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Adam Lambert on Fashion Police February 14, 2011

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, February 14, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 14, 2011

Thanks MGF for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say...I just don't like Joan Rivers.

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers tasteless homophobe humor is the perfect example of what fuels the hate. Shame on you Joan Rivers. Shame, shame on you.

Anonymous said...

i never liked joan, she looks plastic to me and insensitive. i don't know how she gets away from his homophobic humour.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, but maybe we're too sensitive. She was trying to be funny--what else, and she is known for her attacks on people. Some of her comments about others were hilarious, and she got overruled by the rest of the crew on many of her evaluations. The rest of the cast certainly felt Adam was awesome. In her case, I would just consider the source.

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers is one ugly bitch, inside and out,hate her foul mouthed homophobic jokes everytime she talks about Adam......indigo

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers! you're trying sooo freakin HARD to be funny‼ "Can we talk!" You're coming out such a BIATCH... leaving a bad taste in our mouths. Joan & her style of humor is so... PASSE‼ What does she knows anyway, just look at her‼
Everyone else around her only have praises for Adam, on how ♦HOT♦ Adam was on the Red Carpet.

Dinah-mite said...

OK, that was a JOKE! Lighten up! Please, Adam has a GREAT sense of humor. The point is that Adam is being noticed everywhere. The man looked smashing! Adam can take care of himself just fine I think.The man is HAWT!!

Anonymous said...

@10:41 @11:02

Saying people are too sensitive about homophobic humor is like saying it's OK for our children to hate others for being different. Giving Rivers a pass because she is supposed to be a comedian is giving the wrong message. Homophobic humor is just that. Call a pig what it is ... a pig. Call "joking" comments directed at someone's sexual orientation just what it is - homophobic humor...bad taste...and hateful. Adam should not have to turn the other cheek AGAIN...nor should any other person who is gay or different. I take personal insult at what she said. It is NOT OK, whether it is passed off as humor or not. Kids say - oh, it's not a big deal...we were just calling him/her names...and then someone dies. Has it already been forgetten that children are dying for less that this? This MUST stop. And we, as a human family, have to stand up and say enough is enough. And I am standing up and saying ENOUGH!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Joan Rivers, but i could never laugh at your joke. It't not funny ! It's like she is feeding with money and try so hard to make other people laugh. Bad Joke

Anonymous said...

We haveto stand up and send letter to Joan Rivers that what she is doing is wrong. It's nasty and she only promote hates and discrimination. Tell her that what she did humiliate millions of people who were bullied because she encourages it, esp. to teen suicide !

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:04 - Kudos to you! I couldn't have said it better myself. Everything you said was everything I feel and I think it's great that you stood up and spoke your mind. Just one more thing tho --- Joan Rivers is a nasty bitch - always has been; always will be.

Anonymous said...

Here's the E!online comment link. I am going to let them know that this type of humor is not OK. I hope you will join me.

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers is supposed to "play the funny card". It's going to be rare that she has anything "nice" to say, so when viewing this clip, her comments should just be tossed out the window. What we have left are some really nice compliments about how AMAZING Adam looked - and they're all 110% correct. The boy's got it goin' ON! Loves.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers, a very classless person. These people around her should not buy her homophobic jokes. What are they thinking?

Anonymous said...

I think Joan Rivers when she wakes up in the morning she doesn't look at herself. I've seen her close up and she looks like s***. Her plastic surgery is so much that it make her look different in person than what you see on t.v. She is under 5 feet tall and ugly. I agree 100% with Anon 11:04 PM. She should stop saying homophobic jokes or next time we glamberts should get her off this show.

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix

I am lesbian. I do NOT toss her comment out the window.

Anonymous said...

she does not have any respect for Adam. She was totally out of line here.

glitzylady said...

I too did not see the humor in Joan Rivers' comments AT ALL. I would not have found them funny even if not applied to Adam. I have a sense of humor, but I thought she was totally off base and just plain ridiculous. It was as if she was in another room and totally cut off from the conversation..and talking about someone else entirely unrelated to who the rest were discussing. And I do agree with @ anon 11:04 PM, Joan Rivers comments were not funny IMO, and in fact bordered on homophobic, and very rude...I am curious to know if she would have said the same about someone else, who was not gay, although to tell you the truth, I am guessing she might. In this day and age, those types of comments are (IMHO) inappropriate, stupid, and very insensitive. Adam might have outwardly laughed because he is a good sport, but deep down I bet he would not have appreciated them at all. He obviously worked really hard to get just the right masculine rocker but "dressed up" and elegant look. I think the general consensus of the the Grammy Red Carpet attendees is that Adam did indeed look very "hot" and very classy. Sometimes I just don't see the need for this type of show anyway, at least Joan Rivers "take" on it, where it is considered amusing and hilarious to rip someone apart. And to top it off, HER comments will be the ones heard and quoted by the gossip blogs and even news reports, not the rest of the panel who thought he looked fabulous and "HOT", as Kelly Osborne said. I am definitely NOT amused by her at all.....The POSITIVE thing that I do see is that he was at least shown, and I think people can decide for themselves, and everyone else there raved about how great he looked. A co-worker, who is not really a "fan" of Adam's, but does like him, said she saw him on the Red Carpet with Ryan Seacrest and thought he looked "reeeaaally great"..(Unsolicited from me, BTW...). Hopefully, most people will know it was Joan Rivers and "consider the source". I think her type of humor should be laid to rest. Not okay.

