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Idoloonies segment on Adam Lambert & James Durbin

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 7, 2011

Posted at : Monday, March 07, 2011

This was posted a few days ago but here is the youtube version for those who couldn't see the video in the previous post.


Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to feel bad about this, can't we just quit talking about this young man

and let him stand or fall by the people who vote? This has taken on a lynching atmosphere.

Rather creepy..........KW

Anonymous said...

poor him that's all but good luck anyways

Anonymous said...

he really did a good job last week and I voted heavily for him. Go James,you did a good job!ot but in case anyone is interested Monte's kickstarter is over $50,000.

Anonymous said...

LMAO hilarious segment!!
I agree with Slezak. James definitely needs to be more wary of what he says and how he acts on this show because any little thing can be used against you in that situation. He just needs to just focus on the performances and articulate his ideas/opinions well.
He has a great voice (gotta give credit where credit is due) and can do the rock wail like Adam but obviously his voice is not as trained or as polished as Adams which is OK because I sincerely don't think he is trying to be an Adam clone, nor does anyonw want him to be. His attire seemed a bit ridic to me at first but I'm sure the AI warsrobe ppl will help him with that. He obviously was influenced by Adam (not just his voice but his style) and I think we should take that as a compliment. He's obviously not a professional though and is getting used to all f this so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wish him and his family well.
Ultimately I think there is room for both him and Adam because they are different. There is really no need to bash him or put him down. I don't think Adam would like that.
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I just find this video hilarious!
I don't feel sorry for James, I guess everybody else are doing very good job:) Kid gets a lot of support and has a loooooooooooooots of fans already. And these fans are taking all comments about James very seriously. So, let them take care about JD. I don't this kid suppose tp keep some much of our attention.
In this video I see myself with these robots!LOL
Can't stop laughing. Just don't make decision what I'm gonna do "EXTERMINATE!" or "scrape James skin's cells of the stage" It sounds like Slezak was realy enjoying to make this comment:)


Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing lol

Anonymous said...

obviously he wants to be the next adam lambert.copycat!please be authentic and find your own style and don't be so over dramatic,remember Danny gokey?its just to early to expose that.take note durbin,people are voting for you ,just don't scare them away.

Anonymous said...

Funny segment. But I wish James well, isn't he diagnosed with mild autism in addition to turrets? I think the social/personality part will just not come as easily to him, we need to give him a break in that respect. The kid is talented, it will be fun to watch him progress and see if he gains more control in his singing. And what a great role model he is for kids out there dealing with turrets or autism! I agree with Adam that he sounded badass last time. :)


Anonymous said...

KW I bow to you and your kindness. You say you are new to this site...thanks to high heaven that you weren't here to read the comments about KA (the one whose name cannot be mentioned on this site for fear of monitors exploding in faces). Perhaps as a gay man yourself, you can inject your spirit into us and add your insite to a lot of fiercely loyal fans whose claws come out at the mention of Adam vs anyone else.

KW please also bear with us and speak your mind when you think we are out of ours. If someone jumps you, I for one will have your back.

Thanks and welcome to 24/7.

Sparkle Plenty

Anonymous said...

I don't think James wants to be Adam. He has the rocker look but so do many other artists. He has talent but not to the caliber of Adam. The media just wants to stir the pot. I will never laugh at anyone that has to overcome such huge odds of tourettes and asperger's disease (highly functioning autism) my God...I wish James luck and appreciate his unique set of obstacles. It hasn't been easy for him his whole life I am sure. Send him love. We know the media...he will need it. As he said, he wants to be James Durbin. I didn't look at the video...if it is in anyway making fun of James I wouldn't be able to stand it. Let's be bigger than that.

Anonymous said...

Think we need to remember that Adam is in a class by himself. Most of these contestants don't have the experience, maturity, extensive training and stage confidence that sets Adam apart along with his gifted voice. It's unfair to make comparisons and I applaud them all for getting up there and trying their best. I agree that James Durbin should now be left to the voters. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Laughing my ass off. So funny, and they nailed the problem with James. Adam is so much more than what James apparently thinks he is, so like everyone else, let the voters decide. There is some amazing talent this year. Jacob is someone I would NOW pay to see in concert, and that's how I judge. His voice is astounding.

Anonymous said...

