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'Glam Nation Live' is #1

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Superstar Adam Lambert first DVD, Glam Nation Live (19 Recordings / RCA Records) debuts at #1 on SoundScan’s Top Music Videos chart selling 17k units in its first week. This makes it the best debut of any release on the Music Videos chart thus far in 2011."


Anonymous said...

So excited! Just saw this news on another thread and was coming here to inform everyone. Great that you got this up so quickly. Proud of Adam and all of us fans that bought this amazing cd/dvd. I listen everyday and have watched it with so much joy. It brings back wonderful memories of the 2 concerts I went to.My favorite concert ever because of the beautiful voice and showmanship Adam has.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Adam, RCA 19, the whole Glamily and all us Glamberts! Yay!!!! I think we all did our part in supporting Adam on this one! I enjoy the CD/DVD so much I can't stop listening and watching. It's fantastic and a memory to cherish forever! WOW!


Anonymous said...

Sony Canada reported that GNL sold more than 35K. WOW! I wonder how many were sold out worldwide?

Anonymous said...

such a great cd/dvd it makes me miss the GN tour even more. So glad it is number one! I miss the dancers and esp miss my boys Tommy and Monte, they seem to be doing well though.Can't wait for the next tour, see all you guys there and then some!!

Anonymous said...

I guess we all knew that Adam and his GNT dvd would do this. Congratulations to everyone who helped make this a success. I was unable to attend his concert, but this is the next best thing to being there and enjoying the superb Mr. Lambert. He is a dynamic performer both musically and visually.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ADAM LAMBERT & everyone involved!! The GNT LIVE is excellent, & I'm not saying this cuz I'm a fan either. I'm so glad Adam did this for himself & for us, his first album & first worldwide tour hold wonderful memories! I know even tho I am excited about his next album, I will always go back & listen to FYE again & again!
Thank you Adam Lambert!! MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

The CD is produced really really good. I listen to it a lot. It has Adam's voice up in center and the band music sounds great. Love the DVD too.

Fan4fun said...

That is my Diamond Boy!!! Now, imagine HOW QUICK his new album will make «#1»... Just wait and see!
Congratulations, Sexotic Singing Bird!

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT! YOU ARE #1! Thank you Adam and the whole band! You are so far out! Love you! Sanni

Anonymous said...

ADAM a voice and a scene to remember!

glitzylady said...

Just curious how many are having trouble buying this in stores?? I was extremely frustrated yesterday when trying to purchase some extra copies for friends..Last week, I bought two while waiting for my pre-sale order from AO to arrive (finally got here a week late..) and have given them away to friends and family already. Bought the last two available from a Best Buy store. I asked someone if they would be getting more in because I didn't want to deplete the supply..She said "of course". Went back yesterday..No GNT Live to be found anywhere..spent significant time there, talked to a guy who looked it up for me to see when the next shipment was coming in. Nothing for the next two weeks...excuse me, but WTF! I was NOT amused to say the least. There was no evidence of it anywhere, no empty slot to show it had been there in the first place. So I very politely suggested that they please order I told the young guy I knew it wasn't his fault (he was very helpful and nice) but if I didn't see something show up soon I was going talk to the manager of the department. Its pretty hard to sell something if it isn't stocked. I also had visited another Best Buy earlier in the day, and it wasn't there either, but at least there was an actual spot marked with GNT Live, but with something else in it. I didn't get around to asking THEM if they had any more coming in any time soon. Maybe I'll have to go back there too! I sincerely hope others are having better luck than I did! I also told the guy I talked to that if that situation continued I would have to consider contacting RCA/Jive records and letting them know what I had seen, the fact that it wasn't being restocked. Maybe I am the only one who is having this problem. I hope so. I know they are available at WalMart but I am too far away from one, and I don't usually shop there. I suppose I'll have to check that out next. Guess its the principle of the thing! My local Target doesn't have it either. Not sure if Target is carrying it at all. I can order from Amazon of course, but the physical CD/DVD still needs to be visible in stores, so that those who are not diehard fans (who me?) can see it and pick it up, perhaps on a whim. I had planned to give one to my hair person, but I had to settle for giving her a burned copy of the CD. I also am going to gift one to a friend who can't afford to buy one. Sorry about the rant, but just hoping this isn't happening elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I ran into the same thing at a Barnes& Noble store in Westlake, ohio. I was there 4 days after it was out and it wasn't there and never was there.It wasn't even written on the blackboard with new releases. The associate said he could order it for me to get by mail and I did that. I will be going back in a few days as my sister gave me money to get her one and I'll see if it is there yet.

