Some Facts on Sauli Koskinen
Filed Under (Love Life,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Info by GlamOfTheOpera:
Here are some facts of Sauli Koskinen, Adam's new boyfriend:
His birthday is on 3/28/1985 and his height is 172 cm (5'7). His hobbies are football and circus and he recognizes the fear of heights.
He does have a twin sister named Sara and two older sisters.
CLICK HERE to see a video of Sauli and a woman name Katri talking about Adam during his stay in Finland. Adam was performing on Finnish X-factor on May 2010. They are saying that he is adorable and that Katri had a picture of her and Adam together on Facebook. They continue to say that Adam is a real superstar and genuinely modest and adorable.
And here are some videos of Sauli:
On Big Brother Finland
Sauli on Seiska TV
Pictures of Adam and Sauli (Videos)
Thanks to @GlamOfTheOpera!
Here are some facts of Sauli Koskinen, Adam's new boyfriend:
His birthday is on 3/28/1985 and his height is 172 cm (5'7). His hobbies are football and circus and he recognizes the fear of heights.
He does have a twin sister named Sara and two older sisters.
CLICK HERE to see a video of Sauli and a woman name Katri talking about Adam during his stay in Finland. Adam was performing on Finnish X-factor on May 2010. They are saying that he is adorable and that Katri had a picture of her and Adam together on Facebook. They continue to say that Adam is a real superstar and genuinely modest and adorable.
And here are some videos of Sauli:
On Big Brother Finland
Sauli on Seiska TV
Pictures of Adam and Sauli (Videos)
Thanks to @GlamOfTheOpera!
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Sauli is basking in all the Glam Glory! never heard of him.
Sauli is cute. Adam has good taste.
Yes, he feels he's hooked a big fish, well he has and I just hope Adam is being careful. Don't yell at me ladies, I know some of you don't like it when we express our feelings. However, Adam is just starting his career and is going to meet many people who will be hanging on his coat tails. it comes with the territory. I just feel that he is so eager to find someone that his heart may rule his head. He is always saying he wants a relationship, he is such an open book bless him. People that wear their hearts on their sleeves are open to so much heart ache. Just hope it doesn't happen with this guy. It seems this relationship is moving too fast. OK, you can start yelling now, but I just have to express my thoughts cos in the long run all we do care about is Adams welfare and not as someone said before his "arm candy".
Sauli is really cute in the second video. He looks like he has a great sense of humor. Didn't understand a word he said,...but really liked his mannerisms, smiles and laughter.
I'm likin' him.
Life is filled with relationships that only last a short time or last much longer. Most everyone has dated different people in their lifetime. There are lessons to be learned from each.
It also wasn't long ago that Adam was living in a studio apartment needing a little help from mom and dad. Yes, he has shot to the stars in the past year. Yes, he probably has a pretty nice bank account these days. But people are with people for all kinds of reasons.
I think Adam is enjoying time with someone who's company he enjoys. I suspect that his family and very close friends are keeping a close watchful eye on those Adam meets, trying to keep him grounded. He is really close with his family. They are a good source of reality check.
Adam will find love...with Sauli or another. He will hit bumps in the road along the way, which is of course what we all will hate to see. But he will grow and learn and evolve from each one.
From what I can see, I like this Sauli. He looks like he is a lot of fun, great sense of humor, appears well spoken (whatever he said. I don't understand his language) and Adam likes him. Enough for me. :)
anon 12:22 you are very smart and take that as a compliment.
Adam has been with more guys in his short life than any of us can imagine. Far as I know the only one to spill all the beans was that Mr. F (Brent Horning) on DataLounge. Adam seems to know who to trust, so lets let him make the decisions. To me, Sauli seems like the alter-ego to Adam, same type of kind of crazy personality. And Sauli can handle the limelight. So happy for Adam.
I like Sauli too.. I love the video of him interviewing all his characters.. couldn't stop laughing even though I didn't understand a word. I guess Funny is funny no matter what language.
@12;22, why would you think anyone would yell at you? Your opinion is valid, you have a right to it and you sound like a fan!
All the small fishes want to play with the BIG FISH!
Europeans are stable and grounded, very different upbringing than North Americans. Adam must be fascinated by this guy, and Sauli with him. I envy this unique relationship, just seems they will have a blast together, probably meeting up all over the world. Yayyyyyyy, Adam.