We don't/didn't like it when ADAM was the brunt of all the jokes during season 8 ... so why don't we follow ADAM's example of Love & Acceptance & the old adage ... There but for the Grace of GOD .. go I .... I'll expand on that thought ... or ONE of MINE!!!
Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

@9:13 Agreed! Found the video hilarious EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE! I've looked James up on You Tube & some of his singing ain't half bad.
I think people should get over the Adam comparison (cos we know there can be only one!!)
Lovin' Jacob Lusk too!! His voice is outstanding and hope he goes far .....already I'm seeing discriminating posts about him, just like our Adam had during his Idol stay.


Anonymous said...

"This is why you FAIL" part is just hilarious! I just can't stop laughing. Bless you Sleezak. Oh boy, better go to the bathroom before i leak on my pants LROTF

Anonymous said...

Sparkle Plenty (as in Dick Tracy?)

Thanks for the welcome, I assume that KA was Kris Allen and you're right I wasn't around. I also assume it was carnage.

I've seen the Glambert claws.

My assessment of Kris.....Nice young man, pleasant voice, cute crooked smile, lots of plaid shirts (what did he spend weekly Idol clothing allowance on?). Will not be happy in L A, belongs in Arkansas maybe playing State Fair circuits. Not smooth enough nor interesting enough for interviews. Should continue the work he did for his church. Will probably be a great husband and dad, but not a recording star.

If there are still people hating on him, that would be a shame. He didn't steal anything from Adam. The voters did.

I hope people can move on. Seems to be quiet now..........................KW

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder why people just can't accept that someone is truly talented like Jacob Lusk (and, of course, our Adam) and just appreciate the talent without resorting to negativity. There's just so much hate. Is it jealousy? You might not like someone for some reason, but you should respect their talent. Sorry, just venting.

Anonymous said...

I wish the media would stop discussing and inflating this so-called copycat choice this poor kid James Durbin is supposedly making. I know it makes for good TV and all but to me, it is so obvious they are playing games to get Adam's fans all riled up, especially the most fanatic ones. It is very entertaining, I guess, and it is good publicity for AI but I really don't think we should fall into their trap.

This video is funny but I am increasingly resenting the constant condescending and mocking undertones used by the media when talking about James. Ok, so he mentioned Adam: so what? Perhaps other contestants mentioned him too at times but it didn't make for good TV, wouldn't get anyone excited so it was carefully edited. He hits high notes a bit like Adam: so what, so did Jacob Lusk and that kid Clint something who sang "Superstition"! Neither fall into the "rock'n roll" category, so no one makes any comparison, but screams and high notes were there! He chose a song that Adam performed in the past, well, that was not perhaps the best choice given the current controversy, but this song does not belong to Adam! other contestants have made poor choice, like the one singing a Kelly Clarkston song!

It bothers me that so many people are bashing this guy without giving him the chance he is entitled to, just like any of the other contestants. I am sure he is very aware of what is being said about him, and it must be quite unnerving for a young man under a lot of pressure to find the right attitude and balance everytime the cameras roll, especially with his medical condition.
Some enlightened posters here have written several times about the effects and symptoms of Tourette and Asperger experienced by people with these conditions. How they may lack social skills and empathy, how they blurt out comments, don't pick up on cues and can be easily over-stimulated. So as much as I like Michael Slezak, I think it is really not very nice to say that he doesn't like or care for James, or his attitude or whatever he said about him. It is still early in the competition: we don't know James well and we have to remember that what we see is edited for best effects. Give this boy a break. I wish everyone would just sit back and let the kid prove himself. We know he is not Adam, HE knows he is not Adam, everyone knows it, and no one EVER said or wrote James was a contender to replace Adam at any point in time, anywhere. We are not watching the "Take Adam's Place" competition. We are watching American Idol.I wish people would lay off this nonsense already.


Anonymous said...

I agree that everyone needs to lighten up about their comments of James Durbin --- although he did kind of start it by mentioning Adam in his comments, as pointed out by Slezak. What I found funny was their comments about Adam's fans. They know about the Glamberts! Adam singing an acoustic 'Aftermath' on Thursday should end the comparisons tho, don't you agree? Adam doesn't JUST use his rock scream!

Carlos said...

Hilarious.. This is what good humor is all about.

