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Adam Lambert is Watching "Death Becomes Her" Film Starring Meryl Streep

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 7, 2011

Posted at : Monday, March 07, 2011

Trailer for the movie below:


Anonymous said...

Tic toc tic toc, time is passing, is this some kind of research for your album or just a relaxing break?

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:12 PM Sometimes even Adam fans can be very annoying. And seems like this is your turn today!
For God sake, leave kid alone! How about this? Tweet Adam his schedule. Tell him when he has to wake up, take a shower, and work 20/7.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:12pm lol, he must be doing research on a song he is going to do about watching movies.He'll call it, Time for Movies or Cinemawalker or maybe Tracks of my Twizzlers.

Anonymous said...

Adam was working last night {Sunday} with 4 writers. I saw it on google twitter. I agree with @delilah 5. Adam will take care of Adam, he has been doing a good job for quite awhile.
He said "to chill"

Anonymous said...


ALL Adam fans are annoying, just my turn to be obnoxious. Deny if you can that you haven't taken a drubbing from time to time!

I shall withdraw and hang my head in shame for harassing sweet Adam tweet.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:12PM this is anon 9:49 again. My comment is a joke don't ask me what's up with dililah5.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of movies, I think the new cloud cover for AFTERMATH came straight out of the opening scenes of one of ADAMS favorite movies VELVET GOLDMINE, which inspired the GLAM thing as well as the rock stars of the day.
Check it Out!

Anonymous said...

Sasha Mallory just tweeted this:

SashaMallory Sasha Mallory
Glamily... reunite!!! "snap snap" NOH8 tmrw lets dooo dis :D
47 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

I've seen this movie a couple of times on tv. Bruce Willis is in it too. It is hilarious. :D

Anonymous said...

The movie is funnier than what the trailer shows.

Anonymous said...

Can hear Adams' infectuous laughter from this movie all the way to Miami!! It's hysterical.

Anonymous said...

love this black humor. an extreme for 1992.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a gifted and a genius guy. He knows which one will be a good inspiration to write songs. I love this movie and it was freaking hilarious. Oh Adam your fans are very anxious to see you again eh!!!!! Just chill out people and be patience with our boy please. Just have fun with him and get along ha!ha!ha!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Rebecca said...

this is a funny movie he choose well

Anonymous said...

Death Becomes Her. HaHaHa. That's such an appropriate thread for what I have to say!!
It's 8th of March, 2:25pm! Around here, we celebrate Women’s Day, but also Mother’s Day, so Happy Women’s (and Mother’s) Day to all my ladies AND Happy..Anima’s Day to all the men here on 24/7! I made this up for us to celebrate men's feminine inner selves (their 'anima') too. :-)


PS: 'Daniela' Craig is hot!

Anonymous said...

Adam said that he loves to watch movies. I love getting his recommendations cause he has great taste. It probably is a wonderful way for him to relax and maybe get inspiration. Adam is really smart.He knows when to work and when to play.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a movie is just a movie. We all need a laugh and some down time. Have seen Death Becomes Her at least 5 times and Bruce, Meryl and Goldie always cracked me up.. (pun intended)


Anonymous said...

To each his own, I found the film silly and dumb the year it came out.

But then I have to admit I actually liked Dumb and Dumber!................forgive me.....JAK

Anonymous said...

OT: @Anon March 7 10:56PM - speaking of that sort of thing... did anyone see the piece on Logo channel recently about Freddie Mercury? I don't think it was old (maybe), I think it was a newer piece... I think it was called Magic Remixed, or something like that... it was a, well I don't know the exact word - documentary basically I guess... anyway, it was really great - you peeps that have Logo should look for it. Anyway, in that piece there was footage of Freddie coming down some stairs in a white suit, maybe even a dark shirt... and I think the stairs might have even been lit somehow too... and anyway, I'm sure all you hard core intelligent and knowledgeable music fans (of which I think there are many in Adam Lambert's fandom) have probably already discussed this many times, like two years ago, LOL... and I'm waaaaay late to this party... but I'd never seen discussion about it before, and IDK, but this footage really reminded me of Adam's "Feeling Good" rendition on AI (well, flip that around I guess, cuz one performance came way before the other obviously, no hate, you peeps know what I mean :)). Does anyone know or have a link for the Freddie footage I'm referring to? No biggie or anything... was just interesting to me. So yeah Anon March 7 10:56PM... I think Velvet Goldmine's influence on Adam can be, and has been, seen many times already in Adam's career... I'll have to check out that Aftermath scenario closer sometime.