Elizabeth from Canada
@12:09 You say you have never heard of him, you may be surprised that a lot of people in the US haven't heard of Adam either. When I go out or have my hair done , I ask if they have ever heard of Adam Lambert and they either say no, or wasn't that the guy who was on american idol a couple of years ago. We know Adam better because we follow all of his concerts, and any other news that comes up. Sorry if some of you ladies are upset because he has chosen a guy, at least for now, BUT he always was open about being gay. Sauli looks like a nice clean cut guy, and I think goodlooking too. We will have to wait and see what kind of music he likes, and if he can help with Adams new album. Don't sell him short, he may be just what Adams needs for his career.A lot of judging going on, and you do not even know him.
I miss Adam @Glam Nation Tour... :(
I love the interview video too. Hysterical!...even though I don't understand what he is saying.
He likes to play dress up just like our Adam!
Football (soccer) and circus used to be Sauli's hobbies, but aren't anymore. Now he mostly just runs and goes to gym. And loves parties, traveling and swimming and tanning (LA would be perfect for him).
I think the fact that Adam has "been around the block a few times" as he states, but has had so few real boyfriends shows that he is a very good judge of true character. It must be very tough for these young guys to function in the gay world. Especially WeHo!! Sauli must be like a breath of fresh air to Adam, hope he has found a soulmate in this appealing, intriguing guy. If not, Adam will soon know.
anon 11:22
You are an idiot. But please don't yell at me. I'm just expressing my FEELINGS.
Have you talked to Sauli and asked him how he FEELS about Adam. No? So how do you know what he is FEELING? ("He FEELS he's hooked a big fish"!!!)
Yes, feel free to express your FEELINGS. But do not presume to know the inner thoughts and FEELINGS of people you don't know (or do know).
anon 12:59. thats good for Adam because he doesn't like to work out so maybe Sauli will get him to the gym. Also, good thing Sauli isn't into football amymore because Adam has no interest in sports at all.
Anonymous 12:59. sounds like Sauli might get our couch potato Adam movin' ....................
anon 1:06 wow lots of anger there. Your the reason people do not like to place their comments on this blog. Calm down as Adam would say "Its not that deep".
anon 12:42 and 12:45
thanks for your compliments, but as you might see 1:06 very angry with me. So now you know why I said what I did. Maybe, 1:06 didn't take their meds today. Sorry, couldn't help that.
My money is still on team Drake for the win.
I was so happy to see they are together. Sauli looks great - he seems like a good choice for Adam. I was impressed by how he didn't look at the cameras and it helps that he has had some life in the public eye before. He certainly would not have held Adam's arm unless he knew Adam would like it.
I see some comments that are quite negative, jealous and critical - please just stop it, this is quite rude and none of your business.
Why say it might not last, hopefully it WILL last and it is their decision to make!
I don't think Sauli likes Adam for his money, I think he likes Adam for all the reasons we like Adam! I find Sauli very attractive and funny. I'm sure the European background is more interesting for Adam than some of the same-old WeHo mentality.
Oh, come on people. Sauli is cool and really nice.
I love his laugh. It's contagious! :D
Sauli having a fit of laughter:
@12:22 I am agree with you. I don't know why I have this feelings:(
Changing the subject. I already posted this comment previously. Somebody said that Adam will not appear on Grammys. Is this true? I thought all nominees usually come for the award event. If Adam isn't gonna be on Red Carpet, I don't have any reason to watch Grammys at all. I never watched it before last year when I found that Adam gonna be there.
When you say that you consider Adam to be adorable, fun, nice, amazing etc. and you would appreciate it so much if you could be a friend or something else for a person like him... Well, don't you think that all those qualities that you find in him so appealing, come through also for those people, who actually do meet him in person? Why is it so hard to believe that a person who starts to date Adam, wouldn't be interested in him because of his wonderful personality?
Team STAMBERT FOR THE WIN! Stori and Lambert!
Woah....poor Sauli and Adam...everybody are trying to disect their life and they are always under our microscope with assumptions and so on... It reminds me of my big family whenever there is someone having new dates...there are people who like and people who does not like the new person's look. Opinions ! Opinions! and opinions end up in wars in the family. hahaha....while it supposed to be a fun things because the two people who date each other are having fun while people around are having bad times fighting with each other , just because...opinions that could hurt each other feelings and might hurt the couple's feelings and so on...!! That's my big family...and my sister ended up hiding from everybody when she dates until she is engaged ...but it becomes a nuclear bomb at last when she surprised everybody! Now we have a BIG GLAMILY who are SO PROCTECTIVE !! We all forget that ADAM is well matured and he can have fun whenever he wants. IT's not like they are engaged or married!! Geee....i don't know what it is going to be one day if he announced he is engaged or married to somebody ....all the blogs will probably blow all the servers !! Poor ADAM and SAULI....glad i am not them ! (rolling eyes)!
