Adam Lambert Dominates Finnish Music Chart!
Filed Under (Aftermath,charts,sleepwalker,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Monday, March 7, 2011
Posted at : Monday, March 07, 2011
The NRJ Finland Music chart has updated and Adam Lambert has two songs on the Top 5. "Sleepwalker" (#2) and "Aftermath" (#4) went up a few spots from last week's chart. Adam is the only artist to have two songs on the Top 10.

Source: NRJ Finland
Update: In addition, "Sleepwalker" is actually #1 on the radio chart!

Source: NRJ Finland
Update: In addition, "Sleepwalker" is actually #1 on the radio chart!

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Whenever I see rankings like this, it reinforces my anger that Adam cannot get this kind of respect in is own country. I know that part of the reason is the way radio stations manipulate the market in the USA, and it does not work that way in other countries, where the music is allowed to prevail. It is becoming more clear however, that Adam will be an international superstar, and let the chips fall where they may in America. Screw 'em, Adam you have the whole world at your feet.
Love you Finnish, keep going. One day, Adam will be all over the world, including his own country!!!
Betcha Sauli is soo proud that his homeland is paying the respect to Adam that his soo deserves!! Maybe Sauli is doing some "behind the scenes" PR work too !! ha ha!! Rock On ADAM - you international superstar Stud!!
I still have great cnfidence that Adam will gain a huge following in the US and become a major star here. Music fans in the US are so timid. They follow the "easy" ones who "everbody" likes. Adam has so much more to offer, but so many people are afraid to acknowledge his talent and follow his music. They apparently feel threatened somehow, and they feel they must follow only what their friends like, which is the same "stars" that suffocate the airwaves. I agree that the marketing of songs on American radio is REALLY SCREWED UP. It's so uneven and skewed. Be brave, American fans! Adam is the real deal, and his talent won't be ignored.
That's not the actual chart they play on the radio though. On *real* chart Sleepwalker was #1 today, it's shown on right column at the NRJ website, under "Viime lähetyksessä soitettu lista".
The chart on left column only shows current online voting results. I believe the real chart consists of both online voting and requests.
This is really impressive! So glad Adam is doing so well outside the US.
I just hope he's bigger in the US though. I hate NOT listening to Adam's music on the radio. They play Gaga and Rihanna everyday.
Anon 12:05 - you are SO right on!!!!
I have said on this site before, that I don't listen to "commercial radio". I can't stand it! The ads and the dj's "canned personalities" (so fake and insincere/self-centered/void of personality), drive me up a wall, for one thing. But the lack of variety just kills me. Gaga, again? Really? Didn't we just hear her last hour??
There is a radio station here in Seattle that started out in the basement of the University of Washington. Students, playing what they wanted to hear...not the mainstream...listener-funded. It was called KCMU. Fast forward 10 or 15 years and the station totally caught on in popularity and was bought out by Bruce McCaw (EMP Museum). The cool thing is, he just put $ behind it so they could grow. They are still listener-funded. This means the dj's can play what they want (or, god forbid, what the listener's request!), introduce you to new bands/music, expand your horizons, be themselves (in other words, talk in a "normal voice" lol and let their personality shine through) and - best of all - there are no commericals to sit through! There is the occasional fund raiser...but they're rather painless, and well worth the trade-off.
The station is now called KEXP. They broadcast out of NY and Seattle. You will hear music on their station that I guarantee you will not hear anywhere else. They have great "variety shows" (if you like Reggae, check out "Positive Vibrations" on Saturday mornings) and they allow me to choose for myself what I'd like to hear by not playing the same music over and over, ad naseum. Here's their website, if you're interested in checking them out. They stream live. They are truly a GREAT radio station!! One caveat - because they don't play very "mainstream" artists, you will not hear Adam on there. But there are other ways to hear Adam, believe-you-me. :)
Thanks for listening. Getting off soap box now. :)
- Adam Fix
Kiitos Finland we appreciate it very much. He is quite special, isn't he?........JAK
Good news to start a Monday morning.
