New Pictures of Adam Lambert at RuPaul's Drag Race Party
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, January 18, 2011
New pictures from TONIGHT 1/18/11!
"@adamlambert just seconds ago on the red carpet for RuPaul's Drag Race party!!"

"Here's another shot of @adamlambert on RuPaul's red carpet moments ago:"

One more shot of @adamlambert posing with one of the other photogs at the #RuPaulDragRace party:

"@adamlambert just seconds ago on the red carpet for RuPaul's Drag Race party!!"

"Here's another shot of @adamlambert on RuPaul's red carpet moments ago:"

One more shot of @adamlambert posing with one of the other photogs at the #RuPaulDragRace party:

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Aww! new Adam pics always makes me HAPPY‼ :) I just wanna give Adam a big HUG on the 1st 2 pics... such a sweetie ;) I see that beaming smile again... YES‼ :) Only Adam can rock & make a poncho fashionable... he is stylish‼ Thanks Adam for the pics... just made my night. ;)
Is he wearing a leather poncho?? OMG. I want to kiss this man. I love ponchos, and my husband hates them, with a vengance. I think I'll email one of these pix to him (ha, ha)!
Wow, check out that "chick" on the right, in the last picture (black bob) - she looks like she just stepped out of Blade a manequin! Love it - so over the top.
- Adam Fix
BTW, and totally OT (sorry - but I am just so excited, and keep constant tabs) - Adam's charity:water is up to almost $73K!
- Adam Fix
Theres some more pics here!
lisa_komatsubara, thanks for the link to more Getty photos.
Well I can see Adam is enjoying his celebrity. Hope he's not forgetting about his music! There's more than runway images. We don't need another Paris.
@Anon 11:05: Give Adam a freakin break. He needs time off to relax and get his creative juices flowing while also remaining in the public eye. I'm soooo glad he's enjoying his celebrity. "Runway images" are necessary for PR for Adam during this lull. Comparing Adam to
Wow! Thanks Lisa_komatsubara for that wonderful link! Those are some fantastic pix of Adam! He's looking mighty good in that leather poncho! Love his hair like this!
Check out this site:
@lisa_komatsubara Thanks for the link, great pictures. Look soooHOT!
Yep, I remembered Adam worn it at Japan with a black pandora hat. Didn't Monte also worn the same poncho at Fantasy Spring?
The 1st & 3rd pictures, Adam looks so sweet when he smiles, it melts my heart.
The 2nd pic. looks like Sutan, I think his one of the contestant for RuPaul Drag Race Season 3.
The 4th pic. Adam's look so SEDUCTIVE, uhhh! You just love to play the camera don't you. I think these are men, they do look beautiful. Damn, that's not fair.
Wow heres another beautiful picture of Adam!
Its great that Adam is getting out and having fun...Its been so long for him to get the chance to have some fun in LA with his friends, and live that celebrity life a little..and get some pictures out there..And these are nice..Loving the hair!
Sorry, doesn't relate to this thread. I've been voting for Favorite Idol Auditions Of All Time, unfortunately Adam is second. Here's the result:
Cecycat1 has a lot of nice pics of Adam, like this one:
All natural, no photoshop and still so delicious.
I voted for Favorite Idol Auditions too. David Archuletas fans are fierce voters and we failed.
@Eva They might be fierce in voting, but we glamberts are more fierce when it comes to charities via AML. We open our heart, soul & pocketbook. I am right now looking for a second job. Lol.
@Eva Oh, forgot to thank u for the link.
I love this artistic look..his hair looks good here..want to see him sing or talk with his new longer hair ..he looks mysterious it
I'm sorry Adam, I love you but... jesus christ you look so fucking bad... I can't even...
Adam fierce,delicious,fun loving wonderful
I still don't like the hair extensions. The hair doesn't look sexy in the right way.
PLease say Happy Birthday to Adam and save lives.. Http:// amount will so help people who don't have clean water .
I still don't like the hair:( It makes him look old..
nice it's fun to see red carpet moments and what fun it must have been
Hey sweet Adam, is there room for one more under your poncho? I'm cold! I am freezing! Hummmm? Come on! Have mercy! bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrtktktk
I have lunch break and come in here for some Adam news and fun stuff. But lately it is the same moaning and picking on a hairstyle:
"jesus christ you look so fucking bad"
"The hair doesn't look sexy in the right way"
"It makes him look old"... Yada yada yada! It is HAIR for Gods sake!! Something you change every day. Adam certainly does. Let´s make his birtday great by donating to the and leave his hair alone, please!
Don't stress out Eva/4:23am - just keep rockin' the positive comments BFF ;).
@January 19 2:52AM - totally
Holy Hot Hell Adam looks so good to me here! Mutha Effer - he moves me, what else can I say :)
@Adam Fix - love it! Bladerunner meets Cleopatra
Of course I see the positive comments. Thank you for reminding me! :)
Here are two pics from that On the 20th Century. It´s from the wrap party. Adam is 21 years old and perhaps now we can discuss this hairstyle.
Can't a guy have some down time???Love Adam any way any how
OT: Hey Fan4fun/4:06pm re your "Come on! Have mercy!..."
That song came up on my iTouch Shuffle yesterday - You got me begging you for Mercy - and I have to admit it, my thoughts instantly went to Mr. Lambert, quite applicable lyrics :). Isn't there an AML fanvid to that song, Duffy's version maybe???... if there isn't, THERE SHOULD BE, lol.
and btw, back on-topic, from what I've read/seen of RuPaul in the last 5 years or so, which isn't a ton admittedly but I've followed him more than just a little, he's seems like a very nice human being.
Hot chics for Adam in the last pic. :)
I enjoyed different styles of Adam, it is fun to watch. With this 70's hippie stuff, he should messy his hair more to look rough . I take anything he wear, the best to wear nothing. Ha!Ha!Ha!
ADAM el caballero andante,guerrero,honesto, sexy, expresivo y bello, que viene seguro de otra Galaxia y nos cautiva sin ningún esfuerzo. Absorbiendo a todos con su carisma va guiándonos a su Planeta,creando legiones de seguidores que lo aman y lo valoran por sus Victorias, Gracias a su humanidad y genial talento.
And people want to put ADAM in the box! Forget that! These guys look so darn good.
great eyes and smile. Adam takes good pictures.
«ADAM the knight, warrior, honest, sexy, expressive and gorgeous, who comes confident from other galaxy and captivates us with no effort. Absorbing we all with his charisma and «riding» us to his planet, creating legions of followers who love him and honor him for his victories, thanks to his humanity and talent of a genious. HH»
by Fan4fun
Adam looks great, sexy, and beautiful on these pictures. By the way, his hair look amazing with this outfit:)
Did somebody make comment the Adam spends to much time having fun? F............... you!
Do you think our boy is ROBOT? Last concert was just one month ago!
@Eva So sad Adam got #2. But don't forget Adam is #1 in many countries! I read article about best 10 American Idols. Adam was #5. Do you know why? They said Adam ruined AI and this is reason he deff can't be #1:):):):)This is hilarious. For this reason they don't have to put Adam's name in this list at all!:) He is out of league anyway:)
I am so upset my laptop got virus. Hopefull my husband will get me the new one on Valentine! Or not:)
Again, happy for Adam. Finally he has chance to relax and have fun
Also, "Mad World" is moment #1 in all AI history!
I want to agree with Eva about charity:water. I guess we have to hurry. Just 10 days left!
To all those saying they "hate" (such a strong word) Adam's hair. Would you rather him be super boring and always have the same look? Enjoy that he really enjoys changing his looks. Some looks you may like more than others. I say just keep being true to yourself Adam. By the way, I love the hair and the beautiful leather poncho. He's so entertaining even when he isn't singing...
My birtday is in 8 days, so you can celebrate that day too by donating an extra dollar:)
The Archuletas have decided that Adam can´t be the #1 American Idol two months in a row on They have now joined forces and are closing in. I try to keep Melinda Doolittle in front of Bo Bice, but perhaps there are little fierce Bices fighting out there so Melinda is struggeling. Adam is in the lead but those damned Archuletas must have something against him.:)