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers is a comedienne and I think she is funny. Don't know what she said that falls under the category of bullying as what caused teens to commit suicide. I don't tolerate bullying and the whole program is not to be taken seriously, it is comedy people.

Anonymous said...

I read some of her comments posted by haters on twitter and this is not OK. If she didn't like the outfit or hated his music she is entitled to her opinion,but she crossed the line into homophobic bullying.

Anonymous said...


Comedy to some straight people maybe.

Name calling, making fun of someones sexual orientation IS bullying. Bullying causes teen suicide. That has been proven. We have seen it on the news.

I train educators in bullying prevention.

Anonymous said...

that was mean

Anonymous said...

If those other people thought he looked awesome, why did they laugh when JR made her "jokes"? And honestly, it was not funny, it was old an tired "jokes" implying that gay men look like women. Adam does not look like a woman and the "joke" falls flat. It´s sad to watch.


glitzylady said...

I do agree that it is "comedy" and I know this show is not to be taken seriously. And I know it's Joan Rivers, who is known for her sarcastic remarks aimed at just about everyone: no one is safe from her "wit" and I get that, and I suppose it is considered sort of an "honor" to be humourously insulted by her. One has "arrived" at a certain level of fame. However, her "humorous" remarks are a mild form of the same things we read (or try not to read..) over and over again in the comments sections by the trolls and haters who leave stupid, nasty, homophobic, and often downright vile remarks about Adam that we do not find to be remotely humorous or okay there, and I don't appreciate hearing them from Joan Rivers in the guise of comedy either, even though it was relatively mild, silly, and intended to be funny. And I know she makes fun of herself as well. She isn't even safe from herself! I also know it sounds like I am being petty and overly sensitive here, but Adam has had to endure this kind of varying degrees of ridicule, from mild to extreme, from people for years, especially very publicly in the last 2, and I just don't think its okay for Joan Rivers to say it either, because it gets picked up and repeated, as @anon 12:17 AM said above, on twitter and elsewhere, and used negatively. It has to stop somewhere. It will ultimately be forgotten soon, but I was offended by it, as others above were, and am saying so.....As I said, perhaps overreacting, but just my opinion. Joan Rivers will move on to someone else to humorously insult tomorrow. Wonder who the next lucky one will be ... at least Adam's turn is over for awhile..phew!

Anonymous said...

That link did´t take me to any comment section. "My log in session has expired". I would really like to see the reactions. I went to Eonline/fashion police, but Adam was not mentioned there at all.


Anonymous said...

Considering Joan Rivers has mutated her face with so many face-lifts she looks like The Joker she shouldn't be criticizing what Adam looks like, or anyone for that matter. I don't see anything remotely funny about saying Adam looks like a lesbian either.

sheila said...

JR is JR. She takes the piss out of everyone. I think Adam would probably laugh. Cant be too protective of our BB. Dont think she meant any harm. Adam looked manly and gorgeous and everyone there knew it.

Anonymous said...

I think the old woman need glasses. Adam look very hot and drop dead gorgeous. Yes,people should stop making this kind of jokes , it is not funny anymore.

Anonymous said...

That was a bad taste joke. But I think Adam's fans really need to develop a thick skin if they really want him to become a superstar. Because we will see lots more people who say mean things about Adam when he becomes more famous. We can't be worked up every time someone say negative things about him. We just have to learn to shrug off them.

Anonymous said...

Eh, classic Joan Rivers. I guess if her bit has worked for her for the last 150 years why stop now...

Anonymous said...

I find Joan Rivers form of comedy offensive, she does make fun of everyone including herself but this is where children pick up that its ok to make fun of someone who is different. Don't like her humor never did, it pains me to see people being made fun of, it isn't funny.

I know the rest of the panel loved how Adam looked but Joan's ridicule left me with a bad taste in my mouth, and not just her ridicule for Adam but for everyone she puts down. Her sense of humor is NOT FUNNY IMO.

