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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Featured in Japan 'Gossip' Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 18, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 18, 2011


Thanks to GlamOfTheOpera!


Anonymous said...

The Dark Side said...

Well it was to be expected. Adam belongs to the world now, and they will also be reporting what he does and who he is with. Considering how many Idols have been dropped from their recording labels, I am happy Adam made such a world-wide splash!

Anonymous said...
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LP said...

@4:54 You don't expect us to believe rubbish like that , I hope. Just worry about your own shitty toilet paper, if indeed you use any.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:02 tiff tiff

Anonymous said...

no sense of humor on this board! get some!

Anonymous said...

anon 5:02 who rubbed your a** the wrong way?

Anonymous said...

who needs toilet paper when you can use those tabloids to wipe in on. they write nothing but sh** anyway.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:02 maybe you need to go wipe your a** on that shitty tabloid.

Anonymous said...

lighten up people! Shitty tabloids sale and they want Adam on the cover to make them money.

Anonymous said...

OMG - here we go again, hahahaha


Anonymous said...

hey troll 4.54 just finished school have you! time for you to go play in the traffic

Anonymous said...

anon 5:02 I use the best baby! tiff tiff

Anonymous said...

5:15 heckle heckle heckle heckle...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just got here. Yikes. It begins again.
See ya'all later. I need to run and order me some of that special paper.

Anonymous said...

toilet paper is a symbolism for the tabloids. over the head!

Anonymous said...

It must be stressful for celebs having relationships that the whole world knows about but sadly, that's the price of fame.

Anonymous said...

Adam's life is the whole package, private and public. The fact that people CARE is a good thing. It means he stays in the public eye and keeps the interest up. I love to hear ANYTHING I can about Adam. It does matter to me what he's doing and HOW he's doing. Successful artists have fans who keep caring! I think most stars would give up some privacy in order to maintain their fans' excitement. Adam, we love ya!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm turning Japanese turning Japanese I really think so. who is that blonde guy?

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Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam packed his luggage tight for vacation! I bet he will pack it tight once he gets there. weeeee weeeee weeeee weeeee

Anonymous said...

trollys are made for riding....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

since i just tuned into this bizarre thread i might as well go off topic and report that Monte's project is over $30,000 now.i love that tommy is in cahoots with him.i am pledged for two different we have some drunk trolls on here with anal fixations?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Looks like I am late for Friday night happy hour!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

JFC. ANOTHER Saudam gossip blurb post??
Admin: seriously just go ahead and change the name of this blog to SAULI/ADAM 24/7 Shipping News already!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!! Is everyone drunkie poo on this site? You are all hysterical! I think i'll go pour a glass of wine and join you.
But first, how's this for some f------ great Adam gasm? And the voice ain't bad either!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Adam is my under the luver cover luver hehaw!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

what do u get wheen u xross Frank Sinatra and a weinerrrrr? a Frankenfurrrrturrrr!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

O.K. then, there is no stopping this party.
Have a great weekend you silly gooserinos!

Anonymous said...

everrrrything is soooo tungue in the cheekkkk!

HK fan said...

i have absolutely no idea what any of these posts mean, its all way over my head!!
oh well, this pictures been out there several weeks now, so what does it matter if its in a mag, at least it keeps his name out there.
Re the link on the 1st comment, just went to it, adam is at 0%, clay at 61%!

Anonymous said...

u stuck ur tungue wer? n the cheekkkkkk!

Anonymous said...

mi hurd is hurtin' gonna go get me sum morrrrre beerrrrrs. u know wut? i gonna gooo take a dump first. nyte!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Admin Is it possible to remove all of these comments? This is terrible! What is going on? Where from all of these people?

Anonymous said...

Yup! Someone has gone haywire and it's not pretty!
Please remove pretty much all comments. Someone's "party" has gotten out of control.

Anonymous said...

DO YOU NOT HAVE MODERATORS ON THIS BLOG?? This is the most ignorant, non-evolved, selection of commentors that I have ever seen. If your blog has integrity, why do you tolerate this grade school bullshit?

Anonymous said...

I think it's one person. Uh oh!
Go to bed now! Sleep it off!

Anonymous said...

to all the drunken commets,SHUT UP, you are a crashing bore who is obviously bed-bound and in need of a nappy change

Anonymous said...

oops commets = comments

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

do drunks visit this site? I need a few drinks! fun stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Just visiting! I love all the blabberish!

Anonymous said...

is this where I can come for humor? I love it! best laugh in a long time! Adam fans are entertaining.

Anonymous said...

me nappy needs a good changin' WUT?

Anonymous said...

what a load of crap comments!!! i'm off to bed

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@anon 9:02pm Most of these comments had posted by people who hate Adam not by Adam fans.

Anonymous said...

this is funny stuff! people need a good laugh! so damn serious!

Anonymous said...

I think there is a big difference between funny stuff and dirty discussing jokes.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This thread is wanky! Purple haze anyone?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@anon 9:40 PM Who is krs? is he fun like Adam and Tommy?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

krs has something she would like to get off her chest! such sexy men you are! xdl

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sandra Bullock is on this thread writing all these crazy comments! LOL!

Anonymous said...

There's a raving loonatic spamming this topic. Can you please remove all of his/her posts, 24/7. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need to sign in to this site,keep the kids and crazies off ,at least for a while

Anonymous said...

I don't mind a good laugh but I haven't heard anything funny yet!! Very lame stuff! Perhaps it has stopped now.