Well AI said that they wanted to find an international superstar and they certainly did with Adam. Now I just hope he becomes a more national superstar here. I am so happy for all his success with all the singles overseas, it seems so easy for Adam to get support and airplay there. I do believe it will happen here, just will take a little longer. In the meantime us fans will support Adam, love him and his next album will be huge!!!!
Well clearly I've gotta change the radio station I listen to. Go NRJ listeners! The station I normally listen to doesn't play Adam so much... But no matter, I've satisfied my Adam craving by listening to his songs on my iPod...
Proud to be a Finnbert when news like this hit 24/7.
I'm always a little surprising to hear that Adam isn't a huge superstar in his own country. And then I remember: yes, the music business works a little different in the US... I think that Adam was quite surprised to find out just how popular he is in Finland when he was here in May. He did a signing in Stockmann department store and the place was PACKED!
* surprising => surprised
So happy to see. Congrats Adam and thanks to all of Adam's Finnish fans. Can't wait till Thursday to see Adam on AI singing "Aftermath" KLM
aaahh I remember that Finland footage of the packed department store... was SO great.
Also, OT, but, here is a link to zoiks online mag w/ content about that Wes Strick interview that was posted here a while ago (that intelligent gem of a man who so totally "got" Adam Lambert and was interviewed by the Xena/Juneau peeps.
The interview w/ Stick is OLD, but the Zoiks Online Mag article of it is NEW I believe and it's easy to post comments on that one... I think Adam fans should go there and post some supportive comments about Wes Strick, an intelligent, confident man who has smart things to say about Lambert. The Jason guy from Zoiks is generally supportive of Adam Lambert as well, and it doesn't seem to be just for hits, if you follow him. JMO.
Can't hurt that Adam's current love, Sauli is Finnish! These people are showing their love. Adam's US fan base will continue to grow as his talent cannot be denied. International Superstars are usually from other countries. Look how many English artists were turned into icons on American soil. It does little good to call names or point is what it is.
Adam competing against new albums while his album has been out for fifteen months. That he is in the top ten with Spears says a lot.
Remember the population of Finland is about 5 million , only a quarter the size of New York city which is almost 20 million.
The US is a large, very diverse country where I think it is more of a challenge to please everybody. Luckily, Finland seems to have great taste!
@12:05 you couldn't of said it better-thanks. Just for instance I was talking to mother today and she knows how crazy I am about BB but she said I never hear a word about him- ever. Then I proceeded to say, do you go on the internet, that's about the only place you hear about him Ma, he is big, he is doing well, I have to constantly tell people he didn't fall off the face of the earth he's only getting bigger, Jeez it's exhausting sometimes.
Hope I don't piss anyone off. This is just a theory of mine and trying to bounce this off you guys to see if anyone else thinks this might be why Adam isn't catching on at home as fast as other places. Basically goes back to fear of the unknown.
So basically two years ago it was a big hairy deal that Adam "might" be the first gay AI because he didn't outwardly "behave gay" and he wasn't coming off the info. Now the top 13 has at least one and the top 24 - forget about it. So where did all the controversy go? Did Adam blaze a trail or are people just more comfortable when they can tell when someone is gay and not acting "normal" like Adam did? It's easier for people to label others when they are behaving "gay". I think it puts people at ease. I think the intimidation for Johnny Midwestern and Suzie Southern becomes a factor the minute someone (like Adam) who is acticulate (not lispy), handsome, masculine (not femine), genuinely nice (doesn't have a chip on his shoulder), and clean-cut can't be picked out of a line-up as gay. He doesn't fit their narrow-minded stereotype of how gay acts and it scares some people. Flamboyant displays on tv and movies might be the only exposure some people have of what gay is or looks like. Trust me. I come from a small Southern town and if you're gay, you hide it to survive. It took me 20 years to get correct information and most people aren't even looking. Then along comes Adam and people don't know what to make of him. Time will be a healer. I know plenty of homophobes who think Elton John is a god and totally overlook "the other thing". Adam's talent will prevail and will force (and has forced) millions of people to change their concept of what they think "gay" is. I just prefer to think of it in its original meaning; HAPPY and whatever that means to you.