Anonymous said...

Yes the homophobic remarks should stop ,I include Joan Rivers and Bill Maher in my rant. Never a week goes by without one of them using the gays for their PUNCH line.

Anonymous said...

YEeeeeeeeeeeees... calm the frik down already...apparently posters here don't watch this show...

**It's light fluff commentary, where Joan is the caustic one...INTENDING to be outrageous. My gosh some are SO sensitive about Adam. She says things like this about everybody. It's her gig to say the negative caustic things... You must not have ever watched in the past, as what she said this time was she actually LIKED it. He nailed the look and did it right. It was lightly complimentary in her way. Adam has shown up here fairly often and not always to good reviews by ALL of them.
**In general for THIS show, (aside from Joan's homosexual references) the review was GREAT.

No not everyone is going to enjoy Joan's gig, but this a very big part of this show.
As 4:31 posted--it's worked for 150 years...

What everyone else had to say was AWESOME!!! What a GREAT review by the rest of the panel, I was thrilled.

Kelly was the one handling the photo-360 that's shown above, I was dying to hear what she had to say about him and it was GREAT. I LOVED the picture of them from the pre - Grammy party that was posted here on another thread.

As Adam has said about HIMSELF... "I'm not the type of entertainer who's going to please everybody, it's apples and oranges... If it made you uncomfortable... then maybe I'm not for you"... In that vein, apparently Joan is definitely NOT for a lot of posters here.
Sorry folks, it is intended to be outrageous negative humor. As Glitzy Lady said...Joan is not even safe from herself!
I agree with Sheila & dynah mite --- it IS intended as a type of humor. Adam may just shrug it off or even laugh.

Bottom line... we can ALL AGREE on... Adam looked INCREDIBLY stylish, handsome and amazing and we all loved it. Personally if he had shown up in the poncho -long hair look, I would have been SOO bummed. We know how savvy he is and rocks the look FOR the event. I LOVE the hair and the sophisticated look. He Rocked this look and I'm so proud of him.

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada and we rarely see this kind of gay mean jokes on TV, particular in this viedo Adam look very manly. Maybe she was raised in this way.

Anonymous said...

You all are a bunch of crazies sensitive sallies. Chill the f out. I love Adam and thought this was funny as hell, cuz guess what I have a sense of humor. You guys just look ridiculous by sending things to Joan. Get over it!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is intended as a type of humor and if he had looked like a woman - OK, but he didn´t and Joan Rivers just aired her homophobia. I guess it´s so deep rooted in her so she doesn´t even realize it.
@5:59AM - Do you really have a sence of humor? So you read comments on Perez Hiltons blog and laugh, bc the content is the same as in JR:s comments.

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers does schtick. That's what she does. The rest of the panel loved Adam's look, and I'll bet, if she could really admit it, Joan did, too. I'm not her biggest fan by any means, but she's a comedienne, and that's what she does. Celebs take shots all the time. Adam knows he looked smokin' and we did, too. Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers aside, I'm just thrilled that Adam is getting the ATTENTION that he deserves, whether it's in music, fashion, etc. That in itself is evidence that he is a force to be reckoned with. The showbiz world generally seems to really like him. He'll get teased; that's part of the game.

Anonymous said...

I think this is funny. The "he will never have a boyfriend" part. But what do I know? I´m a crazy sensitive sallie.


Anonymous said...

I am one of these crazies above also sent stuff to our leader to make gay marriage legalize in Canada. Sometimes stuff work. Now with the presence of Adam, it only strengthen my so right decision.

Anonymous said...

Hey peeps - just got in from an early dentist appt. - NEEDED SOME COFFEE!! :)... popped on TV while I was making it - and just caught Randy Jackson on "Ellen" show - nice mention for Adam, very nice!! Okay, back to Real Life... just passing that along.


Anonymous said...

I refuse to watch the Fashion Police. I think JR is mean to everybody but the homophobic stuff has to go. I do think people who don't like gays believe Joan doesn't like gays either, and as others have said, it fuels the fire. I watched TV Guide's Fashion Show and they all loved Adam. Nick fron Project Runway is one of the judges and he is great. They are picky, too, at times, but they are on a whole different level.

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand Joan Rivers. Never could. I, too, find her ugly inside and out. I've never been a fan of her particular brand of humor--always cracking jokes at someone else's expense. She's often downright mean, even cruel. I find myself avoiding programs she's on.

I am sick of people who believe they are entitled to make Adam the butt of their jokes because he is gay and different--like he is lesser than others, somehow. Although Adam has described himself as being lonely on & off from childhood (like he did not fit in), I would not be surprised if he had not experienced much active bullying until after he became famous on Idol. Yes, Rivers is a bully just like Jr. high age kids who make gayness the butt of their jokes.

