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Artwork for 'Aftermath' Remix Released!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 4, 2011

Posted at : Friday, March 04, 2011


Thanks to aligning_stars!


Anonymous said...

Minotauresse says...

On first viewing, I read an explosion from above, then it appears I am rising through a cloud bank in flight...great image/metaphor. Thank you Adam for your always on the mark artistry!

Anonymous said...

That's right don't let anybody pull you down, you have to stay above those clouds to be free and be yourself. It is my interpretation when I first looked at this cover. It is beautiful and Adam is always an artistic genius. Wonder what you others read into this picture.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of that Joni Mitchell song about clouds, "Both Sides Now"

Anonymous said...

Every cloud has a silver lining <3

Anonymous said...

"The Sky's the limit!"

Anonymous said...

I thought I saw a glimpse of Adam in there, maybe a slightness of a cloud in his image.
(a touch of cloud on the your right). K

Anonymous said...

When I fist looked at this I thought where is Adam. I wanted to see his beautiful face. Something is missing.

adam luv said...

@JakeL, happy birthday! Hope you comment today. Again, where is Fan4fun and also Glambrit? Glam reappeared for a couple days but now gone missing? Come back you two as I miss you both!! Where is Adam in these clouds?

Anonymous said...

A very serene cover. It evokes quiet and calm for me.
I really like it!

adam luv said...

Found Adam! In the L.A. Times today, calendar section, under sightings - "Adam Lambert - dancing up a storm at the soft open of Mr. H at the Mondrian Hotel". Surprised there are no pictures out yet of Adam DANCING UP A STORM!!!!!! Dont know what "soft open" means? anyone know? Seeing his name in print when not expected always makes me giggly happy!

Anonymous said...

**************** ON CLOUD NINE :)*****************

Anonymous said...

Soft open means certain people are invited to an event to get the staff up to speed and work out kinks before the real deal....(lurking) looking for dancing Adam pics!!

adam luv said...

@ANON 3;01, thank you for the definition. Never heard that term before. Hope there are pics out there.

Anonymous said...

OT: I heard James Durbin on the radio this morning. The interviewer mentioned the similarity to Adam. James went on to compliment Adam, calling him an amazing singer and probably a great guy. Said something else after, can't remember what though.

Anonymous said...

I saw a clip of an interview with James Durbin and he said he was flattered by the comparison and thought it was cool that Adam tweeted about him. James said Adam is rock and pop and he is rock and heavy metal. That he is James Durbin and Adam Lambert is Adam. Lambert and wants to be himself. He also thanked Adam for paving the way or rockers on AI and that he had tried out two seasons ago and did not get through to Hollywood. That would make it the same season as Adam was on.

Anonymous said...

Well, Perez Hilton said some nice things about Adam. His sight also mentions already that GAGA is singing on the AI finale!!!! WTH? Why don't they ever have Adam on the finale again?!!


Anonymous said...

At first look at cover I thought...AFTERMATH? No, AFTERLIFE!

Sort of a preview of HEAVEN....looks like a nice approach.................JAK

Anonymous said...

@Daydreamin Just want to thank you for all the links you give us. Some I have seen and some I haven't but it doesn't matter because I enjoy watching and reading anything about Adam. Thank you so very much.

Anonymous said...

This being a Billboard release, maybe Adam didn't have any input on the cover. Would have loved to see a black and white pic of him sans the heavy eye makeup. Maybe wearing something white.

He did say he got the glitz and camp out of his system now that the tour is over. Sounds to me as though our boy wants to be the true rocker that only he has the voice for. Good if true.

Sparkle Plenty

Anonymous said...

Thank you IreneRose. Hey, you have my middle name:Rose!


LP said...

"Aftermath" is the anthem to all the people who commited suicide, because they were bullied for being different. This is why the cover has a cloud theme, very appropiate.

Anonymous said...

When looking up to the clouds, each person sees something so totally different. To me, that's what this cover represents: the diversity of humans. The fact that each person is different is what makes this a great world to live in. I know that every time that I listen to Adam's song Aftermath, I celebrate non-bullying and openness. Love him for giving me that opportunity.

Anonymous said...

The thought of Adam going into the next phase of himself...and we're going along for the ride!!!!!!...we'll be watching the 'GlamGodofRock' leave and in will walk 'The Rock God'!!!!!!!!!!!!...I'm excited to see what wonderful pearls he brings us this time!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AWW @5:18 That is such a beautiful analogy! Wouldn't you love to know the meaning Adam had behind this amazing cover.

Anonymous said...

Calm after the (internal) storm = Aftermath. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking he'll tweet the meaning someday soon. Wonder if Lee Cherry took the photo.


Anonymous said...

At one time I didn't like either of my names but I have come to love them both. My husband use to call me Rosie just to get me riled up but over the years I actually started to enjoyed it, I never told him because I didn't want him to stop, ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Adam will explain this cover and there is a story behind it for sure. It amazes me how Adam puts thoughts behind every artistic move he makes. He is just genius.
And has anyone noticed his singles? I personally see a story line behind all his released. Ok, here is my interpretation:

He released FYE as single to entertain us and all that AMA backlash happened. The next day, he asked the world "what do you want from me?" And he just went around the world asking that question. Amidst all this, his friends and family were so close to him and supporting him and he released "If I had you" in appreciation of the love they have given him. Then despite all the negativity he faced, despite all the hate and the bullies everywhere he goes in concerts, discussion boards, he succeds and he comes back and tells his story to inspire people, that no matter what happens, no matter what people say and try to pull you down, that you'll be alright in the "Aftermath". It Gets Better, in deed It Does Get better!


