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A Note That Adam Lambert Wrote When He was 24 Years Old!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 15, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, January 15, 2011

"I sing...all types...all the time...and loudly (deal).
I'm an eccentric AQUARIUS. I love to sleep in. Visually and verbally expressive. 6"1" 170lbs 24 yrs. Openly gay. Honest. Anylitical. What I want to avoid is the ordinary. I am so bored with so much. Surprise or shock me please. Unpredictability keeps me revvvvved you know? Just went to Burning Man for the first time. Made me look at things in a different light. Made me value human connection more.If you don't know what Burning Man is, you should!
Who I Want to Meet:
Typically I am "the friend". I love fun, nut bag friends and am always ready for more. I have found VERY happy (Finally,jeez!)"

Thanks to daydreamin for the tip!


Anonymous said...

K, to sum it up... rest assured it's never going to be a dull moment being with Adam‼ :) How exciting & fun is that & you are‼ :) *eccentric & nuts=fun*

Lisa said...

is that picture for real????

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to take more shirtless pics!!! He's so hot!

Anonymous said...

Photoshopped? Need shirtless tour !!!! Wild and Fun until we all drop dead with him!! Ha!Ha!

Anonymous said...

Did he actually write this?? Doubt it. And doubt this is a real pic. He should post one himself so we can compare :)

Anonymous said...

It's from his my space page and that pix has been around for a long time and I always assumed it was real

Anonymous said...

Why do you think its not Adam? Why wouldn't the note be from him sounds like him? What's with you people!!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Its not a note its from his friendster account and yes it was really his.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like him to me, and I've seen that pic a long time. Like me, he needs spell check.

The Dark Side said...

Who's Bradley, what am I missing. Sounds like exactly what Adam would say. have you done the water BD present to Adam--way cool to say HB in this manner. Already far exceeding what he asked for. No surprises here.

Anonymous said...

Bradley I'm assuming is Brad, aka cheeks, his ex (not Drake, but his only serious ex). I only know what I've read, but I think Brad is his one and only BF that he's actually been in LOVE with. In fact, I think he said he'd only been in LOVE one time recently again in some interview somewhere. IDK, don't know Adam, just what I've read

glitzylady said...

Yeah, I've been hiding that picture on my computer for a long time...pretty sure its real. Bradley is Brad Bell aka "Cheeks" ,his first real "love". They are still good friends..He was at the Music Box LA show sitting with Adam's friends and family (near me)... and is a cutie.

Anonymous said...

That would be 2005, since it is the first year at Burning Man. He said he went 3 times.

Isn't he just such a fun interesting human being? We can't put in him a box.

Anonymous said...

Nough about Brad!! This is very old, they have both moved on. Funy he never mentioned anything about his "real love" on THS or on his first album. Brad hurt him really bad, you can see when he talks about it in interviews.BTW Brad mentioned on his twitter that he "Luurves and has a good connection with someone who is a Leo, that sums it up for me. Adam is def. not a Leo. Let it go people, they both have

Anonymous said...

Brad was not the only person sitting with Adam's family, all Adam's friends were sitting with his family, so WAS Drake the following day. I don't even think they are that close as friends, they never spend holidays together (Xmas/NYE). I think it's getting clearer that they live seperate lives. Whether we like it or not, that relationship ended ages ago. They are both beautiful people tho.

Anonymous said...

Who is Bradley? How come we never hear Adam talking about him? I only know Drake, also heard and saw picures about the finish cutie. He is very quiet about his personal life lately, which is GREAT. He deserves sooo much happiness for all the joy he brings. He should stay away from people who hurt him when he was not famous, who now want to be associated with him 'cos they are Fame Whores.

Anonymous said...

alot has changed in 7 years. Adam is probably not even the same person he was seven years ago. friends are fickle and so are lovers.

Anonymous said...