Adam is extremely funny--holding his own with seasoned comedians like Joy Behar and Leno, but I don't recall him being mean to others in order to be funny like she does. Adam has said many times that one of the reasons he does not watch Idol at the beginning is because he does not like to see other contestants made fun of for the sake of TV. Rivers could learn a lot from this gorgeous, gracious man. But, I don't see her changing.

Watching Adam's It Gets Better video provides some insight into how he has experienced the bullying he's incurred. One of the reasons I adore him is because he is extremely sensitive to children, teens, and adults who are made to feel "different" like they don't count or fit in--maybe because he knows all too well what that's like. Love you, Adam.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan
I always feel warm and comforted reading your posts. You are my muse :)


glitzylady said...

@Kentucky Fan 6:55 AM
Thank You. Well said. I stick by what I said above, and why I feel as I do. While I know that Joan Rivers skewers everyone and everything, that doesn't make it right. I wasn't born yesterday and am quite familiar with her humor. I get it. However, I think I am more sensitive to what she said in Adam's case, even tho she was being "funny", because I have read the same type of comments directed at Adam in comments sections, etc., and they WERE meant to be mean. Whether she meant it to be mean, or not (most likely not, in reality), I just wonder that if she was as aware as we are how Adam has been treated by many in the last couple of years, if she would have said what she did..I suppose she would have anyway, being that is what she does for a living. I LOVED what the rest of the people said about Adam, but not her remarks. And I am quite thrilled that his look was so highly praised by everyone. He looked wonderful..And yes, I know that Adam himself doesn't like to listen to others be ridiculed. Neither do I..

laurieb said...

OT: did anyone hear whether the other categories that Adams songs were in at the Grammys win? I had completely forgotten about them. I hope they did.
Joan Rivers is an ass! Always has been and always will be.

Anonymous said...

@MFG Sorry,I hope you will feel better soon.
As far I already made my comment about this f....... bitch previosly, just want to add one thing.
Joan said that the reason she wasn't on Red Carpet this time because they fired her. Is it true? If this is true, probably they tired from her bulling, homophobia, and disscussing jokes.
I show my husband pictures of Adam on Red Carpet and he said "Bond, James Bond! I told you dear we have to make a new 007 movie!" And my mom continued to say "OMG Adam is so BEAUTIFUL!"


Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen if Joan were to actually meet Adam...he'd be so charming and dear that she'd dissolve into a puddle right there on that couch.

Anonymous said...

@MGF I am very sorry, spelled your name incorrectly:( How was your coffee?:)

Anonymous said...

Adam looked GREAT,HOT,etc.etc!! Look @ Joan's outfit!!UG!!Talk about ugly!!She can dish it out,but I wish somebody on that panel had the nerve to tell HER what she looked like-lol!!

Lili said...

I saw this last night and everyone's comment was positive. Joan Rivers is soo funny - she has a joke for everyone, so I wasn't offended by her comment :-) Adam was the best dressed male. I wish they also included him in the men section of the show. But his is sooo much better than all the men there that he had his own part.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like to know if Perez watched Fashion Police yesterday. Hopefully he will in the mood to write something "LOVELY" about Joan!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, you are right on indeed.

Anonymous said...

We Do Not Need Joan Rivers to validate how HOT Adam Looked at the Grammys, as EVERYONE there saw him live & us at home can see that!!!

Adam Lambert is one class act, Hot, Hot, Hot! Picante!!!

Whereas Joan Rivers's just being her usual bitchy self in order to be " funny", that's her trade mark to put people down.
her one comment against the majority, she's pathetic! Just IGNORE her!


e3fan205 said...

I was also displeased with the comments Joan Rivers made in reference to Adam Lambert’s spectacular look on the red carpet. Not only did they fuel outdated stereotypes, “jokes” like hers by a celebrity on such a public forum give “permission” for others to make demean a minority group that is currently under siege in this troubled social and political environment. It is not harmless with bullying at a peak and in the context of a radically conservative political climate that seems bent on undermining equal protections for ALL our citizens rather than protecting them. Even her colleagues on the panel looked uncomfortable when she made her first remark and tried to continue lauding Adam’s stunning presentation of himself. They got past it, but Joan then had to add a second jibe. Who could help but notice the laughs that came from people in the background? Adam’s classy look was perfect from head to toe…for his persona…and for the event. Yes, Joan was caustic in her comments regarding most of the people they talked about. But not the “A” grade few who rocked the red carpet. Adam was definitely one of the very best dressed of the entire evening, bar none. How nice it would have been to allow him to receive the fully justified accolades without the ill-advised cheap shots thrown in! Joan, you’re past your due date if you think this kind of humor is still acceptable. Rethink and take a stand on today’s most important civil rights issue. Adam, kudos to you for getting it exactly right. Stunning!

