Picture of The Day: Adam Performing in 'The Zodiac Show'
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, February 18, 2011
Posted at : Friday, February 18, 2011

Thanks to AniMaL!
If you're wondering where this picture came from....
watch this:
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hey pretty baby with the platforms on-ha ha ha sexy as hell love it!!!
Adam is the only AI contestant who had to tone himself down when he got there. Love it! Love the Zodiac Show. LOVE ADAM!
I loved his look in this performance!
I want a HQ version of this picture!!!! Nips!
SEXOTIC SINGING BIRD in a five stars «blue» version!
don't remember Adam looking so fat before, except in high school.
Shirtless Adam, wow! So very sexy....
Fat? Are you kidding? You must watch the video, he was anything but fat.
anon 11:10
Please do not feed the troll!
@11:10, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I will look up the video. My apologies..Must have been a bad angle of the camera. I am not a troll, I am one of Adams biggest fans.
Da boy ain't plump. He does have weight issues, and unfortunately it shows in his face with that inherited double chin. But all the beauty is genetic as well. Hopefully Sauli will help keep that weight off :)) Just my imagination (or is it) getting carried away. Ah, to be a fly on that wall.
Where the f____ does he look fat in this picture?
Okay...in my humble opinion, this one is poster-worthy...Adam in his element and looking mighty fine....
Am looking forward to the "Zodiac Show Metamorphosis" DVD... another opportunity to add to my "Glambroke-ness"..YAY!!!
You people need to quit talking about weight. We don't need another star to fall victim to image issues. Adam has a great body in this picture. I don't want a stick figure singer. Look what happened to Karen Carpenter and Michael Jackson. Adam has a man's body...perfect in every way. So, quit the crap on the weight.
Okay.....odd that there was a comment on him being "fat" in this picture......the first thing I thought when I saw it was "Look at that fabulous hunk of a man"! Just let me have those great arms around me, and let me lay my head on that wonderful chest, and the thighs......ummmmm look pretty powerful to me. He's a big man in a lot of ways and I think he looks really yummy in this picture!! I can't wait for the Zodiac DVD either....
Adam has a perfect body. OMG, I am a chest girl, and that chest is amazing. His look in this picture is fabulous...his entire body is pure perfection...He is so hot. LOVE it and him!
Love the way Adam looks in this picture. It will now be my new wallpaper. Adam is a handsome, large framed man, and I love the way he looks here. I don't want him to look like a little boy and be stick thin.....I want him to look strong and sexy, and as manly as he is.Scoop me up on the dance floor and hold me tight man.......
Adam looks incredible! What a bod...pure perfection with the hair, physique and look!!!
HOT HOT HOT! Adam, don't change a thing ever!!!
I love his shoulder in this picture.
Look at those broad shoulders and that wonderful chest just waiting to be snuggled with. Oh my.......
This man has some gams. He is muscular, beautiful,gorgeous and talented. Holy cow!!!Yowsa is what I have to say. :)
Look at that hunk of manly man.....I swear if I had been able to be around him earlier in his life, knowing that he is gay or not, I would want some of that action!!!
The video on Youtube is a million times better than this pic (which seems out of focus...).
For those who have not seen it, check it out. Worth the view!!!!
Re my last post, AND the song is by Adam and Monte, I believe.
Anon 11:58, I've looked for the vid on You Tube, but can't find it. Must be blind...could you post the link? I SO want to see hot Adam in action looking like the hunk of a man he is.
The song is called Crawl thru fire. I think I read he wrote it. This is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg9Vyu5esEQ There are other links though, you can search by the name of the song or by the zodiac show. His voice there is just UNBELIEVABLE.
Anon 12:24, thank you so much! I didn't recognize the vid based on this picture. Love Adam's fans just about as much as I love Adam. Appreciate your help!
got nothin' clean to say about this, nothin'
MGF ;)
ps. the voice in the vid 'though, I can say something about that - as much ear candy as this pic is eye candy
I also absolutely LOVED him singing at his high school graduation. I've listened to and watched that video so many times. Just love listening to Adam. And who cares what he looks like, he's fricken amazing. It's not his fault he's hot, gorgeous and sexy as hell!!! He simply can't help himself : )
How many guys doing this type of performance can look so incredibly MASCULINE? He oozes sex from every pore. He is heaven-sent.
Adam is the ultimate alpha male- end of story!!
I need 3:20 to 3:23 on a continuous loop
His voice is just out of this world. I remember we used to watch his Zodiac videos on AI site when he was on Idol and just gush about his voice with thousands of comments each week. Comments on other Idols hardly reached couple of hundreds. Good old days!
I love his voice on this new GNT video on vevo:
Great sound quality. Have you ordered your copy of GNT CD/DVD? If not, go to AdamOfficial.com store and order a copy or deluxe package of GNT CD/DVD.
This man excudes masculinity...in the way he sings, moves, talks, everything...yep, Alpha male. He is soooo sexy, and he is a miracle.
LOL @1:00 PM guess who hears it live on continuous loop!? Lucky!
@1:27 PM, dayum, can you imagine?! Very lucky, whoever it is, lol. Just hearing it here makes me _ _ _.
