Adam Lambert Talks About New Album With PopEater
Filed Under (interview ) by Admin on Saturday, February 12, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, February 12, 2011

'American Idol' standout Adam Lambert has been lying pretty low recently, but now, he's excited about recording his sophomore release, a follow-up to 2009's 'For Your Entertainment.' As he preps new tracks, the glam pop-rocker is ready to put his original stamp on the new album.
"I can't reveal much, but I'm crossing my fingers for a fall release date," Lambert revealed to PopEater backstage at the Grammy Social Media Rock Stars Summit.
Lambert plans to work with Swedish producer-songwriter Max Martin, who wrote Lambert's hit single 'Whataya Want From Me.' "It's definitely going to happen. He's one of my favorite producers ever," he gushed.
With a focus on the vocals and "honest, genuine and personal" lyrics, Lambert is eager to get back in the studio and evolve beyond his 'Idol' roots. "I want this to be my album, and dive into it with what I've learned this year, and where I'm at personally with love and relationships," he said. "Great music is personal and real. That's what this album will be."
Although making new music is high on his to-do list, he's also ready for his movie close-up. "I want to give acting a shot," he revealed, adding that he'd sign on for a movie "in a heartbeat" if Natalie Portman co-starred. "I love her! She's amazing, and better win that Oscar."
He continued, "There is a lot of territory that has yet to be charted, so I'm taking it one day at a time. Who knows? Maybe you'll be seeing my fashion designs hit the runway soon, too."
At the heart of it all, Lambert credits his success to his devoted following.
"If it weren't for my loyal and dedicated fans, my career wouldn't be what it is," he said. "I have fans all over the world, some who don't even speak English, and they're still singing all my lyrics during my shows. It's surreal, and such a beautiful thing."
Looking back, the former 'Idol' runner-up (season 8) has no regrets about his time on the hit series, adding that he wouldn't want Steven Tyler judging him, even though they share a similar pop-rock edge. "I wouldn't change my experience," he insisted. "I had a good time and loved it....Paula Abdul was a childhood favorite of mine, and yes, Simon is brutal, but it was really good for all of us."
Source: popeater
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It's nice to come here, because the comments on that article were disgusting. I tried to comment there and it didn't go through figures. Why so much hate on adam is beyond me?
Adam told PopEater about his special time in Paris. Very happy for him and his success. I love watching these interviews--they are so Adamish! He definitely has a way with words and a style to his speaking. BTW, first story I read on AO this am was Adam's statement on TUIs. Of everything, they could write about, you had to know this would be it.
We are a devoted bunch and am happy that Adam recognizes the lengths we will go to to help him achieve his dreams. We selfishly reap the benefits of hearing and seeing him light up our universe! I love the input of all of his foreign fans on this site and Fan4fun and others translating and sharing what goes on in their country and their appreciation of Adam. Wonder what his objection would be having Steven Tyler judge his performance? Think he would be blown away by Adam, unless Adam feels his input wouldn't be objective and helpful enough. I respect Adam always speaking well of Idol and giving them credit for his exposure.Would love to see him guest mentor again. He tells it like it is and this season there is genuine talent. funbunn40
Hi anon 1.47. The thing about Steven Taylor, I think that was not exactly what he said, or at least in that sense. If you go on reading, what he probably meant is that he does not regret having been judged by previous judges (like Simon or Paula). On the other hand, I didn´t read anywhere Adam saying that "... [he] feels his [Tayler's] input wouldn't be objective and helpful enough.." Did you?
What movie? Am I dreaming? If he's in any movie, my heartbeat will explode too. Can't wait for his 2nd CD. Too much too take this few days.
One of the things that would be changed this year, was that they would have no mentors.
He said the other day he probably wouldnt be on Idol this year, but maybe next. I assume that was because his new music wont be out yet, but why wouldnt/couldnt he go on and sing one of the many fabulous songs from the FYE CD. One that he did on the concert tour but not WWFM, IIHY, or FYE. Anyone have any ideas on this?
The Lamb and Sexy Portman. I always wanted this duo on a big screen.
Agree, or surely he go could on and sing Aftermath and plug the charity for it...i don't mind what he sings as long as he's on it.
I think I read that Idol is going to have an in house mentor.....when Adam was on some thought he had an advantage.....he was just using his stage experience when he sang his songs...he knew lighting, music arrangement and the band loved working with him.....he was just so friggin talented
DEAR ADAM - I am begging you not to get
into this electronic sound phase everyone is
doing !!! Keep letting us hear YOUR voice .
Hope this gets to you..... XXX
he is a genius and for sure he knows what fans like to hear from him. Just wait and see ha!ha!.
I'm so excited for the cd-dvd release.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
i like this pic lol
I made the mistake of reading the comments on the PopEater site and I have never heard such ignorant, mean-spirited, disgusting comments as some written there. I can't even wrap my head around the narrow-mindedness of some people who spew nothing but hatred and preach about sin as if they are perfect. Just not used to hearing such cruelty spoken about Adam. Won't make that mistake again!
