Hollywoodnews Gives 'Glam Nation Live' 5 out of 5 Stars!
Filed Under (DVD news ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From Hollywoodnews:
"Directed by Doug Spangenberg, ‘Glam Nation Live’ is shot very creatively, giving viewers the ability to see the whole production from the best seat in the house.
Naysayers, forget ‘American Idol’ or the ‘American Music Awards’ or just about anything else you think you know about Adam Lambert. ‘Glam Nation Live’ proves Adam Lambert is the real deal – vocal talent, showmanship, and personality to match.
5 out of 5 stars – but don’t take my word for it – check it out yourself."
Source:Hollywoodnews (Go to source to read the FULL review!)
Thanks Glitzylady for the tip!
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Great reviews for Adam's GNT dvd, but those of us who are fans already knew this. Adam is the real deal, probably the best vocal talent in the music industry today. He is a superb performer both musically and visually. Adam has a stage presence and a charisma that just draws you in and makes you a fan forever. Enjoy watching the concert over and over to watch the emergence of our next rock superstar.
Tahank Goodness at last recognition, that Adam has deserved from the start. Perseverence and us his fans beleving in him is sure paying off, everyone is realizing what we all knew right from the start. There is no one that can touch Adams all round talent, the whole package.
(Ps I am first here cause I am starting my day downunder while everyone else is still asleep.)
Bugger, seems I am not first here. LOL
What?????!!!!! Do you wanna kiss ME, sweet Adam?
Oh, you have SOME lips, so kissable, aren't they?
OK! I'll let you... you deserve five kisses, one kiss for each one of your five stars! Deal?
I believe Adam will get many new fans because of "Glam Nation Live", I am so thrilled about that. They will get to see what we have seen all along. He is so talented and smart.
I love everything about him. Hoping for album 2 to really sell.
This is fantastic news.
Great review <3
Adam proved it AGAIN with his recent acoustic performance on AI -- and now here comes Glam Nation Live!! 2011 is gonna be a stellar year for Adam and onto infinity !! He is on his way to becoming an iconic legend!
1st year out and a Grammy Nomination -- watch out world -- the awards will be pouring in from now on!!
SOOOOO blessed to be able to watch his career SOAR!! Can't wait for album #2!!
OT: Do you know about Metropolitan Educational Theatre Network? It runs on donations for kids who want to be in the Arts. It is MET2 and has an Adam Lambert Scholarship Fund. The link is:
http://tinyurl.com/TGRfansite. Lot of pic of Adam w/the kids.
The above pic. Kissable lips....wouldn't you like to plant one on them? Heaven.
Told you this was off topic.
I LOVE these reviews! More and more reviewers are realizing what we have always known. Adam's journey to the top will be gradual, but strong. He won't be here today and gone tomorrow. It drives me nuts when some less-talented new artist sells millions right off the bat and then keep selling millions by doing the same thing over and over, sounding the same and doesn't even sing that well. Adam is the real deal vocally and artisically, and he's not afraid to mix it up. GNT is just the beginning!
For everything there is a season...be patient.
The world will be bowing to Adam...be patient.
LOVE this review! And they got it right to all the 'naysayers' about changing their minds after the AMAs, etc. (Will the AMAs never go away?) Anyway, hope this review is seen by many and they get curious and go buy the GNT LIVE DVD/CD. I keep watching the DVD and re-living my moments of the 3 concerts I attended and have the CD in my car and keep playing it! Go Adam!!
Does anybody else feel like standing on the tallest building in your town or city and screaming I TOLD YOU SO !!!!!!!!!!!JAK
HELL AFL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!
FIVE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
& VERY PROUD TO BE YOUR FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@JAK 3:55 PM
I already do that! LOL!!!!! (in my mind anyway!!)
I'm very proud of Adam, i was able to watch the Glam Nation Tour here in Manila, and it was really fantastic. Can't wait to get my dvd.
Perhaps you should read my dissertation on "Obsession "on New Pictures on Twitter page!
Fabulous review... so happy for Adam. (and us!!!) Yahhhooooo FIVE, count'em, 5 stars!!
Awesome news and the recognition & validation Adam deserves.
@ HeartAdam4ever...
Beautifully said. You made me smile, and a wonderful prediction of exactly what should happen for Adam, and joy for all of us who love him. I'm going to smile my way to sleep tonight =)
Did you see how Adam answered my Tweet, right above mine? (Well, I like to think it was).