Anylitical?????? haha it has to be about analytical, you sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Other friends of Adam have stated that Brad cheated on Adam, broke his heart, and Adam dumped him. Move on people, Adam has

glitzylady said...

Okay peeps...just a couple of comments...(sigh...)

@ anon 1:54 Someone asked who Bradley was, a couple of us answered...nothing to "let go" of, really just information because someone said "who's Bradley?" ..We all know Brad Bell "Cheeks" is old news...but he and Adam are still on good terms as friends it would seem.l. The fact that Cheeks was there, sitting with family, Eber to be exact, and up dancing with no big deal....

@anon 2:02 pm...Nothing was implied about why Cheeks was there at the Music Box..,and that whole subject has been discussed to death here not too long ago... just mentioning that I saw him there..( I was quite surprised to see him but that was fun to see someone you've only see in pictures!) and yes, there were many other friends and family there because I was fortunate to be sitting pretty much with them...and felt very stunned and honored to find myself in that position. Amazing! And I would guess we actually know much less than we think we do when it comes to Adam's private life...

@anon at 2:08 Read the posts previous to Bradley...He is a talented guy in his own right and is still a friend of Adam's family...

Anonymous said...

This note seems very sweet, very young, and kinda private. Hopefully Adam has moved past Brad and falls in love with someone who falls madly in love with him right back :)

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Thank you for once again being the voice of calmness and reason. Although I keep asking myself "how does she get to see him all the time in normal settings?" I have said before that I want to be you! He will never come anywhere close to my small, Southern Oregon town! Although Gaga and Robert Pattinson both stopped here. *sigh* I'll just have to wait for the next tour and hope I can go this time.

glitzylady said...

Just one more quick thought..Adam is one of those people, it would seem, who are able to remain on friendly terms with the ex's..a loving, kind and generous soul. So much more energy is expended on hating... I know someone who has met Cheeks and she was so impressed with him as a person...She said she could understand why Adam was so attracted to him..(in fact it was at an event that included Adam as well, just after Idol was over..and they were laughing and joking together..again means nothing other than they still enjoy each others just didn't work out..)..

There is someone out there who is very special, for Adam, and its just a matter of time until he finds his soul mate.

Back to the original topic!..I do love the note...sounds like Adam alright! He is certainly managing to avoid the ordinary!

glitzylady said...

@ V
Ahhhh...thanks!! I was so shocked to be sitting where I was at that concert...pure luck for sure!! We didn't even have assigned seats in the balcony for that one, it was first come, first served. Did spend considerable time in line tho!!! And I am so thankful to have had the opportunities to see Adam this year! (Still haven't officially met him tho..that's still on the list!) And I have to say, Gaga and Pattinson, well that's pretty impressive!! Maybe next time around!

Anonymous said...

Last year Adam brought Brad(Cheeks)to the
Glaad Awards show with him. They are still good friends. You even see tweets between them on twitter.

Anonymous said...

In the link above @ 11:54 the page says "Age 28 in a relationship"


Anonymous said...

doesn't Cheeks talk alot? I don't know how Adam stood it for very long!

melissa toronto said...

Every time when you mention about how fortunate sitting so close to Adam's friends & family at the Music Box. I envy you & kick myself for not being up there. I gave the balcony seats to Peter (he sat second row behind Eber) because I want to be near Adam at the GA area. OK, call me want-it-all, LOL.
Btw, enjoy readinng your posts.
@Urethra_Franklin Thx for the link! It definitly sounds like Adam alright.
Sorry for taking over the original thread.

Anonymous said...

Good eyes Anon 5:42pm!

Anonymous said...

Woah, also looking for activity partners (see the link at 11 54 am) - I think Adam's private life is more racy than some of us think..

Still, this was a few years back, but he might be difficult to pin down in a long relationship because he admits he is easily bored and wants something new..
(The sad reality is that marriage and children is not always new and exciting and you have to mature into it)

Anonymous said...