Anonymous said...


Perfectly stated.

I think I love you. :)

Anonymous said...

Bravo, e3fan! Beautifully stated.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:30 AM and others that think Joan went out of bounds. If her comments made you laugh, so be it, but most of us think it was not funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure not many people laughed, not even the fellow panelists. I thought we had come farther than than. Anyone on Twitter seeing comments about it? - I'm not on twitter..

Plus the joke also fell flat because Adam looked very masculine! It's just that a lot of the other guys are not good-looking, does that quality make them more masculine?.

If these comments were seen in writing in everyday papers, it would not be allowed - why is allowed from this absolute bitch in the name of comedy? She should be fired..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JR's comments aside for a moment, I thought it odd that they showed Adam grouped in with the segments about the women and not with the guys.

First they showed all the women (and Adam), then they moved onto the guys.

Wonder why they did that?...and I just want to add that they did group Ricky Martin with the guys also.

Was it because although they showed a few guys that they thought looked great, they showed Adam separately because he just stood out that much more? He was stunning!


Ebbtide said...

Joan's job is to be funny. I get it....BUT how about skipping the easy "gay" jokes. That's obviously the main thing that comes to her mind when she thinks about Adam. Good Lord, he had snakeskin lapels - there has to be some laugh there, or his high hair and heeled boots that make him about 6'5". Get creative Joan. LAZY and boring. IMHO

Anonymous said...

good job 12:14. I agree. I could see her male co-host was uncomfortable with those comments and tried to cover with laughter. Not funny joan.

Anonymous said...

Just Tweeted Joan @Joan_Rivers and told her what I thought. Not that it matters to her, but I needed to express myself. Also, I have purchased her products on QVC. I will no longer do so, and I told her that. Maybe financial impact will help. She also as a ton of infomercials so you might tweet her saying you will no longer buy her product. An apology is in order, but that's something she'll never do.

Anonymous said...

I think Joans comments are pre thought out and she applies them to whom ever is "suitable" This was a good review of Adams look. Joan aside as she is quite cruel to most.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone is being a bit precious about Joans comments but as some above has said this is her no excuse I know, but she wont change now, her humour is slightly out dated I feel.
All in all it was agood r eview of Adams look, even Joan couldnt deny that he was hot, beautiflly groomed and confident. Love him.
Jadam NZ.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we can complain about which part of the show Adam's apperance was placed. They will pretend that nobody even think about this schedule! But I'm gonna register on E! and send complain about JR homophobic and bulling behavior.
In our time they talk about bulling everywhere. And doesn't matter who are bulling- high school stundent or 100 years old DIVA! If her "JOKES" or bulling is acceptable, why everybody complain and upset about somebody else bulling?!

The Dark Side said...

Joan Rivers is a comedian and this is what she does, and had done for many years. We know Adam was the best dressed and hotter than hell on the red carpet, and he can take a joke. Complaining to E is a fail. They already don't spot light him much because of the fan reactions. Give it up, it was done in fun, along with all the other barbs she sent out. Adam is gay and thus, he will get gay jokes about him. The TV Guide station had the same type of response of response. If Adam didn't want the world to know he was gay, he would not have told the world he is. BTW. consensus on the panel was that he rocked the red carpet.

Anonymous said...

Note to Joan Rivers

Attack the hair, the suit, the bare chest, the beads or the police humor.

Don't attack his sexual orientation, that's a cheap shot.

Anyway you're nuts...he was perfection!


Anonymous said...

@The Darkside. You know, may be you are right. Nobody will care:( This celebrities world which is mean a different planet.
However, I still want to know why Joan was so hard on Adam? All her comments didn't make any sence! Martin's outfit was terrible but she didn't make such terrible homophobic joke! Yes, she said something about his son, but it wasn't so discussing!
May be we will buy bulletproof vest for Adam for his next B-day:)

Anonymous said...

I am sitting in my Counseling office in an elementary school after a long day of mediating friendship issues and dealing with bullying comments and teasing. At my school, we expect students to be kind and accepting of others no matter their race, ethnicity, income level, or perceived sexuality. I do not give a pass to Joan Rivers because that supposedly is her "shtick", the fact that she is a so called comedienne, or even because she has been doing it for years. I have tweeted my feelings to her in a respectful way. The fact that teachers and counselors are working so hard to get kids to understand the fine line of when their comments become mean spirited or homophobic puts the onus on everyone to make this generation coming up more kind and accepting. Sure she can make fun of Adam's (or anyone else's) singing, clothing or something he has said but zeroing in on one's sexuality in such a demeaning way is not acceptable. It winds up on message boards, gives fuel to the trolls, and opens the door to the Mike Catherwoods of the world (remember him)? When was the last time you heard a comment making fun of someone's heterosexuality? And I am not giving the gay community a pass either. If they want respect and name calling to stop, it begins with how they refer to each other.

