Adam Lambert Posing With Miley Cyrus and Juliette Lewis!
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Monday, February 21, 2011
Posted at : Monday, February 21, 2011
Adam uploaded new pictures on Twitter a few minutes ago.
"Look who I met last week! @Juliettelewis! She's amazing!!" - Adam Lambert

"And ms Miley is so fun!" - Adam Lambert
"Look who I met last week! @Juliettelewis! She's amazing!!" - Adam Lambert

"And ms Miley is so fun!" - Adam Lambert

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This is not a hateful comment, understand that pls...
Adam just tweeted " Onstage kissing antics were 'for your entertainment' nothing more. " about Tommy and him, just FYI.
Milye & Juliette look gorge but nothing compared to him <3 <3 <3
Wow, that was a fast update!
Adam´s been on fire 2day! :-)
He´s tweeted so much about his life and feelings, conserning " fans" interfering it and
lots of other stuff that needed explanation..
Go to Twitter now to find out the whole thing
He is not happy with some of his fans, that´s for sure.
LOL @ the picture with Miley.....
xD His expression cracks me up!
There has been a lot of h8red goin on..
No wonder he´s done with it.
Just wish him well and all important ppl in his life <3
Yay, Adam! Stand up for yourself and your friends! We true fans love you and will stand by you. There's nothing easy about being famous.
Celebrities don't OWE us anything but a good performance. We have no SAY in how they live their lives. They don't need to PAY for becoming famous.
Some fans build up such fantasies that when they fall apart they blame the object of their obsession.
Adam just wanted to become a recording artist, not a GOD or worshipped. Some fans are oppressing and obsessing. He's letting us know to back off a bit,
We can do that, can't we?...........JAK
Love to see ADAM and MILEY CIRUS duet . Miley is very cute .
I think Miley has potential. :)
Love Juliette Lewis!!! Fuck Miley...
Urethra, do you know HIM, a Finnish love metal band? Juliette was in one of their music videos. I can't remember the name of the track, because I'm not their fan really.
Super freakaayyyyyyy pic with Julliette though ;)
4:45 Ive never heard of HIM but her band JL and the Licks totally kicks ass!!! LOVE THEM!!!
If Adam duets with anyone, I'd prefer it to be with someone who can actually sing.......JAK
Adam and Miley duet?.....NO
I've been giving this some thought. You know who can really sing? Allison Iraheta. I know her album was forgetable fluff, but with good music she could shine. Think back to Idol performances, she can handle rock and ballads. Her Someone To Watch Over Me was great.
She also has chemistry with Adam. Of course the smart thing to do saleswise would be for him to duet with someone established.
I'm praying it won't be Miley, Kesha, Katy P. or Britney! Well, this is all supposition, he probably has no plans to duet at all.
Love these
I also like Allison doing duets with Adam. I liked her as his opening act and her voice is strong enough not to be overshadowed by him. I also love seeing them together. He really looked out for her and gave her a great opportunity. She's still young and needs some polishing, but she has the talent, just needs better verbal communication skills and seasoning.[IMHO] Christina has the voice, but the excessive riffs and oversinginging gets in the way. Lea Michele also has a strong enough voice, as does Pink. I also like Beyonce. funbunn40
ADAM and MILEY are friends,..
funnbunn40, funny you should mention Allison. Don't know if you've seen on twitter the pics of her singing with Monte tonight at Molly Molone's. I think she's terrific. Suz will be posting vids of it soon:
I wouldnt call one photo op together "friends"
just sayin
I just can't choose...they're both so pretty, cute and gorgeous : )
Love you Adam!!!
Thank you. I'm so happy to see that Adam got to party it up with some of "his girls", heehee. So cute : )
Thanks daydreamin! Great pic of Allison! Wish I could have been there! She rocks the walls! Love Monte and Tommy too!Miss the whole glamily!! I've always liked Juliette Lewis too. Miss not seeing her act. I think Miley can sing and has talent, but is going thru' growing pains. funbunn40
Okay, just wanted to say that even tho my initial reaction to a hypothetical duet with Adam and Miley was a little "kneejerk" perhaps, I suppose it would be..interesting..and would definitely get a certain amount of notice, for sure.. Although, I would be really surprised to see that happen! But, I've been surprised before....
Adam is so adorable and I enjoyed his GNT and am ready for more music from his beautiful voice....I am anxious to get my dvd/cd of the GNT in Indianoplis.....I seen him enough in the midwest I could shut my eyes and know his every move he is so talented.....I am sure Adam knows who he will want to do a duet with....bowie...
i think adam singing with ricky martin would be very hot.
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