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Mention of Adam Lambert in new Simon Cowell interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 4, 2011

Posted at : Friday, March 04, 2011

Skip to the end of the video - 0:50 seconds left of the video - for the brief Adam mention.

Source: Accesshollywood


Anonymous said...

Oh Simon! LOL Clay can be a Nanny LMFAO

I really miss him on Idol.


Anonymous said...

Simon is sexy evil. I love him, miss him, and still think that they had to close the show after he left.

Anonymous said...

enjoy listening to his interviews, very witty guy.

Anonymous said...

Love Simon in general...
Love that he fully admitted Adam should have won, and STATED, "we've done our job, we've found our international superstar"

Hmm...what was that reaction with the "eh" waving hand... "yup". He's probably a little nervous 'cos he knows Adam would WIN. Start counting up that 5 mil baby!


Anonymous said...

Adam Is already a STAR, he don't need that show. give chance to other people..& i don't like that host Laura Saltman..HMmmp!

Newfie Duck said...

Nice to see and hear Laura again. She's a great interviewer and she loves Adam like everyone here. Simon is everywhere these days in the media building up for his new show...looking forward to it actually as Idol as become very bland for me.

Anonymous said...

Does the winner of X Factor get 5 million dollars and no matter if he/she/they are successful or not post X Factor, he/she/they keep the 5 million dollars?!?!?!

I miss Simon (and Kara) too. This year's judges sugarcoat their comments especially to the guys who are so ordinary although thankfully, Randy has made a couple of realistic comments but there hasn't been any constructive criticism.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing ADAM!!! next week on Idol. :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon 5:30AM for saying that you too feel this season's guys are ordinary, I feel the same way. I think Jacob probably shines outside the realm of ordinary, but quite frankly, none of the others, JMO. I feel some of the girls were great 'though, including some who didn't make top 13, too bad, think some guys should have been left behind in favor of some girls... but that's American Idol for you.

Anonymous said...

Laura "dishofsalt" Saltman will always have the back of the The Glam Godfather. She was taken by him instantly and mentions him every chance she possibly gets. I never was big on Simon Cowell and like what Steven Tyler and JLO are bringing to the Idol panel this season.

Anonymous said...

Good point Anon 6:38 am. Why doesn't AI chose the voted top 20 PERIOD. Why does it have to be equal boys and girls? It's not a fair beginning in MHO.

Anonymous said...

I think that was a definite "YES" for Adam Lambert! The hand thing , I took it as Simon was being funny, again going back to the one interview from last year about AI, who'd he think should win?, "Adam", he says & Adam wasn't even on last year AI.
It would definitely be some fast cash for Adam, but he doesn't need the XFactor!
I have always liked Simon, he tells it like it is!MWAH! K

Anonymous said...

I miss Simon because he always gave a neg & positive response. If it were me, trying out for a singing career, I would like to hear my strenth and weakness. BUT I sound like a very ill frog....BUT I know what sounds good to my ears.
I use to watch Simon face after Adam sang, he had a smile & praised him more than anyone on the show. He also was upset when Adam didn't win, he said so on Leno show. Simon is funny and tells as he see it, kinda like our Adam.
I have read he wants Paula on the X Factor. I for one hope she does judge because they work well together.
The new season: I haven't spent alot of time watching it yet. I thought that they let real talent go in favor for less talent in past years, so I pick my fav's from the top 12. New judges don't pick performance apart stating the good and bad parts of it. If I have to pick from X Factor or Idol, I'll watch X factor.
I can't wait to see Adam on Idol. He owns that stage. Whata guy! Adam makes my old bum ticker sing. I am so proud of him.
He may be wearing leather from the Blonds. I love the less make up look of late. He is a very smart young man and he will choose what is right for him.
Sorry for getting carried away I have been under the weather and have not responed to the diff threads. Only can say that it is hard for me so say how I feel about Adam, except I am not so well, and I want everyone to love and accept him, because he is "special".


Anonymous said...

I don't get this equal numbers of guys and girls either. The girls are much more talented than the guys this year. I read somewhere before this series started that they were going to do away with equal numbers and ask people to vote for whom they considered to be the best contestants, whether they be male or female but obviously that hasn't happened so it's same old same old. :-( I hope the BEST contestant, male or female, wins but as we all know, that doesn't necessarily happen. :-(

I miss Simon too, and YAY! The best Idol contestant of all will be singing next week so that will be brilliant!! :D

Anonymous said...

OT CNN announcement of Adam's appearance on AI 3/10


Anonymous said...

Here's another announcement


Anonymous said...

Thanks IreneRose.

The more announcements the better. :D

Anonymous said...

X-Factor has guests performing in the result shows, Simon should ask Adam to perform!
Adam already performed in the Finnish X-factor, so it's not like he would think it as a statement of being ungrateful towards Idol.