Anonymous said...

Hey, i'm the fan from Vietnam and i want to ask u guys something. Which episode of AI will Adam perform? In Vietnam, there will be top 13 performance this week so how long will i have to wait?

You said i shouldn't be worried about my english but i still do. So can u correct me when i make mistake? That will help me a lot. After all, i decided to learn english just because it is Adam's language! My name's Minh, my friend call me Milu. I'm so happy to be a part of lovely glamily.

And answer me please, i don't want to miss that one!!!

Milu from Vietnam

Anonymous said...

Being the lazy person I am, I am pasting my comment (from the thread with this show on it, originally) here, again;

Oh jeez, how'd Michael Slezak get his hands on that old home movie of me (I was the gold robot with the big, blue eye)? No wonder I couldn't find it around the house! Thought I'd just misplaced it. Yep, that's me in a don't-mess-with-my-Adam induced tizzy, all right! I spit blue sparks when I'm mad!

That was hilarious. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Milu from Vietnam - you decided to learn English because it's Adam's language?? That's amazing! Your English is just fine! And welcome to the Glamily! Adam's performance is the week following the naming of the top 13, so you should be able to see ADAM the following week. At that time there will be performances by the top 13, then the following night there will be the elimination - which is when ADAM will be on. I hope this helps! Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Parisian Girl: I don't think people are bashing Durbin. He clearly caused the comparison by mentioning Adam and then performing a song done by Adam on Idol. He also uses Adam's movements and arrangement and even resorted to the "tail" that Adam has been featured wearing albeit in fur. I do respect his accomplishments inspite of his disabilities, but to me, he is saying, "I'm better than Adam. Just watch me. I can do that rock scream higher and better than Adam. I'm that good." He has created the comparison. If he were original, noone would have ever thought of Adam. But he's not--at least not at this point. I'm hoping he will do his thing and show us his unique talent. He seems to have a beautiful--if uncontrolled and untrained--voice. I really believe the judges didn't know what to do with him. There were other singers who were as good or better that were eliminated. While he does have issues, I think in this instance the judges were reluctant to dismiss him and decided to let the viewing public make the decisions.

Regardless, I wish him the best, and I look forward to seeing him do his thing and not Adam's.

Anonymous said...

Well goodness, most of this thread is a breath of fresh air compared with that last "anti-James" thread. I am so glad to see so many positive posts instead of the some really mean spirited posts on the other thread. James deserves a chance and the vote will speak for itself.

Thank you funnbunn40 again for educating all of us about Aspergers and tourrettes.

I'd rather side with Adam's positivity. There is way too much negativity in the world. I don't have room for any more in my life.


Anonymous said...

Hi Milu. Glad to have you here. I'm from Vietnam, too. Adam will perform on Thursday, March 10, which means March 11 in Vietnam. For a detailed schedule, visit, Adam's fanclub in Vietnam. Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Uh everyone--they were making fun of glamberts more than of James. And we so TOTALLY deserve it! I thought this was really funny. And it's also great to see Adam treated as the iconic figure we all know him to be!

But I also have to cheer James on...go for it dude!

Anonymous said...

i love more sophisticated Lambert, no time for caring the kid JD to find his way home. it took Adam almost ten years to achieve today. when hearing ' a change is gonna come', i definitely can receive more consensus from his version.
maybe i am just old enough not to growing up again with JD or Justin Bieber. i think i've found my league!

Anonymous said...

I saw the TMZ clip of JD that shows his style has been more glam before Idol. However I don't see much similarities with Adam in this performance. Still think he's more like Bruce Springsteen.

Anonymous said...

JD is young, he has plenty of time to polish himself artistically and socially if he keep chasing his dream like Adam never give up hope. Sure, Glambert nation is powerful in the video, shoot down almost "everything" in our way. Human brain sometimes work very funny, if people remove JD "condition" before commenting, "Don't Like" and "Copy" are not even equivalent to bashing to me. There are always few crazies in a fanblog. So What? Well, I actually like his voice but don't like his ACIGC and the big tail. I think AI will keep him in the season, it is all entertaining after all to most people. Don't take it serious.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched the clip of James singing A Change Is Gonna Come and I'm not sure I want to after hearing that scream in this clip but curiosity will probably get the better of me .... maybe. ; I'd rather watch Adam's clips of which there must be thousands!! :D

However, I think the James v. Adam thing should be put to rest. It's not serving any purpose except to aggravate both their fans. The guys are sooooooo different in style and age and in practically every other way except for the rock scream.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn’t all this start when one or more of the judges said they were looking for another Adam Lambert?

