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TVGuide's Grammy Fashion Wrap

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Skip to around 33:25 and 35:50 for Adam's part.

Thanks to mindchnger!


Anonymous said...

Nice comments on how great Adam looked at the Grammys

Anonymous said...

Wow, Our boy did it all right this time, very proud of him.

Jadan NZ

Anonymous said...

"Glam-Light"...they loved him. Way to go BB! You are breathtaking! No one on the Red Carpet came close to your gorgeousness!!! WOW ...glowing remarks from TV Guide Fashion Panel.

Anonymous said...

This panel has excellent taste. Totally agree. He was the best looking guy on the red carpet.

The Dark Side said...

I was wowed from the moment I saw him. He has never looked better. He was rocking that tux like no one else. The hair, the open shirt, the rings, and on and on and on. I love it when he goes the sophisticated route. He has that model's body and suits were made for his frame.

Anonymous said...

Adam shines the best on the Red Carpet! He is so handsome and stylish.

Anonymous said...

No one like you!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert: HOT, Sophisticated, handsome, sexy, stunning, beautiful.
Ahhhhh, they finally got it right : )


Anonymous said...

Agree with Annaberry.....sophisticated.

The suit pants were just right,,,,dressy....not the usual gay boy look, too short in the crotch and too tight.

Ricky Martinez wore them!

Anonymous said...

This is how U compliment people.And look at them,they still breathing.It won't kill U to compliment others w/o insulting or making stupid jokes.YOU HEAR THAT JOAN BITCH RIVER?We should send this vid to Joan Bitch.(I really love her middle name there.Suit her nicely!)And look,even Robert Downey Jr said Adam looks good and he is the real fashion designer.LOL!Come on,that dude does look like Robert,eh?haha! Adam...he looks so dashing like a super model.Whoah!!!

Anonymous said...

I love fashion and this team. There is a difference between talking about fashion and critiquing it and just ripping people apart. I think that these guys are great! and they all loved Adam.
He looks incredible and I also love this toned down elegant look!!! LOVED the suit he wore for his birthday the most! Sort of Victorian look with the pin stripes. Such class!!!!!!!this man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:14, not to re-open a silly topic, but don't send this vid to Joan Rivers just yet. Skip to 37:44. Kim Vo is gay and cracking a little joke too! Wah wah wah wah!.....
C'mon, it's all in good fun! Adam would laugh too.

Anonymous said...

Adam is also shown on the opening teasers about 0:12

fFan4fun said...


Anonymous said...

@anon 5:01pm Yes, I am sure Adam would laugh, if he hear this joke. And may be he saw this show. This is hilarious.
Love this team, like how they talk, make comments, they have fun! Realy enjoy this show. So happy for Adam! He is top 5!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:01 I just found out too after my friend told me.I didn't listen to the end bcoz i thought it's over about Adam.But sorry,I don't think it's funny!Enuf already!Not funny!;/ And no,I don't send to Joan bcoz I don't even know she has twitter,I don't even care!

Anonymous said...

Nice comments on Adam but the one about the best dressed women. I guess gays like to poke fun at their own. LOL I think!

Anonymous said...

Just read the article in Examiner written by Renee Snyder. Adam mentioned as on of the best dressed man in USA Today!
This is fantastic!

HK fan said...

I just watched the whole video, so much more enjoyable than the fashion Police one, and at least the panel have a fashion background so actually know what they're talking about without the bitchiness.

HK fan said...

don't get how a couple of them picked John Legend as best dressed male, he looked like he was going to a business meeting not the grammys...

Anonymous said...

I too love Adam's tone down look. He has the movie star looka and bod. He is the most handsome men ever walk on this earth as far as I am concerne or shold I say IMHO!!!!indigo

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the typos. Movie star looks, and concerned

Anonymous said...

wow! can't take my eyes off of U, Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked sophisticated, understated, classy, macho, seductive, hot, pure glam, alluring .... well, the list of superlatives are endless for Adam. :D

Anonymous said...

I was going to say what HK fan said - these panelists have real, legit fashion related credentials, which I appreciate as a viewer, and I feel it lends towards their credibility.