They were only saying that Adam might not perform at the grammys. Of course he will show up and be on the red carpet.
@ Delilah5
Adam hates football!
Cheeks broke Adam's heart deeply. Adam expresses it all in his Sleepwalker and Can't Let you Go songs. Consequently, although Adam has expressed frequently that he wants to be "in love" -- I choose to believe that Adam is wiser now and more protective of his heart and is a great judge of character.
Adam's close friends and family will always have his back. From the birthday pics -- it sure looked like Sauli was geniune and "kicking back" with alot of friends and family. He fit in with all the funny/goofy stuff too. Sauli appears to have a great sense of humor and does not take himself too seriously.
Adam is enjoying his company now and vice-versa -- that is the bottom line. Adam needs joy in his life and it sure looks like Sauli gets an A+ in that dept. Adam is always smiling when he is with him.
I say - let's just let this run its course. Adam has met someone that makes him happy and that is all that matters. Life is too short -- don't need to sing the "woulda coulda shoulda" regret song.
Wishing you all the happiness in the world Adam. If this is meant to be -- it will!!
@anon 2:54pm Thank you, dear. That's what I thought! Probably, somebody is in very pessimisic mood:(
Oh, I really do feel bad for what some of you are thinking about Sauli. He is the most adorable person, genuine, funny and easygoing. And soooo cute as hell! Actually he was the only reason I watched BigBrother back then, and oh boy, did I watch it a lot (read: too much):D! Actually, in the BB-house it sometimes seemed that everyone wanted to have a part of this sweetie pie!
But what becomes to this romance, he has been very low profile on this whole Adam thing, from the beginning, as with his other relationships. I'm sure that the handlock must have been Adam's idea, kind of showing the thing that he knows everyone wants to know. Even though Sauli is known in Finland, he is not as experienced as Adam is, but have lived normal life, and working in the family company besides all this public work with media.
For the last I want to say, that we do not have this kind of celebrity culture in Finland, like you, so I think that Sauli could have never even imagined exactly how it really is. I'm really glad that Adam seems to act caringly and a bit protectively with Sauli. And if you are afraid that Sauli might end up hurting Adam... Well, vice versa. That's the way love may go. But hopefully not this time :).
Nevertheless, these guys really seem to enjoy each other's company, and those looks they give each other.. They cannot be misinterpreted... ;)
Peace and love for you all, and especially for our loverboys <3!
Guess everyone gave up on voting for Adam at the grammy polldown....have ya since the #'s lately?
Amen HeartAdam4Ever! Spot on!
I'm Team "whoever Adam chooses". It's his life, his journey.
First IMPRESSIONS after watching Sauli videos with the knowledge that he WON Big Brother in Finland: sociable, funny, fresh-faced, well-spoken, attractive (to me at least, even though some RUDE fans have actually written he is homely...WUT?), comfortable around cameras and publicity, silly, likeable, fashionable, warm, European. Now, do I know the man? NO. Can I read his mind? NO. Can I sense what he is feeling? OF COURSE NOT! And guess what...NEITHER can Adam! Let him date the poor guy and see where it takes them. Relationship? For crying out loud, they just met! Adam's beaming smile and arm-in-arm action tells me there's a little chemistry there but is it enough for the long haul?...well, we'll see. Have a little faith in Adam and give Sauli the benefit of the doubt. Love strikes when you least expect it and I'm all for Adam IN LOVE!!!! TXSparkler
To 3:09 PM Thanks for a great post!
AND to 3:19 PM Also thanks for a great post!
To Anonymous 3:09. you are probably the only one on this post who really knows anything about Sauli. Please continue posting here, because I feel that Sauli is going to be around for quite a while. Thanks for your great insight, I too hope that Sauli will not be overwhelmed by all this. Americans on the internet can be so cruel.
Elizabeth from Canada.
