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Reminder: Adam Lambert on 'The Talk' Today!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, February 09, 2011

'The Talk' airs Weekdays 2pm ET 1pm PT/CT on CBS!

More info on CBS official site.


Anonymous said...

got it all covered!!

Anonymous said...

Me, too!

Anonymous said...

me 3 any day is a good day to see our bb.

Anonymous said...

Me 4!

Anonymous said...

Be sure to set your DVR to record. You may want to watch it again some times. I record every time Adam is on TV.

Anonymous said...

Me 5

You can run BB but you can't hide....LOL

Can't wait till Sun..what will he wear...what hairdo...will he bring a date......I'm all excited like a mother hen....

Anonymous said...

Me 6 .... couldn't go to work today because of the ice storm in Dallas, normally I would be pissed! Got my hot chocolate and DVR set to record as I watch it! Woot Woot!!!

Anonymous said...

First time to watch the Talk from Canada on my big TV.....15 mins to go.... Yeah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Register at "The Talk" to win the Grammy CD with Adam on it:


Anonymous said...

I'm watching The Talk right now (commercial break :)) - geezus frick and holy hot hell he is... everything good


Anonymous said...

We're in the middle of his segment. On a break, so I am reporting. Can anyone be more gorgeous? His hair the way we've seen him lately, brushed back with the brown highlights, absolutely NO make-up... Women in the audience going wild. He is funny, relaxed, laughing, you know, the usual.

He just announced his Glamnation DVD will be out on March 22, but we already knew that. Ha ha, we always know everything.

Ok he's back.

Anonymous said...

Watching too! Having heart palpatations!Dvring it too! Hope to see Adamluv and any 24/ 7 peeps. I can't even type! The ladies loved him! They gave him a lot of time and played a game with three fans guessing the lyrics to his 3 videos. Have to try and recover. So handsome and charming as usual!!What a fantastic hugger! So warm and genuine!! Glad for news of GNT DVD! Going to Grammys alone. Sharon Osbourne wanted to go with him. He said " Who knows who he'll be going home with afterwards! Always toying with us!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

people... I'm sure the 24/7 Gods will get this segment up soon... but um, yeah, in the meantime.... very very successful appearance IMHO... and be on the lookout for a few things that will make you love him even more (yes, it's possible, just watch ;)).

Also, I don't know if I'm correct, and I don't know if she'd want this posted so I won't say who... but I think one of 24/7's regulars was just very noticeable in the "game" segment... maybe she'll post if so

Good mix of fans/fanbase highlighted IMO, which was one thing I liked/appreciated


ps. a little makeup IMHO, not that it matters at all... he was absolutely edible, on every level imagineable, including intellectually and humanity-wise! ILHSFM

Anonymous said...

.....sooo gorgeous!! has never looked better if that is even possible!!! VEVO clips filmed in IndiAdampolis...can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

just watched the program.It really was alot of fun. I love how Adam gave the one contestant on Silence of the Lambert promps so she could win, the other contestant was really grooving with the mv. Just loved the program!!

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching Adam on the Talk. Having a hard time typing. So so so gorgeous with the hair and no makeup. How can anyone be so naturally beautiful, warm, sincere and witty, not to mention talented. The whole package indeed. Today is my wedding anniversary and my husband gave me the ok to be in love with Adam as well as him. They are both aquariuses. Now go Adam and win that Grammy!

Anonymous said...

Somebody PLEASE get this on Youtube or on here. I'm in HI and just can't wait til 2:00. There is a 4 hr delay. Please help!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam was so sweet to everyone,esp the fan who didn't know the words to WWFM..He sang it & still gave her the prize.I think all the ladies on "The Talk" were charmed.I think giving Adam about 25 mins( including commercials) was very smart, & gave the show huge ratings.Now,I'm looking forward to seeing him on "Ellen" tomorrow.Oh,& yes,he did look gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

The whole audiences drool all over Adam. Ha!Ha!Ha! He look so naturally beautiful. Love they play all his music video, very nice of him to give the gift to the last fan, I thought she would break down.

Anonymous said...

I too just finished watching the Talk with Adam. He looked terrific, very natural and that gorgeous smile just lights up the screen. He seemed to be very relaxed, joked with the ladies, and then answered questions from the audience. The last part was a game with three female audience members who had to complete the next line of lyrics from one of his videos when it stopped. The first two were perfect and won an autograhped prize from Adam; the third was very nervous, forgot the lyrics totally, but Adam still gave her a prize also. I think the best line was at the end when asked who he was taking to the Grammys. He said no one, but the question Adam put out there is "who is he taking home?" I hope he takes home a Grammy first of all and then someone who will help him celebrate the win. Good Luck Adam!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I want to see that show NOW! I´ll go crazy!! Shit! You lucky people!It´s not fair.


Dinah-mite said...