Anonymous said...

simon likes Adam Lambert and we knew that eh.

I hope someday he will be a guest and have fun.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

So there's been a lot of mention about Adam performing on AI March l0th! Great publicity for Adam! Seems like lots of people interested in seeing Adam (bet the ratings will soar March 10th!) I cannot wait for March 10th. I hope he sticks to the less makeup look that nite 'cause he's so gorgeous in his natural look. No matter, though, I love him any which way I can get him LOL!

Anonymous said...

don't think Simon will ever have Adam on X Factor because he is not sign to Simon's record label. Remember its all about the money and even if Simon thinks Adam is the best he will never push him. Remember on England X Factor when one of the contestants sang "Mad World" (not well in my estimation) Simon said you remind of a contestant on American Idol but he never mentioned Adam by name. He will never give Adam any good publicity unless he is given a direct question like who should have won AI, then he was honest. I honestly wonder if Simon is behind the fact that the radio stations in England very rarely play Adam's songs. He is quite a powerful man in the record industry over the pond.

Rebecca said...

i adore simon

Anonymous said...

Susan Boyle being so successful is a nightmare or as one british singer said she is a virus. I agree. And she broke the rules. Her music isn't pop music.

The Dark Side said...

Actually Susan Boyles huge success with selling albums is due to her voice and the good marketing stragedy used by selling each Christmas Holiday. Her public appearance have not been very successful, so wish her well. Simon was always on team Adam, so that wasn't a surprise, but the nanny remark was, kinda.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:30
"Does the winner of X Factor get 5 million dollars and no matter if he/she/they are successful or not post X Factor, he/she/they keep the 5 million dollars?!?!?!"

Go back and LISTEN to what Simon said.

Anon 7:59
"Why doesn't AI chose the voted top 20 PERIOD. Why does it have to be equal boys and girls? It's not a fair beginning in MHO."

There were 24 who got the top votes, not 20. Regarding last night: How do the number of boys (7) and the number of girls (6) add up to an equal number. When I went to school 6 + 7 = 13 and additionally, life is not fair - remember Season 8?

Anon 8:59
"I don't get this equal numbers of guys and girls either."

See statement right above yours regarding 6 and 7.

You people need to listen to what is said and watch how many contestants are chosen. Then you won't look quite so uninformed when you post.

JMO :)

Anonymous said...

I like Simon and am looking forward to X Factor. As for American Idol, it seems to me that Randy is trying to be the new Simon - and is the one who is giving out all the tough comments and criticism. JLo and Steven are the new Paulas and are always nice and sweet - whether deserved or not. Should be an interesting season.

Anonymous said...

I truly miss Simon, he was sincerely looking for someone with a chance at a career. He was rude on occasion but honest as he saw it.

Cindy I think the "WAVE" of his hand meant "Why would Adam want to be a contestant...he's already on his way!"...........JAK

Anonymous said...

Now a word in Paula's defense....yes she appeared a bit loopy at times and a bit over for the BUT..............But if we went back over her years on the panel, it's remarkable how many times she was the first judge to pick out a contestant and say "You're going to be a star" and be proved correct.

.....WHEW....long sentence

Anyway, she had a good ear or good intuition.

Anonymous said...

I also think that JLO and Steven need to step up their game and hopefully they will give more constructive critques - now that we have the top 13.

The equal number of boys and girls is just wrong. It should be WHO is the best of the best - not a numbers game to balance the pendulum.

What I have loved about Simon is he is truthful - not always as tactfull as he could be -- but calls it as he sees it. Love that he really respects Adam for his talent!!

Came a LONG way from the audition - when he felt Adam was too broadway and therefore "dated" -- betcha Simon is still eating his words on that one!!

Can't wait for 3/10 - Adam is brillant and he will bring his best AGAIN!!!


Anonymous said...

Hiya JAK

Hmmm... yeah, that's a nice way to think of it... =)
OR maybe he was thinking... oh hell, not him I'd be BROKE! Let's move on...

If I was Adam, lol I could think of 5 MIL reason$ to go for it!


Anonymous said...

HeartAdam4Ever at 2:46

As someone already posted above you, the number of boys and girls is NOT equal. There are 7 boys and 6 girls in the top thirteen who will perform on March 10, that's a Thursday and the day Adam comes back to perform once again on Idol. And for those of you in Rio Linda he'll be singing an acoustic version of Aftermath.

Anonymous said...

JAK I can still walk and stand but the strobes and lasers would throw me into a seizure. Will go to as many concerts as I can without the lighting sequencing. :) Hell, just being near Adam the brilliant (in oh so many ways) would probably do the deed for me anyway.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9.11 pm
there are 7 girls and 6 boys...

Anonymous said...

Wow, so American X Factor is owned by Sony. So that means more Adam Lambert - yeah!