@1:31 PM as @1:00 PM mentioned we need someone to make a loop couple of mins. video from 3:20 to 3:23! LOL!
The voice -- off the charts! Sexiness - waaay off the charts! Alpha male, for sure! I have gay male friends who are saying that he blows the 'stereotype' of gay males off the charts! He is ground-breaking. I can't get enough of this man. Lucky Sauli!
Is that Cheeks at 3:36 kneeling down?
What a hunk! I think he has a great body here. Like a little meat on the bones. Fantastic singing. I wish he had his own show, it would get the highest ratings. Can't help but love him.
OH! Beauty how much creativity!!
Spectacular performance, I have understood the lyrics of this song is Monte and ADAM!
and how much beauty and radiates sexuality our superstar.
Adam Lambert is going to be on MTV 10 on Top tomorrow, Saturday 2/19/11, at 11:30 AM ET/PT. Read about it here: http://www.examiner.com/adam-lambert-in-national/adam-lambert-to-appear-on-mtv-s-10-on-top Don't forget to watch it or set your DVR.
Please people, HELP US to promote ADAM in Argentina :)
Telefe Noticias (Argentina): Who is the teen star of the moment? (Vote for Adam Lambert!) http://bit.ly/fZ2SQ2
This is one of my favorite performances of Adam's. He is all the things everyone has already said. He is on fire!
Oh, by still my heart!!!!!! WOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
Great performance !!!!!!!
Adam, musicians and dancers,
It is a collection presentation !!!
Thud!!! Have to laugh at Lee Cherry trying to rein BB in and put focus on his voice. He actually was right! Adam wanted flames coming out of his head and he could have lost that fab head of hair that we love! funbunn40
I have been wanting to thank Lee and Scarlet Cherry for a long time for not letting Adam catch his hair on fire.
Kentucky Fan
A dance with Adam .......
oh, I love this shit (I know I say that to everyone of Lambert's videos but srsly it is :) I love the notes, the craziness, sexiness and the GB strokes UNF. Damn that lady is so genius, take advantage of GB O.O
Btw, 24 7, you are missing the spicy pic of this performance. Let me google search it and will post in a gif ;)
I need a folder in my computer for all these eye candy pics ASAP.
I think that is cheeks too. Looks to be licking BB's arm ... I want to do that too...
He has soooo many looks and moves, and so sweet too. I just can't get enough!
Watching this video, seeing this picture (as @Adamluv said..."Be still my heart!"...) makes me just a little sad to think that it is possible we won't see Adam doing this type of over the top, Adam in all his glory, Adam doing what he loves best, performance from him again any time soon. Maybe someday... We know why, but still sad. Moving on to a new chapter is good, and I know he will do some amazing new things, but just glad we have the videos. I remember seeing this for the first time (eyes wide..), during Idol, and thinking holy crap! This is no regular Idol boy! And loved every minute of it..after I picked myself up off the floor, closed my jaw and remembered to breathe again. Sure wish I could have been there at the Zodiac Show to see him in person...Wow! Could you imagine........
Are those the Kiss boots...love the Zodiac shows
see monster man Monte there also
Wow! freaking high notes. Now I am worry he may one day have fire come out from his head in his future world tour. He is in control now. Ha!Ha!
Guess who was voted Valentine Date #1 on Flecking Records? Adam got more votes than anybody else! This is amazing! There were 17 guys on this pole. I surprise we didn't know about this pole:) Justin B is #17:)
Also, there is a photo of Justin Beiber on Grammys. His pants were unzipped:)
P.S. Did you read any comments about Adam and Sauli picture wich was published in Japanese Magazine? These comments are terrible!!!
Yeh what the hell was going on? Intruders on our site. Not regulars.
@anon 8.20
flecking records have regular bits on Adam, seems to be the only UK source thats keeping his name out there. maybe worth bookmarking them.
re the supposedly funny comments on a couple of threads yesterday and today, the novelty has definitely worn off, don't have a clue what they're supposed to mean. any chance of getting them deleted?
The cutest gif - you will be smiling ear to ear
Studio version of Adam singing an amazing rendition of "Crazy" with some great pics:
Adam looks beautiful...love him whatever he does..he has so many wonderful looks and performances..wow
What I enjoy is Adam's creative process. I like how we see him thinking through what he wants to achieve and then the feedback he gets. Then take a look at the final look. He ends up with streaks of white blond in his hair while all the female dancers have the albino white hair. Not a bad compromise. You can see how Adam takes his vision and follows it through and how much gets through the filter of the other folks involved in the process. Anyway, great video. Adam is awesome. He is having fun!. No wonder we love him so much.
Here's a video of Adam from MTV's Ten on Top episode earlier this morning:
Adam has a very broad chest and shoulders. THE ONLY THING THAT LOOKS FAT IN THIS PIC IS THE GLAMBULGE. Oops, can't believe I said that.
ADAM at the Zodiac was amazing! The pure bloody ignorance of dubbing ADAM as 'fat' is totally ridiculous! OMG, have you people even had the opportunity to see ADAM...then or now? 'Clearly you've never been to Singapore'!
Adam is pure and utter brilliance. Miss the Zodiac sooooooo much and miss Adam. Priceless
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