Anonymous said...

Agree with anon @ 5:16

And @ 24/7 please remove all this ASAP.


Anonymous said...

I hope this is not a conspiracy against the tagless anonymous. I've realized how eagerly some want us, and especially me, out of this site.

Anonymous said...

Have any of you REAL fans checked out Lane's blogs on the Adam Fan Site? You do have to be a member.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:32, good point. I think all the real fans should go there.

Anonymous said...

What is going on here ...!???

This Japanse article is only showing old news.
Total rubbish actually.

This article contains :

One of Japanese showbiz contact received from Adam('s management) a kind of new year greeting card so showing it off (see on the right side of the page) with the Disneyland outing pic with Adam and his possible new BF.

Adam fan in Japan

Anonymous said...

Rushing, cooking brunch for the family, and I have not read one of these comments, I'm just popping into the most recent thread to say that Adam Lambert just got a nice mention on VH1's Countdown - basically as a big fan and supporter of Sia - who was at #14 w/ "I'm in Here"... and they showed a quicky clip of AML's WWFM vid... and as my tween said "O M fricky fricky G... yay", lol. All publicity is good publicity! At 102 comments and what I'm sensing is a lot of "controversy" on this thread, who knows if my shoutout/FYI will get read here, but I'll post it also on a new thread when one pops up - cuz I know some peeps like to hear about any and all mentiones AML gets in the industry :). Have a good weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...
vote for Adam this 2 poll

Anonymous said...

On Adam off site you have to have usename and password to enter in this blog. May be we need to have it also. I don't care if somebody from out of this blog will have problem to leave a comment. Most to these jokes are discussing

Anonymous said...

I'm not worried, if there's going to be a rule that you have to have a nick to be able to comment here, so be it. I found a new place very quickly last time that kind of thing happened.

Anonymous said...

I think comments are freedom of speech. I think people should say what they think. It is hilarious that people take some stuff so serious. Adam could care less what any of us think of his love life and whatever else that happens in his private time. The toilet paper comment was all tongue in cheek, not to be taken serious. get over it!

Anonymous said...

it's called getting panties in a twist and I think it worked. hilarious stuff!

Anonymous said...

@8:19 AM I agree with you. This happens sometimes. I am not worried about ir either. Don't change anything please!

Anonymous said...

defensive much? come down off the high horse and get a little sense of humor. Adam would!

Anonymous said...

I agree..maybe its now time for all true genuine Adam Fans to sign in with emails, like you have to on most sites that you can comment on, that way 24/7 would know where all the childish comments are coming from and would be able to block them....
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

i have just read these comments and have failed to find any that a worthy of a laugh, its looks like most of them come from one person, we all like a laugh and play around on this site, but really this is fun,i don't think so, i am also going to look elsewhere for adam news

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker single is available on Amazon U.S.

It's no. 1 on Movers and Shakers. 24/7 can you post a caption of it?

Anonymous said...

no frickin' clue! so funny!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert could care less as long as we buy his music and attend his show. Twitter gives us information from the source. Go to the source instead of gossip sites and tabloids.

Anonymous said...

lame stuff? are you really serious? I've caught all of it. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Sandra Bullock might be peeking in and writing some good humor. she has a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

I want a dry martini with a twist! does Adam come with it?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert on MTV 10 on Top:

Anonymous said...

@9:20 AN

Thank you for the YT link!!!
Adam looks so handsome and funny!

Anonymous said...

@ anon
many thanks for the MTV YT link

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:20...thanks so much for the YT link to MTV...Great clip! Adam is OOT GORGEOUS! Can't stop staring at his beautiful face! Gonna record the MTV clip right now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like all the spams are getting deleted now...

thank you 24/7!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you, 24/7 for removing all of these "jokes"

Anonymous said...

I don't think that some of the deleted comments were not really spams... just different/honest opinions.

Not all of them.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was an Adam Lambert fan site. Who are you people ???

Anonymous said...

To any Finlanders out there:

I am of Finnish descent, my great grandfather came to the US in the late 1800's. I know how to pronounce "sauna" the proper way, so can I assume that Sauli is pronounced like the first syllable in sauna? That would be sow (rhyming with now) lee. Put together sowlee? I've heard some friends saying his name as if it rhymed with Paul. Please help. It would be so appreciated. Thanks in advance...

Liisa Heikkenen Walkema

Anonymous said...

Egad...looks like I posted to the Finlanders out there on the wrong thread. Just went to read and ?????'s going on?


Urethra_Franklin said...

I just want to state for the record THAT was NOT me!!!

Didnt even get to read it. Dern!

glitzylady said...

@ Urethra_Franklin
; ) I knew it wasn't you..not nearly interesting enough!

Anonymous said...

I don't think anybody would think that it was you, dear! Non of Adam fans would post these discussing comments. Most of the comments been made by drunk people who deff don't like Adam.

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Franklin
I agree with delilah5....I don't think anybody would think that it was you!!! why would we?
definitley drunken Adam Haters and NOT Fans why would Adam fans want to behave that way?
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

where's Purple Haze I need some now? cough cough

Anonymous said...

anon 1:24 you shouldn't be calling out anyone for being drunk unless you can prove it. treaching on dangerous territory. that shouldn't be hard to understand. Think before speaking.

Tammy said...

Egad...looks like I posted to the Finlanders out there on the wrong thread. Just went to read and ?????'s going on? LHW