OT ps. speaking of Freddie and his relation to serious Rock cred - did anyone see about who is gracing the cover of Roling Stone soon? I know there was some discussion here from various peeps dropping about dropping your Rolling Stone subscriptions cuz you'd felt they could have covered AML & GNTour more and such... sometimes I think we fans get a little sensitive and Adam-centric... BUT, if that wasn't good enough reason to rethink Rolling Stone subscriptions, then I would say that having Snooki on the cover of Rolling Stone IS!! I mean, I get the pop culture phenomena... I do!!! But come on, is nothing sacred? Publishing is a hard racket in these modern times, I understand... but Snooki RS, really? Not helping in the cred department RS IMHO. Well, what do I know????

Anonymous said...

he needs inspiration for the next album.glamberts, please let him do it his own way.we can't afford to distract the rock god with our insensitive comments.we crave for the next killer song.adam sweetie,you can watch it continuously if you want to!we just want the songs bb-just the songs!+ you!

Anonymous said...

My favourite singer watching a film starring my favourite actress!!! Adam, you have great taste :)

Death Becomes Her would not my personal pick if I had all of Meryl's 40+ movies to choose from, but it's still pretty funny :D


adamluv said...

@MGF, I thought the same thing when I saw the cover of RS with Snooki on it. Would love to read all the letters to the editor that this is going to create. IMO - this really questions their credibility. I thought the same when they put Bieber on the cover but at least he's in the music business. Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

Talk about your snarky remarks...are we cranky today? Maybe Adam will stop posting what he is doing during his lunch time if this is the result. I have absolutely no idea how singers/artists spend their down time, but suppose it is similar to how we spend ours. Not being snarky, but am confused by the message RS is sending out with Snookie on her rocket. Understood the Bieber cover, not so much RS trying to make him look like James Dean and failing. BTW RS, Dean had a hard edge to him that Bieber is lacking.

Anonymous said...


Did you have to mention Freddie Mercury? Now I've missed my entire nap time! Once I start I can't stop....
..........Bohemian Rhapsody
..........We Will Rock You
..........I Need Somebody to Love
..........Fat Bottomed Girls
..........We are the Champions,,,,,they were!

Anonymous said...

Too funny, I watched this movie on cable last night too! I see Adam at home, flipping channels, comes across this huge pile of cheese of a movie, and the clicker stopped there. Of course, I was going back and forth between this and RuPaul. Go Raja!

Anonymous said...

@MFG You saw the part of Queen' version of "The Great Pretender" . You can find few version of this song on Youtube. But this video is the best! Freddie was already sick and this song deff fitted to his health condition on this time. I think they made it on 1989.
I watched this video many times. When I saw Adam performance of Feeling Good, I thought about Freddie immediatly.
P.S. Freddie continued to sing till last month of his life.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like "Death Becomes Her" too :) Such an oldie. And I think that's the first film I watch that portraits death or aging as something beautiful & to be embraced for. I still remember that last scene of Bruce's funeral & the eulogy (how life begins at 50). Very inspiring!!

Btw, reading the first few posts, I can't help but wonder.. what's going on with some of Adam's fans today? I don't find Anon's 9:12PM's post offensive at all. And Delilah used to post sweet things about Adam. So why is the short fuse happening now?

Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side, Have to laugh, I married my first husband because he looked exactly like James Dean, hard edge bad boy and all. That's why I divorced him. Thought I could fix him. It never works. @ MGF, Snooki on the cover of Rolling Stone or anywhere is too much to bear! Heard they're going to film in Italy. That will cement the term, "Ugly American!" Rolling Stone has turned into Mad Magazine. Glad Adam is seeing a movie if he wants to. He isn't obligated to work 24/7 any more than we are. No one can dispute his work ethic IMHO.Look what hehas already accomplished in just 2 yrs. funbunn40