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Adam Lambert Out in Avalon, February 10, 2011

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011

Source: Celebrity-Gossip


Anonymous said...

I still love the hair, said so on other pics. I wonder if he modified it for the Grammys.

Anonymous said...

I need what Adam's drinking! Yikes! What a man!

Anonymous said...

Loved the entire look...the hair, the leather pants, and the jacket. So gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Haha Ferras was called Sauli @ Just Jared :-D

Adam looks edible as usual grrr

Anonymous said...

Sauli was out last night too, in Helsinki :)

Anonymous said...

while Sauli is away the Lamb will play. don't know and really don't care, but that rhymes. I love the Lambert hair and eyes!

Anonymous said...

Oh he has on his leather lace up pants again! He looks gorgeous, love the hair.

Anonymous said...

Where's Markus?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love Ferras' Aliens & Rainbows album - it's really so good! Check it out peeps, maybe download it. Such talented friends Adam has, crazy talented.

Yes Anon 12:34 - delectably edible as usual


Anonymous said...

The knees of Adam's pants are worn... js


levity people...a little humor... :)

Anonymous said...

the camera comes on and the sex face comes on in an instant! EYE SEX!

Anonymous said...

Nice hair cut...getting ready for Grammys party.

Hope to see some great pics!!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks so damned happy and relaxed. So glad he's getting this time with family and friends back in LA - even tho he's busy with TV and radio interviews - he's still having lots of fun. And he's EARNED it! Now go win your Grammy, Adam!

The Dark Side said...

Think this was a party to introduce a new vodka--party anyone? Adam looks wonderful. I liked the long hair, but love it this way.

Anonymous said...

Who is Ferras?

Anonymous said...

Ferras was one of the co-writers on 'Aftermath' and is a good friend of Adam's. Hope the media doesn't make too much out of these pics. He's just a friend!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Ferras is a long term friend. The hair , the look, as usual, gorgeous.

But, excuse me, he's wearing the LACES just out and about? We know BB loves to recycle and re-use clothes, but, the LACES? They should be in a shrine somewhere dedicated to the sexiest piece of clothing ever invented. Mils.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, A shrine for the laces! Hilarious comment and so true!

Anonymous said...

Silly caption for the 3rd picture - Adam seems to be saying Don't put that hand up any higher on my leg, my bf might be seeing these..

Anonymous said...

Ferras was with Adam and Sauli when they were out for dinner so they are probably just great friends. LOVE Anon 3:33 comment. He said that he had a closet in the guest room of the house that he is renting where he keeps all of his costumes and clothes. He looks so freakin' stunning with the new haircut! DAMN!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how much fun it would be to go out with Adam and just hang? The last photo makes me so happy. Looks like he just cracked up Ferras although a few live comments that Ferras made shows his wicked sense of humor too. I'm jealous! I want to have a drink with Adam! and way more then that! I'd take just being fly on the wall.

Anonymous said...

@Mils @3.24
are you the Mils that regularly posts on MJ's?
if so would just like to say that I have been 'lurking' there for about 7 months, and love reading all the comments you all make, Its so friendly, and I feel I know you all. Would love to be able to join in, unfortunately have never managed to log in successfully yet, maybe one day.

HK fan

Rebecca said...

please tell me you will have the Grammy summit i missed it

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous, Adam! Love the haircut...I was one that voted for the long hair which I still love but am loving this look a whole bunch too!

Anonymous said...

@becca, you can see all of adam's summit about 10 pages of short videos. He also is on some with chamillionaire, the other entertainer that's hilarious with Adam. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think today, sat.on CNN 7:30 EST there will be a grammy showdown and Sunday at 5:30on HLN a grammy preview. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Ferras has been friends with Adam forever. Still I think it's hilarious there's more intimate physical contact in this one pic (hand on his knee) than in any of the pics with Sauli!

Anonymous said...

GODGLAMIT! Those lace-up pants!!! .... :D

Thanks for letting us know who Ferras is. :)

Interesting photos & I love Adam's hair!! :D

Anonymous said...

Adam,vodka and Ferras!

Anonymous said...

Love to see Adam getting some R&R with Ferras.

Magiclady said...

This is my favorite hair cut. He looks stunning with it combed back and with just a little eyeliner.

I think he will win the Grammy and he is right. Hopefully now media will say Grammy WINNER ADAM LAMBERT and closet the openly gay reference.