Rebecca said...

there is no comparsion between Adam and James but i do like James i think there is someting there a talent that could be polished up to be something really good.

HK fan said...

why shouldn't Michael Slezak say he doesn't care or like James and his attitude? Its his opinion and he's entitled to it. Why should we all say how lovely, amazing he is just because he has a disability. For everyone out there that doesn't like him, there will be someone that does. It is the same for every Idol contestant, go on any blog and you will see negative comments alongside the positive one, they all have to go through it, including Adam. Music is always subjective, we all like different things (apart from Adam, but even then we all have different songs and performances we prefer). his disability shouldn't come into it, you either like his voice or you don't, you either like his style or you don't, you either like his persona or you don't, and if we don't then we should be able to voice it.
and @ anon 9.41, while you think Jacob is an amazing talent, and I'm sure there are millions that agree with you, there will also be many that don;t like him. Again they are entitled to their opinion.

Anonymous said...

@Parisiangirl.........WORD!(or/ you said what I was thinking)......

Anonymous said...

sorry YOU said what I was thinking HKfan...note to self-READ post before posting

Anonymous said...

Agree totally with HK fan. Everyone is entitled to his opinion. When James screams, my skin curls! He just is a wanna be and he is cocky. Dont like him. As for Jacob, though he has a good voice, he seems to go into a trance with every song he sings...kind of creeps me out! No one can compare to Adam.

Anonymous said...

First off I want to say I thought that tid bit was really funny. I am still laughing. I did take the time to read all the comments here. Everyone has good points and now for what I think. I think it was an omage to Adams fans who fiersly defend,support and love Adam Lambert. It is true so true;we are the greatest fans an artist could ever want. Few artist have a support system like Adam. We can be on the defense at times but yet Adam critics have given us good reason. James Durbin is just someone trying to make it too. I for one love his back story and admire his guts; however he is not my personal pick this year. I can think of 4 others I am zooming in on. James is very green and it shows with his off key singing etc. The 15 year old Asian girl has a more pure and trained voice that everyone really. She is 15 and I find that amazing.
Time will tell with James; but can he sing soft songs? The thing that always amazed me about Adam was he could sing anything well, not all his songs had a rock scream in it and he really made every song his own. He never sang any song that was to big for his range or voice. The mistake alot of these contestants make is singing songs that are to big for them and they sound pale in comparison to the original artist. Remember Lil' she had an amazing voice but kept singing songs that really could not be improved.
Don't hate on James he is just saying things before he thinks and doesn't really realize how he just put himself in that Adam vs James comparison just by mentioning his name. The reason I love this show; well it brought us Adam right; is because it makes me realize how much talent we have out there. The hard part is seeing the broken hearts too. These next weeks will be seeing these artist step in and out of their comfort zone. Who will do that with grace and ease well we will see. We might all be surprized. I noticed only two or threee have yet to look at their audiance or camera. Remember Adam;those eyes that smile;he connected with us in a way not many artist do. I will be watching and looking for the best over all not just who can copy another artist.

Anonymous said...

OMG, that was so flippin hilarious. I was roaring at the robot people, hahaha. Priceless!! And the ending...."SCHOOL" hahaha... Poor James, hahaha, I don't mean any disrespect and I do wish him well, but to even try to compare yourself to Adam Lambert! OMG, hahaha... But the robot people/Lambert fans was the funniest fricken thing on this video!!

Anonymous said...

Here we are again. Talk about JD, his disability, and how talented he is....
I even started to feel guilty because I watched this video 10 times.
But the deal is that I didn't care so much about JD in this video. And I didn't make any fun on him. Except "Avatar" tail:):):)
There are absolutely hilarious comments about us, about Glamberts. And this is the reason why this video made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

I'm so over the James Durbin controversy. Let's all think back to some of the horrible attacks against Adam. Do we really want to participate in that against someone else?? No, I didn't think so. Adam (and Glamberts) is all about love and respect. James will either do well or not based on his own merits. If you love him support him, if not, just leave him alone.