What the heck is Adam wearing and why?????
OT...Hot...Or not...
You might have seen this before, but I just had to share it:¤t=163373918-1.jpg
I love Mike Ruiz’s photos and this poster is, well, sort of beautiful and creative but also so eclectic! Don’t remember where our friend is from but I definitely see a bit of proletarian art in there :-) mixed with Adam’s old glam look and those boys’ undefined presences.. that’s soo unbalanced that it makes me dizzy. :-) I can guess, however, where this idea is coming from as I know is a big fan and very protective of Lambert and his boys... Always fighting the rumors.. :-))
PS: ..And this is for 24/7 ‘puritans'..just to annoy them.. :->¤t=227424112.jpg&newest=1
Is someone fainting? Shall I bring the salts? LOL. (Hating me for this is allowed but is not very glambertian ;-))
Anyone ever hear the Chicken story?
You see, farmers throw the chicken feed right out on the ground. The chickens gather, and then they peck away grabbing each little speck of grain possible. When the grain is gone, they peck away looking for bugs. When the bugs are gone, in the absence of any plausible morsel of food, they peck at the NOTHING. And they continue to peck at nothing because it's their innate behavior.
Lately, in the absence of Adam doing/being/singing/appearing at a break-neck seems the "chicken in many of you" have come out to peck away.
bawk, bawk, bawk...b-b-bawk
Why skipping the name 24/7?
...where our friend 'Orchidas' is from...
...I know 'Orchidas' is a big fan..
Not lovin the hair, he is a class act but this is not flattering. Hope he changes it for the Grammys.
HaHaHa. The peasant soul of JFC! You seem to know these things better...
There are soo many kind of bugs in here... We can peck at each other. That's more fun than anything else! :-))
GLb (GlammyLady..bug)
..many kinds.. GLb
actually JFC/9:19am, it aint that deep. For most of us it's just fun. So JFC/9:19am, peddle it somewhere else friend. JFC/the-bad-acronym live and let live.
Oh, 6am, I've missed you so. :-) GLb
Glb: You have absolutely no idea who I am, and yet to you I'm a "peasant soul".
6am: My initials are JFC, and BTW your "live and let live" statement....duh, that was my point.
Ignorance is bliss.
I get that your initials are JFC, got it the first time. Pardon my ignorance on your point, I did not catch it, at all, not one bit, my bad. I'm more of a say what you mean and mean what you say type of blogger I guess. I do have a good deal of education, but nevertheless, when re-reading your post, I still was left with an unpleasant feeling, not a live and let live message, but just my ignorance I suppose.
"Ignorance is bliss".
As I said before, you seem to know everything better than everyone else... Do I (really) need to 'know' you in order to recognize you as my superior in the field of.. ignorance? Please do share with me all your knowledge, will you?
However, I'm so sad that I have to look elsewhere for a teacher of humor.
Funny thing is that (without even knowing you) I sort of liked you in your first comment (being a semi-covert troll myself), but I guess you don't need to be liked. Well, in here, we are better and worse than you might be. So, sure, 'live and let live'.. Or not. It's your choice paisan!
@Glb, Thanks for the Mike Ruiz link, very creative and strong, also the photobucket pic to play with us! Is the one on Adam male or female? Just wondering and leaning toward male. Hot either way! lol funbunn40
My friend, it's not Mike Ruiz who made the poster but a very creative fan.
24/7 have already posted those photos on a new thread and the 'lap dancer' is definitely a guy.
Love the look. Love that he's with friends. Sutan is part of RuPaul's show. Love the picture of him with Sutan.Love that he's with Tommy, Taylor and Terrance. Love the "Age of Aquarius" outfit. Love to see smiles on his face. Love to see a softer look to go with the hair. No fierce leather and gloves. Not a shred of diva. Just a guy doing what he loves to do.
Don't love the lapdance picture being out here for everyone. Let a guy alone!
Old one...Adam getting his second tattoo:
Thanks Glb! funbunn40
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