Anonymous said...

I think it means a calm and serenity feeling--On a flight where there is no more sadness, no more hiding, be happy and proud of who you are because this flight has many people on it and you are not alone.

Dinah-mite said...

OK, so I'm not sure if I should say what this pic looks like to me... But knowing me , you know I will!

My first impression is that it is billowing smoke from a big explosion! Which makes sense to me for Aftermath. He is talking about some personal explosion in your life, and that you will be OK after.

So, there you have it. We all have our own way of looking at things folks... I like the idea of clouds and can see that too. We all have our own perspectives, that is what makes us unique, right??

Anonymous said...

Great cover, but this is TERRIBLE FONT!!!! And they used it for cover for "Sleepwaker"
When I saw Sleepwaker cover first time I thought that this is not Adam, at all. After all I thought okay, this is about Sleepwaker and probably he can have bad dreems sometimes!!!
But for "Aftermath"?! This is one of the bold and boring fonts ever been created in design history! They use it for blue prints in architect companies!
This is not Adam Lambert! Belive me, I know what I am talking about as far as I have master degree of desing and architecture.
I know this is too late to talk about it but I hope they will not use it for Adam new CD's cover

Anonymous said...

Also, if Blondes invited, I am shure they know everything about presentaions including fonts! And where is Lee for God Sake?!!!! I don't think it was his idea to use this font for Afrtermath and Sleepwaker covers. It is kill the perfect art of Lee's photos!

Anonymous said...

Here's my shallow interpretation: a fog machine and the funky font...makes me think of Studio 54. Just giving you the gut-reaction I had, the first time I looked at it...although I like many or your (more sophisticated) interpretations better. :)

I think it's absolutely beautiful (although Adam's face is more beautiful, and is always enjoyable to see on a cover).

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I like the cover...I don't think he wanted the cover to be about's for the Trevor Project....I like the way you people see the clouds...makes you use your imagination.....main thing is the singing and the Trevor Project.....

Anonymous said...

@March 4, 2011 3:26PM

Adam said there was another rock guy when he auditioned and they only wanted one which turned out to be ADAM - thank goodness - so perhaps James was the other rocker? Maybe not .... just the ol' grey matter working overtime.

The Aftermath CD cover evokes a lot of thought .... in a positive way. :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Are we celebrating the disembodied souls, the supreme serenity or something? Because, you know... who sees the 'aftermath' of an explosion from above? :-> (I'm still auditioning for that role...)
I do like it though. I love flying above the clouds (be they from a blast or not). It was also one of my recurrent dreams during childhood. :-)

Anonymous said...

Shit! I wasn't thinking about the Trevor Project at all... :-( So ignorant of me! I'm now on their website to see what's about.

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely buying the remix. I've got FYE and WWFM remixes too.

Anonymous said...

this song is for the good cost and it's appropriate for my opinion......

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Love all of the analogies above and I do believe that Adam didn't want to make it about him. Aftermath has many different meanings to many people and this cover perpetuates this to give us all our personal meaning.[ Not sure if I'm adequately expressing what I think] It can also represent the many souls reaching for infinite heights of happiness and acceptance in the universe. I agree with all of the above perceptions and it can be anything we imagine it to be. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Meant to say I loved your post,ZZ and the way you put it all together!! My thoughts run away with me and you were my first thought! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OT..I'm also so excited with Adam's upcoming Idol appearance that my brain is shorting out! I meant to thank Daydreamin, Irene Rose and others for the best links they provide. Have to read everyone and health is suffering because I need to get up and move! Adamliv, I had it in my head to comment on what you said in another thread that I really loved and now have lost it.Adam just short circuits all of my thoughts or old age is rearing it's ugly head! Really appreciate y"all! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The cover looks like a generic wallpaper on my computer. I agree that the font is also very blah! I don't think this says Adam at all. But I'm loving reading everyone's projections on this. It's a Rorschach test! Who knows why this was chosen. Maybe they were just in a hurry!! Crazy with all the great fan art out there and gorgeous pics of Adam.

Anonymous said...


I left you a declaration near end of endless James Durbin Talks page..........................JAK

Anonymous said...

Cool cover. I like dance and classic trance. KLF's 3 Am Eternal is my absolute fave. Now listening to Justified and Ancient, anti a cappella mix..

Anonymous said...

Dont know if the moderators will allow this comment through but I will try.
If you google MJs blog Adam Lambert. Scroll down to Adam Lambert Artwork and Official press release.
Always good intelligent and comments and indepth information about Adams music.

Anonymous said...

This cover is straight out of the opening scenes of one of Adams favorite movies VELVET GOLDMINE,
which inspired the GLAM thing amongst his other idols from the era.