Urethra_Franklin said...

CHRIST ON A BIKE!! It was funny!!!! OY VEY!!

You know youve made it when...Joan Rivers makes a funny about you.

Anonymous said...

Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!! When they stop talking about him in any light, you need to start worrying.

Dinah-mite said...

THANK YOU!!! OMG! Yup, Adam is getting noticed, in my book, a GREAT thing!!!

Keep it up people and NO ONE will ever mention his name again... Do you actually think AFL is made of glass?? The man came up in the theater in Hollywood.

And he has a FABULOUS sense of humor.WOW-

p.s. Urethra, on a bike, really? Look out, now some fans may want to burn you at the stake.
What are trying to do, make a JOKE?? heh, heh

Anonymous said...

He did look fabulous, didn't he!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah what a good thing it is to be ridiculed every time you get mentioned. That way people will know for sure you´re a joke. Well, at least the younger people on that show gave some balance to the whole thing and on the Grammy Fashion Wrap on TV Guide Adam was at the top.
I don´t think it´s a good idea to make a fuzz about this. That way the Rivers woman probably will include the Glamberts in her next attack on Adam. But I don´t understand how some of you fans think that this is humor. Did you think that the Adam in prison joke was funny too?


Anonymous said...

OMG you all need to take ur chill pills. This is called humor people. I don't think the woman is homophobic at all. Isn't George K, the guy sitting next to her Gay. Do you all think that she will deliberately make fun of gay people? Relax please. I am sure Adam will laugh at this. You are over reacting IMHO. I have gay and lesbian friends and believe me if what JR said was a homophobic remark, I'd be the first to jab her but I don't see anything harmful here. She is a comedian. Please go to her twitter and read some of her feeds, she is completely rediculous and hilarious. The old lady can't help it.


Anonymous said...

JR making un of herself: This is from Joan_rivers twitter page-

Valentine's Day is right around the corner so I’m preparing for my annual tradition: sitting shiva for my sex life.
7:59 AM Feb 11th via web


Anonymous said...

I'm confused, I thought Adam was a man, a very manly man. even Perez even called Adam a girl in his interview. I was confused then, Hey perez! Adam is a man!!
oooo, I'd love to see Joan & Perez have it out wth each other! that'd be funny as hell!
ps. I really think Joan loved the way Adam looked also, she has to try to be funny, maybe she tried too hard, she's losing it.

Anonymous said...

I so Love you so much! you always get me... Would you fancy kiss kiss bang bang ??? LOLzzz


Dinah-mite said...


Hey you beat me to the punch! LOL... Glad to see someone else that "gets" it...

Party on Garth

Urethra_Franklin said...

ZZ *sloppy kisses* WOOTS!!! Wheres my ring???

Dinah Mite I met Jesus in a bar in Germany once. Have the picture to prove it. Hes quite sexy.

Eva he was not being ridiculed...simma donnah

Oh and YEAH the gay guy next to her laughed too...

Anonymous said...

The guy next to her laugh because he is embarrassed at her cruel joke. Can't you tell the difference the laugh of a real joke.

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:48 youre projecting...

Dinah-mite said...


You're killing me!!LOL! Where are you from?? Maybe same planet as me...

Urethra_Franklin said...

Dinah Mite

Im obviously from the tip-of-your-tongue. WOOTS!!

I embraced my freakdom years ago honey. Nice to meet you.


Dinah-mite said...

OK, I just watched it again to make sure I still had the same opinion.

YUP, it was actually very complimentary with Joan R. being her natural crazy self at the end...


Anonymous said...

The old woman cannot be changed and it is so true and I agree we don't need to bash her. We are Adam fans, I think we can do better than this. Every time people repeat jokes about your age, weight, culture or sexuality, it should not be view as hilarious in our little brain. People evolve.

Anonymous said...

I saw JR on Parkinson, and she was really funny but then she was mostly joking about herself.
"Adam Lambert looks like a modern working woman". Oh, really? Honestly, was that funny? And what did she say about Johnny Cash and a lesbian boy. I didn´t get that. Perhaps THAT was the funny part and I missed it. Damn! The most embarrasing thing is the laughter from those who thought he looked great, as if someone held up a "now laugh!" -sign in front of them. She is not cool, she is not funny but I would not make a big deal about it. It just makes me sad and perhaps loose som faith in that it will get better.

Anonymous said...

