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Adam Lambert and Paris Hilton

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011



Anonymous said...

Paris Hilton wanting to get close with the Glittery one. He is eye sexing again!

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants a piece of our GlamGod!!!!

Anonymous said...

Paris knows where she will get the most free attention and publicity. The cameras will always be on Adam and whomever is in close proximity. funbunn40

The Dark Side said...

Didn't realize how tall Paris is, or maybe wearing five inch heels.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Paris is throwing her boob to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam IS more beautiful than any man or woman!

Anonymous said...

She is really trying to rub herself on him!! Maybe she is planning to go down in the history as the first woman to turn a homosexual in a heterosexual LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Barbie and Ken

Anonymous said...

I love it when I see Adam hob nobbing with other celebs. He has a lot of celeb friends, and he is a superstar himself. They look great.

Anonymous said...

I read that Paris is more muscular now when she has started bodybuilding. Doesn't look very muscular yet.

Anonymous said...

Let's get real. Paris Hilton is more famous than Adam. She has over 3,000,000 twitter followers. I don't even know why she has a lot of gay male fans. Hete to say this but Adam seems like a typical gay party boy who idolizes airhead female celebs.

Anonymous said...

WHA? Adam, you said Paris was glamorous, I know but pleeeeeze, don't confuse the City of Light with the see tit of light(brain).

Ha ha, that was mean. I don't know the girl, perhaps she has great conversation. I guess it is just good PR for both.

So BONNE CHANCE ADAM at the Grammys, rooting for you, then head back to the recording studios, because that's what really matters.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes to party and have fun... good on 'ya Adam... it aint that deep

Anonymous said...

Right on Anon 11:38.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not a typical anything! He is an original who draws celebrities to him because of his bright light. Adam became famous without any of the current celebs. I believe they know the next big thing who is Adam Lambert - Rock God!

Anonymous said...

nanodruu2 - I just wanted to say ditto to your remarks. You said it very well.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:17

Anonymous said...

Don' forget, for those of you who can....the Grammy Summit talk with Adam and others is streaming live at 1:30 PT today. Find it on the Grammy site.

Anonymous said...

I always have the same thought whenever I see Paris POSING.....What a shame such a pretty girl has curvature of the spine!


Anonymous said...

Correction: Just checked the site and it says live at 2 pm PT.


Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

I want a higher quality version!

Anonymous said...

my god they probably were talking and someone wanted to snap their picture, I'm sure they didn't walk around all night joined at the hip til someone took a troll @11:17AM I bet all those airhead celebs could retire right now and most only in their 20's.

Anonymous said...

maybe Paris Hilton does have some brains afterall... didn't miss the chance to press up against BB when the opportunity presented itself


Fan4fun said...

@ Parisian Girl

Coming from you it was REALLY A VERY GOOD ADVICE about Paris and light to sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

Why does Paris always pose that way? Does she have a sway back or what? All I'm gonna say is that Adam is GORGEOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

Paris is always up on the men! she thinks she is all that! Her EGO is bigger than the state of California! That doesn't make sense, but I said it anyway! hah

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:17 am. I just read Paris Hilton WIKI because I don't remember any movies I saw her. Just because she didn't make any big movies! They mention few movies she even wasn't in main cast, this stupid reality show of hers and something else.
It makes her such a celebrities as Kardashians who make just two stupid reality show and you can see their pictures in all magazines in grocery stores. These kind of celebrities don't have any talent. They just meet some sort of "INVESTORS":) in right place and right time!
Adam is gonna be a big celebrity Such a little thing as Paris with her stupid dog started to lose her fame more than year ago. Now she needs as much appearance as possible. Pretty soon Adam will be surrounded by these kind of celebrites a lot in every show, events, and parties. So, please, leave Adam alone and try to understand the difference between real stars and somebody who doesn't have any talent, just cute face and no brain ability.

Anonymous said...

11.17am .... keep moving sunshine. Your trolling will get you nowhere here. Furthermore, don't troll gossip you haven't a hope of substantiating.

Anonymous said...

Boy, has 11.17am got it wrong! Clearly you don't
know the ADAM! Just a picture taken out of context, yet again.

Anonymous said...

paris sent Adam a tweet saying she glad he's still sweet and humble like he was years ago, so they must have met before.

Anonymous said...

I never knew a back could arch that much! I mean really....isnt there a better way to get up close and personal?