Anonymous said...

Oh I love myself being one of Glambets, no matter what.

As for James Durbin I wish him well because every one deserves chance!

Some of you are saying that James is a poor kid, but I want to say this. He is already a father to a baby. In that sense I consider he is socially and officially a grown man. He is responsible about what he says and does, isn't it?

Dinah-mite said...

OMG!! Slezak-- nailed it!!! I guess nobody really "got" the robot thing. Hmmm...

Gee, Adam fans, OVER THE TOP??? NEVER! Take it back or we will wipe the floor with you! Not only that we will become SO annoying that the public
will be turned off to ANYTHING about Adam.

Whaaaa??? This kind of behavior is not HELPING the man we profess to ADORE??? Shucks...

O well, back to our business as usual. (Claws out, tongues slashing)...

Anonymous said...

i just listend to james durbin and i don't like his voice that much, just my opinion

but i found this HI-LA-RIOUSE! haha
but WE are GLAMBERTS, so let's just love!



Anonymous said...

Adam fans, don't get caught up with all the " comparisions" & " hate" with JD

The media knows that our dear talented Adam has very "devoted fans" & how JUICY news/gossips will sell!!! & thier jobs's to stir S!@ like stupid TMZ, that's all!
So " blame in on the Media"!

Adam like he said " he's an open book", he came out, honest, authentic, amazing vocals & the media don't like that , as they have no dirt to dig about him:)
Hip hip hurray for Our talented Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

The media is getting interested in the Glamberts. :)

Julia said...

I agree with everyone that we should let Durbin have a chance and give credit for what he should have earned. However, as other Glambert, i don't like to see Durbin set himself to a comparison with ADAM first and then denied. He was the one who promoted further discussion about the comparison and then blamed on people. No one like to see the weakness and insecurity in a candidate and negativity toward other past contestants. His negativity invoked negativity back on him (it showed his lack of humility). Anyway, it makes me so proud being a Glambert every day (How about you?). Adam always has such class and quality inside out that live in everyone of us for a looooooooooooooooooooong long time!

Icon said...

@ KW

I don't know if you are an «uncle» or an «aunt», but I see you are new in 24/7 «Paradise» I want to say WELCOME ON BOARD to you, as my mommy Fan4fun use to say to all new members of our Club Weird (my missing auntie Glambrit IOW/UK made me Honorary Vice-President several months ago when I was a baby and wasn't posting yet!).

I was reading the comments and you said «you've seen the Glambert claws...»
Meaw-ha! Meaw-haha! YOU SHOULD SEE MY CLAWS, my vet said they are enormous and mommy said she will buy me some black nail polish and a pair of fingerless goves because I am a GLAMBERcaT!

Fan4fun said...

@ Milu from Vietnam

Someone gave as a site where we, out of USA, can watch sweet Adam onn Idol, live, direct on TV, thursday (for us), friday (for you).

You have to be careful about the difference of time from Los Angeles (West Coast time) to Vietnam... I guess they are around 20 hours earlier, maybe more? I know They are 7 hours erlier compared to me in Azores, middle of Atlantic.
Good luck to you and all Glamberts in Vietnam!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not feel sorry for James Durbin at all any more.
I just read article from MyFox Chicago
Poor JD is AI heavy metal sensation! I wouldn't be surpise if he will become AI sensation and become season 10 American Idol!
And this is something from one of his interviews,
"...he (JD means Adam) put his foot in the door. I want to try and put my foot straight through the door. HE did some rock. I like it, it's okay. But I want to be heavy metal rocker as Ozzy or AC/DC"
I think now everybody have to be happy. And Durbin doesn't need any protection from Adam's fans for from critics of the press. He knows what he wants and he will get it.

Anonymous said...

As I step back in the 24/7 door, I see that many of the posters are again posturing themselves as Judge & Jury.
Silly me to think it would be any different.

Anonymous said...

Season 9. Siobhan Magnus. Off-key, high-pitched screech planted into every song and incorrectly compared by the media and the ever-hopeful idol judges (no doubt, with encouragement from the show producers) to... Adam Lambert!

Anyone heard from Siobhan lately...?

I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is saying - leave James D alone. If we do that, and no one votes for him, then he will be gone. The controversy will be solved, but this is not good news for JD.