Surprise or shock me. that's funny!

Anonymous said...

Visually expressive! goodness!

Anonymous said...

revvvvvved is a good word!

Rebecca said...

poor Adam nothing is private anymore to bad ppl can't let him have a little privacy and not air his entire life out for all to see.

Anonymous said...

This is VERY OLD history, not news-worthy! A lot has happened since the above comment. Brad does not even belong to Adam's close friends list at all. We've seen several pictures and tweets about his outings and parties with his close friens lately,Brad does not feature anywhere. He seems more like a random friend/fan who tweets Adam to get his fan's attention.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:04
IKR, He does talk too much!! He likes attention and fame, I bet he wishes he was still in Adam's like now that he is famous. Poor guy, I hope he finds his own fame.

Anonymous said...

Adam's profile says he is 28 so it's not that old old history?

glitzylady said...

@melissa toronto
Don't kick yourself! I am guessing you had a great spot on the floor! I did the balcony for four reasons...#1 I am not particularly tall..and was worried I would be stuck behind some "giraffe" in front of me (its happened before..row 5 in GA center and couldn't see anything except Adam's head..sometimes...) #2 was arriving in LA in early afternoon so couldn't line up at 8 am... #3 bought a balcony ticket from a friend in LA...#4 Balconly had seats...if you got there early enough..And looked like balc. had a good view...Turned out very well! Pure luck... But I would have given all of that up to be in the first row or first few rows on the floor!! You just never know how that is going to end up! Did 3rd row balcony for the Nokia Show ...with the same result..amazing! Still would have liked to be in the front row tho!! And I understand what you mean when you say you want it all!!! Me too!!! Don't we wish!! I guess the best part really is just being there! I am so glad I was able to go to those last two shows! So special....

Anonymous said...

Yea, it seems that Brad and the Burning Man people are talkative.

melissa toronto said...

I know exactly what u mean about being short, I am only 5'4". At Music Box, the lady in front of me wearing a hat with feathers almost poke my eyes out. At Club Nokia, at one point I stand behind this man remind me of the green giant from the corn commmercial,(the one who threw the hat on the stage) this night everyone was tall around me. Am I complaining, oh no...just that my neck is sore the next day, LOL. You're right, I am lucky to be there for the final shows, there were so much love it brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Old info. When you have 2 beautiful people like Adam and Cheeks, life would be full of sparkle every single day!

Urethra_Franklin said...

8:34 so glad we have one of the "inner circle" on our comment thread to know such intimate details. *rolls eyes*

just because pics dont surface doesnt mean he isnt there. just sayin...and btw i HAVE seen pics of cheeks at his shindigs so maybe you just arent looking in the right spots.

and quite honestly Cheeks is one of his ONLY friends that hasnt name dropped since this rollercoaster ride began. I think hes the real deal and if they choose to remain friends or fuck buddies, thats their business.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Brad deserve each other, but can alikes be together?

Anonymous said...

Brad has a boyfriend who is a "Leo", he twitted about it. Adam refers to him as his 'ex', he has also mentioned that they are very different people now, he does not believe in going back.. and I believe him cos he is honest. Referring to them as fuck budies is an insult, they both deserve better.Why would you be a fuck budy with somebody who cheated and hurt you? Unless you are desperate, Adam is definitely not desperate.

Anonymous said...

Ahh! This has turned out to be a Bradam site, only based on speculations and historic pictures like the one on IDF, with only one person (old lady)posting and reponding to herself. Saulbert is more believable because they went to the most romentic place in the world,Paris together. He was also in the US in Dec/Jan, hence Adam's low profile. Cheeks was nowhere to be seen. Their relationship did not work, if failed, it is history! Whoever thinks they are or will be together needs therapy!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Sauli wants to be one of the many. Brad will be at Adams birthday party as usual.

Urethra_Franklin said...

