Adam Lambert Dined at Mexican Restaurant Red O (Feb 5)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, February 6, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, February 06, 2011
Adam Lambert steps out on Saturday night (February 5) to grab dinner with friends in West Hollywood.
The 29-year-old singer and pals dined together at celebrity favorite Mexican restaurant Red O.

SOURCE: JustJared
The 29-year-old singer and pals dined together at celebrity favorite Mexican restaurant Red O.

SOURCE: JustJared
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Gorgeous.. How do the paps know where Adam will be?
I'm sure they don't stand near every eatery in West hollywood all night every night.. who is blabbing to the paps??
In response to @anon 11:09 AM
Yes, the paps do hang out in front of places that are known to be frequented by celebs..and they probably have a network of tipsters, possibly including people who work at the restaurants etc...When I was at Bardot in Hollywood after the Music Box show in Dec. for the Fan Club VIP post party, there were paps with cameras there both before and after, in case anyone of note went in or came out of the nightclub, as it is a well known celeb. hotspot...(For instance the Mr. Black parties are there and the RuPaul Drag Race Premier Party was there...with the requisite paps recording the scene coming and going...) Obviously they weren't interested in me..but they checked out our group pretty closely as we got into our cab, to see if any of us were worth taking a picture of..(nope)..That was sort of fun 1 second of potential fame! LOL!!! So yes, they are everywhere..And I don't think its a bad thing because we get to see pictures of Adam, as long as they are respectful of him! Looking gorgeous here by the way!
Well he certainly looks happy, maybe he heard from Sauli. He is doing better with the papps. He probably realises that it is better to work with them, than against them. He gets much better pics taken that way.
I love this current look--no makeup and great hair style! What a beautiful man.
LOL the idiot on this site put a picture of some random man talking to Adam and said that it's Sauli!
You'd think someone would have checked first and found out he's left the country!
I love this look.
Paps just follow the
looking good!
Wonder who he is going to take to the Grammys?
Would love to see him with Ke-sha but since she was not nominated, she probably would not want to go.
@anon 11:31am I saw this picture in Gossip Girls. Actually, I think this guy is one of Adam's friends he had dinner with. Because you can see this guy and his girlfriend on the pictures above:)LOL
Adam looks amazing and very happy:)
11:09 yes they do park themselves outside of every eatery. And theres this lil thing called twitter...maybe youve heard of it. Word gets round rather quickly.
Oh and lets not forget some publicists are paid to tell the pappies where so-and-so will be...its all part of the game.
@11:31 I went to that site and posted a comment about their erroneous report and calling Adam "she, instead of he. I told them that it was irresponsible. Doubt they will publish it. It wasn't nasty, I just called them out about it. funbunn40
anon February 6, 2011 11:30 AM "Well he certainly looks happy, maybe he heard from Sauli."
OH PLEASE. You people who are obsessed with Saulibert love to credit Sauli for every time Adam smiles or looks happy. Believe it or not Adam was happy and having a blast on tour way before he ever met Sauli. I suppose the next time Adam is caught frowning you will all say He must be sad and missing Sauli! Adam's every emotion isn't dependent on some other person. Sorry I don't mean to pick on you in particular but I've seen dozens of comments exactly like this on this site and it gets on my nerves.
12:18 AMEN!! PREACH!!!
Marry me???
Urethra!! Baby I remember you from SS! You were kicks. :) I don't wanna say who I am though lol!
Oh Fuckness..
Adam tweeted ;
" The media is literally inventing my social life as they see fit. Hahah. Keep on w your assumptions photogers and bloggers-- it's actually quite funny. "
But which part is not true swwet Adam ?
Do u mean You and Taylor ? or You and Sauli ?
O Gorgeusness, weŕe confused!!
12:24 from SS as in the SS board??? concert?? Oh shiiiiit. Now Im scared. YIKES!!! WHo are you really??
I´m starting to think that he agreed with Perez about the post of him and Taylor so he could say something like this and avoid commenting him and Sauli either...
If you think about it, otherwise it doesn´t make any sense since Perez is his friend.
Now Perez only made him a favor and took the blame. ( by creating fuss for distraction )
Yep the message board. I was really 'under the radar' poster, you wouldn't remember me much, I quit years ago. Good to see you around though. :D
Not just the media, but fans also. WTF knows exactly what's what with Adam and his love life. We are jumping to a lot of conclusions here. Seems like Sauli is least in sight, and Adam out and about and enjoying himself. I am not worried when the paps stalk him. I will start to worry if they stop.
12:32 if you were under the radar I prolly liked you. lol that place is a big ole pissing contest. I only go there to get the 411. dont post at all. go ahead tell me, i dare ya. lol
There have been rumors about Adam and Taylor ever since they went to Bali on a break during the European tour. I think there may be some truth to the rumors but who cares? It's his life and he can live it as he wishes. I don't think he is really serious about anyone now. He just want to have someone to share things with at this point in his life.