The Dark Side said...

Hey, if you go on TV and put it out there, people are gona talk about you. This video was funny, plain and simple. James is 21 and probably a huge Adam fan and we should leave it at that. Glamberts weren't happy about A Change is Gona Come because that horrendous scream was likened to Adam...go figure. Live and let live and hope this young man can hold it together during the competition.

Anonymous said...

KW - You clever boy. People used to say I sparkled. When Adam came on Idol I took Sparkle Plenty as my anon name because there were so many glams and glitters and glitzs and also because I thought Adam always had a sparkle in his eye.

Did you notice how you toned down the remarks on this thread? I did and I thank you. Again.

Sparkle Plenty

Anonymous said...


You may call me Uncle KW, I have minimal interest in the feline world but won't shy away from an ankle rub providing I'm not wearing a dark suit.

I presume you're a "shedder".

Stay well and prosper..........KW

Anonymous said...

Sparkle Plenty

I have noticed less savagery but still plan to stay armed with "code" name....I've seen you ladies in full HUNT mode and fear your wrath.


Anonymous said...

I haven't commented on the Durbin/ Adam thing yet. I did read an article where the author said James has to ENDURE being compared to Adam. That statement ticked me off, not at James but the author. It also got alot of Glamberts to respond & they lambasted the author. Some other bloggers said they liked Adam, but the Glamberts were Sparkle cows, and that ticked me off too. Seems one can't stick up for themselves or Adam, which baffles me. The other bloggers can say what they want, but Glamberts can't.
I say the media is still saying neg. things about Adam, some get him. But I don't think James will have to go through the harassment and nasty remarks about his disability that Adam has gone through and is still.
Adam is just the best and I hope I can stay around long enought to see him really appreciated in his own country.

Anonymous said...

@Ikon & Fan4fun I didn't hear from you for while, friends. Where have you been? Does Ikon feel okay? How about his Mom?

Anonymous said...

I think all James Durbin is trying to say is that he wants to be more heavy metal/rock than has previously been seen or heard on AI. That's all he's saying. Personally I don't think he has the vocal ability or possibly it's experience and training that's lacking. All in all, you can "try" to do what you want, but you "have to have the talent to back you up". He stated that Adam opened a door but further stated that he's trying to open it wider by breaking it down rock style. Hopefully, if nothing else, that breakthrough will take place. I doubt it though. Idol has always been more pulled back "family entertainment", but then you never know when a change is gonna come...

Fan4fun said...

@ delilah5

Hi, fellow, we are here!!! (well, Icon is sleeping already, it's late night in Azores, 2:10 AM). We left a long post a couple of days ago, on the thread Glam Nation Tour Photo Reveal - Week 2 telling our news... I had to travel to other island («Hell's Kitchen» work) and left Icon home. My neighbour was baby sitting him but her cat who is always outside home on streets (Icon's boyfriend Ping Pong) was missing when I came back after 4 days. Everybody has been looking for Ping Pong and now we know for sure that he has been kidnaped and we have to find a way to rescue him, God willing. What a story, hope it has a happy end before this weekend!
Hey, delilah5, let me ask you: why do you call my cat Ikon with «k» instead of «c»? Is it the russian version for his name? Hahaha! I kind of like it but can't change my cat's name because he was named after Paula Abdul has said that sweet Adam was «going to be iConic» (not iKonic) LOL. Thanks for asking about us. We love you too and get always worried and thinking you must be drunk when we don't see your posts...

@ KW

Thanks for your attention to answer to my cat Icon. It means a lot for him to get another aunt or uncle in this site that he loves so much. He didn't understand very well the meaning of «shedder», this word doesn't come in our English-Portuguese dictionary. You are not calling my cat a «mutante», are you? Hope not... he just happens to be a talking-writing gay male cat, nothing anormal in 24/7 »Paradise» land for Glamberts... Everybody has the sacred right to love my sweet Adam, or my Diamond Boy, or my Sexotic Singing Bird. Or not???? OK, now you can call ME a «mutante»... I don't mind... I've been living so long castway in the middle of the Atlantic that sometimes I can feel gills growing from behind my ears... Stay well and prosper you too, KW. Loved your posts. Keep posting. See you.

Bing said...