10:16 there is nothing insulting about having a fuck buddy. and i guarantee you hes had more than one in his life time. stop being a prude.

Anonymous said...

Adam deleted Brads comments on his myspace, he was erasing memories of their relationship #methinks. Good thing is they can still relate to each other as people and are not bitter about it.They were both each others' first love way back then. How many of you are still with their first love?? My point exactly! Time to move on, they both have.

Anonymous said...

Drake will also be at Adam's party, does that mean they are together? Adam was with his ex Jeffrey Starr the other day, does that mean they are together? Attending someone's party as one of many friends is not a big deal, going on holiday with him on the other day IS a big deal.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:16

Do YOU have a fuck buddy? If you do, doesn't mean that everybody does. Why would you think think that Adam would break up with someone then be their fuck budies? Gender/Orientation stereotype?? enlighten me please!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

11:03 im sure youre even more naive than you sound...having an ex as a fuck buddy happens ALL. THE. TIME. There is nothing wrong with it. Get over yourself.

HK fan said...

I'm still with my first love...

Anonymous said...

I know Urethra will disagree, but I think I like the old "friends with benefits" term better than "f*** buddies". That almost sounds like money should be exchanged! Not to mention that it's class.

Urethra_Franklin said...

you can call it whatever you want honey. it is what it is. it has nothing to do with class.

Anonymous said...

I only think in simple term, Adam now has lot of choices and he is single. In perfect sense, he should have different buddies for different purpose so he won't get bored. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I followed this link from twitter, can't believe what is written here! Would you have respect for Brad!? It is sad that his name is dragged on some crazy Adam's fans news blog and is referred to as a Fuck Budy because of a relationship that happened in the past. I had respect for this news blog/site, I guess it's like all the others. Your perspective on Gay people's relationship is..twisted. I will make sure that Adam sees this.

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam! and he call all these ppl his fans. This site is sick!

Uretha Franklin
Good to know that you have fuck budies, Male or Female or Both? How is that working?

glitzylady said...

It is really too bad that the mention of Brad Bell "Cheeks", Adam's first love, and someone he is still on good terms with, has deteriorated into such a mess. I am trying to think of what to say to somehow make it less tragic that Brad Bell has been trashed by some here who obviously do not know him or Adam personally..I really have no words to lessen or diminish the impact of what some have thoughtlessly said here. I do not know them personally either, but I have followed Adam's career since the beginning of Idol, have seen probably every major interview that Adam has given since then, and most reputable newspaper magazine articles as well. I have never seen or heard Adam say one disrespectful thing about the man he loved and probably still loves in many ways. It is not up to any of us to assume that we know the true story of Adam's relationship with Brad while they were together or at the present time...How unbelievably sad and hurtful for Adam, and Brad as well, to possibly be exposed to this kind of nastiness, disrespect and just plain old Bulls**t. Of course not everyone here in this thread participated in the negativity toward Mr. Bell. One of things that we all might want to do is realize that it is possible Adam and/or his friends and family might read this. Try to imagine yourself saying whatever it is you are writing to Adam personally, right in front of him, to his face, and the impact it might have on him. And then decide if you truly want him to read it...If so, then you need to own it. The internet grants us anonymity and makes it easier to say whatever we want to say without personal consequence, if we are "anon" or use a screen name..But remember that this blog goes out there into cyberspace and anyone, anywhere can read the words we write..This blog is also on Twitter and anyone can access it..including Adam or those who personally know and love him..I have probably said a few ridiculous things during my time commenting here, but hope I have never said anything to hurt Adam or any of his friends. I am also probably going to hear some negativity as a result of this long comment, but I guess I can take it...So fire away. But please consider Adam's feelings. Most here do, to be sure. Just something to think about.

Anonymous said...

I know people that have 'friends with benefits' (prefer that term too), it happens, why sound so shocked that Adam might have one that falls in to that catagory...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam and Mr. Bell can handle this mess or whatever. They went together to the Burning Man festival, that is what this thread is about. :)

Urethra_Franklin said...