Yes, some people are just being a-holes about him, but I genuinely think that his likability may be a doube-edged sword in that he also confuses them because of it; they like him but he is gay. They don't like gay people so they can't like him. He is paradox. Need feedback to prove I'm not completely off base here.
Or am I just trying to psychoanalyze a population dominated by a-holes?
To just peachy, I think you make some very good points. Still, even though Adam is alpha male in action, I think you would still pick him out from a line up as gay. I think everyone knew on Idol that he was gay and I think everyone that had ever watched the heartfelt performances at Upright Cabaret would guess that he was gay.
Come on up here to Canada where nobody cares altho it's very cold!
I don't think we've met-----I am KW------or as some of you know me "the gay guy". I've been out of the country for awhile, have I been missed?
I liked what you had to say, lots of truth there girl. If you have come to these conclusions on your own, by looking inward to your own heart I applaud you.
Many people are afraid of gays and lesbians when they step out of the box the straight world wants to keep them in.
It sort of equates (in a small way) to the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's when people of color who came out of their boxes and were called "uppity".
Some of us reach the HAPPY state but it can be a hazardous journey since most of us start from a state of fear. Acceptance takes a long time.
Bless you all, I'm glad to be home from my travels to dark and dangerous places. And I look forward to Adam being able to sing Aftermath to the WORLD this week.
Shall we cross our fingers and hope some people open their ears and hearts?---------KW
Thrilled to see Adam doing so well in the Finnish charts. :) I just hope and pray Sleepwalker does well in Oz.
justpeachy ... I hear what you're saying. I loved the way Adam did his thing on AI. He's an alpha male which is, I suspect, one of the reasons so many straight females love him incluing myself. I'm not keen on openly flamboyant gay behaviour - it aint necessary!
I don't have a problem with Elton John being gay either. I've been a huge fan of him since the Stone Age! (lol) When he came out, I didn't think any less of him at all and the same applies to Adam. Frankly, I don't think it's anyone else's business and gay people shouldn't have to come out at all if they don't want to. However, I'm glad Adam came out at the beginning of his solo singing career, otherwise the media would've hounded him big time, and it would've been nigh impossible for him to be seen in public with a boyfriend/partner.
^Oops, including not incluing!
@justpeachy, I think it's the latter - your 2nd post. And to the anon person - no, everyone didnt know Adam was gay on AI just by looking at him. Adamluv
I could tell from a few performances in that Adam "might" be gay. Astute observers could, yes especially after Youtubing his other performances. No question. I think the reason it was still questionable to the masses that watched AI and didn't know it because of lack of exposure to the lifestyle and because they were the group that just watched but lacked the participation effort to research the contestants. These are the people that I like to call spoonfed spectators. I know it's hard to believe, but there are still a majority in this country who don't even know who Adam Lambert is, much less have an opinion about him. I feel like they live under a rock and it's my obligation to society to inform them of what they've been sorely missing.
KW - I appreciate your feedback, especially from your perspective. I have several friends who did such a good job of hiding from society and from themselves, that when they finally came out, there was a definite shock factor. When I was in my 20's, a friend I grew up with came out to me. I was not in the place then that I am now. I am ashamed to say I cried, denied, shunned, pitied, ignored and disowned. Oh how I wish I could turn back the clock. Fortunately, she did not give up on our friendship and over the years, we came back around. I had an epiphane one day that it really didn't matter one bit to me what she did in private, she was still the same person to me. I know now in my 40's that I was coming from a place of ignorance and fear. I feel sorry for those that may never have that lightbulb moment and lose years with friends or even close family because they never even feel around in the dark for a lightswitch.