Finally got to watch the video and twas hilarious. Really wished that media thought twice about JD's lack of social skills and empathy before making a big fuzz out of his interview that was subjected to a lot of misinterpretations. I appreciate the fact that he was thankful to Adam for paving the way for rockers in AI. The movie TEMPLE GRANDIN helped me understand JD more and i would like to give him all the chances to fulfill his aspirations in life through AIS10. I don't have to like his singing ability but i would like him to shine in his own right. We all have yet to see what he has to offer. He has enough time to earn my respect when it comes to his musicality. But what i do admire most is his courage to prove to us how entertaining he could be.

MAYBE I'M AMAZED by Paul McCartney is an excellent song choice by JD and i have a feeling that he is gonna kill it once more. Again i wish him and all the other contestants all the luck in the world.

If the media is magnifying the issue to get the Glamberts all riled up, then it is up to us if we want to fall into the trap. But IMHO it would be wiser to ignore them simply because there is just no basis for comparison. And i think that JD has clarified his statements already. So that should put things to rest. JMHO :)

Anonymous said...

I friggin LOVE the ending!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Icon & Fan4fun Sorry, Icon, I misspell your name. You don't have to be surprise, it is happen with me sometimes. No, I am lying, it is happen with me very often.
I think I post my comments as minimum twice or three times per day. Some days even more often. I think I am becoming very annoying.
I started fasting. So,no meat, no eggs, no drinks:) for 40 days!
Sorry for your neighbour cat:(
How do you like this video? I think Glamberts are looking HILARIOUS!

Anonymous said...


A shedder is a cat that sheds lots of fur that attaches to insult intended. JAK

Anonymous said...

Hope all on this site will be able to see Adam on AI. I'm going to DVR as well as watch. Only one more day!I'm also leaning more towards the girl contestants like Pia Toscano and Laurin Alaina. No Adam comparisons there! haha Would love to also see Adam come back as a mentor again. He did such a magnificent job, giving very constructive criticism. Peace y'all funbunn40

Fan4fun said...


Thanks a lot for your info, but guess what? Icon IS NOT a «shedder» because his mommy (ME) keeps him very well brushed every day, sometimes with a «Pompadour» hairdo (kidding!) like sweet Adam performing Soaked, Icon's favorite song.
Anyway Icon wouldn't be «feelineng» insulted because also the GLAMBERcaTS (is there more than one? Where????) can't stand it, quickly show off their CLAWS, bare their teeth and PAY BACK any insolence!!!

@ «uncle» KW
Icon and I want more of your lovely posts. We are «watching» you! And yeah... be aware of the «Wrath of Glamberts». LOL!

@ delilah5
You want to know what I think of this video? well... YOU were acting quite good as a die-hard-glambert robot! You deserve an Oscar! Hahahahaha!!!

The Dark Side ,aka the bronze robot said...


Anonymous said...

Love Idol this season ,amazing talent

I think JAmes really needs a break ,and given time & guidance ,he'll do fine.

WE all know there is only one Adam ,I just see those stairs on AI and I melt,just thinking of him!

Anonymous said...

Oh my lord that scream was ear-shattering. There should've been a warning!!! I don't care if he bent over a bit to do it - no-one should be allowed to subject millions of people to that!

Other than that, hilarious video! Loved it. :) Still giggling.

But they really haven't seen back-bending while hitting truly glorious high notes if they think that was in any way impressive. They need to watch some Adam GNT videos - specifically the encores.

Anonymous said...

I watch Adam & James videos a lot and happen to like them both. James isn't Adam, Adam isn't James. The plot that is brewing to eliminate James from the competition by a certain fanbase is wrong! If the media gets a hold of that, it is going to take Adam down, not James.
Imagine what would come out of that - Adam really doesn't want his fans taking that route at all.

Anonymous said...

adam makes me want to vomit...he's a total tool

Hardy said...

Well goodness, most of this thread is a breath of fresh air compared with that last "anti-James" thread. I am so glad to see so many positive posts instead of the some really mean spirited posts on the other thread. James deserves a chance and the vote will speak for itself. Thank you funnbunn40 again for educating all of us about Aspergers and tourrettes. I'd rather side with Adam's positivity. There is way too much negativity in the world. I don't have room for any more in my life. daydreamin