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New - Old - Photo of Adam Lambert and good friend Danielle

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 25, 2011



Anonymous said...

Are you sure that's them? Would have been easier to tell if he was smiling.
Well, they do go way back then and have been close for a long time. She loved him before the sexy days- a true friend.

Anonymous said...

i can tell Adam was sweet as apple pie (as some of his friends called him). How all the girls must have loved him! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Such a little baby! I would have loved to have been able to hang out with Adam in those days but gotta has grown UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! into a big tall strapping sexy rock glam GOD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam I am sure he hates when people post unflattering pics of him. I think people should only post good pics of Adam not never single one he said once he wishes people didn't have a video of him singing at his high school grad because he looked bad

LIVA said...


Anonymous said...

Danielle and Adam look nothing like this now. They turned out to be very attractive. It is funny looking at old pics with friends and laughing at the fashion and hairstyles.

Anonymous said...

Aww! sweet & huggable Adam and Danielle sooo cute‼ :) He seems shy too... heheh *I♥him*

Anonymous said...

Adam surrounded by all the girls--Little did he know it would soon to be thousands!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not keen seeing old pics of Adam either, but some people get a kick out of them I guess.

Anonymous said...

Adam's changed so much. He's gotten so much hotter now. but he was definitely very cute back then too.

Anonymous said...

I hope the media don't get this picture. I am sure Adam don't like these picture and don't and don't want them thrown all over the internet

Anonymous said...

Wow - from the ugly ducking to gorgeous Cockatoo!

No wonder he loves his life now, and we love him!

glitzylady said...

Adam's dad Eber said in an interview that Adam had a whole harum of adoring girls in high school, I suppose from choir and drama..maybe these are some of them! Very smart girls of discriminating taste even then! And so cute of Danielle as well. I love that they are still such close friends. Looks like maybe a prom pic. Little did they know!

Anonymous said...

I highly suspect this is being posted with no good intentions. What's the point? Adam has told us this is what he looked like, I believed him and that's good enough for me. This pic brings nothing new to the table.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:45 it's already all over the internet! I don't think Adam would be upset about this picture... it's adorable. :) Unfortunately he can't control what other people has of him when he was younger... privacy & anonymity gone‼

Carlos said...

What the f..? Stop posting pictures like this one.

Anonymous said...

I think it's cute. It's probably their performing group from high school. We all change and evolve. At least, I hope we do. I embrace all his childhood pictures because each one tells us a little more about him and the process he went through to become the man he is today. I have no doubt the evolution will continue.

7788 said...

This picture is already all over Twitter this morning. Why can't 24/7 post this? Don't you want to see how cute and adorable Adam was back in High School? I do!

Keep this pic up, 24/7 :) I love it.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe he changed that much in 10 years, good for him <333

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that some of you have problems even with this picture. If I hadn't seen it, I thought that he does something illegal in it judging by your comments.
But NOO, it's just a cute pic from his younger days so what's the big deal??

glitzylady said...

Just a thought for those who are concerned about this picture being posted. I saw this posted on twitter, before it was posted here (from the same source) and it was from another Adam fan. I think his fans LOVE seeing pictures of Adam when he was younger, ginger haired, and perhaps a slightly awkward, theater-geeky teen. Who among us hasn't been there! (Well, maybe not all..!!) I would guess we are really the only ones who will be passing this one around. Its cute and part of Adam's history. And if it shows up on some celeb gossip site, people will just say "Wow, look at him NOW!". He has ALWAYS been beautiful, he's just tweeked a few things, just like we all do! ( I would like to burn my High School freshman yearbook picture, trust me!! I was definitely a late bloomer too!)

Rebecca said...

aw how adorable

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with Carlos! The Grammy Awards are in two f...king weeks and we get a pic like this, on this website (that used to be supportive of all things Adam). Maybe it's just me, but is it possible that 24/7 has changed hands lately? It's certainly not like it used to be.


Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with you people. This is a picture from Adam's young days. It's great and adorable. It's not a sex tape, but that would be interesting also :) Get a grip and relax.

Anonymous said...

