Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" Music Video
Filed Under (Others,twitter ) by Admin on Monday, February 28, 2011
Posted at : Monday, February 28, 2011

The music video was released this morning!
What does Adam think about the video?

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Omit the first 3 mins of alien birth, it is just an ordinary naked Gaga dance song. Adam, I don't want you to come out from Gaga's ....Ewwwr..... I thought this is a song about being different and kind of lead to some inspiration. Well I don't see it. Lots of kids will have bad dream after seeing this and the vid also make child birth ugly to look at.
Why would you want to watch a music video like this? Where is artistry? Where is love and joy? Speechless sick!!!
It was just what I expected from Gaga, only less inspired. Loved the slime !
I expected something totally different. This left my cold.
I am always interested in her fashion statements than her music. Was the video entertaining? Sure!
I liked it. I liked the Michael Jackson tribute.
her videos are like little pieces of art work. Go back and look at all of the Madonna videos of the past and you see little pieces of art that was created. It's stunning from a visual standpoint and the music is catchy.
Adam will like it, cuz he likes all her stuff. Also he likes her.
Very Tool-like with Tool being infinitely better. Scientifically inaccurate at points giving off an air of trying too hard, and her pronunciation of "infinite" made me shudder.
The song itself though is catchy.
I was eating lunch.......need warning!
This is (again) one of those Gaga naked videos. Nothing new.
Very inspiring.
Not a fan of her but her videos are always very entertaining.
warning please do not be eating while watching this video --thanks for the visual birth--the best part was the skeleton i want to look like that for halloween ha ha
I'm on the fence.. Love the song.. very catchy gets stuck in my head each time I hear it. The video... Wow.. Still processing how I feel about it... bits of it made me uncomfortable, and perhaps that was her intention.
WTF? I thought this was supposed to be an inspirational song, not an alien-birth video. The video doesn't reflect the words of the song.
Don't like all the vaginal views, birth, etc. The video isn't even close to being as good as Bad Romance. I expected more. I agree that this is just Lady Gaga, almost naked, dancing.
I won't be buying this video. How can Gaga say she was born this way when she has plastic bumps on her body and head, tattoos all over her body (and not tasteful ones at that), painted on skeleton-face, and dressed in all matter of costumes (no one I know was born this way).
The theme from the beginning was birthing (egg, vag shots, etc); however, she would have been better off developing the theme around how we become what we are from being ourselves since we're born this way.
naked gaga again!!! i think this vid is more better than that check it:(adam lambert-it gets better)
i like this vid so much (AGirlLikeMe)
OK... Watched and re-watched and, still, (forgive me for saying / delete if you must) my hoo-hah seized-up during the assisted births.
L8yFingers607 so...seems she has done the same thing over and over with different "themes"
Well leave it to gaga, no one quite like her! My first thought was america flips out over adam kissing another male but yet this video is LESS provacative (What)? That being said, gaga can get away with anything and I did like it however (double standards though). Wonder what groups are going to protest this however?
I wonder what Adam thinks of this video. He hasn't tweeted.
I think the same thing that I always thought about Madonna. Can't anyone do a video without grabbing her crotch or running around in their underwear? Love her music, don't love her videos.
I like the song and the meaning behind the lyrics. This video though is something else. I get a bit tired of seeing GAGA in a bra and panties, dancing around almost naked with half naked men. It may be different, creative, provocative, etc. but all her videos become big production numbers and the actual song/lyrics get lost in all that. I am of the older generation when music was about the music, the beat, the lyrics and there were no videos out to sell a song...just the radio or a live performance. Everything is so over the top now and I wonder what will be written and said about this new video of hers. I,too, am also wondering what Adam will think of it.
Hmmmmm, love the song....the video is just so-so for me. Personally its a bit slutty...i mean, where can she go from here?
Plus there is so much controversy over this song sounding like one of Madonna's and then at the end Gaga is pictured looking just like teeth and all.
Boy! This must have cost millions to make and it missed it's mark, I feel, as far as it's supposed intent. This is definitely an "art film" and as such one can appreciate it, I suppose, but, I suspect the average person will feel there was quite a bit of self indulgence here. Perhaps it is designed to titilate the younger generation who has been waiting for something new that speaks to their generation's issues. Frankly, I feel I am looking backwards not, forward. I personally thnk Madonna did it already. I wonder how much she had to be paid to allow this. Maybe she is just happy that "Express Yourself" is getting new legs in 2011. I have only seen this once and should view it a few more times to be fair. It really doesn't matter. She has already made her money on this song, which, in it'self is great fun, right Madonna?!?
