From TheEdge: What Would You Like to Ask Adam Lambert?
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Thursday, March 31, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 31, 2011

TheEdge from New Zealand will interview Adam on April 4th, 2011. They want you to help them out with questions! (You have to sign up to ask questions and there's no guarantee your question will be asked)
From The Edge:
"All your hardcore tweeting has paid off Glambert fans - Adam himself has seen the overwhelming demand for him to call The Edge and is giving Brad & Marty a call this Saturday morning for an exclusive interview!
Because the fans asked for it (and made it happen), we thought it only fair they get to ask the questions... So, what one question would you ask Adam Lambert?* Would it be - what's your favourite ice cream? song? place to party? or maybe one about his music - what has he got planned next?"
Head over to The Edge's website to learn more about this!
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I have a question for you, not Adam.
Are you an Adam fan? Why are you trolling an Adam-fan site?
Question : with your R & R life style, is the 2nd CD going to be Rock the hell out of the universe?
@6:36. Please, stay away from this blog. We will hurt you. And you will have big scar on your brain till rest of your life! I am serious!
Anyway, this is not about trolls!
I would like to ask Adam if he makes any plans for the next tour. Cause I have to start to save the money and renew my passport!
Have always loved this picture!!!!! Adamluv
My question would be....You've worked long and hard to reach this goal of being a recording artist, are you willing to work as hard to keep it?...JAK
fearless fans of Adam right on delilah5!!!!!!!
It's only showing that Adam is really famous now indeed!!!!!
Jealousy kills and that's what happens to all the trolls in this site!!!!! Beware!!!!!!!!!!
You don't mess up with the loyalist of Adam hahahaha!!!!! Watch out we all bites indeed!!!!
Love u Adam!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I would ask AML if he plans to concern himself with constructing a "cohesiveness" to this next album, which some industry people said his first album lacked... or does he plan to focus more on the "playlist generation" (something he talked about in regard to FYE, brilliantly and forward thinking IMHO btw) and go more for choosing songs that he feels please himself and will please his fans? I have always found the participants on this site a smart and savvy bunch - surely we can come up with 100+ comments on THIS thread, with our relevant and intelligent (and even fun/silly) questions, born from our curiousity about this intriguing and addictive artist, surely we can.
So excited, I just flicked the TV over to one of our music channels here in New Zealand and there it was, "Sleepwalker" a clip from the Glamnation DVD. I was so happy had to txt my Adam Fan friend in Christchurch.
As for what question to ask Adam I have so many, so will leave it to others, whatever the questions I will be happy to hear his voice, and he will know New Zealand loves him.
Jadam. NZ
My question: How do you handle the pressure to produce a sophomore album when the expectation for its success is so high. Also, how will you balance your musical taste with what is considered commercial/popular in order for it to be the success that is expected of it? It must be so hard to be in your shoes, Adam, so please be kind to yourself for us. A serious fan.
This is so of topic but is this what really happened at Gagas birthday??
I would ask first of all who he wants to work on with for this upcoming album, if he would consider singing in another language (Spanish maybe?) and I would also ask him if he could explain (in his own words) what went down at the Gaga party hoping to hear him come up with some witty put-down of Perez :P
@7:55- I was wondering the same thing, of course it's all over google and soon to be all over the news I'm sure. when ever anything negative happens with adam that's when he gets all the publicity and not in a good way. Damn Periz Hilton for shooting his mouth off! So what, I'm sure everyone's been drunk at least once in thier life! But Adam does not need this right now either geez.
love adma lambert he sa good man;beign drunk only natural when u drink. gaga is a bet not down to earth lady her attittude not reeally good technically thats her real attittude. i dont trust her bad atittude thats the facts maam.perez hilton such a bad guy as well.
NOTE @7:55 link
I clicked on the Video link on that page earlier today and was ATTACKED by a virus!!!! Fortunately, the virus was blocked. BE CAREFUL of some of these links.
I thought Perez and Adam were friendly now??? Obviously, Perez is not a friend of Adams! Hope this is all a big exaggeration of what happened.
All these headlines come from one source - Perez Hilton, who wasn't even at the party!
Isn't it amazing? I can't see you, I can't hear you, but I know exactly what you are doing and I'm gonna go on a radio show and say what I didn't see and what I didn't hear so it can be spread all over the blogisphere as if it were the truth. Don't you just love me?
another great post
When you are famous you will expect more negative than positive especially in the case of our Adam.
Adam is enjoying the moment and he knows what is right and wrong.
Just focus on the price all the time Adam, it will pay off!!!!
Love, Love....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I would like to know how he learned to command a stage of musicians and sound people by looks and hand gestures.
Every performance on American Idol was in a league all it's own. While we are waiting for your amazing next album ( and it will be !!! ) is there any way your management team could get Idol to make a DVD of all your performances on Idol including your journey every week ? All your fans would love this !!! Thank you.
I would like to know,Will your infinity necklace ever be available again? I would love to buy one?
I would ask that whats up with Sauli ;)
Perez is a gossip monger! Removing him totally from my focus, which dislikes DBs. Would ask Adam what he means by less Glam on this album?
@anon 4,57
Thats a really good question. Its always amazed me how he does that.
I hope someone would ask Adam what really happened at Gaga's birthday party. The way Perez explained everything really portrayed Adam in a really negative light in my opinion. Now everyone is arguing if whether or not if all of this is true.
Hopefully Adam will set the record straight and explain what really went down that night. Plus I really want to hear Adam's side of the story. He's such a good storyteller.
That is interesting and different, for a change.
He even controlled the kissing with a C for a hand single on whether they would kiss or not.
Adam & Gagas press have refused to comment on the stories & in his succinct tweet, he said it all.
The European part of the tour was, IMHO,even better. What a missed opportunity not to have more professional photography done.What a fabulous compilation could have made from the shows and the interviews & after shows,the countries etc. Thank goodness for Suzi at least.
Lots of different hairdos too.
Lots of great questions for Adam, here. Adam has admitted to being a bit of a "control freak" so it is not surprising (but it is impressive) that he's able to control his whole show with hand gestures! That's why his shows were so great - he had a vision, and he wanted it presented the way HE saw it in his head...and we fans wanted to GET inside his head.
I also agree - would love some sort of compilation of his Idol journey, and wish they would've shot some European footage for his GNL dvd.
Now, for the real hard-hitting question: Adam, do you need help lacing up your leather pants...??
- Adam Fix ;)
How he tolerates all the ridiculous gossip speculation that he has to endure.
@ Adamfix, I'm really good at untying knots!.. 10:02AM, Penny made the infinity necklace. I believe it's been retired, but if anyone returned one, you may get lucky. I have one and am very happy with it. I also have the earrings. The ring is now available. A fan on his fan club site was offering to sell her earrings for a donation to Donors Choose a while ago. Maybe someone would be willing to sell their necklace.Tim Foster , who makes the jewelry is very nice and accomodating. Hopefully he can help you. funbunn40
I wonder if American Idol would ever consider making a boxed set DVD of Adam's Idol appearances. It would definitely sell! I also would love to hear Adam's side of Gaga's B-day bash! As for a silly question, I'd like to know if Adam still has his tonsils, just curious.Also the name of his dentist! His teeth are beautiful! Wonder if he's still on the exercise bike and keeping up the dance and body roll moves for the next concert. Another silly question, will he ever give Perez the time of day? funbunn40
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