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Adam Lambert Featured in New Zealand News Channel

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 6, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, March 06, 2011


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

now I am really jonesing for those concert days.

Anonymous said...

Lol this is so old, why post this?

adam luv said...


Anonymous said...

They still talking about Malaysia thing?R U kidding me??He was treated like a king when he was in Malaysia!Next topic,please!
p/s:Malaysia will release GNT CD/DVD in our store on March 22nd also :)

Anonymous said...

Well I did not hear a thing of the mumble. But Adam was gorgeous and sexy as always!! (Did someone complain about the kissing between Tommy and Adam!?)

Rebecca said...

wow haven't seen this thank you

Anonymous said...

I hadn't seen it before either.

Thanks 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Well, it may be totally my imagination, but I felt like he really didn't like the style of the jacket.

The Dark Side said...

Slow news day???

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- Even Malaysians are saying that this is OLD news and that Adam, while there during the Glam Nation Tour last fall, was treated like a superstar. Why bring up that interview now?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:14,The jacket was from Hong Kong.But he did took it off really fast,eh?LOL!He looks cute in it but maybe it's not matching his tight pants :P
All I know Asia loves the guy that called Adam Lambert :)