Whether u like gaga or not u gotta love her guts to not be just ordinary!
I like the video, very creative. It's amazing BUT....the song sounds exactly like MADONNA, listening to that song i have to think of MADONNA, i know that it is not intentional but Gaga has too much of Madonna's influence that her song is like ....coming out with Madonna stamp on it. Very dissapointed of the song. Video is very entertained though....too bad . I also agree with Anon 11:36am .
Really like the song for the message, rhythm, melody..very catchy but as for the visual, creative yes, but as far as watching the alien births, please, way too OOT for me! We have "to protect the children!" Can you imagine some unsuspecting kids, tweens viewing this??? OMG NO!
Enjoyed the music. Did NOT enjoy the video.
This video can be used for birth control. Ha!Ha!
to me it was just one ugly video!
can't get excited, neither music nor art.
what's next? don't tell me a crystal coffin
Completely OTT .. BUT I just saw that Justin Beiber is asking his fans to donate to Charity:Water for his birthday! Copycat much??!!! I know it's for a good cause, of course, but think he might say something about the success of Adam's request to his fans. Just sayin' ...
Well said CT
Adam has twittered saying, Lady Gagas video is Wild and weird, he loved the 60s pyscydelic intro like Barbarella meets Alien.
So his comment was fairly non commital really.
I myself could do with out the intro and the rest of it she has done before just typical Gaga,I would sooner listen to her than watch the videos more than once.
Jadam NZ
On Leno, Gaga stated this song was a rebirth tribute to her "gays". Meaning a rebirth of idealogy about people's rights. This video?? Way off the mark. Hated the video, music is pretty copycat version of Madonna's --- nuff said.
This video was all to present, promote, glorify GAGA and her immense ego. She does not give a flyin' f**k about anyone who was "Born this way". Sure hope the music crtics call her on this. Not only did she copy Madonna on the music, but another blog has posted a photo of one of Kylie Minogues CD covers. Gaga also copied that. I would love to know what Adam REALLY thinks. Elizabeth from Canada
yacks looks like uterus open up the pussy what is this -what type of video -gagas video; porn one indecent omg .
Lady GaGa is a poseur. May she fade away quietly into the graveyard of has-beens.
child birth too much porn- yucks sorry like the music not ehr video- got tummy ache watching this video-child birth supposed to eb private.
Such an inspiration. Totally creative crazy. Absolutely loved it!
Hmmm. Let'e see. Gooey vaginal birth, lotsa a weird make-up, kinda leaves me cold. I know there's supposed to be all this symbolism stuff in there, but Gaga seems to have lost the message of the song in all the froofra. I know that's what she does, but it gets in the way sometimes. People expect her to top herself each time, and she sure does try. I'm a so-so Gaga fan. I think she can sing fine. But spectacle with so little substance doesn't cut it for me. Weird for the sake of weird. Will she ever be brave enought to show us a different side of her?Adam is.
Loved the theatrics, the color, the message. GAGA's vocals are amazing. Love her! Love Adam!
Lady GAGA is simply a walking piece of ART!!
You are so right, 12:40! Adam IS brave enough to show us many sides of him. Gaga is pretty much a one-trick pony.
Gaga can not and will not survive another 3 years if she continues the recycled style creativitiness. Musically copying Madonna, theatically less impressive than Kylie Minogues!
Of course it sounds like Madonna. GAGA loves Madonna. She's honouring her song with this new version/take on it. Go for it GAGA - "Express Yourself"......
So excited now. Can't wait for GAGA's concert this weekend. The stage show is gonna be siiiiiick!! She better do "Born This Way"
GAGA Rocks!!
Thanks Lord I didn't eat anything today. I ate something yesterday which my stomach didn't like. So, after watching 2 minites of this video I started nasiating again:(
For God Sake. what is this? Nothing special about song, nothing new about her dancing moves, but the beginning of this video! I thinkg all of agree that first 2 min are terrible!
Did Adam said in his second comment that he like this video?
I love the approach she takes on makeup and fashion. She is like a walking piece of art that came right off the display. I can see her being a mannequin up in store window somewhere. She has outrageous wigs and one that made her look like an Easter egg!