But I love coming to 24/7 daily to get my Adam fix and share with all of you how much we are amazed and in awe of this talented man. Thank you for making this a positive and safe outlet for all to express their feelings and spread the love around.
@anon 10:04 PM
I choose not to read the comments posted on some sites, as they are often quite unbelievably ignorant etc.. and quite frankly make me sick to my stomach and really angry. At one point I did try to respond to them, now I realize that they are often posted by the same trolls time after time. Adam choses to ignore them and so do I, as much as I would like to say the same things back to them. I recently read a quote posted on "The Daily Love" on Twitter which went something like this:
"The words that we utter about others are a reflection of ourselves..."
I try to remember that, and not fall into the same pattern of abusive language, ignorance, and hate, and just plain old stupidity that is sometimes directed at Adam by those whose own souls are consumed and possessed by those things, because as has also been said, we don't want them to have power over us by allowing ourselves to be sucked into the same mindset. And as Adam has said "Love overcomes Hate". Not an easy thing to remember sometimes, and once in awhile something must be said, but in general, I just stay away from that crap. It just makes me very sad that Adam probably reads that stuff from time to time...and still hears those words thrown at him by paparazzi and others. I don't know how he does it....
@ Glitzylady, Now I consider the source and pity their sick,ignorant, mean-spirited souls.I let the Westboro Baptist cult get to me when I saw the lone protester across the street from the Charlotte venue. I was horrified and thought I had taken a time trip back to the 1960s! I had my Spread the Lambert love 24/7 sign and made sure he saw it. I walked up and down the lines and everyone cheered and clapped. He didn't stay that long. At the time the 2 GNT buses were very close to us in the small theatre lot. My biggest worry was that Adam and the glamily would see that despicable man and be hurt. It sickened me and I felt such anger and helplessness. I later saw a 7 part documentary on them and realized they were mentally, emotionally and spiritually impaired, brainwashed and really had no credibility.Their sick rhetoric really wasn't worth giving them the power to upset me. I won't get caught up in their ugliness on other sites either, but if I ever am in the presence of someone like that insulting or harrassing a gay or minority or anyone, I will speak up and have done so in the past. The anonymity of these sites gives these hateful people false bravado. They have to be very insecure, miserable beings in the first place. I can't fathom anyone not loving the kind, generous man that is Adam. No one is more loving, accepting and likeable. I really got carried away, but it's just amazing how people embarrass themselves and are so clueless. Just want to hug Adam and anyone else hurt by ignorant,cruel people. Time to listen to Aftermath, think of Adam's grammy nomination, happiness, good things coming his way, and wash away any thoughts of these negative posters. funbunn40
@ 1:33 No Adam didn't say anything about Steven Tyler not being objective. I think I misinterpreted Adam's statement and was wondering what he meant. Didn't mean to imply otherwise. Glad you questioned it and made sense of it for me. funbunn40
@ Funnbunn40 and @ Glitzylady
It's so sad that people DO think and act like crazy ignorants in name of God, when they should have in mind that GOD IS LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE. Anyway, I do believe that those poor souls can't hurt anyone who is directly touched and blessed by God, sent to this planet delivering light to our darkness. I believe that sweet Adam is one of a few DIRECTLY touched and blessed by MY GOD of love and acceptance. Now, I don't know weather you believe it or not, but I AM a Baptist.
You should hear their charming comments about Australia too! Maybe they would like to watch our incredible Sydney Mardi Gras coming up in a few weeks! Give them Zero tolerance for such ignorance!
Adam is far above all this ridiculous stuff.
He is so full of love!
Funbunn40, thanks for your comments.
@Fan4fun, My mention of the Westboro Baptist group is not meant in any way to imply they are in any way affiliated with the Baptist Church, who btw does not recognize them as being a part of the BaptistConvention. They are in my opinion, a hate-filled, misguided cult that has been pretty quiet as of late. These people would go to our military men's funerals with terrible signs, shouting horrible things to disrupt and interfere with these poor families loss. I don't consider these people in any way a part of the Baptist Church and hope you didn't take it that way, as I didn't mean to imply that in any way. funbunn40
@ Funbunn40
Take it easy, my friend, don't worry! Of course I understand your point and sooooo agree with it. Those guys from Westboro Baptist grup are not religious, in my opinion they ARE TOTALLY NUTS, out of their minds! And, hey! I am an open minded believer! And I thank God every day for this «talent» of mine.
The immature comments that pop up still surprise me. But, things are changing for the better. If these people don't jump on board they will sadly be left behind looking foolish and ignorant. I wouldn't have traded one second of the American Idol experience till now with Adam Lambert. It has been refreshing, rejuvenating, surprising, educational and extremely entertaining. Cannot wait till I receive my GNT DVD/CD. I am planning a concert night at my house to enjoy the best male performances by anyone out there with the best and most talented band members and dancers!
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