Adam Lambert Filming ExtraTV!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Video of Adam signing for fans!

From jjjjj:
"Literally this close to @adamlambert right now!!!"
Picture SOURCE

From jjjjj:
"Literally this close to @adamlambert right now!!!"
Picture SOURCE
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OMFG! This is too much for one day. How beautiful can he get?
He's so nice to sign for the fans.
hottie alert! hottie alert! hottie alert! hottie alert! hottie alert! hottie alert! hottie alert!
How many glambulances were called out? Did they need a water hose to put out the inferno?!
OMG I just came back from Grove. Adam was stunning in person. Tons of fans at the Grove. Took some pictures. I might upload them tomorrow.
Wow, t-shirt weather and some leaves out on the tree? I'll think I should move there! (snowy Canada..) Or maybe it's just the heat generated by Adam and his fans haha
4:35 hate to tell you this, there's leaves on the trees year round in so. cal. It's tropical here. Wanna change houses? I love the snow. And I love Adam's Canadian fans.:)
Just got back from The glad I made it just in time for the interview but so many fans I couldn't get too close. I stopped breathing as Adam was escorted in to the interview area on the grass. We all screamed and waived...he waived back! OMG he really is drop dead gorgeous!!!! In black leather vest with high neck collar (must be new)& black everything else. He is our Rockstar GlamGod Hero...perfection with a mega watt smile! There were so many filming crew people etc. that mostly they blocked the view somewhat. The women I stood next to had flown in from Chicago and Canada. They were also at The Talk before coming to the Grove. They said fans had flown in from Australia, Mexico and all over. It's absolutely amazing! What this man does to all of us! I couldn't get near where he was signing because it was several rows deep full of fans and he only stayed for a few minutes and then was escorted out of the area. People were running after his escort group to see where he was going..I did too but he was gone and out of sight! So, I was told that this segment would air on Extra Friday night. I can't wait.
Friday fucking night it's airing!!! What the Hell???? I can't wait that damn long....
Okay, breathing deeply... and being appreciative for The Talk today and Ellen tomorrow, lol
Thanks CT & Anon 4:13 for reports.
MGF (who is supposed to be exercising but can't get away from this dang computer and this compelling artist)
MGF, ditto , ditto & ditto!
And I should be exercising, too.
What an amazing week for an amazing guy!
Please check you local stations. I have read this Extra interview will air on Thursday night. Will watch both nights to be sure. Wonder how he had time to change from the toned down Talk look to the spacy vest edgier look for the Grove. Both looks work for me. Actually, haven't seen him wear anything I don't like. The man was born to be a model.
It seems an act of magic,so incredible that day !!
Thanks for all the comments and links.
Thank you 24 / 7
He is sooo goodlooking. Not much makeup on "The Talk" and my favorite hairstyle too. "Extra" is sometimes not carried in my town. So, hope the show his whole segment here. Thanks 24/7. Already ordered my CD/DVD. It was very reasonably priced. Can't wait till March.
These pictures are amazing! Adam looks fantastic!
Don't like CA but now want to move there. Just want to have more chances to see Adam:) Never been on any show as Ellen or The Talk or American Idol!LOL
About American Idol! Second year they try to find new Adam Lambert! Seems they have to change the name of the show:)
@ CT...
AAALLLLLRIGHTY!! So glad you went!! Thanks for the review. Wow, that many people from so far away!
Gorgeous in person... ALWAYS go if it's possible! =)
What a total babe!! Love him.
I was at the Talk and the Grove. Adam looked stunning. He has amazing energy. I was the one of the lucky ones he signed a CD of at the Grove. He repeated my name - Jan. Deep breath.
Adam you are a special soul in every way!!
@Cindy.....Yes, of course, I knew I had to go...couldn't miss an opportunity like that. You should have seen me though, I desperately wanted to see Adam on The Talk, you know, see him be introduced and come out with his mega watt smile (I was recording it but I couldn't resist just waiting a moment more to see if he was at the very beginning of the show). At the same time I was on 24/7 just checking for the umpteenth time for Adam news and saw the Pre-Order message for the GNT CD/DVD! Well, that was a no brainer! Got out the credit card and placed my order while also watching The Talk! Okay, then, at 1:05pm. I tore out of there driving to break all speed limits to make it to Grove praying I would find parking right away (didn't). Finally, parked and ran to where I saw a huge crowd....okay this must be the place I said. And then I waited and waited and waited until the intro music started and the Rockstar GlamGod walked by (again with the mega watt smile and a waive) Thud.
Is any of you Glamgurls the girl in the Union Jack shirt? I spotted her on both sites.
Pretty girl :-) <3
I am simply amazed reading all the stories of Adam. I am living through you people. How exciting it must have been for all of you! Adam does look like a Glam God in all these pics! There was never anyone like him and never will be! He's just gorgeous - sunshine and sexy all in one package - he's IT!!!!!!!!!!
I have been wondering if all/ at least some the celebs will stop being so cocky and become nice and natural ( start treating their fans like friends ) , like Adam does ?
He doesn´t act out and people love him even more for it.. I think " Don´t u know who I am ??? "- attitude just won´t fly anymore, at least if one wants 2 stay on top
how sweet
nancdruuu2 :
" sunshine and sexy in one package "
It will be if him and Sauli stick together someday <3
Haha :-D
Srsly, that´s so true, all u said ´bout him.
He´s unique, one of kind.
Thanks again for comments CT, fun.
@ CT
So glad you could be there, being part of the crowd! Crowds are very important to sweet Adam at this time of his career... You'll have chances to get much closer, believe it!
OK, Waaay OT....
When I clicked into this thread, a voice said, "Congratulations, you've won" and said I was the 100,000th visitor to the site. What does this mean? Have I been spammed and have to scan my computer now? Did anyone else get this? I didn't know this site allowed this, it's never happened before, always marked as safe by my security. Advise, please?
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