Adam hash tagged #sloppy about the incident at Gagas party and the Twitter results are awful.
LBS uragoodteacher
" . . . the real deal". Love those three words and arent they the truth! Now this is what I'd call a review!!!!! Adamluv
Totes agree Adamluv. Saw this review in the blogosphere a little earlier today and was very happy with several phrases the writer used! It's really quick and easy to comment on that site (in fact, I saw that a few of our 24/7 regulars have already, lol) so I think Imma go back tonight and do that.
Loyal fans of Adam are doing a good job by supporting him endlessly.....
For better or for worst we all stick together for his more success to come indeed!!!!!!!!!!
Everyday is a happy day for us who believes of Adams talent........
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I'll always be there for Adam. He is somebody I believe in but also, he has the voice I will fight for , no matter how stupid some people are, they can't admit that Adam is a vocal genius. K
Gorgeous picture. Great review! So glad that more and more people are getting to hear Adam's gift. His voice and his magnetic performance skill that just pulls you in.
We all knew this amazing talent ADAM LAMBERT long ago. So happy to see others are getting on the band wagon. What a ride it is and will be for years to come! Such a proud fan!
He has my heart!! Goodnite adam wherever you are!!
I like the big smile more than the pucker lips pose that everyone seems to do for a picture.
Maybe cuz I know they won't pucker for me lol
Why waste a million dollar smile if you have one?.
Million dollar smile, 9,000,000 twitter followers, and 17,000 sales!
And you think second CD will be #1 anywhere? Never, ever. Where are all of these 900,000 twitter followes? 17,000 vs 900,000!
JAK, Mom from Toronto, MGF, Adamluv, Glitzylady,
Cindy, Jadam, Fan4fun(+Icon), P.A.S., HeartAdam4Ever, MWAHK, LBS, K and the rest of you!!!
Yes, I´m in heaven for Adam´s ***** with you!!!
GNL is opening eyes and ears for the rest of the world. Thank you ADAM LAMBERT for bringin us so much joy for our lives!!! We love you so!
@anon 9:22.
Are you some kind of a pessimist? Adam´s fame is a snowball. It is growing gradually as you perhaps noticed from the review? Just wait and see.
Yay! People (besides us, who already knew) are finally starting to figure out that Adam Lambert Is The Real Deal!! Now he's even being publicly defended for the ama 'debacle' and abc's ridiculous response to it. It just keeps getting better!
@Sanni In Music or Movie DVD business they name it big LOOOOOSSSS! In our time it has to be 100,000 CD in first week! DIDN't get it you lost the game! THIS IS 21ST CENTURY! HOW ABOUT MJ VRS JUSTIN B! I THINKG MJ WOULD LOOSE!
Unpucker those lips and get in line---fair is fair. NOSY
vote for Adam
wow 5* and just the begining
@anon 10:14PM Vote for Adam or buy his DVD? Are you so naive and think that anyody care about your votes?! THey care about you pocket expenses! More you spend, more stars your Glammyboy will get!
Go to the store, buy the DVD, and forget about polls' sheet!
Well, ok I come from a much smaller/tiny country, Finland and maybe don´t understand the measures in the USA...
I was just so happy for Adam.
Anon. March 30, 2011 10:49 PM
Nasty post! Voting for Adam is a very important part of being a REAL Adam fan. Try it yourself ... it costs nothing, it doesn't bite and it promotes Adam!!
You know what also promotes Adam in a necessary way, requesting to your local radio stations. I said a week or so ago, if they don't play it they don't play it, we can not control that, but we can control our registering our own desire to hear him. Try requesting Billboard Aftermath Remix, especially to Kiss affiliates... but also continue to request WWFM and IIHY from your local stations that you know played it even just a little when they were at their peaks!!! They keep track of these things; no, we can't make them play AFL, but we can control our own expression via requesting that we want to hear him, and it's free, and in many cases very very quick and easy to email or text requests in, without having to deal with the phoning in stuff.
We Glambs are not naive. We get the sales thing. We know lots of artists out-sell Adam. We're not blind. All we can do is buy what we can, spread the word and keep him in the spotlight. The negative poster above is trying to get a rise out of us, I realize. It's not going to stop me from supporting him!
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