Anon 3:09 PM: Great comment :). I think it is interesting to us Finns now because we actually kind of "know" them both. I love Adam, but I like Sauli too, so I'm hoping the best for both of them and don't want them to hurt each other (not just Adam but Sauli too).
That's also why it is kind of sad to see same pretty ugly comments of Sauli (not here necessarily, but in other forums), because we know that he also is truelly a good guy. (We all know that Adam is amazing in every way :D).
I'm happy as long Adam is happy, but of course this feels special now because the new BF in Sauli and from Finland. I'm very proud of both of them because they are both amazing people. Hope it last's forewer ;D.
I am sure that in his wildest dreams Sauli could never picture the gay life in West Hollywood. As our Finnish poster said, Sauli does not have near the life experience that Adam has had, so I can see why his people would worry as well. Whatever, our "loverboys" will figure it out.
Maybe some Americans are annoyed because he chose someone from another country. There is evolved life in other places too, people..
I had never heard of Adam Lambert before he started to date Sauli (I'm from Finland). I just googled him and ended up on this web page.
Well, anyway, I hope Sauli is happy with him!:)
Anon 3:09, does Sauli speak english? I know it's spoken everywhere and was wondering how the verbal communication is going.
Yeah I think some are annoyed. Me and my closest Finnberts think every day that could this seriously be true... a boy, from Finland to our precious Adam :). We have been squeeing months and very intensively the last 6 days.
We didn't believe that it was done after Paris, we just weren't sure if we would know when something is happening - obviously we know now ;D
Life is wonderful and you never know where you might find love. I bet they didn't plan this but it seems that something very sweet is going on :D. <3
God! Finnish language sounds so much like Hungarian (my neighbors)! Let's use this opportunity to learn something about Finland, Scandinavia and Europe, shall we? Let's go navigate, see who the Finns are, and let the Finnish guy be for the time being. We'll hear more about him in the future, I guess.
You know, there is somewhere on the web a discussion about 'how to date a Finnish guy'!? Let's leaaarn! HaHaHa.
Thanks for your comments, I just felt that I had to say something behalf of Sauli, he really do not deserve this bad talk...
But luckily most of us are "pro love" type of people... ;)
Anon 3:56, I'm sure that Sauli speaks english well, even though I've never heard him speaking it with foreigner (I do know him only through tv screen...and has been couple of times in the same bar ;)). But mostly finns, especially younger ones, speak english quite fluently. It is teached at school quite early. But I think quite important is the fact that foreign tv programs and movies have subtitles, whilst dubbing is quite rare and concentrates in children's programs. But what is lacked in the spoken language, I'm sure the boys will find a way to express it in another way... ;)
Anon 3:09,aka Kiti
I think Sauli is very good looking, and seems really nice, he seems just Adams type, and according to what Sauli said on BB (apparently) Adam is his type. They look great together.
and OT
Kung Hei Fat Choy to everyone on 24/7.
it is now the 1st day of the year of the Rabbit.
HK fan
You have never heard of Adam, oh you lucky woman, you have so much to discover. Go to YouTube and search for all the Glam Nation concerts. Listen to the most beautiful voice in universe. The sexiest man on this planet.
I give you 2 epic performances:
Soked from Atlanta
Purple Haze/Whole Lotta Love from Cologne
Thanks, Kiti. I was just hoping they could TALK about things as well. You know how Adam is a talker and that's part of who he is.
doesn't Sauli like women? past relationships with women? Adam is looking very handsome.
And Eva don't forget to direct her to some of his earlier performances such as Brigadoon @ 22:
There are millions of performances to direct her to. Thank you for the Brigadoon. And don´t forget A Change is Gonna Come from Idol:
After watching the vids of him pre-Adam you can see what a great sense of humor he has and is very self-confindent too. Adam needs that in his life and I wish him so much love. My son has a partner and they are very happy. Alot of guys like Adam just want one true love. I think this has been going on longer than we even know. I am sure with Adam being so in the public eye he took every precaution possible to let the relationship become something before he went public. Adam is very smart; but lets face it as in all love it is a risk. I know from my own personal experiance I am just a baby in this thing called love.
To all the debbie downers here's a link that will let you get to know Sauli a little bit better.
He seems like such a sweet, lovable guy perfect for Adam. Again it is Adams life and his choice. I am thrilled to see Adam so happy.
