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ShowBiz Tonight News Ticker: Adam Lambert returning to American Idol

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 5, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, March 05, 2011


Anonymous said...

I bet ol Brooke loved seeing that song vid showing up! hehehe! K
She hated Adam's ama performance.

Anonymous said...

loved that clip! HLN has little tidbits about Adam everynow and then, keeping our guy in the news!!so looking forward to seeing Adam on AI.

The Dark Side said...

Cool! Think Brooke mellowing out a little. Considering what some other celebrities do, Adam is almost a choir boy.

Anonymous said...

i actually wrote into Showbiz and asked then why they never ever mention adam. Same 4 celebrities constantly, I told them he's has millions of fans and why is it always about Bieber, Sheen, Lohan and Kardidian. Wonder if they listened?

Anonymous said...

like that they used FYE vid clip, good! most of the entertainment shows cover the same short list... soooooooo boring, how do they keep their ratings?

Anonymous said...

What a skinny boy he was then, must have given up ice cream for FYE and WWFM videos.

Since my only interest is maternal.....I just want him to be healthy......and able to support himself. Grandma dreams.

I SEE and appreciate that his voice and appearance is heavenly.........I actually have a crush on James Blunt! I always crush on the English and Irish pasty-white bony guys.

Daniel Day-Lewis, Jeremy Irons, Ralph Fiennes, Liam Neeson and the long ago beauty of Peter O'Toole. Weird isn't it?........JAK

Anonymous said...

I will be watching and the ratings should be high that night! Aftermath is a great song!

Anonymous said...

Not dissing Gaga, but seems like JLo's On the Floor video is beating I Was Born This Way video on YT. I think JLo couldn't have done it without Pitbull and Lambada. :)

Anonymous said...

If you compare Adams music videos FYE is the best. It's like a masterpiece, everything is in place in it and you never get tired of watching it. IIHY is a success too.