On a lighter note, right now, I just wish I was Ellen Page;)
@justpeachy, dont agree with you about people not being "astute" as you said about not thinking Adam was gay. Find your comment very insulting. And I only mentioned AI performances. Said nothing about videos on YouTube that were entirely different than AI. And we are "spoonfed" spectators? Who are you to make such comments.
Both my teens walked in the room (at different times) when Adam was singing on Idol and both said he was gay right away. Of course, they also thought he was the best one and should have won!
I admit I didn't notice right away, actually it wasn't until seeing other performances on utube.
Anyway, what does it matter???
You are saying these things like I'm talking about the people on here. Not at all. I guess a person can be persecuted for opinions on here. Who I am is an observer of the people around me in the part of the world I live in. I know people who wouldn't/couldn't believe the truth til the Rolling Stone issue. Alabama and California are worlds apart on this issue. Didn't mean to insult anyone and certainly no personal attacks to anyone on here. By spoonfed, I just meant they believe anything they see on tv, which for a while that season was not reality and then they had a hard time wrapping their head around it. I'm just trying to figure out why the US hasn't wrapped it's arms around Adam like the rest of the world seems to have, even though he came from here, that's all.
jp - because the US isn't a very evolved country.
(with notable exceptions like the people on this site)
The US thinks it is this big deal but all the other countries think otherwise.
btw, jp, I didn't find your remarks insulting at all and I don't feel you meant them to be. I agree that sometimes people just accept what they watch without much deep thought about it.
Ooops, shouldn't get myself all in a froth like that...that's Paul Allen, the founder of the EMP Museum...not Bruce McCaw! Hard to keep all these NW Bajillionaires straight, right?? ;) Especially when I'm feeling fiesty and railing on about my biggest pet peeve: commercial radio! Sorry, folks.
- Adam Fix
@Adam Fix
I was sort of wondering when Paul Allen had sold the EMP to Bruce McCaw, but then I've also been sort of out of the loop regarding other "news" since in the past couple of years most of my attention has been focused on that other soon-to-be-a-Bajillionaire Adam Lambert. I was thinking well, ooops, musta missed that one!
When I saw Adam on AI I don't recall having any thoughts of whether he was gay or straight. I was so blown away by his talent and how articulate and professional he was.[always acknowledging the band,responding to the judges, etc.] I found him incredibly attractive and he seemed so genuine. I loved his personality and he seemed so confident and not at all arrogant or intimidated. Towards the end of the show I heard the gay rumors, but I really didn't care. I just thought he was the most exciting,gifted entertainer that deserved to win. I bought the Rolling Stone issue and what impressed me was how open he was about his life in general. His being gay was not shocking or surprising . It just had very little if any importance. I admired every piece of him and respected him being his lovable, personable self. I imagine him to be a wondeful friend who would be so easy to be around and so much fun. I just like him as a human being and wish being gay would become a non-issue in society. Everyone desrves to love and be loved and have equal rights. It all seems so simple...Didn't mean to go on and on, just get impatient and frustrated at how humans complicate life and why some believe they are more entitled than others to pursue what should be basic rights in a free society. Adam is making a difference and we can too. funbunn40
Radio Stations NRJ and Voice play Adam´s Aftermath and Sleepwalker every day, and many times. I am sooo glad because of it and for Adam of course!!
Sanni from cloudy Finland
agree with what you said about Adam on Idol, just never really bothered about whether he was gay or straight, he was just Adam, and had me hooked from the beginning.
I also had no idea when I accidentally saw Adam singing Tracks of My Tears that he is gay. I don't watch AI. When Adam came out in Rolling Stone, I couldn't care less because by that time I have become so enamored with his great talent that if he said he were an alien from outer space, it would not have mattered either!