@Uretha...I'll buy you a ring off of a vending machine baby (thats all I can afford), anything for you hon LOL...
And wait a min, you met Jesus in Germany @ a bar? Get the fuck out here? LOL Aren't you ma freak sista from anotha motha??? hehe

I am so diggin you Dinah-mite...


Urethra_Franklin said...

ZZ I'll love you for life if its a plastic ring!!! Yes Thats me!!! We jumped in the sack the first time we met. :D

Re: Jesus in a bar...YES!!!! Im telling you if he wasnt married we woulda been bumpin nasties.

Im diggin Dinah too!! We should have a menagerie!! WOOTS!!

Anonymous said...

Ure...Plastic Ring? Fuck yeah!! IKR, we did have a groovy moment the first time we met, how can I forget? Ok, with jesus, you bumpin uglies LOLz if that happens can I please join that 3some and make myself useful pls? That would be a dream come true!

menagerie???? Ok, stop it now...I can' type anymore.Whew! I am about to break my old neighbor's door (he is 73 btw) and rape him. I live in a seniors apt. LOLZ


Urethra_Franklin said...

ZZ you can hold the camera for me and Jesus!!!

You a riot gurl!!! WOOTS!!

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers is an old school comic. I grew up watching her on Carson. She's like Don Rickles in her "attack humor." She is beloved in the gay community, and is very supportive of gay rights. Goes to many Pridefests. Sometimes without taking credit for being there. She was at Milwaukee's this past summer and just worked the crowd, taking hundreds of pictures, signing autographs. Trust me, Adam gets it.

Does anybody remember the tweets she sent out this summer? She played a theater where Adam was the night before and said the stage was still full of his glitter. It was a loving and funny tweet. And we, the fans of the man, loved it. Joan likes him a lot more than she lets on.


Anonymous said...

@ZZ & Urethra_Franklin Okay, girls, please come down. Watch TV Guide" Grammys Fashion Wrap and enjoy it.
@ZZ Sorry, if people have some particular sence of humor and they over 20 years old, nothing can change them. Joan is fucking bitch. And I plan to send complain note to E! Already been register on E! web
@Urethra_Franklin Relax, try to find friends who have same sence of humor and put Joan R on your facebook or twitter whatever you have. I am sorry for you if you can't see the difference between bulling, homophobia and jokes, this is very sad:( Actually, these are dirty jokes anyway, because nobody knows how many times Joan said fuck, vagina, etc..
After all, still hope Perez saw this show and will write article about Joan Rivers. She needs cool down and go for retirment in nursing home! Or may she needs rehab!

Anonymous said...

Uree, ZZ, Dinahmite - take it elsewhere please (get a room..) The posts here are about Adam.

Dinah-mite said...

@Urethra and @ZZ

Let's meet behind the barn... Rooms are too expensive!

BTW, I AM a photographer, so if anyone is going to take the photos, it will be ME!"-)

Anonymous said...

Hey peeps, I am Anon 5:17pm Adam evolved fan. Just let you know, I come from Asian with Russian blood and live in North America for over 20 years. Shit happen a lot but it is nothing compare to Adam's . I just want my kids to grow in a warm present Adamland. BTW, don't bash the wrong group, I have no religion. Peace.

Anonymous said...


Do you know Adam personally? In one interview he was asked his opinion about several people who were some type of stars, one of which was Joan Rivers. Got impression by his body language and answer that he is NOT a fan of hers.

Adam is a human being with feelings--a very authentic human being. He is not superficial. I tend to go with what Adam says. Check out his "It Gets Better" video for how he feels about his own bullying. I don't think he finds it funny. It makes me sad knowing he's read that stuff. I'm sure people writing that junk think they are being hilarious to like-minded friends. He also has a great deal of empathy for others who are demeaned as the butt of others' jokes (i.e. the Idol contestants that are made fun of during the audition shows for "good" TV), giving no indication he enjoys this brand of humor. Some folks in the gay community can be very sarcastic about others--about themselves, and do like this type of mean-spirited humor. Some in the gay community have also made degrading comments about Adam, i.e. famously right before his AMA performance. Adam's a smart man. I'm sure he "gets" a lot of stuff. That doesn't mean he agrees with it.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@Eva & Glitzylady

Thank you :)

Kentucky Fan

Dinah-mite said...

Wow,time to take a break from this drama... I'm not mad, I'm not sad.

As Adam says "It ain't that deep".

Peace out

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I usually try to stay positive but now I am fuming. Joan Rivers comments were disgusting. She should be called on it as well as the rest of them that were laughing. It makes me so sick. Now to find out were to comment on E

Anonymous said...

thanks to everyone that sent a comment to JR Show.That is why they have comment sections.I was going to send one but I was afraid I would come across to snarky.If she can say and do as she pleases so can others.She will be enjoying all this attention I am sure.