Anonymous said...

I ran in to the same problem at Barnes & Noble in West Los Angeles. The day after it was released (so March 23). I expected to see it there because we were told by RCA it would be but they didn't have it. I was able to order 2 copies from B&N but they are still not here. I got my copies from Amazon right away and also AO right away. I asked B&N if they were getting in a shipment and when and was told the B&N at the Grove had a supply. I haven't had time to check yet.

Anonymous said...

Congradulations, Diamond Boy!!!!! Happy for you! #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure album will be sold very fast!
Ladies, I wish I can send you the albums which they have in our local "Fred Myer" store. If you have this stores on your city, I am positive you will find GNL in these stores! They didn't announce new realese, and I hardly could find the album. Wish, I knew your addresses! I could send you as min as 10 albums just from one store!
Again, our boy is #1!!!!! Happy for you!
Is it okay that I have some tears?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Way to go Adam and troup! I finally got mine from AO too glitzylady! I haven't looked anywhere else yet but will start checking and complaining if they don't! I am thinking besides those of us who were so very fortunate to be able to see one of these truly amazing shows, there must be a whole ton of people who couldn't attend that are going to eat these up.


Anonymous said...

I found the last 2 in Walmart but did not see any in Target. They should keep restocking hopefully. In target under bestsellers was Adam's FYE CD. I was happy to see it there. So proud of Adam on his GNL dvd.I love it and bought a couple extra for gifts.

The Dark Side said...

I bought an extra copy at Walmart last week, but it was almost gone. Congratulations Adam, hope this makes records worldwide.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! So nice to see that you ask for the DVD when it´s not in store. That´s the only way to go about it. Perhaps I´m to suspicious and believing in som sort of conspiracy, but isn´t it the same with FYE? If it´s not in store, i won´t sell.
Now, what about all the doomers and gloomers that said that the GNT DVD wouldn´t sell if Glamberts protested to ABC?


Anonymous said...

I wish they would put his acoustic cd in the stores also. Listen to it all the time. Love the gnl cd/dvd and can not wait for his second cd. It will rocket to #1 worldwide!

Anonymous said...

I think it just depends as to where you live in trying to find the GNT dvd. I found mine online at Barnes and Noble here in NJ. I just ordered it at an available store and they would hold it for three days for pickup. I got it the next day. Had to do it that way since local Target and Walmart did not have it. It was like a treasure hunt search trying to find it. But it was certainly worth the search.

Anonymous said...

It is readily available here in Nz. I got mine from AO, but might just buy another so it goes towards Adams sales in New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Yahoooo!!! Adam LAMBERT #1... that's WHAT I WANT TO SEE... OVER & OVER!! So it starts here!!

Yay...congrats Adam & a great release from RCA... even Ed was complimentary. =O We all begged for this from the first week of the tour and look how well it turned out. Now if they'd only listen to us about 'Sleepwalker' damn-it....

@ Glitzylady & All... My local Target didn't have it on the shelf either... I did speak to the young guy in the dept who looked it up & said they did NOT stock it! They DID have FYE (AND Take One--which doesn't even benefit Adam) I did tell him "you gotta be kidding!! This guy is pretty popular around here, if you had it on the shelf it would sell... now we'll just have to buy it elsewhere...shame you're losing out." I promptly bought TWO at Best Buy and was thrilled (and so proud --> silly me) to see Adam's fabulous cover in the "New Release" section.

I LLLOOOVE LOVE IT!! Very nicely done. A few minor things I'd change (besides the hair-do... I'm one of those who DOES wish he didn't have the shaved do =/ But if I can have Adam on DVD sounding this good... I'll take any do it comes with!.

The sound IS wonderful, I think about as close to Adam's incredible voice live as we'll get, but have still said good as this is, he still sounds even better live.