What a good laugh these people must be having who had dinner with Adam. Seems like breaking bread with Adam automatically makes you his BF.
Yup, it´s hes life and hes decisions...
It just would be nice if he commented something about it so we wouldn´t have to speculate but had actual facts to discuss about.....
" I´m not looking for anything serious " would do just fine ( of course )
12:41 sounds entitled to me. He doesnt have to comment on anything if he doesnt want to. Some people are going to speculate no matter what cause they have no lives.
" The media is literally inventing my social life as they see fit. Hahah. Keep on w your assumptions photogers and bloggers-- it's actually quite funny. "
Maybe he's talking about the assumption everyone has that Sauli is his boyfriend.
I feel bad for Adam yet this is good means he is a star and will remain that way. He is good natured and lets the press invent his social life, he knows the truth. "for his entertainment"
^ Maybe...that could just been all our imagination...
Adam looks rested, handsome and very happy! Uree is right about some celebrity publicists alerting the media where their clients are. I'm not talking about Adam!
handsome as ever
I don't know if I could ever get used to people constantly wanting to film or take pictures of me. It would really start to frustrate me. When I went to Beijing in 2009 just the occasional person wanting to take their photo with me or kidnap me for tear, though cute at first, eventually became a real nuisance.
Looking that good and sexy should be made illegal. I volunteer to be the one capturing him..mmm
Nice to see him out and about cause then we get to stare at pictures of that hunk of a man. Adam, looking Good!
OMG, Adam looks gorgeous as always! He looks stunningly beautiful in brown leather jacket and boots!
The guy in the orange looks so happy that he got a picture, haha, maybe he's new..
Uree is right, I have no excitement in my life at all at the moment, sadly. I follow this site for entertainment and community the way some men have sports events to watch, etc.
Well, Adam could always go to a burger joint out in the sticks somewhere haha, prob no cameras there.. He knows these are high profile places. Better yet, he could just move to my remote town in Canada..
^Haha,same thing with me :-D
Totally OT - watched SNL last nite since Dana Carvey was the host (surprise guests were Mike Myers, Jon Lovitz and Justin B.) Justin didnt sing but was in a couple cute skits. His 2nd time on the show. BTW, next weeks musical host will be the convicted felon, Chris Brown. Just saying . . . Wonder why the Grammys dont have him performing? Being sarcastic here.
I meant 1:47 PM
Restaurant again?
Adam, you are welcome to come to my home to eat because I am willing to cook for you any time!
Hello, ladies. Seems like our boy needs more help with "mycharity" donantions. Wish we can do $290,000 until "The Talk".
@anon 1:47pmDo you know that on one of his interviews Justin B said:"Ozzy Osbourne is my prince"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think kid has some mental problems:)
Anon 12:37 Please support vids and pics support your claim that you are sure Adam and Taylor (his friend and paid employee) were together as a couple in Bali. Poor Adam,how does he put up with bullshit, know-it-all fans like you
Didn´t Taylor have a girlfriend? What does she think of the bullshit? And what does Taylor think of being outed by gossip bloggers and Adams fans (and non-fans)?
@ Adamluv
Hi, aunt Adamluv, I have a question: where exactly is my owner's «Sexotic Singing Bird» placing his beautiful and lickable finger in that Pic# 4 above? The «pap» is pretty happy, isn't he? I get that wide smile... Meeeaaaawww!
Hey Adam, wassup wit' the Cossack look? Ha ha, can't say I am too keen on the pants in boots look, I am expecting him to break into a Russian dance anytime. Oi, oi Davai, moy droog!♪♪♪
Just joking. As if I knew anything about Russian, besides my few classes in high school ha ha ha.
Gorgeous faaaaaace though. Makes me happy to open this page just now and see his big white smile facing me. What a great look for him, that hairdo, minimal make-up, his best, right?
As for his tweet, I've always said here how great and skillful of an entertainer he is on stage and off-stage. Day after day we can expect some new exciting piece of news and pictures. This is one smart man on top of one unbelievable artist who knows what to do to get tongues going. In every sense of the word, HA HA HA HA. (by the way, Adam, re tongue going... oh HUM, I am French??? I promise not to try to convert you? Hm? Pourquoi pas. Oui, non? ;-)
at the time they went to Bali, wasn't Taylor engaged? and wasn't there a group of them went? I know someone said in an earlier thread that they were together and thats why Adam posted 'he was reborn or something while there', but I always took that to mean reborn - as in rejuvinated, that after having touring for so long, he was finally getting time to relax and chill, on a beautiful palm fringed Island.....not that he finally got laid!
the paps show up after they get a tip where the $ shots may be, they have a network of contacts within the different business establishments around town, and they also follow each other - someone gets tipped, they descend like locusts... they caught him coming out of the restaurant.