I really wanna see her in a yellow wig! has she pulled that one yet?
Totally creepy. Another Lady Gag-Gag waste of time.
Adam's comment to Gaga's vid is all about visual, wild with hallucination., nothing about the inspiration and vocal. I think his tweet tells you something.
I like the video and the song is not that bad its catchy. A little to catchy ;). Like I said anything with a unicorn in it is all right with me. Props to kesha and her latest with the unicorn head men. lol
a birthing pus*y for a homo? hehe~
not difficult to imagine Adam's face when watching this *#*
it's more than 'weird'
MJ did better videos. Did Adam see her Grammy performance or did he leave before it, to take a power nap. :)
A total inspirational song about loving yourself for who you are and loving others for who they are "Nothing wrong with loving yourself, the same DNA, I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way, hey..."
Love GAGA. She's weird, wild and wonderful!
I think people need to stop with the whole madonna copycat thing no one is original even the greatest copied others mj copied james brown madonna copied marilyn monroe in the material girl video and elvis copied black performers like chuck berry and little richard every performer gets inspiration from those before them
The video is a piece of art and kind of exciting but her music is boring. I have heard this song twice and don´t want to hear it again. A bit better than Alejandro which was the most boring song of all times. If there is an award for this, give it to her!
ADAM is speaking about the artistic quality of the concept of the video ... to me it's just another Gaga video that sounds/looks like the ones before ... too much shock value ... the words are nice ... they have meaning but the video doesn't contribute to the message ... should have been less 'out there' .. JMO
I don't know what's the point in this video, but I hope it's against cloning.
Not my cup of tea. Just Gaga undressed and out of tune - what's new ?
they made a big stink about what adam did...
this is just foul...but its gaga, so thats ok!!
Is Adam Lambert the only current artist out there, who can really sing ?
Only the opinions that praising Gaga are welcome here, is it right?
It's matter of taste if you love or not.
In that case I have nothing to say.
I shut up and leave this blog :(
I don't want to meet anyone who is "Born This Way". Yuk! My main reaction was "This cost a lot of money"!...............JAK
My generation is Madonna and Cyndy Lauper.....
I don't know about Lady Gaga just not my type that's all.. My daughter likes her music though.... Different taste and generations....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
P.S. When it comes to our boy we all agree he is the whole package indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me it’s like watching an (almost) good movie ruined by an inappropriate soundtrack. Great story... I love storytelling. (Adam is a good storyteller too!) Cinematography, visual effects, costume design, script, makeup, editing, actors: great, good or at least ok; music, however, won’t ‘make the cut’ on my short list. I can’t hear anything original there.
I need her acoustic/piano performances to remember that I really enjoy the ‘former’ Germanotta. There, and only there, I can see/hear... a stoke of genius. The rest of it is just eccentricity, which is ok, for a while, until it becomes tiring..for me to listen (and even watch). When I like/love something, I don’t need perfection, I need honesty. Like this:
But I like the video’s Intro and don’t see the ‘porn’ in it at all. I’m so curious who found it hard to watch. Are you men or women?.. Are you mothers? An actual birth is not a sight for sore eyes, but that beginning is very interesting and visually creative. I would recommend ‘Vagina Monologues’ as a desensitization procedure... :-)
However, if you need to make fun of it...
PS: Never heard of ‘Tool’ before. Thanks for the reference.
I wonder if she would ever walk around dressed as a banana! That would great! She look like raw meat once!
She needs to dress as a Big Mac and have someone dressed as fries! get really outrageous!
Pretentious piece dedicated to Lady Gaga and just how arty and intelligent she thinks she is. Sometimes less is more ,psychedelic clap trap without much meaning.
I liked her better ,when she didn't think she was the world's earth mother... visual platitudes
Gaga is short for "gag-reflex" . Gag as in "makes me want to throw up"
At least Adam said it was weird, I guess he had to be diplomatic.
She is an addict with nothing but ego left. Hope Adam keeps his distance..
Debbie Harry could sing. I read UK girls magazines in the 70's and she was huge there. Girls wanted to look like her and have blonde hair.