The thing I was most disappointed about is the
END of 'Sure Fire Winners" which is down right
RED hot!! I LOOOOVE that moment when Adam licks his thumb and "turns out the light", and they filmed it from the BACK!!!!! That's like being BEHIND the castle at Disney World for the fireworks!!! UGH!!! Ya GOTTA see it from the front! All the times I saw him live that move was PERFECTION... maybe that time it was off?
OH well... the rest is great.

@ Delilah... Dear, if they're tears of HAPINESS for Adam being #1, you go cry your eyes out with my blessing girlfriend!


Anonymous said...

Way to go my boy. Your hard work are really paying of. No. 1!!!!

Fan4fun said...

@ Cindy

Sweet Adam is «star perfection» and YOU are «his fan perfection».
Yeah! Perfection is in the air.

Anonymous said...

I was extremely smug when I led my husband to the computor and this page and said "SEE"!

Lovely moment, JAK

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun =)
Aww WOW!! Thanks... ;) Scratchies to Icon! Enjoying all the fun dual posts lately.

lol... good for you!!! And his reaction was???


HK fan said...

I made a trip to HMV here on the 22nd, and at first couldn't find it, wasn't under new releases in music or music dvds, but found several copies filed under Adams section in the A's. wasn't sure if it included the dvd at first as its a normal cd size case (usually dvds are larger), and it was the same price as a normal cd, which was unexpected.but it was both the dvd and cd.
I also wish they would stock the acoustic cd in stores, I'm sure they would sell more. Still haven't got mine. I'm sure it would stop a lot of illegal downloads too if things were readily available in shops.

Anonymous said...

congratulations to all the fans who bought the dvd!!!!!!

Celebration and more to come!!!!!!

We adore you Adam Lambert!!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I was able to get 2 copies from wm, it was in the new
Adam should this with every tour. You know he is as visually satisfying as he is vocally. So why hasn't he been on this socalled Glee? Don't watch it unless Adam is on it! MWAH!!! K

Anonymous said...

It shouldn't surprise you that Adam song is not at Target they are homophobic from top to bottom. I don't buy anything there. I go to Wallmart or Best Buy or order on Amazon. That is where mine came from and ofcourse his @Adamofficial.
Number 1 sounds so great. I will be buying for gifts for sure. I want this to go platnuim.

Anonymous said...


His reply?........He weaseled out by saying

"I never said he couldn't sing!" Which is

technically true. Drat that man, he spoiled my

moment of triumph!.....Men are devious...JAK

Anonymous said...

Use you IPHONE, IPAD OR your COMPUTER!!!!! and order GNL! If everybody would order GNL or bought in first week, Adam could get gold in a few hours! Like clearwater charity! Why didn't you order it from AO! And, don't lie, that you can't order GNL from Amazon!!! Everybody was complaning that RCA doesn't want to realise the album and they could sell just 17,000 in first week! And most of Adam's "fans" bought two or three GNL albums!
Be good, ladies. After this Adam will never get any promotion.
Enjoy your stupid comments, Glamidiots!

Anonymous said...

I am sure people use all of the above to order their cd/dvd but it's also nice to have in a store for the casual fan to walk by and see and become interested in, not everyone in the world was waiting breathlessly for the dvd.

Anonymous said...

Excellent work Adam! Congratulations!!!

It seems to me that you guys have some problems in the USA to get that "piece of gold" from the shops. Didn´t the shop keepers know how popular Adam would be with that CD/DVD? Maybe not. Now they know for sure!


Anonymous said...

@anon 9:43 PM! Come on!!

It is very important to have the CD/DVD also in the stores for everyone to touch and buy. By the way. Was Glamidiot your name? Nice to meet you too!


Anonymous said...

@Glamidiot :-)
What do you mean: "After this Adam will never get any promotion"? BEFORE this Adam hardly got any promotion, I doubt that´s gonna change much. RCA fears "overexposure" more than anything else. Keep Adams name out of sight! Don´t mention him in the Chris Brown/ABC affair, that will make Adam suffer! I don´t think it did.
Of course GNL should be available in stores. You shouldn´t have to order it up to get it. To us it sounds ridiculous that some people never heard of him since AI, don´t have a clue about his world tour. They might be happily surprised if they stumbled upon the GNL in Wallmart.