I think Sauli is adorable! Even with the language barrier (for those of us who don't speak Finnish), I can tell he has a great personality. He really seems to have some comedic talent too - he reminds me a bit of Justin Timberlake for some reason. I can definitely see why Adam likes him.
I hope Adam and Sauli are having a great time together. I worry that Adam will feel really lonely when Sauli returns to Finland. Long distance relationships, if that is what they will have, are not easy emotionally.
I've done some research and all I gotta say is: OMG, Sauli's so charming, respectful and adorable (duh). And he looks like a cuter version of David Beckham and "McSteamy" aka Mark Sloan aka Eric Dane from Grey's Anatomy. Wish I knew what the hell he is saying:
One thing that Adam and Sauli have in common is that they both like to change their looks as in their hair styles and colors.
So cute!
Okay, I just checked out the link that IreneRose posted, and it confirmed my impression that Sauli is adorable, charismatic and very much Adam's "type". To win something like Big Brother, you have to have the "it" factor.
Thank you to the Finnberts for posting more information about Sauli. It is fun to get to know him a bit more. It doesn't surprise me at all that Adam would be drawn to an attractive, charismatic, European man. Adam really seems to love European culture, and I remember him saying he thought the Finnish people were beautiful.
I wish Adam and Sauli the best - I hope they have a lovely experience together!
TO: Elizabeth from Canada,
"Americans on the internet can be so cruel."? It's not just Americans sweetheart. This is the internet. People from EVERYWHERE can be so cruel.
We are so lucky to actually have some posters from Finland on this blog. I knew from all the videos shot in Finland how popular Adam is over there (though one poster here said earlier that she never had heard of him before, tee hee)so I imagine for Adam's fans over there, it must be so thrilling that their beloved TV star is involved with their American idol. And isn't it also great that through Sauli and Adam's relationship we can learn from one another's customs, culture etc. I don't think I had ever heard your language before. I was trying to understand what Sauli was saying, but nothing sounds familiar, boo hoo. Yet, he IS very endearing, cute, funny, warm and seems very genuine.
But tell us more about him, we know he was on BB in 2007, but what does he do now? He has his own TV show? Comedy? Is he on hiatus now?
I certainly wouldn't presume to speculate on the relationship between he and Adam. I do not know either of these men, but I find them both charming and charismatic and personally have never felt anything sinister emanating from Sauli, as I have read in some posts. Not that my opinion makes a bit of a difference anyway to anyone, and certainly not to Adam and Sauli. I am just observing for fun, biding my time until the various goodies come our way, The Talk, The Grammys (IF Adam is present at all), the GNT DVD in March, then... I hope other stuff until his next CD comes out.
Sauli might teach Adam Finnish. Now that would be a treat to hear Adam speak in a language other than English ... but definitely with subtitles for those not au fait with the Finnish language.
he's always smiling in the video and seems fun + happy...cant wait to hear him in english
Welcome 3:54! Love to see more join us here from 'round the world! It makes the world seem that much smaller!
Kung Hei Fat Choy to you too HK Fan!
Another fact from Sauli if someone is interested. His big sister Saana is a musician in a band called Miss Saana and the Missionaries. I really like her voice! She has this really deep, soulful and nostalgic sound.
Oh my god Sauli is cute and HOT! Awww... I would kiss him anytime.
Thank you SO MUCH for your fabulous link on Sauli and the narrative to go with the pictures!!! Now, I'm REALLY excited!!!!! He just seems perfect for Adam and such a doll face. Heck, his charms got to Niko and that hunky guy was STRAIGHT!
i know one thing for sure... if it was possible for them to have a'd be beau - ti -ful no joke:P lol anyways adam and sauli sooooooo adorable together, i wish them the best <3
Those of you who perhaps want to hear Adam say something in Finnish, check this vid (it's from May 2010, when Adam visited Finland during his promo tour):
He is so much fun and such an eye & ear candy!!
Personality - humor - fun lovin' & livin' - that inner sparkle -. I can sure see why they clicked with each other and if the relationship/friendship enriches their lives ... how absolutely marvelous for them both. Hey, ever wonder how they would look together if Adam were still fair haired? Like adorable, Scandanavian cousins!!
I guess then itś serious when Sauli dyes his hair back to dark, ( had those before )
And starts using eyeliner like Adam :-)
Funny how Adam has been toning it ( e-liner ) down since they´ve been dating.
And they already dress alike and borrow each others clothes so thereś very little left to do.
Before they turn twins :-)
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