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"Sleepwalker" single is available to pre-order at!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, February 19, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, February 19, 2011

Adam Lambert's new single "Sleepwalker" is available to pre-order at! Keep in mind that this is an import from Germany. "Sleepwalker" is not an official single in the United States.

The CD is set to be released on April 5, 2011

The single is currently #1 on's Movers & Shakers Chart!

Bigger version of the cover:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those Lips are for Kissing...Join the Queue Everyone
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

almost too much lusciousness for me to handle... but only almost, I can take it

Anonymous said...

Is this CD with ONE song only and gorgeous cover??

Anonymous said...

That cover is one of the Calendar (October) photos! Whew! So gorgeous! So is the CD the same as all the other editions? Are there different bonus tracks on it? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

It says the single Aftermath, so I am assuming it is just one song? Of course I will order it but seems pricey when the whole cd was about this price. Does anyone know? Although anything of Adam's is priceless to me and I will support his career in any way I can. Love the picture on the cover!

Anonymous said...

Love the cover and got myself a copy. Sleepwalker single on CD with this cover picture is released on numerous countries. Hope it'll do well so maybe they can release it with mv here in U.S.

Anonymous said...

Oops in my 12:09 post I meant Sleepwalker not Aftermath, sorry.

Anonymous said...

I believe this single has Sleepwalker AND Aftermath on it. I'm ordering today.

Anonymous said...

The high price is due to delivery cost. This is an import CD sent from Germany.

Anonymous said...

We need to tell everyone to order the Sleepwalker CD on Amazon. If any of you have twitter you can tweet it, I don't have it. Not only will we be showing our support for Adam but it will show RCA how this song should have been released and promoted. When my husband came to the glamnation tour with me he just said holy you know what after Adam sang it. A video of him singing it live on the tour in that black long coat coming down the stairs-wow.

Anonymous said...

@anon 2:30PM Also, it would be better if everybody will order NGT DVD from Amazon. It was #11 two days after it was released. Now GNT is #63 as top 100 music album Amazon.

Anonymous said...

delilah5 I believe it is better to order Adam's cds or dvds off Amazon or I tunes so it gets charted better. Don't know if they add in what is ordered on his official site.

Anonymous said...

Already have the song......but I'd pay the price for a life size copy of the cover!


Anonymous said...

Ditto JAK!

And I was already wishing for a vinyl album sized cover vs. CD size. Maybe Adam Fix will make another pillow of this for me too.....please Adam Fix?!