OMG but why couldn't we see this part of him as well? Is there a date from which it's ok to post Adam pics or what? Let's say January 1, 2005 is okay but December 31, 2004 is not? I really don't understand the problem here.

Anonymous said...

Adam has never had an ugly day in his life. His beauty is not from his looks, it is from his spirit. He looks like a typical teen surrounded by some cute girls. How in the world you can make this a conspiracy and even attack the site administrator for posting this is beyond my comprehension. I think some of you need theapy and have way too much time on your hands.

Anonymous said...

Perception becomes reality. The other night, on one of those ET, Extra or other similar shows, they were talking about Zac Efron gaining like 10 pounds recently and the fact that in Hollywood, 10 pounds means going from a hunk to a chunk. Now I know that this pic is from 11 or 12 years ago, but that image might stay in prospective new fans' minds. Adam is such a great looking guy these days that matches his totally awesome personality and intelligence. Why bring these pics back?

JakeL said...

Yeah because a picture of when he was a teen is totlly going to f*ck his chances of winning a Grammy... Adam probably doesnt care, get over it


Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with showing these old pics, but I put these in the same category as the endless Adommy fanvids or the Adam Unfbert trending topic etc.

Anonymous said...

This picture is adorable! He was such a cute precious boy.

Conspiracy theories?! OMG! Some of you people are truly off your rockers. I suspect it's the same 1 or 2 people repeatedly posting tho. Chill out and relax. Read a book. Get out a little.

Anonymous said...

Why are you people so worry about this harmless picture. It shows you how adorable Adam in old days. Nothing wrong with it. Most important, he was attracted and embraced with tonnes of girls in the past and also now mainly because of his voice and talent. His look is only a part of the whole package but not all.

Lambkin said...

Adam's always been surrounded by babes! They showed pics like this on his E! biography, which were from his mother's collection. For those of you that think this is detrimental to his career, think again. The world loves transformations and pics like these only go to show what's possible in the world. And why is it that so many of us think he's adorable here? Because he is adorable here. Danielle too!

Anonymous said...

OMG! What is the matter with you? Don´t show pics of Adam with his friends(gays)! Don´t show pics of Adam on Drag Shows! Don´t show pics of Adam when he was a heavier, ginger head(something we all know, and he has told us in interviews)! Show pics of Adam with a nice, manly haircaut on the red carpet with a sexy actress, that´s how we want to see him and that is how he can win that f***ing Grammy! Jeeeez!! I´m sure the Grammy jury are shocked that Adam has been young, ginger and heavy and now never will concider giving him any award.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure all of us have some funny photos from our teen years that we would like to hide..

Adam was cute,the angle of the photo is poor.. photographer on top of Adam not a good way to take a shot.. probably another teen took it.

Oh well Look at him NOW.. we should all look as good when we out grow those tough teen years.Thinking of my kids with their braces ,acne,funny hair and crazy moods.

Anonymous said...

lol @ the person who said this picture may affect Adam's chances at the Grammys. LOL!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing.

If anything, this picture may HELP Adam's chances because he was so cute!!!!

Get over yourselves, haters!

donnaw said...

OMG! I can't believe all these negative comments. ALL of us have geeky pictures from our high school days....get over it!
Knowing Adams sense of humor he's probably cracking up over all this press.....
Adam is GORGEOUS now and he was cute in the moment people.

Anonymous said...

OMG he looks so different!! lol
Gotta say I much prefer his current look :P
I don't think its that big a deal and now that Perez has vowed to stop bullying other celebrities it won't be as big a IS an unflattering picture though...but its no secret that he used to look like that.
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Adam works so hard on his image that is the image that he wants people to see not this image in the E THS I noticed they avoided pictures like this and for a good reason because they are not flattering.

Anonymous said...

I think Danielle mentioned in the E! THS that a picture of her ended up in the internet and she was not happy about it. The pic where Adam was signing her butt..

Anonymous said...

so if it's all over the internet, it's A okay

Anonymous said...