I once amused myself on Robertson by taking pics of the paps and sending them out to different social network sites. they were not pleased.
Haha, they got a taste of their own medicine and it must´ve been bitter :-D
Am I the only one that wants my pic WITH the pappies? For shits-n-giggles of course. WOOTS!
12:37 Taylor is straight and he was engaged. Also he was underage (19-20) when he met Adam. So unless you think Adam is a total creep and a predator who would use his young employee for sex, you have no reason to believe those stupid rumors. Anyone who thinks Taydam is real must have a really low opinion of Adam's character. It's pretty insulting to the man actually.
5:05 last time I looked the age of consent in CA is 18. Stop projecting your own morality onto the debate.
Now, I do agree with you that the Taydom thing is complete bullshit...from the minds of useless people with way too much time on their hands.
I hope Adam is hitting the gym sometimes in between all these restaraunt visits.
I am glad he is getting out.I can't see him as the domestic type or sitting around. Besides he really gets alot of vibes from his music from his friends. He works better on positive energy. Keep writing Adam. I bet his next CD will be stellar.
Adam is the only one who will ever know the truth. I bet you alot of his apperances is smoke and mirrors. He is doing a great job.LOL
I'm waiting for the questions on Wednesday. If they ask about his love life, he will probably say, none of your business, as he has in the past.
The French interview in Paris, asked where and with whom did he wake up that morning and he answered, unfortunately no one. Maybe Sauli hadn't arrived yet..
Maybe Adam and Taylor got high and relaxed in Bali and that's why they felt reborn, not necessarily sex
Are those the really expensive new boots from Europe? No wonder he doesn't want to cover them up. I love the whole look!
Urethra - you are very savvy and in the know, but sometimes the comments have quite a mean tone. I don't agree with the term "useless people", maybe the idea is stupid, but the person is not useless
Adam is celebrity and he always will be surrounded by paps. Actually, they made fantastic pictures of Adam! These photo already been used in few posts about our Diamond Boy:)
@7:14 PM
Adam said:
"OK, let me set the record straight with you on the boyfriend thing—Yes, Drake and I are dating. You can say that".
I love the boots and jacket and of course Adam's entire look.
Let's see, Adam was dating Taylor and Tommy Joe at the same time and yet those two are really close and not jealous of each other. They are a lot better than I would be! Also Tommy is dating Sutan and Adam is dating Sauli, Ferras, and his ex Brad because he was seen with all them out on the town. See how ridiculous this sounds? Just wait for him to tell us if he wants to. If not, then let's just enjoy looking at him and imagining WE are dating him Haha
What a man! Adam is shining! He is so beautiful inside out! Those warm eyes make my monday going on just fine here in cold Finland. Grrrrr...
i love when he saY:keep on with your assumption...,hey adam what's in UR mind? You really R a playful boy. I love U.
Gee, are some of us the bloggers he is talking about?
So this post is about Adam ? Having dinner ??
- oh and the boots... * passes out *
I´m sorry I´m just too excited
.. I meant WITH... it´s the excitement
I think I detected a tiny bit of sarcasm there LOL!
Adam's tweet must be reaction to the gossip blog site that had headline "Adam Lambert treating his new euro beau with mexican dinner", or something like that. And as we know, Sauli is quite far away from that restaurant... :D
They've edited the headline and text now, but in this link you can still read the original headline
Why are the most beautiful men gay??? *sigh*
7:24 you say tomayto, I say tomahto.
Sauli is moving to L.A at april... Just announced it, he´ll be working from there from then on.
Saulis new video-blog is out now. He didn't said anything about Adam, I knew it. BUT: Sauli is coming back on april.. :D
they speak finnish, so maybe nobody understand..but you can watch gorgeous Sauli ;)
So that is the "lovely news" we were expecting from Finland today? Adam performing at the Emma Gala would have been lovelier.
Maybe it was lovely only their viewers and readers.. It would´ve nice tho have him performing here as well <3
Sauli and Katri are going to do their gossip video blog from LA and NY, starting in April. They didn't talk about Adam. Sauli said about his recent trip that he had a great time and didn't even need a camera there, because people were taking pictures of him xD
Speculation runs riot yet again! What amazes me is just how much people actually believe what they read or get carried away by images they see and draw false assumptions.
The paps in Hollywood are everywhere and so this is to be expected. It's the name of the game.
Yes, but Uree, it is more like you are throwing the tomahto, haha. Appreciate your spunk, though
8:04 that's what towels are for
thanks :D
^ Haha
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