walmart ad flashing at me non-stop to tell me I won $1,000.00 Geez I almost clicked on it to make it go away. Yes, I'm so glad they edited this video, the other one pissed me off alot.


Anonymous said...

Geeze, Adam was stalked almost 2 years ago too:


Please be careful Adam!


Anonymous said...

'Pop goes the camera'! The paps are working overtime now and just think Adam was singing at the Upright not long ago, so close by, and not a pap in sight then! Adam keeps his cool so well and he looks fanbloodytastic! Just love and respect him soooooooo much!