Anonymous said...

I now realize why god made plastic,, so that when everything else in the world is gone, there will still be Joan Rivers' face floating around,, TALK ABOUT GRIM REMINDERS

Anonymous said...

Girls, seems you still didn't watch TVGuide Grammys Fashion Wrap. Adam Drake and John Legend are top three best dressed men on Grammy, Also, just read article in Examiner. USAToday mention Adam as one of the top best dressed men!
Happy for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Oh, there are more news. Sauli is back in US!

HK fan said...

@mils 6.02
i left you a message on the adam out in avalon, feb 10th thread

Urethra_Franklin said...

Deliliah STFU!! You dont know shit about me or what I know about bullying etc...barking up the wrong tree with your "advice."

IT WAS A JOKE!! You pearl clutchers drive me NUTS! CHILLAX!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Dinah!!! Love you honey!!


Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers is 77. Have you seen her body in the Go Daddy commercial? I think it's not normal to have a body like that at her age, but she is addicted to cosmetic surgery.

Lili said...

I made a comment earlier that I was not offended by Joan Rivers comment about Adam but actually I was offended, but tried not to take it seriously because that's her style. But after thinking about it more and learning more about her bashing gays repeatedly, I feel that she really has a problem and she is a bully in her own way. All comedians need to stop joking this way. I really didn't like her not including Adam with men. Adam is the most sexy MAN !! She needs to stop her joke style. I'm going to leave comments about her on E!. She needs to apologize to Adam.

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin Darling, you probably need to get some valium and take a nap.
I think almost everybody on this blog finally agree that JR has to shut up. Also, may be we can make her to apologize to Adam.
I know everybody have own opinion. My opinion is as far as you like JR sence of humor you can qualify my comment as joke:)LOL

Anonymous said...

Kathy Griffith is another one to make jokes about gays, [Clay Aiken a major target]but she actuall is very involved supporting them and I think, liked by gays. Joan Rivers has been around a long time and like Don Rickles, has made a living by this type of humour, at times really scraping the bottom. I remember her going after Elizabeth Taylor's weight which offended me at the time.She is also the first one to poke at herself and has done so for years. She's an equal opportunity insulter. I'm not into cruel humour, making fun of sexual identity or physical bodies, but ok with poking at celebs like Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton if they create a scandal of their own making. Then their fair game, but physical handicaps and other genetic differences are not funny to me.That said, this really wasn't that big a deal for me, but really not thrilled with Joan's remarks.I do believe tho' that Joan and all really believe that Adam looked outstanding and hot and she has to say something outrageous, as she did with all mentioned. Adam being mentioned is a plus of sorts. He's recognized and impotant and relevant.He looked incredible. Anyone that can see, got that. Adam made an entrance that was noticed in a very positive way. Not to worry. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

PLease excuse spelling errors above,[ actually,they're, important]brain not in gear! funbunn40

Urethra_Franklin said...

delilah, darling, when you say to me " try to find friends who have same sence of humor and put Joan R on your facebook or twitter whatever you have. I am sorry for you if you can't see the difference between bulling, homophobia and jokes, this is very sad" I dont take it as a joke. I take it as yet another entitled fan trying to tell me how to live my life. You dont know SHIT about me, my friends, my participation in the gay community, or my efforts to combat bullying in the public educational keep your trap SHUT with advice for ME. GET IT?

moving on....

Anonymous said...

Little Urethra Tube,is it necessary to be so tuff with Little D5?

coloforadam said...

Adam does not have a problem with his feminine side - why should we?? Icky Joan is just being her sleazy little self - she wouldn't have a job otherwise. I suppose it is some sort of a lopsided compliment that she chooses to roast him so often. I loved the comment that the crowd was hushed when Adam took center stage for photos - that's the breathtaking image on which we need to focus!!

Anonymous said...

Last year JR referred to ADAM as 'Colonel Sanders' because he dared to wear a string tie ... this year a 'lesbian' ... sorry ... but I find her type of 'humor' offensive ... I guess I'm not very thick-skinned when those that I LOVE are ridiculed in the name of 'humor'!! Those that I LOVE such as ADAM & JESUS!! Sorry!!


Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin I don't think you have any idea about bulling. I even was born yet and everybody said I gonna be ugly. After all shit I heard during my life, they said my son gonna be ugly. But it doesn't make me upset. Sad, may be, angry-no way!
I love Adam and I will always try to protect him from such a people as JR.
Still want you take my advise, get some valiume and take a nap:)LOL
P.S. @anon 4:28pm Absolutely LOVE IT! Little D5! May be I will change my username! This is so cute!