First of all to those of you taking "offense" to the term, if you read back all of my comments, I never said they were or weren't fuck buddies. I SAID that "if they choose to be friends or fuck buddies its no ones business but their own." I and MANY people inside and outside of the gay community do NOT take offense to the term or what it means. The offensiveness is reserved for those of you who are more conservative and who don't really GET what its about. So don't project your own feelings of offense or naivety onto others especially those who understand that fuck buddies aren't an ugly, nasty thing. Secondly, his people are not reading this shit. They have much more important things than to read the rantings of overly involved fans in the comment section of yet another AL blog. And even if he is reading this, he wouldn't give a shit. And to the one who referred to him as "poor Adam" honey if they are fuck buddies, HES GETTING LAID!! Theres no "poor" anything in that scenario. And for the record, over drinks in the right setting, YES I would get into a discussion about fuck buddies with him TO HIS FACE.
Bottom line: some of you need to stop projecting your own beliefs and morality onto him and STOP constantly making him a victim.

Anonymous said...


You ARE projecting your beliefs that it is OK to have "fuck budies" , Aren't you?! Secondly Adam has stated repeatedly that he believes in a monogamous relationship, Thirdly..about telling Adam on his face - Dream On! That will never happen, you're just a fan. Lastly if you want to write shit about Adam, go ahead because he is OK with it according to you but leave Brad out of this!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, it's getting difficult to stroll along this site lately, people are getting way too serious just about everything. It is a fan site afterall for your entertainment.

Urethra_Franklin said...

8:08 I havent projected ANYTHING onto ADAM. Which is my point. I have stated my opinions on things and not once have PROJECTED my thoughts onto HIM or ANYONE...including Brad. If you cant see that clearly from what Ive posted you're ignorant.

And as far as youre "thirdly" is concerned, youre a moron. But you are good for a good laugh. :D

glitzylady said...

My thoughts were directed not so much to the "friends with benefits comments" (I don't care who is doing what to whom, why or's none of my business and I see nothing wrong with it anyway: no judgements or projected morality) but to the negative comments that are frequently directed at Brad Bell, here and elsewhere. Yes, it is highly unlikely that anyone close to Adam will be reading any of the comments here (why would they care or bother...because they have him to talk to...) , I still think discretion is the better part of valor when posting comments (and yes, I include myself in needing to take that advice... Adam fandom frequently inspires passion, both good, and sometimes misdirected, and the occasional need to eat ones words, or realize they were not very clear, again directing that at myself. And BTW, individual comments DO sometimes show up as individual internet postings, I've stumbled upon a few of mine, you don't have to go into this blog directly to see them...try it never know who might see something you've said here: just a heads up). I don't personally know Brad or Adam so I don't presume to have any insider information, or insight into their past (or present) relationship, other than it didn't work out. Only they really know all that happened to end it. point is (finally..!) that Adam would not have fallen in love with Brad if he hadn't seen something very worthwhile and special, and they are apparently friends still. Adults can do that sort of thing, agree that something isn't working for whatever reason, and still respect one another. I just wanted to say that Adam might not want to see his former love treated poorly. Beyond that, they probably WOULD find it rather amusing to think the fans put so much time and energy into dissecting their past and present relationship and friendship. Again, it was a treat to see Brad at the Music Box concert, joining other friends and family in celebrating Adam's remarkable concert tour, and sharing in the love for him shown by everyone there.

Anonymous said...

To my mind, if you need to "have drinks" before bringing up a subject to someone (anyone), perhaps the subject shouldn't be brought up. Also, "it has nothing to do with class". Yes, I am aware of that. It was kind of my point. Thank you, again, Glitzy for being the voice of reason. I will never comment again on a thread about his romantic life. Unless he finds love and the person is awsome, then I reserve the right to say, "Good for you".