Woooo Let's back up here. Why does it even matter if he was straight or gay? Think about this for a minute! He could sing and it was a singing contest period!!!! Another unfair,unnessary comparison with no substanse at all. This is so hurtful to people who are gay;they keep on asking why does it matter? I was born this way. Now I know how the blacks must have felt in their darkest days. This has to stop. This community of people just want to be treated fairly like any other human being on this earth and be judged by their lifes work not who the hell they sleep with. I know some of you get it;but I question why some do not? He is a trail blazer for people to wake up and see that they just want the same thing you do. They just WANT TO LIVE and LET LIVE! This hate is so harmful to our society. We can only change peoples thinking one step at a time. Sometimes I just get fired up when people have no valid reason for why they think Adam or any other gay person should be judge soley on that fact they are gay. It really does not make any sense to me. Does it to you?
Nope, "do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you"
I stole that from the teachings of about 6 different religions.....not just was around and literally carved in stone before Christ was born.
What a lovely, timeless concept!
Some of you know this already, but let me say it again: I've been introduced to «gay people» and have been dealing with them since I was only 16 years old, when I started to act and to produce plays for theater (1969), in Brazil. Thank God I was blessed with open minded parents and no «macho» brothers, as a matter of fact I am an «only child». Even being a straight girl, when I was 19 I dated a very out of the closet bi-sexual guy, 4 years older than me, for over 2 years (we are still friends, he lives in Mexico). Many years later I dated and lived in Spain for almost one year with a gay man who is still my friend too. I mean, I am sooooo used to deal with gay people (men or women, because I've shared house with lesbian friends), not to mention the many gays I meet at my job as a Chef/Cook, that when I first saw and heard sweet Adam on Idol I HAD THE FEELING he could be gay, not because he was acting gay (because he wasn't), and not because I am «astute» (I guess I am not), but because he looked so sensitive, so darling, so different and soooooo ARTIST that I thought... Wow! WTF??? Whio is this young man? He comes from theater, right?... and he seems to be so creative and confident and well dressed... would it be possible?... If he IS, well, good for him, good for me! And good for whoever IS but hasn't accepted or understood the whole stuff yet!» And ... voilá! HE WAS!!! HE IS!!! HE WILL BE!!! Great!!! And I think sweet Adam deals with his sexuality with an amazing talent! Another great talent in such a big package of talents and blessings. And talking on blessings... God bless you, my beautiful Diamond Boy, every day of your long life! And may God bless everyone who believes that «it gets better» and takes your word and YOU as a model.
Just saying that social exposure, upbringing, geography and personal perceptions help form everyone's opinions. It is in no way right, but I know a lot of people that won't even listen to him because of his orientation and it's their loss certainly. I am working on them hoping they are not lost causes. Didn't mean to start a firestorm or hurt anyone's feelings. Just wanted feedback and I guess I got it. It's easy to get emotional about this when you know the way things should be vs. the way they sometimes are. Adam is winning new fans over everyday and it's causing them to question their own belief system. No, it shouln't matter, but the reality out there as evidenced by media, record sales, and personal feedback from others, it obviously does. We just have to work on people til it doesn't.
When I saw Adam on AI I thought he was the hottest, sweetest, most talented guy to ever appear on the show. I fell for him during his audition and the little clip the radio station did about him. My husband liked him also. After a few weeks, my son came over and watched with us and said instantly, "Mom, you know he's gay right?" He was not criticizing, just telling his old mom who was already in love with him!! I kept asking "how do you know?" and he told me to not worry about it but to just keep voting for him because he was the most talented by far. He even went home and voted for him. Too bad the rest of America isn't like my straight, open-minded son. He also said he will go to a concert with me.
we are all one but we are not the same........
First time I saw Adam I knew in my heart that he will go far from the competition. Very smart artist indeed.........He will conquer the world with passion and integrity.......
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Please do not suggest that Adam Lambert is not accepted in America because he is gay. That is what the propagandist want you to believe. Adam Lambert would have won American Idol without the 38 million cheating AT&T / Arkansas cheating votes. If you go to this site you can see pictures of AT&T set up at a Kris Allen vote party. His brother is sitting there when they give away AT&T phones.
America is not perfect but it was the cheaters in Arkansas who hurt Adam's career here.
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