This looks like it might be from his prom, you know the night when he did loads of girls makeup for $20 a time....
Must admit, not the most flattering picture, there have been far better pics from the same time.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Please, please don´t start a new trashing-Adam-look again! It is so depressing. It is a pic from his teens, no big deal.


Anonymous said...

If Adam's message is to be who you are without shame, guilt, or fear, then it is hypocritical to only flaunt the flattering photos. I think this photo is adorable.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying this is photo is unflattering, but somehow the most flattering photos of Adam don't get as much distribution. Maybe it's jealousy, who knows. I have collected some very flattering pics of Adam and most of them are from Spring/Summer 2010.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anyone who says this pic souldn't be on the Internet, basically says that Adam is totally ugly here and should be ashamed of his look. I think if anything, this opinion is what doesn't help Adam. At all.

Adamluv said...

@ Eva, my Swedish cousin - LOL - thanks for the right on comments!!!! Every time you see a high school photo of someone, you mostly think how much better they look now. It lets kids know that high school is not the end of the world and yes, it does get better!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Adamluv! I look 10 years older than I do now on my high school photo. I wont get a Grammy for sure.


Anonymous said...

Danielle gets to spend time now with The Glam God. I bet she would have never thought that in a million years.

Anonymous said...

This photo is an inspiration to anyone in high school who thinks they're not perfect and so it's very valuable. It gets betterer!
I love that segment on Ellen when people show the wild hairstyles they had back in high school. Speaking of Ellen, time for Adam to be on..., maybe after the win!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone cannot believe there would be negative comments. Not every one blows smoke,,, oops kisses up

Anonymous said...

Screw off 3:28, it's not about that

Anonymous said...

@2:48 ALL pictures of Adam get a wide distribution. Not sure where you have been lol!

He has nothing to be ashamed of in this picture. He was even cute back then - just in a different way.

Anonymous said...

that's right people we all have insecurities. Adam told us everything about him and even pictures that he hid in his closet. I don't care what they think about him it's not a shock for the loyal fans about old pictures. We all love him and I hope Adam will not allow anyone to destroy his amazing success right now. You are so adorable and cute Mr. Adam Lambert we love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

Toronto fan base, Canada

Anonymous said...

we all have old pics, why is this a surprise? The guy already told us million times that he was heavier than he is now. Its funny though how people react to this. This is just harmless. Besides he looks adorable.


Anonymous said...

Sort of OT, but just saw this quote at my yoga class and I thought of how Adam is changing the world just by being himself:

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Anonymous said...

OMG.That picture is adorable. Nice looking clean cut kids. Surely this will cost him the Grammy!!I wish I could have went that route instead of skinny tooth pick in H.S. to balloon lady

Anonymous said...

Whoever took this picture obviously wasn't a good picture taker. This picture is really so out of focus and to judge Adam on this out of focus picture isn't a right thing to do. Still he looks cute! He is much hotter now!

Anonymous said...

I feel sad when I see old pictures of Adam because of what he was going through with his sexuality.He said he didn't even know anyone that was gay. Now I am going to get tearful thinking of his voice teacher on his E!ths.Love the picture, it's sweet.

Anonymous said...

Inspiration for every Geek in Hgh School.

Anonymous said...

Adam was heavy and had different hair color, but I bet he could still sing his face off! He probably felt insecure and would eat for comfort. I am glad he came into his own and feels sexy! Feeling sexy is good thing!

Anonymous said...

Guess I'm surprised that grownups would pick apart Adam's highschool pic as some shallow mean, kids would do in highschool. Looks like these girls weren't that superficial and liked Adam for himself. I've seen another pic of Adam that looked like a prom pic and his date didn't seem to be Danielle. I've seen pics of Adam at all ages and never thought he was ugly in any of them. No different than anyone else going through growing teen years. Why this obsession about weight, hair color, braces, etc. determining someones self worth? Anorexia is a real problem because of unrealistic expectations of beauty. Adam is a product of his complete life and should be proud of his growth and never be ashamed of any photograph. There's a difference between disliking a haircut,makeup choices, wardrobe and putting down someones actual, natural, physical being. He's endearing and so real at each stage of his life. Who hasn't taken an unflattering photo? It's not the sum of who you are and those that meet you or Adam see the real person as you are at this moment in time, which is what really matters. I can't believe I'm even responding to this bashing of Adam as a kid. Kinda disappointed. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