Gaga had GREAT POTENTIAL with the message of this song to create a music video that was relevant and created a beautiful statement of love and acceptance. If she wrote the song in a honorable way for the purpose of helping those who are different to love themselves and those who don't love to learn to, then she missed the mark with the video. I know she's Gaga. I know she's OT and seems to be without clothes in her videos, but the potential for her to really put out a great message lyrically as well as visually is lost. I am disappointed. I would have loved to see a video where at the end there were people of all ages, abilities, shapes, sizes, colors, cultures, gay, straight, drag, trans..OK maybe an alien or two, coming over a hillside (or flying through the stratusphere) with a rainbow spectrum in the background...dancing in celebration - WE ARE BORN THIS WAY!
@ Anon February 28, 2011 12:40 PM
Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing them!
lady gaga went too far went agga her video dont like it-is she a porn singer?what happen to her voice -she copy madonna too. omg. gaga is very indecent no resepct for human being esepcially women dont make this type of video birththign is very prive also a sacred one. u hear gaga.
Hope Adam didn't puke up his Baja fresh burrito while watching this..
Good post 3:00 pm, I totally agree.
I doubt if she could handle actual childbirth. It's all about HER and the focus on her, not really on the meaning of the song. What's left? singing nude with arrows flung at her, yawn...
Thanks for the Gaga-links. Much better and real. I think if you make a video like that you need music to back it up. More creative and fresh not some old Madonna rip off. It is nothing wrong with rip offs, but Gaga is concidered a genius and if she want to make a statement, shouldn´t the video back the song up? Well, I´m sure this video and song will make me switch channel on VH1 and MTV like Alejandro did, and Gaga will be even more glorious and get 100 million views on YouTube.
It´s like the Emperor´s new clothes. When will people see that the emperor is naked?
Your comments too Anon Feb 28 3:07PM, enjoyed them, thanks for sharing. Thanks to all for sharing. I hate to put Gaga in the "make a good point please" box, because that is not fair to her either... but I also think she could have made such a powerful statement with the video component to this song/lyric, and I'm kind of sad she didn't make it, the message, more palatable and digestible for the masses. I know that "the masses" isn't her thing, but affecting change on human rights seems to be, and so I feel that this particular lyric called for a visual element, and message, that, plainly put, was more "gettable" to a wide audience. But I guess that's just me wanting her to use her vast influence for my agenda, which I suppose isn't fair to ask of her. She does things her own way, an an artist should.
I think Gaga would have a hard time being as versatile a singer and performer as Adam is. He has already proven in his life on stage that he can do many styles of singing and performing. He has deep, heartfelt talent. She keeps doing the same type of thing over and over. Oh, wait a minute! She's selling millions of CDs by doing the same thing over and over. My mistake.
such a phony, pretending to give a fig about gay rights. she's only interested in herself.
i liked it
song very good--video wierd and gross. there's only one madonna and don't forget it gaga!!!
Hey! Do you remember when Adam sang on "The Ten Commandments" , "Is Anyboby Listening?" ?
What a freakin voice?!!!!!!! That my friends is a man with a voice, a gift, that man is why I am here! To help the world understand this man's gift!!!!!!!!!!!!! His spirit flies!!!!!!!
MWAH!!!!!! K
she could be a bolgna sandwich with cheese!
SWEET JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MWAH!!!! K
Good song--sucky video. Hated Telephone video, but totally loved the song, Hated song and video for Alejandro. Love almost all Gaga's other music, but I just can't stand her videos. WHY? Dunno. I didn't need to see a dead dog in Telephone. Yeah, I know it wasn't really dead, but why depict everything that way. Just depressing and sad. Really think Born This Way could have been a happy, fun loving and caring video instead of a grungy mess that could make you sick watching. JMO
You're right Adam, very wierd.
I didn't want to do this, but hey, I'll comment too on this gaga matter, I think she knows she was so damn ugly as a duckling, & still is, she is doing everything she can to get attention. She's got it all wrong!!
Her mind will get to the best of her, if she lets it. Cuz that mind of hers IS ONE BIG MESS!
I have experienced childbirth-twice and I still prefer to imagine the stork brought them.
I had my children in the long ago when they blissfully knocked you out and you woke up to a sweet, clean pink or blue blanket bundle of joy.