OMG, that was very KEWL!!! he was just so damned SWEET! So kind and laid back.

AFL quote: "Life is a game and you have to have a strategy"... Yessiree buddy, LUVING BB! Bought a DVR to record all his stuff this week. He is SO charming, I am sure I am not the only one a little giddy right now. The man is TOO effing much! Thud***

Anonymous said...

giddy-ness all around I'm sure Dinah-mite, lol. And Sharon O was so funny at the beginning - cozying up... she's no dummy and she's got ladyparts too and knows sexy is sexy 8^)... they basically all pretty much couldn't keep their hands off him (and isn't that always the way with his interviews?? I'm not the only one to notice that, right? ;)) Well, there's a new thread w/ show clips up so I don't even know if anyone will come back here... but I can't wait to read the new thread w/ the show clips :)


Anonymous said...

Fans flew in from all over the country with signs, showing so much support! The ladies started off by talking about a book about how to be a real man,how to break down a door, start a fire, change a car battery,etc. Sarah Gilbert said she didn't want to raise her son, Levi as a stereotype and mentioned Adam being expected to break down a door, Do a fireman's carry, etc. She also said she was crazy about him. Leah Remini said, "How do you know whether or not Adam can break down a door? Julie Chen said the'll ask him when he comes out. Adam came out, giving ladies a kiss on both cheeks a warm hug! Thud!!!They said he smelled good and he said they all smelled good!Sharon Osbourne cozied up to him on the couch and he good naturedly got into it and said, "Oh, Sharon"[that happens to be my first name, magic fantasy moment!] He cleared up the real man mystery, saying he had broken down a door, changed a car battery[never changed a tire]and could do a fireman's carry, which he demonstrated, picking up Sarah Gilbert and turning her in a circle on his shoulders. [have to collect myself!]He also mentioned Charity water and connection to 29th B-day. When asked if he would want children one day after photos of him were taken with a baby, he said that someday when things quieted down and if he had the right partner. He had never held a newborn before and was at the hospital visiting good friends that just had a baby named Riff. He din't say he was the godfather. He looked so gorgeous! No makeup, or very little ,dressed casually with hair looking great. He seemed relaxed and happy to be there. A very happy show!!Still tingling so happy to see and hear him on TV. Now tomorrow with Ellen and hopefully more appearances!He also said it wasn't fair to bring a date to the grammy as there eould be interiews, he'd be working and it would be rude to his date. He also took 3 questions from the audience.He mentioned that he was awakened in Paris when he got the news about the grammy. When they played the game with 3 fans, it was called silence of the lambert with a pic of him with long hair and a butterfly over his mouth. He asked fans if that should be pic of next album cover and they said no! lol He gave all 3 gifts. He's just sooo lovable. I'm beside myself with adamiration and keep going back to see theladies face and body language with Adam. Yes, he charmed them!! Love that man! Adamluv, where are you? Waiting for firsthand scoop on this amazing show! They really devoted a lot of time to him and it would be great to thank the Talk and let them know how much we loved the show nand appreciated the time and creative fun with Adam! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Fun how they mentioned "this being the most enthusiastic crowd we've EVER had"!!

Did you guys see in Talk 1 above where Sharon groped Adam's behind?!! Woa Sharon! A little respect for our Rock god! She was sure all over him.

@12:11 LOL! You must have a great hubby!! Happy Anniversary!

MGF, I too hope whoever our 24/7 person is, that they come forward with all the scoop for us!

Loved the clip after the show where he is told he is an international UBERSTAR and he responds: "Marp" LOL!

The Charity Water thing has to do with him being an Aquarius. We are water bearers-thus the connection! The fireman's carry (when he threw Sarah Gilbert over his shoulder and swung in a full circle was so cute!)he said that would be his 'Tom Cruise moment' like when Tom Cruise jumped up on the couch at his Oprah interview when he dished on his feelings for his now wife, Katie Holmes. He also said holding Rif was the first time he held a newborn and that childbirth was a miracle and that he would LOVE to be a Dad with the right person, but later in his life when things calmed down.

Adamluv, did you get to go?


adamluv said...

@daydreamin and funbunn40, No, I didnt and still so upset about the ridiculous rule. I wont say anymore today. Need to calm down. Did enjoy reading the comments from Pat about the show. Will comment in a day or two about some peeps in audience. Adam looked and sounded fabulous which is the most important thing here.

Anonymous said...

So sorry, Adamluv. I feel your disappointment.So glad 24/7 posted the video too! funbunn40

Fan4fun said...

@ Adamluv
Don't give up, honey, you live near sweet Adam and will have a thousand chances to see him «live». And you'll do it! I am soooo far away, surrounded by million tons of salted water, whales and sharks but don't lose my hope!

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - Sorry for your disappointment Adamluv... but your "how'd you get so cool" status remains in tact 100% in my book ;), LOL