What is going on?!Somebody even said "Two week till f...g Grammys!" So, what! This is Adam's childhood picture. He is very cute on this photo and his friends are absolutley adorable! Does it mean if Grammys Awards judges or whatever they are will see this photo and Adam will not get Award?
Give me a break people. Are you really Adam's fans or trying to pretend to be?
Adam always was and is fantastic! If you don't get it feel sorry for you:(

Anonymous said...

Agree with you, funbunn 40, and those who refered to the "It Gets Better" campaign, their own teenages kids, and their own teenage years.

Teen years are akward, no matter how you slice it. Adam has already let us in on how he looked and felt back then, and even though it sounds like a somewhat sad, even frightening and lonely period in his life (feeling so isolated) - look at what he has become!

I would think the inspiration contained in his transformation would be so exciting to someone who's feeling lonely and awkward themselves! He set his mind to transforming himself, and gaining confidence in/and loving himself. He showed the world how you can take control of your own destiny.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

To me this is a young, sweet Adam. I know I would have been one of the girls hanging around such a nice guy. Today, he matured (as most of us do) and he is confident and knows what he wants and how he wants to be. So, chill, and enjoy a glimpse from the past.

Anonymous said...

This is a happy birtday tribut with an amazing version of A Change is Gonna Come.
Warning: Lot of photos of Adam as a child.


Anonymous said...

This is Adam Lambert! Loved him then and love him now!

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40 You said it perfectly. I do think it's just one or two people making all the negative comments. It's OK for people not to like a picture, but to bash the site for showing this picture and even saying it could hurt is Grammy chances is totally ludicrous and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Funnbunn40 you are the voice of reason-Thank you!
"Don't judge a book by it's cover" - sorry I am a librarian LOL!

IMO he has always been gorgeous. What matters is what's inside. Yes, he is gorgeous now, then and always! He is a beautiful man inside and out.


Anonymous said...

Okay everyone.......what is the problem??? Here is a cute, redheaded (and may I say I LIKE the red hair)slightly chubby, and with braces. Hmmmm let's see.....what is BAD about this picture???It looks like a happy teenage boy surrounded by loving and fun teenage girls! If I would have been able to be one of those lucky girls, I would have LOVED to have been his close friend. Think about it people....still the sweet soul, kind and caring, gorgeous blue eyes...adorable freckles,his laugh, his sense of humor, his beautiful voice, his super personality......what's not to like?? What a judgemental lot we have on here!I like to believe that Adam would still appreciate me and want to be my friend even though I am now the chubby one instead of the tiny one I was in high school. He is all about talk about him like he needs a bag over his face. What the @#$%! He is adorable and looks like he is really ornery.....seriously....someone thinks this would affect his chances of a Grammy?????? Oh my gosh......those rabid reactions to this sweet picture are absolutely ridiculous. Adam my have always been a darling, and I bet you would have been wonderful to be hanging around with as a teen. Love you....sweet boy.......

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:52AM YOu are absolutely correct! I don't understand whats' going on ! When somebody publshid on this blog and on twitter pictures from Adam very PRIVATE PARTY at his tweenties!! I made a comment about GRAMMYS. I thought that it wasn't a good idea put that kind of PICTURES before GRAMMYS. However, a lot of people said that this is alright. Nobody gets these pictures very seriouse. And now picture of sweet boy having great party can make any changes for Grammys Awards.
Love you, Adam! Wish I have chance to see more pictures for your childhood

Anonymous said...

Aww, he is adorable. He's always surrounded by girls, in high school and now, wow, a lot more!!! All of us are attracted by that sweet face, breathtaking voice and golden heart

Hgh Supplements said...

I think people should only post good pics of Adam never single one. They do go way back then and have been close for a long time. They love each other from long time.

Unknown said...

Aww memories! That was a fun night <3 - Elena