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Terrance Spencer Featured in Dance Number on The Oscars

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, February 28, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 28, 2011

Adam Lambert's tour dancer, Terrance Spencer was in a dance number on the Oscars! Check it out!

Thanks to aligning_stars


Anonymous said...

Terrence is so fabulous! I would love to see him perform! He is amazing!

The Dark Side said...

Nice to see Terrance. Gotta say Anne Hathaway is very talented. Somewhat disappointed in Franco. Oh well. Oscars as usual one long monotonous bore of toooooooooooo long acceptance speeches.

adam luv said...

Wasted 3 hours of my life I'll never get back to see Terrence and guess I was out of the room during this since I missed it!

Anonymous said...

Terrence is amazing. So sexy and classy dancer!

Anonymous said...

That was extremely cheesy.

Terrance is an amazing dancer though!

Anonymous said...

i loved the program and the skits and thought Franco did a good job, Terrance is a great dancer too.

Anonymous said...

Terrance belongs in New York and in every musical play on Broadway...........JAK

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to say about his dreams of singing... I hope he turns them into reality... But he was mesmerizing as dancer on GNT stage. :-)

adam luv said...

OT - Just read/saw a picture of when Javier Barden/Josh Brolin were presenting together and they started to dance, the camera turned on Penelope Cruz (kept it on her too long) and then back to the 2 men. What we missed was them dancing and then kissing each other. Guess ABC didnt think the viewers could handle this? There was a time delay so it's evident this was done on purpose. WTF! To add insult to injury, this is what afterelton had to say about it - "it's hard not to wonder if it might have something to do with the Adam Lambert imbroglio from the AMAS". Blame Adam? No comment . . . . .

Anonymous said...

Always good to see members of the glamily perform. I grew attached to them on the GNT and all are great performers. Terrence is such a strong, vibrant dancer. He does belong on broadway. I haven't heard him sing, but I bet Adam will support him when the time comes. I also think Anne Hathaway would be great on Broadway. Brooke Wendle will soon be married. Wonder if she will ever tour with Adam again. I loved their dance segment. Wish it had been longer. funbunn40

Rebecca said...

love Terrance he is amazing

Anonymous said...

James Franco - I hope you stick to acting, because dancing, singing and adlibbing are not your best suit. You are cute though, in a James Deanish sort of way.

Anonymous said...

Adam should play Travolta's part in Grease!!

Anonymous said...

Terrace looked good!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i actually fell asleep watching oscars. Figures I missed Terrance. He's a doll! Only watched hoping to see Adam on red carpet.

Anonymous said...

This opening act was cut from the televised program so you didn't miss anything and thanks to 24/7 we get to watch it here!


Anonymous said...

You guys prolly think I'm crazy but I think James Franco looks so much like Neil Lambert LOL!


Anonymous said...

Terrance is hella handsome. Those dimples, gaahh. That body, UNF said ;).

Anonymous said...

ahahh hes the only black dude and the only person not wearing white!!! :D YEA, BREAK DOWN THOSE WALLS!!