I think the blond basically teen/20's female bubble gum chewer at the end is a very powerful image actually, maybe right on the money as part of the problem
Um...ok. Gaga's video was beyond weird. I think I will reserve judgement about her until she figures out who she is. As others have said, she seems to style herself after Madonna (I won't say copy because there are some things even Madonna wouldn't do) or her version of Madonna. One of the things I like best about Adam is that he doesn't try to sound like, look like, or act like anyone but himself. Gaga apparently hasn't gotten to that point in her life yet. I agree that she is turning into a one trick pony. Change it up, Gaga. Without a direct copy of someone else's art.
She could have done something so much better with such a great and catchy song. the vid sucks its gross.
this video is a tribute to princess madonna and king michael jackson. nothing really original from gaga. WEIRD though.
Well, watched the video, don't thinks its porn (have watched enough to know the difference!!!), but didn't particularly like it. Agree with most others, the video seemed to have nothing to do with the song, and just seemed about shock value. The message of the song could have been brought home with a much more meaningfull video. I like Gagas music, but hated the Telephone and Alejandro videos, wouldn't let my youngest watch them. This is marginally better, but still a lot of same old, same old. I think to really shock Gaga should just come out and sing on her next video, with clothes on, make it about the music..that would be really new and novel.
Notice that in Adams tweet he was his usual diplomatic self, and tried to praise parts of it without actually saying he liked the video..
I went to see the vagina monologues just the other night,really enjoyed it. My daughter was performing in it, and obviously she was the best one in it, not that I'm biased or anything...
I'm amazed that Lady G hasn't become a doll that you can dress up in outrageous clothes! I would want to put the crazy shoes with no heels on her and see if she can stand up! She should also dress up as a Carrot stick! crunch crunch
Sorry, YUCK I didn't even make it to the song.
If this is supposed to be an ANTHEM I am truly lost.This is self indulgent to say the least, were is the unifying part? ANTHEMS make you heart pound with Joy, Passion and Love, I feel absolutely nothing, definitely not a Sure Fire Winner for me.
Lizard Eyes,
Vid springs from the womb of Madonna so it's OK, albeit shattered and inconsistent. I prefer listening to Adam Lambert's Nocturnal by the Moon and imagining things that go bump-bump in the dark.
I kind of like it..... I see a lot of influences here, such as Madonna, MJ, Kyle, some george michael moves, Monroe, some price and even Janele monae. I think Gaga is phenomenal. The song has a great message and so is the video. I like Gaga, I like her bold statements. The only thing that bothers me about her is her songs being directed towards Gays only. She has to aim at everybody, she needs to inspire everybody.She needs to stop playing the Gay card, it is already getting old. And the "mother monster" thing is kind of creepy. But all in all I think she is awesome and I am a huge fan.
I wonder how much this video costs? THe production is seriously Amazing. Make up, costumes, everything is flawless.
and this from someone who considers herself to be "one of the greatest singers in the industry and one of the greatest songwriters". Her words, not mine. But some peeps think that's admirable to say about herself. To each her own . . . .
I hope that the "gays" enjoy this video more than I did. Didn't GaGa say it was dedicated to them? GROSS!!!! She is just too weird for me and it makes me sick that an anthem song was wasted with this video. She is one sick puppy.
Holy cow! What a video! Gaga's outdone herself again!!
Not crazy about the song but hey, it's Gaga and she really knows how to pull out all the stops.
So many negative posts on this topic! :-(
Madonna was raunchier two decades ago. She had a bed on stage and simulated sex while singing Like a Virgin. She released the Sex coffee table book and there was a documentary In Bed with Madonna.
WOW!! Lady Gaga sure has it going on and she's got a great bod .... and while I'm not nuts about the song, it's very catchy .... and aaggghhhh, it's stuck in my head atm!
I’ve never been a fan of Madonna. I don’t know why but she just doesn’t ring my bell; however, she’s very talented.
I’m not sure about Lady Gaga. She’s intriguing and not afraid of taking risks. There was a segment (from the U.S.) on 60 Minutes (in Oz) last Sunday - interesting. She certainly doesn’t pull any punches.
@Anon March 1 4:04AM, I agree, Madonna was much raunchier years ago. I was in my early 20's at the time of the Sex coffee table book and even then I was a little taken aback by it, lol, and honestly, I'm pretty freaking liberal.
It's funny, different people's different perspectives, because, for example, I would say, a little differently than Anon March 1 4:35AM, that IMHO Madonna isn't so talented and I find Gaga very talented. To each is own I guess :). On-topic, I actually find the opening "spoken" intro to Gaga's video very spot-on.
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