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More Gorgeous Pictures of Adam Lambert and Riff Cherry!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 7, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 07, 2011

SOURCE: Lee Cherry's Facebook

Thanks to Adamholic!


Anonymous said...

Long live the GlamGodfather!!!

Anonymous said...

I really think Mr. Hunkyman should reproduce someday. He looks so natural and protective.

LP said...

adorable pics. Looks like riff might have let out a little gas in the first two pics. He is one special baby.

Anonymous said...

lokks like they are enjoying little Riff ,he is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Sweet <3! Wonder what happened in the first two pictures... :D


Anonymous said...

i hope to see adam holding his own baby, he will be a great dad.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all babies came into the world with a large extended family to love them?

Scarlett and Lee made a good choice when they asked Adam and Alisan Porter to be the godparents.

Since I see Leila there perhaps as an honorary great godmother!

Anonymous said...

to cute, lol

Anonymous said...

The Glam Godfather looks content! He has such beautiful women in his life. The first pics are adorable!

Anonymous said...

He certainly looks very comfortable.

Anonymous said...

OMG! If those first 2 pics aren't the most adorable pics I've ever seen! Pure joy and happiness going on there!


Anonymous said...

How much fun would that be to put your arm around Adam laughing like that?
I wonder if Leila is remembering all the colic Adam had and look how great it turned out

Anonymous said...

Riff is so tiny! he has a cute little nose!

Anonymous said...

Colic should make everyone sing like Adam. He was a screamer.

Rebecca said...

aw how precious

Anonymous said...

look at the blissful Godparents! they're cute!

Anonymous said...

My son had colic as a baby but unfortunately not good at singing. However he has alot of Adam's wonderful personality traits, so colic can work wonders. Riff truly is a lucky baby to have so many loving wonderful people around him. Adam will be an amazing role model. He looks so happy and beautiful, Adam and the baby.

Anonymous said...

What did Riff do that made his godparents laugh so hard? lol

Anonymous said...

Probably farted or a poop haha

Anonymous said...

My heart is melting into a pool of glitter! Love these pics of Adam, Alison and Riff,. He looks so content in Adam's arms. Bet Riff did have some gas in first two pics. Wonder what Leila was feeling, seeing her beautiful son holding his Godson. Hope some day Adam will gift her with a grandson.It would be wonderful if Alison could be his surrogate. Scarlett looks great for having a C-section.What an abundance of love in that room!So happy for each of them! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think I ust died and went to Cute Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful pictures of beautiful people. Adam is a very lucky young man, wishing him a beautiful life that will include children, he will be such a wonderful Dad.
Riff is also very lucky to have all these doting people at his beck and call, ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

See the world Adam lives in? He is just enjoying a piece of heaven with his friends and new Godson. I am suprized they share these pictures with people. I guess they appreicate the Glamily too. How nice is that.
Note: Adam is looking hotter and hotter He almost burnt up my computer! Ouch!

Fan4fun and Icon said...

Oh, happy day! It's raining smiles and good will and hope and blessings!!!!! It's good to feel «soaked» in a «rainy day» like this one...
And sweet Adam doesn't need a umbrella to protect baby Riff, just his contagious joy!

Anonymous said...

So glad that those pictures of Adam holding baby Riff is shared. Would like to see Adam changing a diaper and the look on his face would be priceless.

Anonymous said...

Alison and Adam should go make babies! yeah right!:-) They are adorable in the pics!

Adamluv said...

My favorite is #1 with Alisan and Adam. So happy that they're friends.

Anonymous said...

Love the way Adam holds that cute little baby in his strong beautiful arms.

Anonymous said...

Kesha says she wants to carry the Glam Baby! she is destined to have Adam. Adam looks like a natural.

Anonymous said...

There is so many women with the potential of becoming the Glam MAMA. Adam just has to go and inpregnate them.

glitzylady said...

Just so sweet! Love all of these people! And the 1st picture of Adam, Alisan, and Riff is just beyond precious! So glad Adam and the others are surrounded and connected by so much love.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so young in these pictures. The pose in the 3rd image looks like one he took as a teenager. Same expression. Love seeing him so normal and happy.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures...anyone who didn't know better might think Adam was the father. And it could happen for him one day. Look at Elton John, Ricky Martin, Neil Patrick Harris...all have become fathers within the last year or so. Adam just seems so comfortable, so loving and caring with little Riff in his arms. That baby really has one special godfather.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Alison Porter -- baby Riff will hear the sweetest lullaby's EVER!!

Take two loving godparents + killer talent + soulmates/undying friendship = ONE HELL OF a LIFE & ALOT OF FUN FOR BABY RIFF!!!

Also, Adam's brown hair highlights look fab - he will by far outshine everyone at the Grammy's!!! You just gotta believe -- ADAM will win that Grammy!! That win will lend credibility to what Best Male Vocal Performance is supposed to represent.

Come on Grammy's -- deliver the REAL DEAL decision, Adam is BY FAR the winner here!!


Anonymous said...

Anon 8:47, you've got it right! Adam has the best friends. I LOVE how they all love each other and have for all the years before he was famous.
Adam would make a great god father, someone that could come to him with any problem and also take the dude shopping for great clothes.
These photos just warm my heart to no end!!!!!!!!!!!
AND if Adam doesn't win, I think he gets that he has already won! He's just got IT!!!!!!! ALL!!! Just look at these photos!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! Adam has the brightest face. They should name is sunshine *sighs* and he is so smokin HOT UNFFF

and that baby is to die for *more sighs*


Anonymous said...

I love how Adam's arms are so protective and warm. Yes I can feel it! *sigh*


Anonymous said...

What a darling man and a beautiful baby!
Love the total sincerity of Adam!

Anonymous said...

After all the bickering that has been going on between the fans and the comments about Adam not carrying a high enough profile right now in Music Media we see these breathtaking pictures. So intimate that I am also surprised that they choose to share these pictures with the public but then I have to rememeber this are all actors, singers and dancers who love to be in the limelight and I mean this in the most positive way.
For me these pictures show eaxctly what Adam always talks about what is the most important thing in his life and it is the Love between him and his family and friends.
No matter what happens within the fandom or at the Grammy's this is Adam's real world and this Man knows his priorities.It is a beautiful sight to behold.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Good (third) eye of 'Lizard Eyes'! :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam singing Rock a bye Baby in the tree top would be so lovely! sigh*