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New (Old) Hong Kong Interviews

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, February 17, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, February 17, 2011

These were filmed during Adam's 'Glam Nation Tour' stop in Hong Kong.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He is just so charming!

Anonymous said...

A great interview new questions, what's it like to kiss a guy/girl? Adam is right it's all about the chemistry! never have kissed the same sex so I don't know.

Anonymous said...

He's so sweet!


Anonymous said...

I have kissed men and women and I'm a straight female. Soft lips are very important! mmmmmmmmm good

Anonymous said...

I hope this topic has over a 100 posts!!!!

Anonymous said...

After having done extensive research on the subject of kissing, I share this information with you. As a gay male I find the experience of kissing men and women equally pleasurable, only
the eventual objective differs.


Anonymous said...

Well explained, KW, thanks for your input.
Jadam NZ

adamluv said...

@KW, thanks for the imput. But cant you just kiss without an objective? Just kiss for the sake of kissing? Just asking . . . .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really love having gay male perpectives on this site. Thanks KW and all gay males that post. Always something to learn. Kissing is fun, even when no other objective involved, as when Adam kissed Kesha. I think he's a very affectionate guy that after a few drinks just likes to kiss for a close physical connection, and if it's a female, likens it to the pleasure of a warm hug, but better. What do you think, KW? I really have nothing to go on, as far as kissing a female, never have and never had any thought or desire to do so, but others have and an opinion on the experience. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam kisses girls? nah!

Anonymous said...

I kissed a girl and I liked it! I liked the taste of her cherry chapstick! lickity lick lick!

Anonymous said...

blindfold kissing is fun~ you get the feel of the lips without looking at the face. concentrate on the taste of the lips.

Anonymous said...

only use exfoliation if you are going to kiss, because rough lips can ruin the whole mood.

Anonymous said...

kissing is only fun when tongues are involved. lots of tongue action. slurp!

Hk fan said...

Ah, brings back memories....I was there, best concert ever!!!
adam please come back to HK soon.

Anonymous said...

No you are mistaken, a tiny flurry of little kisses can be quite exciting.

Speaking as a gay guy I assure you a wide variety of kisses are available to choose from. Try below the ear on the neck or the eyelids, it's all good.

Not all gay guys want to kiss girls, some want to be girls. Adam is not that type as you may have surmised.

Love him from a distance fantasy is fun and harms no one, do remember "fan" comes from "fanatic" don't cross that line.

Happy Dreams............KW

Anonymous said...

Wise words, KW. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

About kissing: A guy I know (we can call him Al)told me about an experience he had many years ago. He was out in a bar, hooked up with a beautiful, astonishing woman. They got home to Als place and started making out in the hallway. Al had never been kissed like that. That woman was the most fantastic, exciting kisser he had ever experienced. They got into the bedroom to proceed to the "objective". Clothes off and....the woman had a surprise under her skirt. Of course Al, the straight macho man, was appalled and threw the "woman" out, but now, thinking about it, he still thinks the kissing was out of this world and the best ever.


Anonymous said...

Eva, very interesting story.... :)

adamluv said...

@Eva, love your story!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, and it is a true story.


Anonymous said...

@KW Feb17 1:40PM and 11:10PM -
thank you for your informative and "kissable" posts!
There are so many straight guys who know nothing about kissing and/or only rush towards "the eventual objective"...

@Adamluv - re your Q: "Cant you just kiss without an objective? Just kiss for the sake of kissing?" I think very many women would love to kiss & kiss just for the sake of kissing...especially if you've found a partner who is good at it (and likes to kiss, of course)! That's why I enjoy watching Adam & Tommy, they both seem to be really good kissers and enjoy doing!

GGD Gal, kisses to ya all!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could claim this as mine but actually it's from a film......Older woman to younger lover, " You really don't know how to kiss none of your generation do, let me show you".............some minutes later, after demonstration leaves him shaken, she explains.

You see in my days pre-marriage ALL we did was kiss, so we got very good at it!

Ah sweet memories of Sunday morning swollen bruised lips at family breakfast and my parents frowns.

Kissing was perfected pre l960' birth control pills, ya know.

Kudos to KW oh yes, kissing can be an art!


adamluv said...

JAK, thanks for the true story. Fun reading other peeps experiences in life.