Glam Nation Tour Photo Reveal - Week 2
Filed Under (pictures,tour news ) by Admin on Saturday, March 5, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, March 05, 2011
Adamoffical has released never before seen photos taken during the Glam Nation Tour on their site...

Source: Adamofficial
Thanks to Adamholic!

Source: Adamofficial
Thanks to Adamholic!
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These pics bring back such great memories and a feeling of being backstage.I'm so glad I had the opportunity to see this first GNT in the smaller venues. We were able to meet Monte, Tommy, LP and occasionally a dancer, making it so fan friendly. Adam would come out when able to greet us and sign items. I became attached to the glamily, all so friendly and accommodating. Through Adam we became aquainted with these great people and appreciate their individual talents.As Adam's fame grows and he plays in larger venues, this intimacy may be lost to a degree, but it was one of the most fun summers I've had and will always cherish. funbunn40
Glamily in «Paradise» 24/7
> Oh, @ Funbunn40, glad to see you here...
- Hi aunt Funbunn!
> I think we need one of your candles...
- Hurry up mommy, lets go!
- Not yet, Icon, we just arrived, we owe our glamily some explanation, your aunt @ Adamluv is worried, maybe some other aunts/fellows are worried about us too...
- Hurry up mommy, ask aunt Funbunn the candle and lets go...
> You see guys, sorry I've been out, first I was sick with a tough flu, then «Hell's Kitchen» sent me on an emmergengy mission to other island to replace someone and cook brazilian food for a group of 50 guests in one of their hotels...
- Lets go, mommy, yiou tell them later...
> I left Icon home but not alone because my next door neighbour,(Ping Pong's mom) have my keys...
- Ping Pong is missing, aunt, my boyfriend is missing!!! Missing for three days now!!!
> I came home yesterday, after 4 days, and my neighbour was freeking out because her cat Ping Pong is missing...
- Aunt, we looked every place, even in the harbour and the airport, we can't find Ping Pong... I think he dropped me for a female cat, he's bi...
> All my neighbourhood and also brothers from my church are looking for Ping Pong... They are airing in the radio station...
- Aunt, I think he has been kidinaped! I saw once on TV! They kidnap kids and sell their organs!!!
- Calm down, Icon, we'll find him, our souls will be ok.
> Guess he's NOT D-E-A-D, no B-O-D-Y has been found nearby...
- Lets go mommy, I've got my pink teddy bear already! Take your umbrella! Bye, @ aunt Funbunn, bye glamily...
- Not yet, Icon.
> Hey @ Jake L, happy birthday yesterday, baby! We love you!!!
- Happy birthday yesterday, uncle Jake L... we love you... Lets go mommy, aunt Esther is calling outside door...
> @ Adamluv, don't worry fellow, we'll be back to watch LIVE direct on TV sweet Adam on Idol next thursday...Yay! Diamond Boy for millions... LIVE! Direct on TV!!! Kill them, sweet Adam!!!
- We'll be back, aunt Adamluv... lets go, mommy, it's raining! Lets look for Ping Pong!
> Oh, Lord! Where the glamhell is that cat??? Where is my umbrella? There are signs with his photo wherever, my neighbour Esther is going nuts, the poor woman, Ping Pong is his favorite cat...
- He's my favorite boyfriend!
- You don't have another boyfriend, Icon, just him!
- Not true, I have «pretty kitty» Tommy...
> JAK from Florida, thank you for keeping this site a warmed nest for my Sexotic Singing Bird (this is sweet Adam) with your excellent humor, we love your comments, you are sooooo welcome!...
- Bye bye, gran ma JAK, we love you!...
- Lets go, Icon, bye everybody...
> Wish us luck, guys!
- Ping Pong, don't get soaked in the rain!!!!!! We are coming to rescue you...Bye aunts and uncles! Lets go, mommy!
PS: Thanks, Adminin. for your patience. I know, I know, it's freaking crazy... a talking/wrinting cat? A Glambert Cat???? Only in 24/7n «Paradise»! We meawwwwlove you!
Those white fingerless gloves are my favorite. They scream Adam Lambert!!! Hope he brings his wardrobe up a notch for Idol next week. He doesn't need to keep being so conservative on that show...the other artists aren't. Bring the Glam!
OT...@Fan4fun and Icon,So glad to hear from you1 Was getting worried! will light the way for Ping Pong to find his way home!How old is he? My two are taking their cat naps. Mabe I should wake them up and have them use their telecathic powers to find Ping Pong.Does he like Soaked? Play it loudly and he may find his way. Auntie Funbunn!
The last picture looks like they were warming up the leather and a towel on a radiator, warm and soft?
Fan4fun and Icon
Thank you for kind words and honorary position as Icon's Grandma. Tell her I love her.....JAK
The Dark Side
I also have my eye on the white leather gloves. Would it help my cause if I played the sympathy card?
It would be so much more secure for me to grip MY WALKER handles with those gloves.
Would pity work....I have no shame.....JAK
Hola creativa Fan4fun e Icono me alegro saber que están bien y de vuelta, superada su gripe e inconvenientes de trabajo. En verdad senti preocupación de que estuvieras enferma, pero ya estas de vuelta al Hogar internacional de fans de nuestra superstar ADAM LAMBERT y compartir estos días de espera a su actuación, que será una presentación Maravillosa, Conmovedora, y llena de Esperanzas ...... en IDOL.
Deseándoles que recuperen rápido, sano y salvo a su querido Ping Pong.
Paz y Amor y un cariñoso maullido para Icono.
@Fan4fun and Icon, so relieved to hear from you since last we all heard, you were ill! Now if Glambrit will just reappear, I can relax. JakeL. has not been around so missed all his birthday wishes from Friday. Will keep PingPong in my thoughts that he is found soon! I cant imagene the feeling to have a lost family member. Keep us posted. Adamluv
What a treat to see backstage photos of the GNT. Big thanks 24/7. :)
I enjoy seeing these photos - especially the white gloves that I love....
But I'm mostly glad to hear from Fan4fun and Icon again! Feel better Fan4fun! We'll all use our telepathic powers to help Icon sense where Ping Pong is.
And thanks for the huge smile with your fabulous creativity Fan4fun.....You are such a hoot!
OMG, fan4fun, glad to "hear your voice" again - missed your goofy creativity!! Glad you're ok... Now Icon, on the other hand...poor kitty!
(ha! ha!)
- Adam Fix
Yey Fan4fun finally a post from you and Icon \o/
Glad to know that you are well :) Kind regards.
Hey Fan4fun and Icon! Glad to hear from both of you! Someone said you had left a post here...missed it because I'v been traveling and didn't read this thread. That'll teach me to skip things!! Hope Ping Pong is found safe...naughty boy is out galavanting no doubt! Glad Icon has his other favorite sleeping partner, pink teddy bear!
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