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Adam Lambert's hair collage !

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 17, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, February 17, 2011

A look at all the different hairstyles throughout the years.


Gif by mindchnger.


Anonymous said...


OMG! I can see this thread already.

Love ALL these looks! Love chameleon artists ever-changing Adam!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Adam looks great with black hair, but... Honey you look FABULOUSE with golden brown, or blonde!! You look sooo fine, no matter what kind of hair you have. If you wanted to go Blonde - we would all FREAK! But in a good way. You look soo HOT as a Blonde.

Anonymous said...

I love most of the hairstyles he has worn in the past, but I love the present look. I really love the look from the AI tour.

Anonymous said...

I like the pic below the one where he is painted greeen. hot.

Anonymous said...

Well,what can you say...
OK, some styles may be a little bit better than others!

Luckily it's not all about the hair! Luv him (and the gif!) anyway... ;)


Anonymous said...

I love the look he has now too, and the one on AI throughout. But, he is gorgeous no matter what, and he loves to change things up. Thanks for the gif, too. Kinda icing on the cake. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the last one.

To the right.

Anonymous said...

Point that finger BB!!!!

The Dark Side said...

As long as it is on his head, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

My faves are 1, 9 (from last year), 11, 15.

Rebecca said...

love this i love any artst who can keep me guessing and not get bored

Anonymous said...

My fav isn't there! It's the one from the Red Carpet at the Grammy's Sunday nite! Also, where's the long, rocker look one (just before the Grammy's at the Gift Suite and RuPaul's Drag Race Premier?) He looks great no matter what he does with his hair 'cause that perfect face cannot be denied!

Anonymous said...

he needs a white strip down the middle of the black so it can look like a skunk tail!

Anonymous said...

This is what makes Adam so incredibly fun and unique. He's always changing it up. He's never stuck in a rut. Most guys pick a style and stick with it. NOT ADAM! I LOVE YOU, ADAM!

Anonymous said...

WoW, so many to choose for my favorite. In real life, I like those present gentle style. And for my dream, I would pick the most crazy one to fit my thought, you know what I mean (with Adam). He!He!

Anonymous said...

this bored needs more humor! I'm board!!!! His hair might fall out if he keeps coloring it. I know a woman whose hair fell out from so much color, that she is now headless.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see it up there but I liked the shaved side with the shaved strips , also love, loved big hair Grammy look.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:50pm man, how much did she dye it to end up with no head?

Anonymous said...

lol guys I think it's about hair COLOR not STYLES so you complaining that sth isn't there... not the point :)

Anonymous said...

I'm liking the Fantasy Springs look and the 'Crawl Thru Fire' look. Both over the top but SEXY!!! 'Course any look is ok with me. Totally LOVED the Grammy look!

Anonymous said...

LOL We really do miss him terribly, don't we! :)

Hurry back, Adam, and get to work on that album!
How is it supposed to have an authentic "Dark" theme if you're having such a great time?!

This collage is great. Love it.

One of these days I wish someone would post the photos from the Halloween Contest(I think it is) when Adam has on the big silver afro wig, dress, & tall boots that make him tower over everybody else so we can see just how gorgeous his legs are.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

You know, if I did not know any better, I would find it hard to believe that it is the same person in all those photos. I know he had so many styles and likes to change it up, but something about putting all the pics together like that made me really think about it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7. WOW! So many different styles and colours! I love the AI style the most and Adam's present style is looking mighty fine too.

Anonymous said...

Dear God, I hope his hair doesn't fall out completely because of dying it! Oh well, then he'll need to revert to wigs but he's said he loves his hair color 'dark' so we need to trust his judgment. I love black and emo. :)

Anonymous said...

Great gif and super collage of Adam's various hairstyles and colors. :)

Anonymous said...

My grandma has been dying her hair for 60 years and it is not falling out...

Anonymous said...

Deja vu

My youngest daughter went thru most of those colors and many of the styles her senior year of high school! No wonder my hair is white!

As for Adam, Grammy style for dress-up and Idol emo for stage.

Dinah-mite said...

OMG!! I M LUVING ALL OF IT!!! He is just SO damned gorgeous and creative... I truly luv that about him.

But please the gif! CLASSIC AFL!! That is one of the best things I have seen on this site! The boy just cracks me up!

God, life was boring before Adam... He is just a TRIP!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Just think, I used to read books for entertainment. That was before Season 8 Idol, now I have become MA THE STALKER as my family calls me.

I'm about 30 books behind the rest of the family, my room looks like a library. It's no use making excuses the family are all on to me and my weakness.

Who cares!...................JAK

glitzylady said...

He surely can change up his look! And I have to say, I kinda like the Burning Man pics (assuming from there...) , where he has combed back longish light blond hair with multi-colored streaks #2, #17 and #31...not sure I've seen those before (thought I'd seen EVERYTHING!) and I think he looks great with that blond hair, so different than his look now (and I really like his current look as well, with the lighter brown streaks.),...maybe we'll see that sometime. I think he said recently that it could happen again (blond..) and since he is the master of changing his look, who knows! Oh, and that one (# 25) with the longish curley reddish brown hair is nice too...And the rest of course..........

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!!!!! ADAM is a gorgeous blonde!!!!He just has a gorgeous face!!!What a model, for sure!
Thanks for the gif, LMAO!! Yea keep pointing that finger, we know who has smoked,in the past, a lil maybe, & who picked up that funny cig in Amsterdam! When I first saw that I thought it was so hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Great Collage of Adam Looks
......But Loving BLACK WITH FRINGE.....the best...
Adam F**ckin Lambert the things you do to us....(scream faint)
Loving that Lambert soooooooooooo much
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this!!! Green Adam with blue hair was one of my favorites from the start (during AI 8).

But true, some are missing! Adam's recent long hair, his Ten Commandments really long hair, his shaved head with sparkles on it, that slightly different blonde with the cowboy hat, blue Adam with skulls in his hair, and I might be forgetting some still!

This is a keeper!

Thank you to the collage maker and 24/7!


Anonymous said...

We do know that these are not all Adam's "personal" hairstyles - a vast majority of them are from theatrical performances.

Anonymous said...

shut up and fricken kiss me! muah muah those freckle lips muah muah

Anonymous said...

the collage was about colors not styles, it's not missing anything, he had black hair during for example 10 commandments and that blue halloween photo.