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Adam Lambert Glam Nation Dancers NOH8 Campaign (3-8-11)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Here is a video of Brooke, Sasha, Taylor and Terrance shooting for NoH8 Campaign! They all look great!


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's so nice to see the dancers again and all looking so great.

Am I the only one who can't hear anything?

Anonymous said...

No, I can't hear either.

Anonymous said...

Can't hear it either.

Anonymous said...

Ok, it sounded like Mmm mmm Hmmm Hmmm mm MMMH NMMMM lol, in 4 different tones with that tape on their mouths!!!...


LP said...

If you watch this video to the end, it will show you a couple of montages of Adam. One is called Glamfather, forget the name of the other. But if you can watch either one without crying, you are not human. They are absolutely beautiful.You just have to wait until this video is completely over, then click on glamfather.

Anonymous said...

Hells teeth that Glamfather video was out of this world, Adam is so beautiful in some of those images.
Does anyone know who was singing the song accompanying it?
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

WOW! Glamfather video smokes! I don't know who the guys singing are, but the woman sounds like Celine Dion. The first thing I thought about the guys is it sounds like the Texas Tenors from America's Got Talent a while back. Don't knw why they would team up, but if so, it works.

Rebecca said...

thank you

Anonymous said...

i can't hear anything either. fun though.

Anonymous said...

i can't find the glam father vid. my version just ends with a white screen. HELP please

Anonymous said...

@LP, or anybody, for some reason, "The Glamfather" vid didn't come up for me, could someone please share a link? Thank you! K
Just watched the movie "2012", it was a good cheesey movie, but couldn't wait til the end to hear Adam sing "Time For Miracles". He sounded beautiful! & then to look for his name on the credits, it took awhile, but finally found
"performed by Adam Lambert". Has any other idol performed a song for a movie while doing an AI concert tour & an amazing album & flying all over the place, & doing GMA on abc, & eat, sleep, & perform, & etc.????
Adam works so hard, I am really glad he is able to take the time he needs now to do this sophmore album. Adam life can now slow down for a bit, & really enjoy every minute to take it all in. Because, we the fans, aren'tgoing to let this "DiamondBoy" go & slip thru the cracks!
I hope next concert tour show he does get a bigger stage, bigger & brighter lights, bigger venues, & more fans!! & more money into his checking! March 22nd is going to be exciting as well, don't ya know?!
Looking forward to AI Thursday, & I'm on the lookout for today on kissfm for Adam & Ryan. & anxious to hear this remix of Aftermath. I don't understand, Adam goes & changes up everything on AIS8, songs & staging, & people all around him, now he's off changing his own songs, "Aftermath" is excellent on the cd & acoustic, why a remix? Anyways, I do hope this airplay Ryan has in store for us with Mr. Adam Lambert at his side, will take off as a US hit!!!! We just don't want it, WE NEED IT!!! ADAM NEEDS IT!!!!MWAH!K

Fan4fun said...

Hey, Glamily, am I dumb? I mean, more than the I am usually? Where are you seeing Glamfather video??? Oh, well, I'll try it later, anyway. Just got a phone call from my friend police officer, the license number of the green car supposed used to kidinap Ping Pong (my neighbours's cat, Icon's boyfriend) has been located and now we have AN ADDRESS to chek out! It's a little farm in a village near here. The old lady, the supposed eyewitness who said to have seen the young man who sells chocolats (not cigarrets) to the minimarket in our neighbourhood grabbing and taking a red-orange and white cat away a week ago, said she saw him again early this morning in the minimarket parking (she lives in an apartment in front of it), took note of his car's license and called the police officer. But as I have said before, we can't involve the Police in this case because Ping Pong was not wearing a collar with an identification, the man is just helping us as a friend, and he's doing a good job, indeed. Now I'm going to tell Icon and my neighbour Esther, bring together a group of friends and make a plan to find Ping Pong and rescue him... in love and peace, not war! Well, I'll let you know. Bye now, keep enjoying this «mute» video. Sooo good to see sweet Adam's dancers together again! Yay!!!! Only some hours to go until we see Diamond Boy direct on TV, talking and singing «live», SHINING LIVE for millions!!! Can't wait! Can't sleep! Can't work! Can't eat! Can't breathe! Are any of you fellows a little excited too? Lol

Anonymous said...

Hey peeps, OT but just dropping this request (begging :)) on the most recent thread - if anyone gets media/clip of Aftermath on Seacrest this morning, PLEASE POST IT, Thanks in advance. Off to Real Life, but hope someone posts something about it (the Glamily never disappoints, lol, I'm hopeful ;)). Have a good day fans.


Anonymous said...

LISTEN LIVE ... Aftermath scheduled to premiere during this hour. Kisses Glamily!!! 8-)


LP said...

For anyone who couldnt get the 2 songs, just google or go to youtube and type in "Adam Lambert Glamfather. The othe song do the same thing and type in Adam bringing light and love to the world. Hope you find them.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait til new thread.
Adam's remix is FANTASTIC!!!!K

The Dark Side said...

The Glamfather is fantastic. The Billboard Rermix is off the charts. Magnificant!!! It's already playing all over the net so check it out. Listen and you will understand how the beat goes on...

Anonymous said...

Go to youtube and at the top type in Glamfather it will come up. Song sang my Celine Deon and I forget the guys name. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

After watching that Glamfather vid again I just want badly to give Adam a big old bear hug!
